
Jul 20, 2023

Work with .loom files for single-cell RNA-seq data

Loom is an efficient file format for large omics datasets. Loom files contain a main matrix, optional additional layers, a variable number of row and column annotations, and sparse graph objects. Under the hood, Loom files are HDF5 and can be opened from many programming languages, including Python, R, C, C++, Java, MATLAB, Mathematica, and Julia.

Key features

  • Single file that can be moved around
  • Metadata travels with the main data
  • Data, clustering, layout, annotation stored together
  • Efficient random access
  • Automatic, on-the-fly compression
  • Out-of-memory data processing
  • Open source, BSD license

Checkout these related ports:
  • Wise - Intelligent algorithms for DNA searches
  • Wfa2-lib - Exact gap-affine algorithm using homology to accelerate alignment
  • Vt - Discovers short variants from Next Generation Sequencing data
  • Vsearch - Versatile open-source tool for metagenomics
  • Viennarna - Alignment tools for the structural analysis of RNA
  • Velvet - Sequence assembler for very short reads
  • Vcftools - Tools for working with VCF genomics files
  • Vcflib - C++ library and CLI tools for parsing and manipulating VCF files
  • Vcf2hap - Generate .hap file from VCF for haplohseq
  • Vcf-split - Split a multi-sample VCF into single-sample VCFs
  • Unikmer - Toolkit for nucleic acid k-mer analysis, set operations on k-mers
  • Unanimity - Pacific Biosciences consensus library and applications
  • Ugene - Integrated bioinformatics toolkit
  • Ucsc-userapps - Command line tools from the UCSC Genome Browser project
  • Trimmomatic - Flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data