
Jul 20, 2023

Cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for CSV/TSV processing

CSV/TSV formats are basic and ubiquitous file formats in both Bioinformatics and data science.

People usually use spreadsheet software like MS Excel to process table data. However this is all by clicking and typing, which is not automated and is time-consuming to repeat, especially when you want to apply similar operations with different datasets or purposes.

csvtk is convenient for rapid data investigation and also easy to integrate into analysis pipelines. It could save you lots of time in not writing Python/R scripts.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zx - MQT ZX A library for working with ZX-diagrams
  • Zotero - Reference management for bibliographic data and research materials
  • Yoda - Particle physics package with classes for data analysis, histogramming
  • Xtb - Semiempirical Extended Tight-Binding Program Package
  • Xmakemol - Molecule Viewer Program Based on Motif Widget
  • Xdrawchem - Two-dimensional molecule drawing program
  • Xcrysden - Crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program
  • Xcfun - Exchange-correlation functionals with arbitrary-order derivatives
  • Wxmacmolplt - Graphical user interface principally for the GAMESS program
  • Wwplot - Plotting tool for experimental physics classes
  • Wannier90 - Maximally-localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) and Wannier90
  • Votca - CSG and XTP libraries for atomistic simulations
  • Voro++ - Three-dimensional computations of the Voronoi tessellation
  • Vmd - Molecular visualization program
  • Vipster - Crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program