
Jul 20, 2023

Multiresolution adaptive numeric environment for scientific simulation

MADNESS provides a high-level environment for the solution of integral and differential equations in many dimensions using adaptive, fast methods with guaranteed precision based on multi-resolution analysis and novel separated representations. There are three main components to MADNESS. At the lowest level is a new petascale parallel programming environment that increases programmer productivity and code performance/scalability while maintaining backward compatibility with current programming tools such as MPI and Global Arrays. The numerical capabilities built upon the parallel tools provide a high-level environment for composing and solving numerical problems in many 1-6+ dimensions. Finally, built upon the numerical tools are new applications with initial focus upon chemistry, atomic and molecular physics, material science, and nuclear structure.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zx - MQT ZX A library for working with ZX-diagrams
  • Zotero - Reference management for bibliographic data and research materials
  • Yoda - Particle physics package with classes for data analysis, histogramming
  • Xtb - Semiempirical Extended Tight-Binding Program Package
  • Xmakemol - Molecule Viewer Program Based on Motif Widget
  • Xdrawchem - Two-dimensional molecule drawing program
  • Xcrysden - Crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program
  • Xcfun - Exchange-correlation functionals with arbitrary-order derivatives
  • Wxmacmolplt - Graphical user interface principally for the GAMESS program
  • Wwplot - Plotting tool for experimental physics classes
  • Wannier90 - Maximally-localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) and Wannier90
  • Votca - CSG and XTP libraries for atomistic simulations
  • Voro++ - Three-dimensional computations of the Voronoi tessellation
  • Vmd - Molecular visualization program
  • Vipster - Crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program