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Jul 20, 2023
- 7-zip - Console version of the 7-Zip file archiver
- 9e - Explode Plan9 archives
- R-cran-zip - Cross-Platform 'zip' Compression
- Advancecomp - Recompression utilities for .ZIP, .PNG, .MNG, and .GZ files
- Amigadepacker - Tool for depacking some compressed Amiga formats
- Ancient - Decompression routines for ancient formats
- Apache-commons-compress - Classes for working with various archivers
- Arc - Create & extract files from DOS .ARC files
- Arj - Open source implementation of the ARJ archiver
- Ark - Archiving tool for KDE
- Atool - Manage file archives of various types
- Bicom - Data compressor in the PPM family
- Brotli - Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
- Bzip - Block-sorting file compressor
- Bzip2 - Block-sorting file compressor
- Bzip3 - Better and stronger spiritual successor to BZip2
- C-blosc - Blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library
- C-blosc2 - High performance compressor optimized for binary data
- Cabextract - Program to extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files
- Ccmix - Westwood Studios MIX format file manipulator
- Cmdpack - Compresses CD images by stripping unnecessary EDC/ECC data
- Dact - Dynamic Adaptive Compression Tool
- Deb2targz - Command-line utility for converting a Debian .deb file to a .tar.gz
- Deco - Program to extract various archive file formats
- Deutex - WAD file manipulator for Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife
- Dpkg - Debian package maintenance system
- Draco - Library for compressing and decompressing 3D meshes and point clouds
- Dzip - File compression utility specializing in Quake demo compression
- Ecm - Compresses CD images by stripping unnecessary EDC/ECC data
- Engrampa - Archive manager for zip files, tar, etc
- Fastjar - Version of JDK's `jar' command written entirely in C
- File-roller - Archive manager for zip files, tar, etc
- Fpc-bzip2 - Free Pascal bzip2 unit
- Fpc-unzip - Free Pascal routines for unzipping zip files
- Gcab - GObject library to create cabinet files
- Gcpio - GNU cpio copies files to and from archives
- Gnome-autoar - Glib wrapper around libarchives
- Grzip - Efficient file compressor
- Gtar - GNU version of the traditional tape archiver
- Gzip-hpp - C++ header-only library for gzip compression and decompression
- Gzip - Compression utility designed to be a replacement for compress
- Gzrecover - GZIP recovery toolkit
- Ha - File archiver based on HSC compression method
- Hlextract - Utility to extract data from various Half-Life file formats
- Innoextract - Program to extract Inno Setup files
- Javatar - Java tar archive I/O package
- Jzlib - Reimplementation of zlib in pure Java
- Kf5-karchive - KF5 library that provides classes for handling archive formats
- Kzip - PKZIP-compatible compressor focusing on space over speed
- Laszip - Library for lossless LAS compression
- Lazperf - Alternative LAZ implementation for C++ and JavaScript
- Lbrate - Extract/decompress CP/M LBR archives
- Lbzip2 - Multi-threaded bzip2/bunzip2 filter
- Lcab - Microsoft .CABinet file creator
- Lha-ac - Archive files using LZSS and Huffman compression (.lzh files)
- Lha - Archive files using LZSS and Huffman compression (.lzh files)
- Lhasa - Command line tool and library for parsing LHA archives
- Lib1541img - Library for handling commodore 1541 disk images
- Libarc - Tiny C decompression library for several popular compression formats
- Libarchive-qt - Qt based archiving solution with libarchive backend
- Libarchive - Library to create and read several streaming archive formats
- Libcabinet - Portable library and utility to use Microsoft cabinet files (.cab)
- Libcomprex - Transparently handles automatic compression and decompression of files
- Libdeflate - Fast, whole-buffer DEFLATE-based compression library
- Libdynamite - Decompress data compressed with PKWARE Data Compression Library
- Liblz4 - LZ4 compression library, lossless and very fast
- Liblzxcomp - LZX compression library
- Libmspack - Library for Microsoft compression formats
- Libpar2 - Library for manipulating PAR2 files, extracted from par2cmdline
- Librtfcomp - Library for handling compressed RTF documents
- Libunrar - RAR archive extraction library
- Libzip - C library for reading, creating, and modifying ZIP archives
- Libzippp - C++ wrapper for libzip
- Linux-c7-lz4 - LZ4 compression library and utilities (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Lizard - Efficient compressor with very fast decompression
- Lrzip - Long Range ZIP or Lzma RZIP
- Lua-lzlib - Lua bindings to the ZLib compression library
- Lua-zlib - Simple streaming interface to zlib for the Lua Programming Language
- Lua51-zlib - Simple streaming interface to zlib for the Lua Programming Language
- Lxqt-archiver - Qt file archiver
- Lzfse - Lempel-Ziv style data compression algorithm
- Lzip - Lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
- Lziprecover - Recovery tool for Lzip compressed data files
- Lzlib - In-memory LZMA compression and decompression library
- Lzma - High-ratio LZMA compressor
- Lzmalib - Thin wrapper library of LZMA
- Lzo2 - Portable speedy, lossless data compression library
- Lzop - Fast file compressor similar to gzip, using the LZO library
- Makeself - Neat script to make self-extracting archives
- Mar - Simple binary file format for storing arbitrary meta and user data
- Maxcso - Fast ISO to CSO compressor for PSP and PS2 emulators
- Minizip-ng - Fork of the popular minizip found in the zlib distribution
- Minizip - Zip library and programs from Zlib distribution
- Mscompress - Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor
- Mtf - Unix reader for the Microsoft Tape Format used by NT Backup
- Nevada-toolset - Tools for working with old Westwood game data formats
- Nfpm - Simple deb, rpm and apk packager written in Go
- Nomarch - Extracts files from the old '.arc' archive format
- Nwreckdum - Utility for manipulating of Quake packed data files
- Ocaml-bz2 - OCaml library to manipulate bz2 files
- Ocaml-zip - OCaml library to manipulate ZIP/GZIP/JAR archives
- Opkg-openwrt - OpenWrt package manager
- Ouch - Painless compression and decompression for your terminal
- P5-archive-any-lite - Simple CPAN package extractor
- P5-archive-any-plugin-rar - Wrapper around ArchiveRar
- P5-archive-any - Single interface to deal with file archives
- P5-archive-extract-libarchive - Generic archive extracting mechanism (using libarchive)
- P5-archive-extract - Generic archive extracting mechanism
- P5-archive-libarchive - Modern Perl bindings to libarchive
- P5-archive-peek - Peek into archives without extracting them
- P5-archive-rar - Interface with the 'rar' command
- P5-archive-simpleextractor - Simple module for extract archives
- P5-archive-tar-wrapper - API wrapper around the 'tar' utility
- P5-archive-tar - Perl module for creation and manipulation of tar files
- P5-archive-zip - Create, manipulate, read, and write Zip archive files
- P5-compress-bzip2 - Perl5 interface to bzip2 compression library
- P5-compress-lz4 - Interface to the LZ4 (de)compressor
- P5-compress-lzf - Extremely lightweight Lempel-Ziv-Free compression
- P5-compress-lzo - Interface to the LZO compression library
- P5-compress-lzw - Pure perl implementation of LZW
- P5-compress-raw-bzip2 - Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
- P5-compress-raw-lzma - Low-Level Interface to lzma compression library
- P5-compress-raw-zlib - Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
- P5-compress-snappy - Perl interface to Google Snappy (de)compressor
- P5-compress-zstd - Perl interface to the Zstd (Zstandard) (de)compressor
- P5-gzip-faster - Simple and fast gzip and gunzip
- P5-io-compress-brotli - Perl implementation of Brotli
- P5-io-compress-lzf - Write lzf files / buffers
- P5-io-compress-lzma - Write lzma files / buffers
- P5-io-compress-lzop - Write lzop files / buffers
- P5-io-compress - Perl5 compression modules (bzip2, deflate, gzip, zlib, zip)
- P5-io-zlib - IO style interface to CompressZlib
- P5-mac-macbinary - Perl module that can extract info from Macbinary files
- P5-poe-filter-bzip2 - POE filter wrapped around CompressBzip2
- P5-poe-filter-lzf - POE filter wrapped around CompressLZF
- P5-poe-filter-lzo - POE filter wrapped around CompressLZO
- P5-poe-filter-lzw - POE filter wrapped around CompressLZW
- P5-poe-filter-zlib - POE filter wrapped around CompressZlib
- P5-perlio-gzip - Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip
- P5-perlio-via-bzip2 - Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to bzip2/bunzip2
- Packddir - Utilities to unpack and create PackdDir archives
- Paq - Family of archivers with extremely high compression ratios
- Par - Archiver for Quake I and II packed data files
- Par2cmdline-turbo - Tools for using Parity v2 Archive files using ParPar backend
- Par2cmdline - Tools for using Parity v2 Archive files
- Parchive - Parity Archiver - makes multiple parity volumes from a set of files
- Pbzip2 - Parallel BZIP2
- Pear-file_archive - PEAR class to manipulate tar, gz, tgz, bz2, tbz, zip, ar (deb) files
- Pear-horde_compress - Horde Compression API
- Pear-horde_compress_fast - Horde Fast Compression Library
- Pear-horde_pack - Horde Pack Utility
- Pear-php_archive - Create and Use PHP Archive files
- Peazip - Free archiver and file compressor
- Pecl-lzf - Handles LZF de/compression
- Pecl-rar - PECL extension to create and read RAR files
- Php-brotli - Brotli extension for PHP
- Php-horde_lz4 - Horde LZ4 Compression Extension for php
- Php-lz4 - LZ4 extension for PHP
- Php-snappy - PHP extension for the snappy compression algorithm
- Php-zstd - Zstandard extension for PHP
- Php71-bz2 -
- Php71-phar -
- Php71-zip -
- Php71-zlib -
- Php72-bz2 -
- Php72-phar -
- Php72-zip -
- Php72-zlib -
- Php80-bz2 -
- Php80-phar -
- Php80-zip -
- Php80-zlib -
- Php81-bz2 -
- Php81-phar -
- Php81-zip -
- Php81-zlib -
- Php82-bz2 -
- Php82-phar -
- Php82-zip -
- Php82-zlib -
- Php83-bz2 -
- Php83-phar -
- Php83-zip -
- Php83-zlib -
- Pigz - Parallel GZIP
- Pixz - Parallel, indexing version of XZ
- Plzip - Parallel, lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
- Ppmd - Fast archiver with good compression ratio
- Ppunpack - Decompresses Amiga PowerPacker files
- Pxz - Parallel LZMA compressor using liblzma
- Py-acefile - Read/test/extract ACE 1.0 and 2.0 archives in pure python
- Py-backports.lzma - Backport of the lzma function from Python 3.3
- Py-blosc2 - Python wrapper for the C-Blosc2 library
- Py-borgbackup - Deduplicating backup program
- Py-borgbackup11 - Deduplicating backup program
- Py-brotli - Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
- Py-brotlicffi - Python CFFI bindings to the Brotli library
- Py-brotlipy - Python binding to the Brotli library
- Py-bup - Very efficient backup system based on the git packfile format
- Py-bz2file - Read and write bzip2-compressed files
- Py-compressed-rtf - Compressed RTF compression and decompression package
- Py-cramjam - Thin Python bindings to de/compression algorithms in Rust
- Py-czipfile - Fast C-based zipfile decryption for Python
- Py-libarchive-c - Python interface to libarchive
- Py-librtfcomp - Python bindings for library for handling compressed RTF documents
- Py-lz4 - Python binding for the LZ4 compression library
- Py-lzma - Python binding for the LZMA compression library
- Py-lzstring - LZ-based in-memory string compression
- Py-patool -
- Py-pyliblzma - Python binding for the LZMA compression library
- Py-pyminizip - Library to create a password encrypted zip file in python
- Py-python-lhafile - LHA(.lzh) file extract interface
- Py-python-lzo - Python bindings for the LZO data compression library
- Py-python-rpm-packaging - Python rpm packaging
- Py-python-snappy - Python library for the snappy compression library from Google
- Py-pyunpack -
- Py-rarfile - Python module for RAR archive reading
- Py-rcssmin - Fast CSS minifier for Python
- Py-rjsmin - Fast javascript minifier for Python
- Py-sozipfile - Fork of Python zipfile module, adding generation of sozip optimization
- Py-warctools - Tools for debugging ISO28500/WARC files
- Py-xopen - Open compressed files transparently
- Py-zipstream-ng - Modern and easy to use streamable zip file generator
- Py-zopfli - Zopfli module for python
- Py-zstandard - Zstandard bindings for Python, a full-featured version
- Py-zstd - Python binding for Zstandard compression library
- Qpress - Portable file archiver using QuickLZ
- Quazip - Qt/C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP package
- Rar - File archiver (binary port)
- Rox-archive - Archive management tool for the ROX desktop
- Rpm2cpio - Convert .rpm files to cpio format
- Rpm4 - Red Hat Package Manager
- Rubygem-archive-tar-minitar - Library and command-line utility for tar archives
- Rubygem-archive-zip - Provides interface to working with ZIP archives
- Rubygem-bzip2-ruby - Ruby C bindings to libbzip2
- Rubygem-fpm - Build packages for multiple platforms with great ease and sanity
- Rubygem-libarchive - Ruby bindings for libarchive
- Rubygem-minitar-cli - Library and command-line utility for tar archives
- Rubygem-minitar - Library and command-line utility for tar archives
- Rubygem-ruby-xz - Ruby bindings for the liblzma library
- Rubygem-rubyzip - Ruby module for reading and writing zip files
- Rubygem-rubyzip13 - Ruby module for reading and writing zip files
- Rubygem-rubyzip2 - Ruby compatible Zip library
- Rubygem-rubyzip20 - Ruby module for reading and writing zip files
- Rubygem-snappy - Snappy binding for Ruby
- Rvm - Archive manager that uses rsync to manage backups
- Rzip - Compression program similar to gzip or bzip2
- Sectar - Program to create encrypted tar archives
- Sharutils - Pack, send, and unpack shell archives; synchronize via e-mail
- Snappy-java - Fast compressor/decompressor library
- Snappy - Fast compressor/decompressor library
- Snzip - Compression/decompression tool based on snappy library
- Squeeze - Squeeze is a modern and advanced archive manager
- Squsq - Compressor/decompressor for CP/M "Squeeze" compressed files
- Star - Unique standard tape archiver with many enhancements
- Stormlib - Library to process MPQ (MoPaQ) archives
- Streamvbyte - Integer compression with SIMD based on Google's varint
- Stuffit - Stuffit Archive Creator and Expander
- Szip - Fast compression utility
- Tar-stream-chunker - Splits stdin of unknown size onto chunks packed as a TAR to stdout
- Tardy - Manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways
- Tartest - Test tar archive for POSIX.1-1990 compliance
- Thunar-archive-plugin - Archive plugin for the Thunar File Manager
- Torrentzip - Efficient way to prepare zipfiles for BitTorrent
- Ucl - Data compression library with low memory usage
- Unace - Extract, view & test ACE archives
- Unadf - Extracts files from .adf-files used by Amiga emulators
- Unalz - Extracts AlZip archives
- Unarchiver - Unarchiver for a vast variety of file formats
- Unarj - Allows files to be extracted from ARJ archives
- Unarr - Decompression library for RAR, TAR, ZIP and 7z* archives
- Undms - Converts .dms Amiga disk images to uncompressed .adf images
- Unfoo - Tiny sh(1) wrapper to simplify decompression of files
- Unlzx - Extracts .lzx archives from Amiga systems
- Unmakeself - Extract Makeself archives
- Unmass - Extract game archives such as wad, dar, mea exe's, and many more
- Unrar-iconv -
- Unrar - Extract, view & test RAR archives
- Unrpa - Extract RenPy Archives
- Unshield - Extract data from InstallShield CAB files
- Unzip - List, test, and extract compressed files from a ZIP archive
- Unzoo - ZOO archive extractor
- Upx - Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
- Urbackup-client - Client component of the UrBackup backup system
- Urbackup-server - Server component of the UrBackup backup system
- V1541commander - Virtual 1541 disk commander
- Vbz-compression - Variable byte integer encoding to compress Oxford Nanopore signal data
- Xar - OpenDarwin XML eXtensible ARchiver
- Xarchive - GTK+ front end for various archiving tools
- Xarchiver - Desktop-agnostic GTK frontend to various archiving tools
- Xdms - Tool for decompressing Amiga DMS files
- Xmill - Efficient compressor for XML
- Xpk - The eXternal PacKer (XPK) library system
- Zchunk - Compressed file format that splits the file into independent chunks
- Zip - Create/update ZIP files compatible with PKZIP
- Zipmix - Produce .ZIP file from two other ones with the best compressed files
- Zipper - Tool for inspecting the contents of a compressed archive
- Zlib-ng - Fork of the zlib data compression library
- Zoo - Manipulate archives of files in compressed form
- Zopfli - Zopfli Compression Algorithm
- Zpaqfranz - Swiss army knife for the serious backup manager
- Zstd - Fast real-time compression algorithm
- Zstr - C++ header-only ZLib wrapper
- Zutils - Utilities for searching in bzip2, gzip, lzip, and xz archives
- Older
- Newer