
Jul 20, 2023

C++ benchmark authoring library/framework

Celero aims to be a small library which can be added to a C++ project and perform benchmarks on code in a way which is easy to reproduce, share, and compare among individual runs, developers, or projects. Celero uses a framework similar to that of GoogleTest to make its API easier to use and integrate into a project. Make automated benchmarking as much a part of your development process as automated testing.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Wrk - Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
  • Webbench - Simple forking web benchmark
  • Vkpeak - Profile Vulkan devices to find their peak capacities
  • Vkoverhead - Evaluate CPU overhead of Vulkan drivers
  • Vkmark - Vulkan benchmark
  • Vegeta - HTTP load testing tool and library
  • Uperf - Network performance tool to model and replay of networking patterns
  • Unixbench - BYTE magazine's Public Domain benchmark for UNIX
  • Uica - Code Analyzer from the project
  • Ubench - Unix Benchmark Utility for CPU(s) and memory
  • Typometer - Text/code editor typing latency analyzer
  • Ttcp - Benchmarking tool for analysing TCP and UDP performance
  • Tsung - Multi-protocol distributed load testing tool
  • Thrulay - Network capacity tester
  • Tcpblast - Measures the throughput of a TCP connection