
Jul 20, 2023

Standard C resolver library

The libbind functions have been separated from the BIND suite as of BIND 9.6.0. Originally from older versions of BIND, they have been continually maintained and improved but not installed by default with BIND 9. This standard resolver library contains the same historical functions and headers included with many Unix operating systems. In fact, most implementations are based on the same original code.

ISC’s libbind provides the standard resolver library, along with header files and documentation, for communicating with domain name servers, retrieving network host entries from /etc/hosts or via DNS, converting CIDR network addresses, performing Hesiod information lookups, retrieving network entries from /etc/networks, implementing TSIG transaction/request security of DNS messages, performing name-to-address and address-to-name translations, and utilizing /etc/resolv.conf for resolver configuration.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zonenotify - DNS notify sender written in C
  • Zonecheck - Perform consistency checks on DNS zones
  • Zkt -
  • Yandex-ddns - Use Yandex DNS as a dynamic DNS provider
  • Yadifa - Authoritative nameserver with DNSSEC capabilities
  • Wrapsrv - DNS SRV record command line wrapper
  • Whoseip - Get information about IP addresses country code and network
  • Wdns - Low-level DNS library
  • Walker - Recover zone file information from servers that use DNSSEC
  • Void-zones-tools - Prepare a list of void zones that can be readily fed into Unbound
  • Vizone - Updates the serial number in one or more zonefiles
  • Vhostcname - Synchronize DNS with server names and aliases from Apache vhost
  • Utdns - Proxy UDP/DNS to TCP/DNS
  • Updatedd - Dynamic DNS Update Client supporting multiple services
  • Unbound - Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver