
Jul 20, 2023

Easy to use BASIC language and IDE for education

BASIC-256 is an easy to use version of BASIC designed to teach anybody especially middle and high-school students the basics of computer programming.

It uses traditional control structures like gosub, for/next, and goto, which helps kids easily see how program flow-control works. It has a built-in graphics mode which lets them draw pictures on screen in minutes, and a set of detailed, easy-to-follow tutorials that introduce programming concepts through fun exercises.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zig - Language designed for robustness, optimality, and maintainability
  • Zephir - Zephir is a transpiled language used for creating C-extensions for PHP
  • Ypsilon - Scheme implementation for real-time applications
  • Yorick - Interpreted language for scientific simulations
  • Yap - High-performance Prolog compiler
  • Yap-devel - High-performance Prolog compiler
  • Yabasic - Yet another Basic for Unix and Windows
  • Voc - Vishap Oberon Compiler for Oberon-2
  • Vala - Programming language and compiler that converts Vala code into C code
  • V8 - Open source JavaScript engine by Google
  • V8-beta - Open source JavaScript engine by Google
  • V - V Programming Language
  • Urweb - Ultimate host for embedded domain-specific languages
  • Ucc - C Compiler Which Implements the ANSI C89 Standard
  • Twelf - Meta-logical framework for deductive systems