
Jul 20, 2023

Nonlinear optimization library

NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization, providing a common interface for a number of different free optimization outines available online as well as original implementations of various other algorithms. Its features include

  • Callable from C, C++, Fortran, Matlab or GNU Octave, Python, GNU Guile, Julia, GNU R, Lua, and OCaml.
  • A common interface for many different algorithms – try a different algorithm just by changing one parameter.
  • Support for large-scale optimization some algorithms scalable to millions of parameters and thousands of constraints.
  • Both global and local optimization algorithms.
  • Algorithms using function values only derivative-free and also algorithms exploiting user-supplied gradients.
  • Algorithms for unconstrained optimization, bound-constrained optimization, and general nonlinear inequality/equality constraints.
  • Free/open-source software under the GNU LGPL and looser licenses for some portions of NLopt.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zn_poly - C library for polynomial arithmetic
  • Zimpl - Language to translate the LP models into .lp or .mps
  • Zegrapher - Software for plotting mathematical objects
  • Zarray - Dynamically typed N-D expression system based on xtensor
  • Z3 - Z3 Theorem Prover
  • Yices - SMT solver
  • Yacas - Yet Another Computer Algebra System
  • Xtensor - Multi-dimensional arrays with broadcasting and lazy computing
  • Xtensor-python - Python bindings for xtensor
  • Xtensor-io - Xtensor plugin to read/write images, audio files, numpy npz and HDF5
  • Xtensor-blas - BLAS extension to xtensor
  • Xspread - Spreadsheet program for X and terminals
  • Xppaut - Graphical tool for solving differential equations, etc
  • Xplot - X11 plotting package
  • Xlife++ - XLiFE++ eXtended Library of Finite Elements in C++