
Jul 20, 2023

Portable Standard Lisp REDUCE general-purpose algebra system

	REDUCE Portable Standard Lisp PSL

REDUCE is an interactive system for general algebraic computations of interest to mathematicians, scientists and engineers.

PSL was the original implementation of Standard Lisp, but now contains many more facilities. It is quite efficient in its use of both space and time, and has been optimized for algebraic computation. All PSL versions of REDUCE are distributed with sufficient PSL support to run on the given computing system. PSL is supported on many architectures and is an ideal system for those wanting to run REDUCE as a stand-alone system. The principal developer of PSL before it became Open Source was the Konrad Zuse Center, Berlin ZIB.

It is often used as an algebraic calculator for problems that are possible to do by hand. However, REDUCE is designed to support calculations that are not feasible by hand.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zn_poly - C library for polynomial arithmetic
  • Zimpl - Language to translate the LP models into .lp or .mps
  • Zegrapher - Software for plotting mathematical objects
  • Zarray - Dynamically typed N-D expression system based on xtensor
  • Z3 - Z3 Theorem Prover
  • Yices - SMT solver
  • Yacas - Yet Another Computer Algebra System
  • Xtensor - Multi-dimensional arrays with broadcasting and lazy computing
  • Xtensor-python - Python bindings for xtensor
  • Xtensor-io - Xtensor plugin to read/write images, audio files, numpy npz and HDF5
  • Xtensor-blas - BLAS extension to xtensor
  • Xspread - Spreadsheet program for X and terminals
  • Xppaut - Graphical tool for solving differential equations, etc
  • Xplot - X11 plotting package
  • Xlife++ - XLiFE++ eXtended Library of Finite Elements in C++