
Jul 20, 2023

Deprecated library that extends math operations

mathn serves to make mathematical operations more precise in Ruby and to integrate other mathematical standard libraries.

Requiring mathn causes changes to the behavior and even the types of operations on classes like Integer and it applies to the entire process, not just the file or gem which includes mathn. Therefore, we recommend that instead of requiring mathn, you instead explicitly specify rational values as desired.

Before ruby 2.5, mathn was part of the ruby standard library. It was deprecated in ruby 2.2.0, and removed from ruby 2.5.0. In order to use the library with a current version of ruby, you must install it as a gem.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zn_poly - C library for polynomial arithmetic
  • Zimpl - Language to translate the LP models into .lp or .mps
  • Zegrapher - Software for plotting mathematical objects
  • Zarray - Dynamically typed N-D expression system based on xtensor
  • Z3 - Z3 Theorem Prover
  • Yices - SMT solver
  • Yacas - Yet Another Computer Algebra System
  • Xtensor - Multi-dimensional arrays with broadcasting and lazy computing
  • Xtensor-python - Python bindings for xtensor
  • Xtensor-io - Xtensor plugin to read/write images, audio files, numpy npz and HDF5
  • Xtensor-blas - BLAS extension to xtensor
  • Xspread - Spreadsheet program for X and terminals
  • Xppaut - Graphical tool for solving differential equations, etc
  • Xplot - X11 plotting package
  • Xlife++ - XLiFE++ eXtended Library of Finite Elements in C++