
Jul 20, 2023

SNNS Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator is a software simulator for neural networks on Unix workstations developed at the Institute for Parallel and Distributed High Performance Systems IPVR at the University of Stuttgart. The goal of the SNNS project is to create an efficient and flexible simulation environment for research on and application of neural nets.

The SNNS simulator consists of two main components

1 simulator kernel written in C 2 graphical user interface under X

The simulator kernel operates on the internal network data structures of the neural nets and performs all operations of learning and recall. It can also be used without the other parts as a C program embedded in custom applications. It supports arbitrary network topologies and the concept of sites. SNNS can be extended by the user with user defined activation functions, output functions, site functions and learning procedures, which are written as simple C programs and linked to the simulator kernel.

The graphical user interface XGUI X Graphical User Interface, built on top of the kernel, gives a 2D and a 3D graphical representation of the neural networks and controls the kernel during the simulation run. In addition, the 2D user interface has an integrated network editor which can be used to directly create, manipulate and visualize neural nets in various ways.

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