
Jul 20, 2023

PEAR classes providing an easy way to perform HTTP requests

HTTP_Request2 provides cleaner API and pluggable Adapters

  • Socket adapter, based on old HTTP_Request code,
  • Curl adapter, wraps around PHP’s cURL extension,
  • Mock adapter, to use for testing packages dependent on HTTP_Request2.

It supports POST requests with data and file uploads, basic and digest authentication, cookies, managing cookies across requests, proxies, gzip and deflate encodings, redirects, monitoring the request progress with Observers.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zope213 - Object-based web application platform Version 2.13
  • Zola - Fast static site generator
  • Zgrab2 - Fast Go application scanner
  • Zerowait-httpd - Lightweight and fast http server
  • Zenphoto - Simpler web photo gallery
  • Zend-framework - Framework for developing PHP web applications
  • Yuicompressor - The Yahoo! JavaScript and CSS Compressor
  • Ytdl - YouTube downloader written in Go
  • Yt-dlp - Command-line program for downloading videos from various platforms
  • Youtube_dl - Program for downloading videos from various services
  • Yourls - Your Own URL Shortener
  • You-get - Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
  • Yaws - Web server for dynamic content written in Erlang
  • Yarr - Yet another rss reader
  • Yarn - Package manager for node, alternative to npm (meta port)