
Jul 20, 2023

PCMan File Manager

An extremly fast and lightweight file manager which features tabbed browsing and user-friendly interface.

Features o Extremely fast and lightweight o Can be started in one second on normal machine o Tabbed browsing Similar to Firefox o Built-in volume management mount/umount/eject through HAL o Drag & Drop support o Files can be dragged among tabs o Load large directories in reasonable time o File association support Default application o Thumbnail for image files o Bookmarks support o Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly o Provide icon view and detailed list view o Standard compliant Follows FreeDesktop.org o Clean and user-friendly interface GTK+ 2

When it comes to managing files on FreeBSD, there’s an impressive range of tools to take into consideration. One such compelling tool falling under the category of x11-fm is PCManFM. This comprehensive file manager, rooted in the brilliant simplicity and power of the LXDE desktop environment, is an excellent choice for users seeking to balance efficiency and performance.

The lightweight design of PCManFM ensures you won’t experience any slow-down or lag. This file manager will not consume your system resources unnecessarily, freeing up power for other important tasks. Despite its lightweight nature, PCManFM doesn’t skim on providing a full range of features expected of an effective file manager.

What Makes PCManFM Shine?

PCManFM stands out with its commitment to providing a user-friendly interface without sacrificing on speed and system efficiency. It’s characterized by its tabbed interface, providing easy access to multiple directories without cluttering up your workspace. Drag and drop operations are well-supported, allowing for user-friendly movements and organization of files and directories.

Highlighting PCManFM’s core features

  • User-friendly PCManFM applies a classic, intuitive desktop metaphor interface. This makes it easy for newcomers to get up-to-speed quickly, while still offering the flexibility and customization that power users enjoy.

  • Lightweight The design emphasizes on efficiency and speed. This makes PCManFM a hearty choice even for older systems or circumstances where resource usage needs to be kept to a minimum.

  • Functional Despite focusing on lightness, it offers all basic features expected from a modern file manager like cut/copy/paste, drag and drop, file properties, and more.

  • Extensible PCManFM supports various plugins for added features, further extending its capabilities.

Using PCManFM on FreeBSD

PCManFM is available as a FreeBSD port and can be installed directly using the Ports Collection. To install PCManFM via port, navigate to its directory in the Ports Collection i.e., /usr/ports/x11-fm/pcmanfm, and issue the following commands

# cd /usr/ports/x11-fm/pcmanfm/
# make install clean

Once installed, you can run PCManFM directly from your shell by typing pcmanfm and hitting Enter.

$ pcmanfm

Upon launching PCManFM, you’ll be greeted by its clean, straightforward interface. Navigating through your file structure is as simple as double-clicking on folders and using the back button to return to previous directories. Alternatively, you can open new tabs for different directories, allowing you to efficiently manage and transfer files between multiple locations.

While PCManFM is relatively straightforward, it’s worth exploring its various preferences and settings to customize it as per your requirements. To do this, navigate to the “Edit” menu and select “Preferences.” Here, you can modify the tool’s behaviour related to file management, display settings, and more.

Enhanced Security in FreeBSD

It’s important to remember that the strongest file management system is only as good as its security. For added network security, tools like [nmap]https//freebsdsoftware.org/security/nmap.html can prove to be a worthy companion to PCManFM. Just as PCManFM provides comprehensive file management, nmap facilitates intense network infrastructure analysis, helping you understand your network and its potential vulnerabilities.


In the vast echo system of file managers, PCManFM offers an efficient, lightweight, yet feature-crammed solution that fits right in with minimalistic yet productive environments like FreeBSD. When using FreeBSD and its ports system, tools like PCManFM and nmap ensure you’re not only managing your file system effectively, but also doing so in a secure environment. Whether you’re new to FreeBSD or an experienced user, the simplicity and power of PCmanFM are certainly worth exploring.

Checkout these related ports:
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  • Xdiskusage - Show where disk space is taken up
  • Xcruise - Navigate through a three-dimensional view of a file system
  • Worker - X11 file manager based on Directory Opus of AmigaOS
  • Wcmcommander - Multi-platform open source file manager
  • Twander - Better Filesystem Browser
  • Thunar - Xfce file manager
  • Thunar-vfs - Virtual filesystem for Thunar
  • Tdfsb -
  • Sushi - Tool similar to Gloobus Preview that provides quick file previews
  • Sunflower - Twin-panel file manager
  • Rox-session - Simple session manager for the ROX desktop
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  • Rox-filer - Simple and easy to use graphical file manager
  • Rodent - Fast, small, and powerful file manager