
Jul 20, 2023

Doulos SIL TrueType font collection, compact variant

Doulos SIL is a Unicode-based font family that attempts to provide a comprehensive inventory of glyphs needed for almost any Roman- or Cyrillic-based writing system, whether used for phonetic or orthographic needs. In addition, there is provision for other characters and symbols useful to linguists. This font makes use of state-of-the-art font technologies to support complex typographic issues, such as the need to position arbitrary combinations of base glyphs and diacritics optimally.

Doulos is very similar to Times/Times New Roman, but only has a single face- regular. It is intended for use alongside other Times-like fonts where a range of styles italic, bold are not needed.

This compact variant has been created with TypeTuner Web, by setting the “Line spacing” feature to “Tight”, and will not be able to be TypeTuned again.

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