
Jul 20, 2023

Simulation framework for nonsmooth dynamical systems

Siconos is an open-source scientific software primarily targeted at modeling and simulating nonsmooth dynamical systems in C++ and in Python

  • Mechanical systems rigid or solid with unilateral contact and Coulomb friction and impact nonsmooth mechanics, contact dynamics, multibody systems dynamics or granular materials.
  • Switched Electrical Circuit such as electrical circuits with ideal and piecewise linear components power converter, rectifier, Phase-Locked Loop PLL or Analog-to-Digital converter.
  • Sliding mode control systems.
  • Biology Gene regulatory network.

Other applications are found in Systems and Control hybrid systems, differential inclusions, optimal control with state constraints, Optimization Complementarity systems and Variational inequalities, Fluid Mechanics, and Computer Graphics.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zx - MQT ZX A library for working with ZX-diagrams
  • Zotero - Reference management for bibliographic data and research materials
  • Yoda - Particle physics package with classes for data analysis, histogramming
  • Xtb - Semiempirical Extended Tight-Binding Program Package
  • Xmakemol - Molecule Viewer Program Based on Motif Widget
  • Xdrawchem - Two-dimensional molecule drawing program
  • Xcrysden - Crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program
  • Xcfun - Exchange-correlation functionals with arbitrary-order derivatives
  • Wxmacmolplt - Graphical user interface principally for the GAMESS program
  • Wwplot - Plotting tool for experimental physics classes
  • Wannier90 - Maximally-localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) and Wannier90
  • Votca - CSG and XTP libraries for atomistic simulations
  • Voro++ - Three-dimensional computations of the Voronoi tessellation
  • Vmd - Molecular visualization program
  • Vipster - Crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program