- Introduction to FreeBSD Security Best Practices
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- Setting Up DHCP Server in FreeBSD
- Secure User and Group Management in FreeBSD Systems
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Jul 20, 2023
- R-cran-maptools - Tools for reading and handling spatial objects
- Accrete - Physical simulation of solar system planet formation
- Astrometry - Astronomic calibration service
- Calcmysky - Planetary atmosphere light scattering simulator
- Celestia-gtk -
- Celestia - Scriptable space flight simulator for X11
- Cfitsio - Library for reading and writing files in FITS data format
- Erfa - Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy
- Fowsr - Fine Offset Weather Station Reader
- Foxtrotgps - Lightweight opensource gps moving map application
- Garmindev - Drivers for using Garmin GPS units with QlandkarteGT
- Geographiclib - Library for geographic projections
- Gkrellmoon2 - Moon clock plugin for Gkrellm2
- Gnuastro - GNU astronomy utilities and library
- Gpsbabel - GPS file translating tool
- Gpsbabel14 - GPS file translating tool (pre-qt version)
- Gpscorrelate - Correlate digital camera photos with GPS data in GPX format
- Gpsd - Daemon that monitors one or more GPSes attached to a host computer
- Gpsman - Tcl/Tk-based GPS management utility
- Gpsprune - Application for viewing, editing, and converting GPS coordinate data
- Gpstk - Toolkit for developing GPS applications
- Gpxloggerd - Daemon that connects to the GPSD daemon and logs GPS traces
- Indiwebmanagerapp - Graphical program to manage an INDI WebManager
- Jday - Astronomical Julian date calculator
- Josm - Comprehensive editor for database
- Kosmindoormap - Library and QML component for rendering multi-level OSM indoor maps
- Kosmorro - Ephemerides computation
- Kstars - KDE desktop planetarium
- Libgal - General Astrodynamics Library
- Libkgeomap - KDE library for browsing photos on a map
- Libnova - Astronomical Calculation Library
- Libosmium - Fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data
- Libosmpbf - Library for handling binary OpenStreetMap data
- Luna - Display the moon's phase
- Marble - Virtual globe and world atlas for KDE
- Match - Program for matching star lists
- Mepo - Fast, simple, and hackable OSM map viewer
- Merkaartor - Openstreetmap mapping program
- Mkgmap-splitter - Tile splitter for mkgmap
- Mkgmap - Convert OpenStreetMap data into a Garmin format
- Mymoon - Show latitude and longitude of the moon
- Nightfall - Interactive binary star application
- Opencpn - Concise ChartPlotter/Navigator
- Openuniverse - OpenGL Solar System simulator for X Window System
- Oskar - SKA Radio telescope simulator
- Osmosis - Command line Java app for processing OpenStreetMap data
- P5-astro-ads - OO Perl interface to the ADS abstract service
- P5-astro-app-satpass2 - Forecast satellite visibility
- P5-astro-catalog - Generic stellar catalogue object
- P5-astro-constants - Physical constants for use in astronomy
- P5-astro-coords - Class for handling astronomical coordinates
- P5-astro-dss - OO interface to the 1st and 2nd Digital Sky Surveys
- P5-astro-fits-cfitsio - Perl extension for using the cfitsio library
- P5-astro-fits-header - Object Orientated interface to FITS HDUs
- P5-astro-flux - Class for handling astronomical flux quantities
- P5-astro-hipparcos - Perl extension for reading the Hipparcos star catalog
- P5-astro-moonphase - Perl interface to calculate information about the phase of the moon
- P5-astro-pal - Perl interface to Starlink PAL positional astronomy library
- P5-astro-simbad-client - OO interface to SIMBAD4
- P5-astro-simbad - OO Perl interface to the SIMBAD astronomical database
- P5-astro-spacetrack - Retrieve orbital data from
- P5-astro-suntime - Perl interface to calculate sunrise/sunset times
- P5-astro-sunrise - Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day
- P5-astro-telescope - Class for obtaining telescope information
- P5-astro-waveband - Transparently work in waveband, wavelength, or filter
- P5-astro-satpass - Classes and app to compute satellite visibility
- P5-astro - Collection of useful astronomical routines in Perl
- P5-gps-babel - Perl interface to gpsbabel
- P5-gps-oid - Package for GPS PRN - Object ID conversions
- P5-gps-point - Provides an object interface for a GPS point
- P5-gps - Perl interface to GPS receivers
- P5-geo-metar - Perl module that processes METAR information from NOAA sources
- P5-misc-quality - Class for handling quality flags for astronomical objects
- P5-net-gpsd3 - Interface to the gpsd server daemon protocol version 3 (JSON)
- P5-starlink-ast - Interface to the Starlink AST library
- P5-weather-underground - Retrieve weather information from
- Pal - Positional Astronomy Library
- Phd2 - Guiding software inspired by Stark Labs PHD Guiding
- Phoon - Displays the phase of the moon
- Pp3 - Creates celestial charts
- Ptiger - Displays U.S. Census Bureau populated places on a map
- Py-ro - Package of Python astronomical utilities
- Py-aipy - Astronomical Interferometry in PYthon
- Py-astlib - Astronomy modules for Python
- Py-astlib - Astronomy modules for Python
- Py-astral - Calculations for the position of the sun and moon
- Py-astroml - Tools for machine learning and data mining in Astronomy
- Py-astropy-helpers - Utilities for building and installing packages in Astropy ecosystem
- Py-astropy - Community-developed python astronomy tools
- Py-ephem - Compute positions of the planets and stars
- Py-extension-helpers - Building and installing packages in the Astropy ecosystem
- Py-horoscopegenerator - Generate horoscopes using context-free grammar
- Py-indiweb - Simple web application to manage INDI server
- Py-jplephem - Python version of NASA DE4xx ephemerides
- Py-kosmorrolib - Library that computes the ephemerides
- Py-metar - Parse METAR-coded weather reports
- Py-metpy - Collection of tools for processing weather data
- Py-pyerfa - Python wrapper for the ERFA library
- Py-pykep - Python binding for pykep, library for astrodynamics research
- Py-pymeeus - Python implementation of Jean Meeus astronomical routines
- Py-pymetar - Python module that provides access to NOAA METAR weather reports
- Py-pysofa - Python binding for SOFA, the fundamental astronomy library
- Py-pywapi - Python wrapper around different weather APIs
- Py-ro - Package of Python astronomical utilities
- Py-sgp4 - Python version of the SGP4 satellite position library
- Py-skyfield-data - Minimal data files to work with py-skyfield
- Py-skyfield - Ephemerides computation
- Py-spacetrack - Python client for
- Py-spktype01 - Supporting module for jplephem to handle data type 1
- Py-spktype21 - Supporting module for jplephem to handle data type 21
- Py-sunpy - Python for Solar Physics
- Pyephem - Scientific-grade astronomical computations for Python
- Pykep - C++ library providing basic tools for astrodynamics research
- Pyweather - Python script that downloads weather data and can be cronned
- Qmapshack - Ultimate outdoor aficionado's tool
- Readosm - Extract valid data from within an Open Street Map input file
- Rmap - Generates images of the Earth centered at a particular location
- Routino - Router for OpenStreetMap Data
- Sextractor - Catalogue of objects builder from astronomical images
- Siril - Astronomical image processing software
- Sofa - Set of algorithms and procedures used in fundamental astronomy
- Sscalc - Sunrise and sunset time calculator
- Stardates - Displays date in 5 formats (including stardate of course)
- Starfetch - Command line tool that displays constellations
- Starplot -
- Stars - Star field demo
- Stellarium -
- Stellarsolver - Astrometric Plate Solver built on and SEP
- Sunclock - Shows which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun
- Sunwait - Calculate sunrise and sunset
- Swe - High Precision Ephemeris Developed By Astrodienst
- Tclgeomap - Read, manipulate, and display geo data
- Tkgeomap - Read, manipulate, and display geo data
- Viking - Program to manage GPS data (tracks, waypoints, etc.)
- Wcslib - Library for parsing/generating FITS headers
- Weather - Utility to provide current weather conditions and forecasts
- Wmglobe - Neat xearth-like WindowMaker dockapp
- Wmjupiter - Dockapp that displays information on Jupiter
- Wmmoonclock - Displays the phase of the moon, plus orbital data
- Wmsolar - Dockapp that displays the Solar System viewed from the top
- Wmspaceweather - DockApp that shows the weather at geosynchronous orbit
- Wmsun - Dockapp that displays the rise and set times of the Sun
- Xearth - Set the root window to the image of earth
- Xeartk - Small demo for tkgeomap
- Xephem - Interactive astronomical ephemeris program
- Xmoontool - Version of John Walker's classical moontool for X11/Motif
- Xphoon - Set the root window to the moon in its current phase
- Xplanet - Draw pictures of the earth textured by an image
- Xtide - Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor
- Xworld - Earth as seen from the direction of the sun
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