
Jul 20, 2023

Bayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-econometrics

bayesm covers many important models used in marketing and micro-econometrics applications. The package includes Bayes Regression univariate or multivariate dep var, Bayes Seemingly Unrelated Regression SUR, Binary and Ordinal Probit, Multinomial Logit MNL and Multinomial Probit MNP, Multivariate Probit, Negative Binomial Poisson Regression, Multivariate Mixtures of Normals including clustering, Dirichlet Process Prior Density Estimation with normal base, Hierarchical Linear Models with normal prior and covariates, Hierarchical Linear Models with a mixture of normals prior and covariates, Hierarchical Multinomial Logits with a mixture of normals prior and covariates, Hierarchical Multinomial Logits with a Dirichlet Process prior and covariates, Hierarchical Negative Binomial Regression Models, Bayesian analysis of choice-based conjoint data, Bayesian treatment of linear instrumental variables models, and Analysis of Multivariate Ordinal survey data with scale usage heterogeneity as in Rossi et al, JASA 01.

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