
Jul 20, 2023

Orthanc plugin to bring support of the DICOMweb standard into Orthanc

Orthanc-dicomweb extends the native REST API of Orthanc with a reference implementation of the DICOMweb standard. Loading the plugin into Orthanc will provide support of WADO-URI previously known simply as WADO, WADO-RS, QIDO-RS and STOW-RS.

Out-of-the-box, Orthanc comes with its own REST API. This API allows full CRUD operations create, read, update and delete on the set of DICOM resources that Orthanc stores, together with commands that trigger calls to the DICOM protocol C-Echo SCU/SCP, C-Store SCU/SCP, C-Find SCU/SCP, C-Move SCU/SCP.

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