
Jul 20, 2023


Set of Zsh tools with features like incremental multi-word searching, approximate matching, ANSI coloring, themes, unique mode, horizontal scroll and advanced history management. Selected tools provided - n-history - full-screen history searcher and manager - n-kill - browses process list, allows quick searching and sending signal to selected process - n-panelize - loads output of given command for browsing and multi-word searching - n-cd - browses dirstack and bookmarked directories, allows to enter selected directory - n-functions - browses functions, relegates editing to vared

Written in pure Zsh, with use of curses module. Can be configured from zshrc. Binds n-history to Ctrl-R. Provides widgets for n-cd and n-kill.

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zsh - The Z shell
  • Zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell syntax highlighting for Zsh
  • Zsh-completions - Additional completion definitions for Zsh
  • Zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh
  • Zsh-antigen - Tool for managing Zshell plugins inspired by Vundle
  • Yash - POSIX-compliant command line shell
  • Xonsh - Python-ish BASH-wards shell
  • Wcd - Command-line program to change directory fast
  • Vshnu - New Visual Shell
  • Viewglob - GTK+ add-on to bash and zsh
  • V7sh - Implementation of the UNIX 7th Edition shell
  • Tcshrc - Set of configuration scripts for the TCSH shell
  • Switchbashzsh - Portable shell setup for Bash/Zsh across FreeBSD/Linux/Cygwin
  • Starship - Cross-shell prompt for astronauts
  • Sparforte - Shell and scripting language for mission-critical, scalable projects