
Jul 20, 2023

The Z shell

Zsh is the Swiss Army knife of shells. It combines the most popular features of every other shell, and then lets you customize every inch of it. Users of bourne-style and C-style shells will feel at home in it.

Zsh does intelligent completion, spell-checking, has a rich syntax for precise globbing, and is fully extensible through plugin systems.

To fire up the zsh completion system, type the following commands

$ autoload -U compinstall
$ compinstall

Checkout these related ports:
  • Zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell syntax highlighting for Zsh
  • Zsh-navigation-tools -
  • Zsh-completions - Additional completion definitions for Zsh
  • Zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh
  • Zsh-antigen - Tool for managing Zshell plugins inspired by Vundle
  • Yash - POSIX-compliant command line shell
  • Xonsh - Python-ish BASH-wards shell
  • Wcd - Command-line program to change directory fast
  • Vshnu - New Visual Shell
  • Viewglob - GTK+ add-on to bash and zsh
  • V7sh - Implementation of the UNIX 7th Edition shell
  • Tcshrc - Set of configuration scripts for the TCSH shell
  • Switchbashzsh - Portable shell setup for Bash/Zsh across FreeBSD/Linux/Cygwin
  • Starship - Cross-shell prompt for astronauts
  • Sparforte - Shell and scripting language for mission-critical, scalable projects