
Jul 20, 2023

Library and command line tools to handle DWG files

GNU LibreDWG is a C library to handle DWG files. It aims to be a free replacement for the OpenDWG libraries. DWG is the native file format of AutoCAD.

LibreDWG was based on LibDWG http//, which is written with variable names, documentation, and comments in Esperanto.

There are also command line tools and libraries to read and write DWG files, with converters for various formats DXF, DXFB, SVG, PS, JSON, XML, etc. and a SaveAs functionality, to convert between the various DWG versions. It can read r13-r2018 DWG, write r13-r2000 DWG, write r11-r2018 DXF ASCII and binary. Much more object types than any other free DWG library.

Checkout these related ports:
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  • Xyce - Xyce electronic simulator
  • Xcircuit - X11 circuit schematics drawing program
  • Veryl - Veryl A modern Hardware Description Language (HDL)
  • Veroroute - PCB (printed circuit board) design software
  • Verilog-mode.el - Emacs lisp modules for the Verilog language
  • Verilator - Synthesizable Verilog to C++ compiler
  • Uranium - Python framework for 3D printing applications
  • Uhdm - Universal Hardware Data Model
  • Tochnog - Free explicit/implicit Finite Element Program
  • Tkgate - Event driven digital circuit simulator
  • Sweethome3d - Free interior 3D design application