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Jul 20, 2023
- Acme-dns -
- Adns - Easy to use asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
- Adsuck - DNS relay for ad blocking
- Amass - In-depth DNS enumeration
- Autotrust - Tool to automatically update DNSSEC trust anchors
- Axfr2acl - Transfer A records from DNS zones and convert to BIND ACLs
- Bind-tools -
- Bind9-devel - BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
- Bind914 - BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
- Bind916 - BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
- Bind918 - BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
- Bindgraph - RRDtool frontend for BIND statistics
- Blocky - Fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker
- C-ares - Asynchronous DNS resolver library
- Cli53 - Command line tool for Amazon Route 53
- Coredns - DNS server that chains plugins
- Crossip - Java DNS update client for the ThatIP protocol
- Curvedns - Forwarder adding DNSCurve to an authoritative nameserver
- Ddclient - Update dynamic DNS entries
- Ddns - Lightweight UDP-based dynamic DNS updater
- Denominator - Portably control DNS clouds
- Dhisd - DHIS server for dynamic updates on the server using specific engines
- Dlint - Lint for DNS zones (Domain Name Server zone verification utility)
- Dnrd - Proxy DNS daemon
- Dns-ui - LDAP-authenticated PowerDNS user interface by Opera
- Dns2blackhole - Malware Prevention through Domain Blocking
- Dns2tcp - Tool for relaying TCP connections over DNS
- Dns_balance - Dynamic load-balancing DNS server
- Dnsblast - Simple load testing tool for DNS resolvers
- Dnscap - DNS network traffic capture utility
- Dnscheckengine - DNS checker from the folks that run the .SE top level domain
- Dnscontrol - Synchronize your DNS to multiple providers from a simple DSL
- Dnscrypt-proxy2 - Flexible DNS proxy with support for encrypted protocols
- Dnscrypt-wrapper - Adds dnscrypt support to any name resolver
- Dnsdbck - Verify consistency of DNS information in an SQL database
- Dnsdbflex - Tool to use the DNSDB Flexible Search API extensions
- Dnsdbq - DNSDB API Client, C Version
- Dnsdist - Highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
- Dnsenum - Enumerate DNS information and discover non-contiguous IP blocks
- Dnsflood - DNS flood detector
- Dnsforwarder - Simple DNS forwarder
- Dnshistory - Store DNS lookups to a DB
- Dnsjava - Implementation of DNS in Java
- Dnsjit - Engine for capturing, parsing and replaying DNS
- Dnsmasq-devel - Lightweight DNS forwarder, DHCP, and TFTP server
- Dnsmasq - Lightweight DNS forwarder, DHCP, and TFTP server
- Dnsmax-perl - DNSMax-perl is a perl DNS update client for the REST DNSMax protocol
- Dnsperf - Performance measurement of Domain Name System (DNS) servers
- Dnsproxy - Proxy for DNS queries
- Dnsrecon - DNS enumeration tool
- Dnsreflector - Listens for DNS queries on a UDP port and change the answer
- Dnstable-convert - Conversion utility for passive DNS data in dnstable format
- Dnstable - Encoding format, library, and utilities for passive DNS data
- Dnstop - Captures and analyzes DNS traffic (or analyzes libpcap dump)
- Dnstracer - Trace a chain of DNS servers to the source
- Dnsutl - Programs to make using DNS easier
- Dnsviz - Analysis and visualization of DNS/DNSSEC behavior
- Dnswalk - DNS debugger - requests a zone transfer and analyzes the result
- Dnswall - Daemon that filters out private IP addresses in DNS responses
- Dnsx - DNS toolkit allow to run multiple DNS queries
- Doc - Diagnose unhealthy DNS domains
- Dog - Command-line DNS client
- Doggo - Modern command-line DNS client (like dig)
- Doh-proxy - DNS-over-HTTP server proxy
- Dq - Recursive DNS/DNSCurve server
- Drool - Replay DNS traffic from packet capture files
- Dsc - Tool used for collecting and exploring statistics from DNS servers
- Dsp - Tool used for collecting and exploring statistics from DNS servers
- Dynip - Dynamic IP Address Updater
- Encrypted-dns-server - High-performance, zero maintenance encrypted DNS proxy
- Fastresolve - Programs to get DNS and domain ownership information from web logs
- Firedns - C library for handling asynchronous DNS queries
- Flamethrower - DNS performance and functional testing utility
- Fpdns - Fingerprinting DNS servers
- Gdnsd - Authoritative-only GeoIP-aware DNS server
- Gdnsd2 - Authoritative-only GeoIP-aware DNS server
- Gdnsd3 - Authoritative-only GeoIP-aware DNS server
- Gen6dns - Tool to generate static DNS records for IPv6 hosts using SLAAC
- Getdns - Modern asynchronous DNS API
- Hesiod - Directory service built on DNS and BIND
- Hetzner_ddns - Hetzner Dynamic DNS Daemon
- Hostdb - Generate DNS and DHCP config files from single source
- Idnkit - Library to handle internationalized domain names
- Idnkit2 - Internationalized Domain Name toolkit 2
- Inadyn - Dynamic DNS update client
- Ipcheck - Fully compliant client for UNIX (supports NIC v2.0)
- Kadnode - P2P name resolution daemon
- Kf5-kdnssd - KF5 abstraction to system DNSSD features
- Knock - Tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain
- Knot-resolver - Caching full resolver implementation
- Knot2-lib - Knot2 lib (required by knot-resolver)
- Knot3-lib - Knot3 lib (required by knot-resolver)
- Knot3 - High performance authoritative-only DNS server
- Ldapdns - LDAP-backed DNS server
- Ldns - Library for programs conforming to DNS RFCs and drafts
- Letsdns - Manage DANE TLSA records in DNS servers
- Libasr-devel - Asynchronous DNS resolver library (development snapshot)
- Libasr - Asynchronous DNS resolver library
- Libbind - Standard C resolver library
- Libidn - Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
- Libidn2 - Implementation of IDNA2008 internationalized domain names
- Libmicrodns -
- Libnspsl - NetSurf public suffix list handling
- Libpsl - C library to handle the Public Suffix List
- Linux-c6-libasyncns - C library for executing DNS queries asynchronously (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libasyncns - Library for executing DNS queries (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Lua-resty-dns - Lua DNS resolver for ngx_lua
- Luaunbound - Lua binding to libunbound
- Mdnsresponder_nss - Apple mDNS responder - FreeBSD nsswitch module
- Maradns - DNS server with focus on security and simplicity
- Mdnsd - Advertise a service via Rendezvous
- Namesilo_ddns - Updates DNS records with Namesilo for dynamic IP addresses
- Nextdns - NextDNS DNS53 to DNS over HTTPS proxy
- Noip -'s dynamic DNS update client
- Nsd - Authoritative only non-recursive name server
- Nsec3walker - Walk NSEC3 secured DNSSEC zones
- Nslint - Perform consistency checks on DNS zone files
- Nsnotifyd - Handle DNS NOTIFY messages by running a command
- Nsping - DNS "ping"
- Nss_mdns - NSS module implementing multicast DNS name resolution
- Nss_resinit - Resolver re-initialization NSS module
- Opendnssec - Tool suite for maintaining DNSSEC
- Opendnssec2 - Tool suite for maintaining DNSSEC
- Openresolv - Resolvconf compatible framework for managing resolv.conf
- P5-anyevent-cachedns - Simple DNS resolver with caching
- P5-anyevent-dns-etchosts - Use /etc/hosts before DNS in Perl
- P5-app-dsc-datatool - Tool for converting, exporting, merging and transforming DSC data
- P5-bind-conf_parser - Perl5 module to parse BIND 8 configuration files
- P5-bind-config-parser - Parse BIND Config files
- P5-dns-config - DNSConfig is set of perl modules for name service configurations
- P5-dns-easydns - Update your EasyDNS dynamic DNS entries
- P5-dns-ldns -
- P5-dns-zone - DNSZone is set of perl modules for name service zone files
- P5-dns-zoneparse - Parse and manipulate DNS Zone Files
- P5-dns-nsdiff - Create an "nsupdate" script from DNS zone file differences
- P5-dsc - DNS Statistics Presenter Perl Library
- P5-data-validate-domain - Domain validation methods in Perl
- P5-io-async-resolver-dns - Resolve DNS queries using IOAsync
- P5-mozilla-publicsuffix - Get public suffix of domain name via Mozilla Public Suffix List
- P5-net-amazon-route53 - Manage your DNS entries on Amazon's Route53 service
- P5-net-bonjour - Module for DNS service discovery
- P5-net-dns-async - Asynchronous DNS helper for high volume applications
- P5-net-dns-check - Module for easy domain name checking
- P5-net-dns-codes - Collection of C library DNS codes
- P5-net-dns-lite - Pure-Perl DNS resolver with support for timeout
- P5-net-dns-match - Test domains against another list of FQDNs
- P5-net-dns-paranoid - Paranoid DNS resolver
- P5-net-dns-rr-srv-helper - Orders SRV records by priority and weight for NetDNS
- P5-net-dns-resolver-mock - Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing
- P5-net-dns-resolver-programmable - Programmable DNS resolver for off-line testing
- P5-net-dns-sec - DNSSEC extensions to NetDNS
- P5-net-dns-testns - Perl extension for simulating simple Nameservers
- P5-net-dns-toolkit - Tools for working with DNS packets
- P5-net-dns-zone-parser - Perl5 preprocessor for normalising a zone file
- P5-net-dns-zonefile-fast - Perl module to parse BIND8/9 zone files
- P5-net-dns - Perl5 interface to the DNS resolver, and dynamic updates
- P5-net-dnsbl-multidaemon - Perl module for multi DNSBL prioritization
- P5-net-dnsbl-statistics - Gather DNSBL Statistics
- P5-net-dri - Perl library to access Domain Name Registries/Registrars
- P5-net-domain-expiredate - Perl module obtain expiration date of domain names
- P5-net-domain-tld - Look up and validate TLDs
- P5-net-libidn - This module provides access to the libidn library
- P5-net-libidn2 - Perl bindings for GNU Libidn2
- P5-net-nslookup - Provides the capabilities of the standard tool nslookup(1)
- P5-net-rblclient - Queries multiple Realtime Blackhole Lists in parallel
- P5-net-rndc - Speak the BIND Remote Name Daemon Control V1 protocol
- P5-poe-component-client-dns-recursive - Recursive DNS client for POE
- P5-poe-component-client-dns - POE component for non-blocking/concurrent DNS queries
- P5-poe-component-client-dnsbl - Perl POE component that provides non-blocking DNSBL lookups
- P5-poe-component-resolver - Non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver
- P5-poe-component-server-dns - Non-blocking, concurrent DNS server component
- P5-poe-filter-dns-tcp - POE Filter to handle DNS over TCP connections
- P5-stanford-dnsserver - DNS name server framework with a Perl backend
- P5-tie-dns - Tie interface to NetDNS
- P5-urbl-prepare - Prepare hostname for URBL domain lookup
- Packetq - Basic SQL-frontend to PCAP-files
- Pdnsd - Caching (permanently, writes to disk on exit) DNS proxy-server
- Pear-file_dns - PEAR class to read and write RFC1033-style DNS Zonefiles
- Pear-horde_idna - Horde IDNA backend normalization package
- Pear-net_dns2 - PHP Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server
- Powerdns-recursor - Advanced DNS recursor
- Powerdns - Advanced DNS server with multiple backends including SQL
- Prometheus-dnssec-exporter -
- Public_suffix_list - Public Suffix List by Mozilla
- Py-adns - Python module to resolve IPs to host names
- Py-aiodns - Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
- Py-cloudflare - Wrapper for the Cloudflare v4 API
- Py-dns-crawler - Crawler for getting info about DNS domains and services
- Py-dns-lexicon - Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized way
- Py-dns - DNS (Domain Name Service) library for Python
- Py-dnschain - Library for looking up blockchain data via DNSChain
- Py-dnslib - Simple library to encode/decode DNS wire-format packets
- Py-dnspython - DNS toolkit for Python
- Py-dnspython1 - DNS toolkit for Python - 1.x release
- Py-easyzone - DNS Zone abstraction module for Python
- Py-idna - Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
- Py-idna_ssl - Patch ssl.match_hostname for Unicode(idna) domains support
- Py-idnkit2 - Python bindings for Internationalized Domain Name toolkit 2
- Py-ldns -
- Py-localzone - Library for managing DNS zones
- Py-ns1-python - Python SDK for accessing NS1, the Data Driven DNS platform
- Py-publicsuffix - Get public suffix of domain name from Public Suffix List
- Py-publicsuffix2 - Get public suffix of domain name from Public Suffix List (Fork)
- Py-publicsuffixlist - Publicsuffixlist implementation
- Py-py3dns - Python 3 DNS library
- Py-pybonjour - Pure-Python interface to Apple Bonjour
- Py-pycares - Python interface to c-ares
- Py-pydnstable - Python wrapper for dns/dnstable
- Py-pywdns - Python wrapper for dns/wdns
- Py-tld - Extract the top level domain (TLD) from the URL given
- Py-tldextract - Separate the TLD from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL
- Qmdnsengine - Multicast DNS library for Qt applications
- Radns - IPv6 DNS server address autoconfiguration client
- Rbldnsd - Small and fast DNS daemon especially for DNSBL zones
- Rbllookup-ng - Check given IP/Host presence in RBLs
- Rbllookup - Check given IP/Host presence in 106 RBLs
- Rdap - CLI for the Registration Data Access Protocol, RDAP
- Renewck - Check for expiring domains and send email notifications
- Rpsl2acl - Query set of RPSL database objects and convert to BIND ACLs
- Rubygem-dnsruby - Pure Ruby DNS client library
- Rubygem-gitlab-net-dns - Pure Ruby DNS library
- Rubygem-google-apis-dns_v1 - Simple REST client for version V1 of the Cloud DNS API
- Rubygem-google-cloud-dns - Official library for Google Cloud DNS
- Rubygem-idn-ruby - LibIDN Ruby Bindings
- Rubygem-net-dns - Pure Ruby DNS library
- Rubygem-public_suffix - Ruby domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List
- Rubygem-public_suffix_service - Parse and decompose domain names into TLD, domain, and subdomains
- Rubygem-resolv-replace - Replace Socket DNS with Resolv
- Rubygem-resolv - Thread-aware DNS resolver library in Ruby
- Rubygem-simpleidn - Easy conversion from IDNA strings to unicode strings and vice-versa
- Rubygem-validates_hostname - Extension to ActiveRecordBase for validating hostnames
- Rubygem-zonefile - Library to manipulate BIND compatible Zonefiles (RFC1035)
- Samba-nsupdate -
- Scavenge - Discover/audit forward and reverse DNS records
- Sheerdns - Lightweight, simple, and fast master DNS server
- Sleuth - Tool for checking, and diagnosing DNS zones
- Sshfp - Generate SSHFP DNS records from knownhosts files or ssh-keyscan
- Subfinder - Subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites
- Tinystats - DJB's tinydns statistics generator
- Totd - DNS proxy that supports IPv6 <==> IPv4 record translation
- Udns - DNS resolver library with sync and async queries
- Unbound - Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
- Updatedd - Dynamic DNS Update Client supporting multiple services
- Utdns - Proxy UDP/DNS to TCP/DNS
- Vhostcname - Synchronize DNS with server names and aliases from Apache vhost
- Vizone - Updates the serial number in one or more zonefiles
- Void-zones-tools - Prepare a list of void zones that can be readily fed into Unbound
- Walker - Recover zone file information from servers that use DNSSEC
- Wdns - Low-level DNS library
- Whoseip - Get information about IP addresses country code and network
- Wrapsrv - DNS SRV record command line wrapper
- Yadifa - Authoritative nameserver with DNSSEC capabilities
- Yandex-ddns - Use Yandex DNS as a dynamic DNS provider
- Zkt -
- Zonecheck - Perform consistency checks on DNS zones
- Zonenotify - DNS notify sender written in C
- Older
- Newer