- Introduction to FreeBSD Security Best Practices
- Working with Package Management in FreeBSD
- Understanding FreeBSD Security Advisories and Updates
- Troubleshooting Common System Administration Issues in FreeBSD
- Tips for Hardening FreeBSD to achieve System Protection
- Setting Up DHCP Server in FreeBSD
- Secure User and Group Management in FreeBSD Systems
- Secure Remote Access with SSH in FreeBSD
- Optimizing System Performance in FreeBSD
- Network Packet Capture with tcpdump in FreeBSD
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Jul 20, 2023
- 0d1n - Open source web HTTP fuzzing tool and bruteforcer
- 1password-client -
- 1password-client2-beta -
- 1password-client2 -
- 2fa - Two-factor authentication on the command line
- Admsmb - Security scanner for Samba
- Admsnmp - SNMP audit scanner
- R-cran-roauth - R interface for OAuth
- R-cran-askpass - Safe Password Entry for R, Git, and SSH
- R-cran-credentials - Tools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials
- R-cran-digest - Create cryptographic hash digests of R objects
- R-cran-gitcreds - Query 'git' Credentials from 'R'
- R-cran-openssl - Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL
- - ACME protocol client written in shell
- Acmed - ACME (RFC 8555) client daemon written in Rust
- Acmetool - CLI tool for automatically acquiring certificates from ACME servers
- Aescrypt - Command-line AES encryption/decryption suite
- Aespipe - AES encrypting or decrypting pipe
- Afl++ - Fast instrumented fuzzer
- Afterglow - Collection of graph-generating scripts
- Age - Simple, modern and secure file encryption tool
- Aide - File and directory integrity checker
- Akmos - Cryptographic library with low footprint
- Amavisd-milter - Milter for amavisd-new
- Amavisd-new - Mail scanner interface between mailer and content checkers
- Apache-xml-security-c - Apache XML security libraries - C++ version
- Apg - Automated Password Generator written in Go
- Apkid - Android Application Identifier
- Archlinux-keyring - Arch Linux PGP keyring
- Arm - Terminal status monitor for Tor
- Arpcounterattack - Detects and remedies ARP attacks
- Arti - Implementation of Tor, in Rust
- Asignify - Yet another signify tool
- Assh - Smart SSH client wrapper
- Authenticator - Generate Two-Factor Codes
- Authoscope - Scriptable network authentication cracker
- Autossh - Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
- Aws-c-auth - C99 library implementation of AWS client-side authentication
- Aws-c-cal - Aws Crypto Abstraction Layer
- Aws-iam-authenticator - Use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster
- Aws-vault - Vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials
- Axc - Crypto interfaces for libsignal-protocol-c
- Barnyard2-sguil -
- Barnyard2 - Interpreter for Snort unified2 binary output files
- Bastillion - Web-based SSH console
- Bcrypt - Cross-platform blowfish encryption utility
- Bcwipe - BCWipe securely erases data from magnetic and solid-state memory
- Bdes - Encrypt/decrypt using the Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- Bearssl - Implementation of TLS/SSL in C
- Beecrypt - Open source cryptographic library
- Beid - Belgian eID middleware
- Belier - Easily cross several machines with SSH
- Bfbtester - Security tool for testing binaries for overflows
- Binwalk - Search binary images for embedded files and executable code
- Blindelephant - Fingerprint the web applications used by a web site
- Boringssl - Fork of OpenSSL
- Botan2 - Portable, easy to use and efficient C++ crypto library
- Bro - System for detecting network intruders in real-time
- Broccoli - Bro Client Communications Library
- Bruteblock - Software for blocking bruteforce attacks with ipfw
- Bsdsfv - Flexible SFV checksum utility
- Bsmtrace - BSM based intrusion detection system
- Bsmtrace3 - BSM based intrusion detection system
- Bzrtp - ZRTP support library (RFC 6189)
- Ca_root_nss - Root certificate bundle from the Mozilla Project
- Caesarcipher - Caesar cipher cryptography tool
- Caldera - Automated Adversary Emulation Platform
- Calife - Lightweight alternative to sudo
- Cardpeek - Tool for reading the contents of ISO 7816 smart cards
- Cargo-audit - Audit Cargo.lock for crates with security vulnerabilities
- Ccrypt - Command-line utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams
- Ccsrch - Is a tool that searches for credit card numbers (PAN) and track data
- Certmgr - Automated certificate management using a CFSSL CA
- Cfs - Cryptographic file system implemented as a user-space NFS server
- Cfssl - Cloudflare's PKI and TLS toolkit
- Cfv - Utility to both test and create .sfv, .csv, and md5sum files
- Chaosreader - Tool to extract data from tcpdump logs
- Checkpassword-pam - Implementation of checkpassword authentication program
- Checkpassword - Simple password-checking interface
- Chkrootkit - Tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
- Chntpw - Utility to set the password and edit registry on Microsoft NT system
- Chroot_safe - LD_PRELOAD wrapper to safely chroot(2) any program
- Chrootuid - Simple wrapper that combines chroot(8) and su(1) into one program
- Ckpass - Ncurses based password database client
- Cksfv - Create or manipulate Simple File Verification (SFV) checksum files
- Cl-md5-sbcl - Native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp
- Cl-md5 - Native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp
- Clamassassin - Simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV
- Clamav-lts - Open-source (GPL) anti-virus engine (LTS Feature Release)
- Clamav-milter -
- Clamav-unofficial-sigs - Update script for third-party ClamAV databases
- Clamav - Open-source (GPL) anti-virus engine (Regular Feature Release)
- Clamd-stream-client - Standalone clamav client
- Clamfs - User-space fs with on-access antivirus scanning
- Clamsmtp - ClamAV anti-virus SMTP Filter
- Clamtk - GTK front-end for Clam Antivirus
- Cloak - Command line OTP Authenticator application
- Clusterssh - Controls multiple hosts simultaneously via xterms and ssh
- Cops - System secureness checker
- Courier-authlib-base - Courier authentication library base
- Courier-authlib -
- Courierpassd - User authentication and password changing daemon utility
- Courierpasswd - User authentication and password changing utility
- Courieruserinfo - User account information retrieval utility
- Cowrie - Cowrie SSH/Telnet honeypot
- Cpfx - PFX decoder for CryptoPro GOST R 34.10-2012 implementation
- Cracklib -
- Crackpkcs12 - Multithreaded program to crack PKCS#12 files
- Create-cert - Create openssl client key and certificates
- Crlfuzz - Fast tool to scan CRLF vulnerability written in Go
- Crowdsec-blocklist-mirror - CrowdSec Blocklist Mirror
- Crowdsec-firewall-bouncer - CrowdSec bouncer written in golang for firewalls
- Crowdsec - CrowdSec lightweight and collaborative security engine
- Cryptlib -
- Cryptopp - Free C++ class library of Cryptographic Primitives
- Ct-submit - Submission utility for transparency logs
- Cvechecker - Check CVE database for vulnerabilities affecting installed packages
- Cvm - Credential Validation Modules
- Cyberchef - Cyber operations within a web browser
- Cyrus-sasl2-gssapi - SASL GSSAPI authentication plugin
- Cyrus-sasl2-ldapdb - SASL LDAPDB auxprop plugin
- Cyrus-sasl2-saslauthd - SASL authentication server for cyrus-sasl2
- Cyrus-sasl2-sql - SASL SQL plugins
- Cyrus-sasl2-srp - SASL SRP authentication plugin
- Cyrus-sasl2 - RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
- D0_blind_id - Crypto library
- Ddos_scan - Scans for a limited set of distributed denial of service agents
- Dehydrated - Pure BASH/ZSH Lets Encrypt client
- Denyhosts - Script to thwart ssh and imap attacks
- Destroy - Securely destroy files on the hard disk
- Diffcode - Progrssive differential cipher
- Digestpp - Experimental C++11 header-only message digest library
- Dirbuster - DirBuster allows file and directory brute forcing on web servers
- Dirmngr - Client for managing and downloading certificate revocation lists
- Distcache - Distributed OpenSSL session caching tools
- Diswall - Distributed firewall
- Doas - Simple sudo alternative to run commands as another user
- Dotdotpwn - Fuzzer to discover traversal directory vulnerabilities
- Dropbear - SSH 2 server, designed to be usable in small memory environments
- Dsniff - Various sniffing utilities for penetration testing
- Dsvpn - Dead Simple VPN
- Duo - Duo unix integration package
- Duo_openvpn - Duo two-factor authentication for OpenVPN
- Easy-rsa - Small RSA key management package based on openssl
- Enchive - Tool to encrypt files to yourself for long-term archival
- Eschalot - Vanity onion address generator for Tor
- Expiretable - Utility to remove entries from the pf(4) table based on their age
- F-prot - F-Prot Antivirus for BSD Workstations
- Fakebo - Fake BackOrifice client emulator
- Fakeident - Tool that replies with a standard answer to incoming identd requests
- Fakeroot - Simulate the root user behaviour
- Farmhash - Hash functions for strings and other data
- Fcheck - Intrusion detection and Policy enforcement / auditing software
- Fcrackzip - Portable, fast, and featureful ZIP password cracker
- Ffuf - Fast web fuzzer written in Go
- Fiked - Fake IKE PSK+XAUTH daemon based on VPNC
- Firewalk - Remote firewall auditing tool
- Fizz - C++14 implementation of the TLS-1.3 standard
- Fl0p - Passive L7 flow fingerprinting tool
- Flawfinder - Examines source code looking for security weaknesses
- Fpc-gnutls - Free Pascal unit for GnuTLS
- Fpc-openssl - Free Pascal unit for OpenSSL
- Fprint_demo - Demo and test application for libfprint
- Fprintd - Daemon that provides fingerprint scanning functionality over D-Bus
- Fragroute - Tool for intercepting, modifying, and rewriting egress traffic
- Fragrouter - Tool for testing network IDS implementations
- Fsh - Fast remote command execution
- Fswatch - File system checksum checker
- Ftimes -
- Fuzz - Tool for testing software by bombarding the program with random data
- Fwanalog - Firewall log summarizer that uses Analog
- Fwbuilder - Firewall Builder GUI and policy compilers
- Fwknop - SPA implementation for Linux and FreeBSD
- Fwlogwatch - Packet filter and firewall log analyzer
- Gag - Stacheldraht (DOS attack) agent detector
- Gcipher - Simple encryption tool
- Gcr - Library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
- Gef - GDB Enhanced Features for exploit devs & reversers
- Git-credential-gopass - Manage git credentials using gopass
- Git-credential-oauth - Git credential helper for GitHub and other forges using OAuth
- Git-crypt - Transparent file encryption in git
- Git-remote-gcrypt - PGP-encrypt git remotes
- Git-secret - Bash tool to store your private data inside a git repository
- Gitjacker - Leak git repositories from misconfigured websites
- Globalprotect-openconnect - OpenConnect GUI for GlobalProtect protocol
- Gnome-keyring-sharp - Fully managed implementation of gnome-keyring
- Gnome-keyring - Program that keeps passwords and other secrets
- Gnome-ssh-askpass - Graphical SSH askpass utility for Gnome2
- Gnupg-pkcs11-scd - PKCS\#11 enabled gnupg scd
- Gnupg - Complete and free PGP implementation
- Gnupg1 - The GNU Privacy Guard (minimalist "classic" version)
- Gnutls - GNU Transport Layer Security library
- Go-cve-dictionary - Build local copies of vulnerabilities from NVD and JVN
- Gokart - Go Security Static Analysis
- Gokey - Simple password manager write in Go
- Gonepass - GTK+ 1Password reader
- Gopass - Rewrite of the pass password manager in Go
- Gorilla - Password Gorilla is a cross-platform Password Manager
- Gost-engine - Implementation of the Russian GOST crypto algorithms for OpenSSL
- Gostsum - Implementation of GOST R 34.11-94, GOST R 34.11-2012 hash functions
- Gpa - GTK2+ frontend for the GNU Privacy Guard
- Gpg-gui - GUI wrapper for symmetric GPG file encryption
- Gpg-tui - Terminal User Interface for GnuPG
- Gpgdir - Recursive directory encryption with GnuPG
- Gpgme-cpp - Gpgme C++ bindings
- Gpgme-qt-headers - Shared headers for the Gpgme Qt bindings
- Gpgme-qt - Gpgme Qt6 bindings
- Gpgme -
- Gsa - Greenbone Security Assistant webpage written in React
- Gsad - Greenbone Security Assistant HTTP server
- Gsasl - GNU SASL command-line utility
- Gstreamer1-plugins-dtls - GStreamer Datagram TLS (dtls) plugin
- Gtkpasman - GTK+ passwords manager for system and network administrators
- Gvm-libs - Libraries module for the GVM solution
- Gvm - Greenbone vulnerability management (metaport)
- Gvmd - Greenbone Vulnerability Manager central management service
- Hardening-check - Check binaries for security hardening features
- Hash - C++14 header-only easy-to-use hash library
- Hashcat - Advanced CPU-based password recovery utility
- Heaan - Library that implements homomorphic encryption
- Headscale - Mesh VPN that makes it easy to connect your devices
- Heimdal-devel - Popular BSD-licensed implementation of Kerberos 5
- Heimdal - Popular BSD-licensed implementation of Kerberos 5
- Helib - Implementation of homomorphic encryption
- Hexl - Intel homomorphic encryption acceleration library
- Highwayhash - Fast strong hash functions SipHash/HighwayHash
- Hitch -
- Hmap - Web server fingerprinting utility
- Hockeypuck - Synchronizing Key Server, a fast OpenPGP keyserver
- Honeytrap - Framework for running, monitoring and managing honeypots
- Honggfuzz - General-purpose fuzzer with simple, command-line interface
- Horcrux - Split files into encrypted fragments
- Hotssh - HotSSH is an interface to Secure Shell, for GNOME and OpenSSH
- Howdy - Windows Hello(TM) style authentication provider
- Hpenc - Fast authenticated encryption CLI tool
- Hs-cryptol - Language of cryptography
- Hydra - Brute force attack utility working on multiple network services
- Hyperhotp - Programmer for the HOTP feature of hyperFIDO USB security keys
- I2p - Anonymizing network
- I2pd - C++ implementation of I2P client
- Iaikpkcs11wrapper - PKCS\#11 Java wrapper
- Iddawc - OAuth2/OIDC Client and Relying Party library
- Idea - Command-line IDEA encryption and decryption utility
- Identify - Client side ident protocol daemon wrapper
- Imds-filterd - Provides per user/group access controls to the EC2 IMDS
- Intel-ipsec-mb - Intel(R) Multi-Buffer Crypto for IPsec Library
- Ipfcount - Summarise ipf logs by counting and sorting the fields
- Ipfmeta - Use objects in IPfilter files
- Ipguard - Tool designed to protect LAN IP address space by ARP spoofing
- Ipsec-tools - KAME racoon IKE daemon, ipsec-tools version
- Ipv6toolkit - Set of IPv6 security assessment tools
- Isal-kmod - Kernel crypto driver using Intel(R) ISA-L crypto
- Ismtp - Test for SMTP user enumeration, internal spoofing, and relay
- Isnprober - PenTest tool for TCP Initial Sequence Numbers research
- John - Featureful Unix password cracker
- Kbfsd - Service daemon for the Keybase filesystem (KBFS)
- Kc -
- Kdbx-viewer -
- Kdbxviewer - Ncurses UI and command-line tool for KeePass2 Database files
- Kedpm - Simple application for managing personal data
- Keepass-plugin-keepassrpc - KeePass plugin which facilitates the Kee Firefox plugin
- Keepass - Light-weight and easy-to-use password manager
- Keepassxc - KeePass Cross-platform Community Edition
- Keybase - client and Keybase Filesystem (KBFS)
- Keychain - User-friendly front-end to ssh-agent(1)
- Keyprint - Print S/Key keys on a piece of paper, twice the size of a credit card
- Keysmith - Application to generate two-factor authentication tokens
- Kf5-kdesu - KF5 integration with su for elevated privileges
- Kgpg - Encryption tool for KDE
- Kickpass - Stupid simple password safe
- Klee - Symbolic virtual machine built on top of LLVM
- Kleopatra - Certificate manager for KDE
- Knock - Flexible port-knocking server and client
- Knocker - Simple and easy to use TCP only port scanner (Console version)
- Kpcli - Command line interface to KeePassX and KeePass database files
- Kpkpass - Library to deal with Apple Wallet pass files
- Kpmenu - Dmenu/rofi interface for KeePass
- Krb5-115 -
- Krb5-119 -
- Krb5-120 -
- Krb5-121 -
- Krb5-appl -
- Krb5-devel -
- Krb5 -
- Kstart - Automated Kerberos ticket cache and keytab management utilities
- Ktls_isa-l_crypto-kmod - KTLS module using Intel(R) ISA-L crypto
- Kuku - Cuckoo hashing library written in C++
- Kwalletmanager - Password manager for KDE
- L0pht-watch - Program to report on what goes on in /tmp
- Lasso - Free Liberty Alliance Implementation
- Lastpass-cli - LastPass command line interface tool
- Lego - Let's Encrypt client and ACME library written in Go
- Libargon2 - Memory hard password hashing program and library
- Libassuan - IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme
- Libbf - The Blowfish block cipher Library
- Libcryptui - GNOME application for managing encryption keys (PGP, SSH)
- Libdecaf - Implementation of elliptic curve cryptography
- Libecc - C++ Elliptic Curve Library
- Libfido2 - Provides library functionality for FIDO 2.0
- Libfprint - Library for fingerprint reader devices
- Libgcrypt - General purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG
- Libgnome-keyring - Program that keeps passwords and other secrets
- Libgpg-error - Common error values for all GnuPG components
- Libgsasl - GNU SASL library
- Libhijack - Runtime process infection made easy
- Libident - Small library to interface the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
- Libkleo - Certificate manager for KDE
- Libkpass - Library for a reading/writing KeePass 1.x DB
- Libksba - Library to make X.509 certificates
- Libmcrypt - Multi-cipher cryptographic library (used in PHP)
- Libnitrokey - Libnitrokey is a project to communicate with Nitrokey devices
- Libntlm - Library that implement Microsoft's NTLM authentication
- Libomemo-c - Implementation of the ratcheting forward secrecy protocol
- Libomemo - Implements OMEMO in C
- Liboqs - C library for quantum-resistant cryptography
- Libotr - Portable OTR Messaging Library and toolkit
- Libotr3 - Portable OTR Messaging Library and toolkit
- Libp11 - Small layer on top of PKCS\#11 API
- Libpki - OpenCA PKI library (libpki) and tools
- Libprelude - Sensor support library from Prelude SIEM
- Libpreludedb - Library to access Prelude IDMEF database
- Libpwquality - Library for generating random passwords and quality checking
- Libressl-devel - Free version of the SSL/TLS protocol forked from OpenSSL
- Libressl - Free version of the SSL/TLS protocol forked from OpenSSL
- Libreswan - IPsec and IKE based firewall
- Libretls - TLS library designed to ease writing foolproof applications
- Libscep - Client side SCEP library w/o clients
- Libscrypt - C library for the scrypt key derivation function
- Libsecret - Library to access the secret service API
- Libsectok - ISO 7816 Smartcard API Library
- Libsodium - Library to build higher-level cryptographic tools
- Libssh - Library implementing the SSH2 protocol
- Libssh2 - Library implementing the SSH2 protocol
- Libtasn1 - ASN.1 structure parser library
- Libtomcrypt - Comprehensive, modular, and portable cryptographic toolkit
- Libu2f-host - Yubico Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Host C Library
- Libuecc - Very small Elliptic Curve Cryptography library
- Libwhisker - Perl module to create HTTP test scripts
- Libxcrypt - Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others
- Libyubikey - Library for decrypting and parsing YubiKey One-Time Passwords
- Libzrtpcppcore - GNU ZRTP library
- Lime - End-to-end encryption library for instant messaging
- Linux-bitwarden-cli - Bitwarden CLI
- Linux-c6-audit-libs - Dynamic libraries needed for applications to use the Linux audit framework
- Linux-c6-cyrus-sasl2 - RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-gnutls - GNU Transport Layer Security library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libgcrypt - General purpose crypto library based on code used in GnuPG (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libgpg-error - Common error values for all GnuPG components (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libssh2 - Library implementing the SSH2 protocol (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libtasn1 - ASN.1 structure parser library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-nss - Network Security Services (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-openssl - OpenSSL toolkit (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-pam - An extensible library which provides authentication for applications
- Linux-c7-ca-certificates - Mozilla CA root certificate bundle (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-cyrus-sasl2 - RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-gnutls - GNU Transport Layer Security library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libgcrypt - Crypto library based on code used in GnuPG (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libgpg-error - Common error values for all GnuPG components (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libssh2 - Library implementing the SSH2 protocol (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libtasn1 - ASN.1 structure parser library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-nettle - Low-level cryptographic library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-nss - Network Security Services (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-openssl-devel - OpenSSL headers (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-p11-kit - Library for loading and enumerating of PKCS\#11 modules (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-trousers - Open-source TCG Software Stack (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Local-php-security-checker - Tool to check PHP composer dependencies for vulnerabilities
- Log2timeline - Log file parser for computer forensic investigations
- Logcheck - Auditing tool for system logs on Unix boxes
- Lua-argon2 - Lua C binding for the Argon2 password hashing function
- Lua-bcrypt - Library providing OpenBSD's bcrypt hash function for Lua
- Luasec-51 - LuaSec for Lua 5.1
- Luasec - Lua binding for the OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication
- Lxqt-openssh-askpass - LXQt GUI dialog for OpenSSH authentication
- Lxqt-sudo - GUI frontend to su/sudo for LXQt desktop
- Lynis - Security and system auditing tool
- Mac-robber - Tool for listing Modify, Access, Create timestamps from files
- Maia - Web-based management system based on amavisd-new and SpamAssassin
- Mailzu - Simple and intuitive web interface to manage amavisd-new quarantine
- Makepasswd - Random password generator
- Maltrail - Malicious traffic detection system, utilizing public (black)lists
- Masscan - Very fast port scanner
- Mate-pam-helper - MATE authenticate applications requiring PAM services
- Mbedtls - SSL/TLS and cryptography library
- Mcrypt - Replacement for crypt(1)
- Md5deep - Program to compute various message digests recursively
- Medusa - Speedy, massively parallel, modular, login brute-forcer
- Meek - Pluggable transport proxy that relays through third-party server
- Metasploit - Exploit-Framework for Penetration-Testing
- Mhash - Easy-to-use library for strong hashes such as MD5 and SHA1
- Mindterm-binary - Full vt220 compatible Java SSH-1 client (not only for websites)
- Minisign - Simple tool to sign files and verify signatures
- Mkp224o - Vanity address generator for tor onion v3 (ed25519) hidden services
- Modsecurity3-nginx - Instruction detection and prevention engine / nginx Wrapper
- Modsecurity3 - Intrusion detection and prevention engine
- Monkeysphere - Use the OpenPGP web of trust to verify ssh connections
- Monocypher - Compact cryptographic library in C
- Morphis - Peer-to-peer high-performance distributed datastore and mail
- Munge - Authentication service for creating and validating credentials
- N2n - Layer Two Peer-to-peer VPN
- Ncrack - High-speed network authentication cracking tool
- Ncrypt - Advanced AES file encryption tool
- Nebula - Scalable overlay networking tool
- Nettle - Low-level cryptographic library
- Nextcloud-end_to_end_encryption - End-to-End Encryption app for Nextcloud
- Nextcloud-passman - Full featured password manager for Nextcloud
- Nextcloud-twofactor_admin - Admin create one-time TOTP app for Nextcloud
- Nextcloud-twofactor_nextcloud_notification - Use Nextcloud notification as MFA app for Nextcloud
- Nextcloud-twofactor_webauthn - U2F webauthn app for Nextcloud
- Nflib - NTT-based fast lattice cryptography library
- Ngrok - Secure tunnels to localhost
- Nikto - Web and CGI vulnerability scanner with SSL support
- Nist-kat - Collection of NIST's Known Answer Test Vectors
- Nitrokey-app - Nitrokey App is an application created to manage Nitrokey devices
- Nmap -
- Nss - Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications
- Nss_compat_ossl - Source-level compatibility library for OpenSSL to NSS porting
- Nuclei - Fast vulnerability scanner
- Nyx - Command-line monitor for Tor
- Oath-toolkit - Library, tools, and PAM module for OATH authentication
- Obfs4proxy-tor - Pluggable transport proxy for Tor (obfs4, The Obfuscator)
- Ocaml-cryptgps - Symmetric cryptographic algorithms package for OCaml
- Ocaml-cryptokit - Variety of cryptographic primitives for Objective Caml
- Ocaml-ssl - OpenSSL bindings for OCaml
- Oidentd - Ident server that supports user-defined ident strings
- Oinkmaster - Help you update your snort rules after each update
- Olm - Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet in C++
- Onionscan - Free and open source tool for investigating Onion Services
- Op - Controlled privilege escalation tool
- Openbsm - Open Source Basic Security Module (BSM) Audit Implementation
- Openca-ocspd - OpenCA OCSP responder
- Opencdk - Open Crypto Development Kit
- Openconnect-freebsd-daemon - OpenConnect service daemon for FreeBSD rc(8)
- Openconnect-gui - Graphical OpenConnect client
- Openconnect - Client for Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN
- Opencryptoki - Open PKCS\#11 implementation library
- Openct - Middleware framework for smart card terminals
- Openfhe - Open-source Fully Homomorphic Encryption library
- Openfortivpn - Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services
- Openiked-portable - IKEv2 daemon
- Openiked - IKEv2 daemon
- Opensaml - Open source implementation of SAML2
- Opensc - Libraries and utilities to access smart cards
- Openssh-askpass - Graphical password applet for entering SSH passphrase
- Openssh-portable - The portable version of OpenBSD's OpenSSH
- Openssl-agent - OpenSSL key agent and client utilities
- Openssl-quictls - QUIC capable fork of OpenSSL
- Openssl-unsafe - Unsafe SSL and crypto library
- Openssl - TLSv1.3 capable SSL and crypto library
- Openssl111 - TLSv1.3 capable SSL and crypto library
- Openssl30 - TLSv1.3 capable SSL and crypto library
- Openssl31 - TLSv1.3 capable SSL and crypto library
- Openvas - Open vulnerability assessment scanner
- Openvpn-admin - GUI frontend to openvpn
- Openvpn-auth-ldap - LDAP authentication plugin for OpenVPN
- Openvpn-auth-radius - RADIUS authentication plugin for OpenVPN
- Openvpn-auth-script - Generic script-based deferred auth plugin for OpenVPN
- Openvpn-devel -
- Openvpn -
- Ophcrack - Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables
- Opie - One-time Passwords In Everything
- Orthrus - One-Time Password System (OTP) alternative to OPIE or S/Key
- Ossec-hids-agent-config -
- Ossec-hids-agent - Security tool to monitor and check logs and intrusions - agent installation
- Ossec-hids-local-config -
- Ossec-hids-local -
- Ossec-hids-server-config -
- Ossec-hids-server - Security tool to monitor and check logs and intrusions - server installation
- Ossec-hids -
- Osslsigncode - OpenSSL-based signcode utility
- Osv-scanner - Vulnerability scanner written in Go which uses the OSV database
- Otpw - One-time password login package by Markus Kuhn
- Owasp-dependency-check - Detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in project dependencies
- P11-kit - Library for loading and enumerating of PKCS\#11 modules
- P5-alt-crypt-rsa-bigint - RSA public-key cryptosystem, using MathBigInt
- P5-apache-htpasswd - Manage Unix crypt-style password file
- P5-app-acmeman - Automatic management of ACME (Let's Encrypt) SSL certificates
- P5-app-genpass - Quickly and easily create secure passwords
- P5-app-tlsme - Perl extension for TLS/SSL tunnel
- P5-auth-yubikeydecrypter - Decrypting the output from the yubikey token
- P5-authcas - Perl API to Yale's Central Authentication System (CAS)
- P5-authen-bitcard - Bitcard authentication verification
- P5-authen-captcha - Perl module to verify the human element in transactions
- P5-authen-cyrussasl - Perl5 module for accessing the SASL authentication daemon
- P5-authen-dechpwd - Perl module for DEC VMS password hashing
- P5-authen-htpasswd - Perl interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
- P5-authen-krb5-simple - User/password authentication using Kerberose 5
- P5-authen-krb5 - Perl extension for Kerberos 5
- P5-authen-libwrap - Perl interface to TCP Wrappers library
- P5-authen-ntlm - Perl5 NTLM authentication module
- P5-authen-oath - OATH one time passwords implementation
- P5-authen-paas - Perl Authentication & Authorization Service
- P5-authen-pam - Perl interface to the PAM library
- P5-authen-passphrase - Perl module for handling hashed passwords/passphrases as objects
- P5-authen-pluggablecaptcha - Pluggable Captcha framework for Perl
- P5-authen-radius - Perl5 module to provide simple Radius client facilities
- P5-authen-sasl-cyrus - XS SASL Authentication
- P5-authen-sasl-saslprep - Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords (RFC 4013)
- P5-authen-sasl - Perl5 module for SASL authentication
- P5-authen-scram - Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (RFC 5802)
- P5-authen-simple-dbi - Simple DBI authentication
- P5-authen-simple-dbm - Simple DBM authentication
- P5-authen-simple-http - Simple HTTP authentication
- P5-authen-simple-kerberos - Simple Kerberos authentication
- P5-authen-simple-ldap - Simple LDAP authentication
- P5-authen-simple-net - Simple authentication via FTP, POP3, or SMTP
- P5-authen-simple-pam - Simple PAM authentication
- P5-authen-simple-passwd - Simple Passwd authentication
- P5-authen-simple-radius - Simple RADIUS authentication
- P5-authen-simple-smb - Simple SMB authentication
- P5-authen-simple-ssh - Simple SSH authentication
- P5-authen-simple - Simple authentication framework
- P5-authen-smb - Perl extension to authenticate against an SMB server
- P5-authen-tacacsplus - Perl module that provides authentication using a tacacs+ server
- P5-authen-ticket - Perl module providing the framework for implementing a ticketing system
- P5-authen-typekey - TypeKey authentication verification
- P5-business-paypal-ewp - Perl extension for PayPal Encrypted Website Payments
- P5-bytes-random-secure-tiny - Generate cryptographically-secure random bytes
- P5-bytes-random-secure - Generate cryptographically-secure random bytes
- P5-cacertorg-ca - CA root certificate in PEM format
- P5-csp - Perl tool for managing Certificate Authorities
- P5-cisco-hash - De- and encrypts Cisco type 7 hashes
- P5-crypt-anubis - CryptCBC-compliant block cipher
- P5-crypt-appletwofish - Perl extension for Apple iTMS internal key descrambling algorithm
- P5-crypt-argon2 - Perl interface to the Argon2 key derivation functions
- P5-crypt-bcrypt - Modern bcrypt implementation
- P5-crypt-blowfish - Perl interface to the Blowfish encryption algorithm
- P5-crypt-blowfish_pp - Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl
- P5-crypt-cast5 - CAST5 block cipher
- P5-crypt-cast5_pp - CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl
- P5-crypt-cbc - Perl5 interface to Cipher Block Chaining with DES and IDEA
- P5-crypt-cbceasy - Easy things make really easy with CryptCBC
- P5-crypt-cfb - Perl extension for encrypting data in Cipher Feedback Mode
- P5-crypt-caesar - Perl extension for decrypting rot-N strings
- P5-crypt-camellia_pp - Pure Perl Camellia 128-bit block cipher module
- P5-crypt-chimera - Perl extension for Chimera key exchange protocol
- P5-crypt-ciphersaber - Perl module providing an OO interface to CipherSaber encryption
- P5-crypt-cracklib - Perl interface to Alec Muffet's cracklib library
- P5-crypt-ctr - Perl extension for encrypting data in Counter Mode
- P5-crypt-curve25519 - Generate shared secret using elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman function
- P5-crypt-des - Perl5 interface to DES block cipher
- P5-crypt-des_ede3 - Perl5 interface to a implementing 3-DES EDE encryption and decryption
- P5-crypt-des_pp - Perl extension for DES encryption in pure Perl
- P5-crypt-dh - Perl5 interface to a Diffie-Hellman key exchange system
- P5-crypt-dsa - DSA signature and key generation
- P5-crypt-dining - The Dining Cryptographers' Protocol
- P5-crypt-ecb - Perl module implementing the ECB encryption algorithm
- P5-crypt-eksblowfish - Perl module for the Eksblowfish block cipher
- P5-crypt-enigma - Perl extension for the Enigma cipher
- P5-crypt-format - Conversion utilities for encryption applications
- P5-crypt-gcrypt - Perl interface to the GNU Cryptographic library
- P5-crypt-gost - Perl extension for GOST Encryption Algorithm
- P5-crypt-gost_pp - Perl extension for GOST Encryption Algorithm in pure Perl
- P5-crypt-gpg - Perl extension for GnuPG
- P5-crypt-generatepassword - Generate secure random pronounceable passwords
- P5-crypt-gpgme - Perl interface to libgpgme
- P5-crypt-hce_md5 - Perl extension implementing one way hash chaining encryption using MD5
- P5-crypt-hce_sha - Perl5 interface to one way hash chaining block cipher
- P5-crypt-hsxkpasswd - Secure memorable password generator inspired by XKCD
- P5-crypt-idea - Perl5 interface to IDEA block cipher
- P5-crypt-imail - Perl extension to encrypt and decrypt Imail passwords
- P5-crypt-jwt - JSON Web Token (JWT, JWS, JWE) as defined by RFC7519, RFC7515, RFC7516
- P5-crypt-juniper - Encrypt and decrypt Juniper $9$ secrets
- P5-crypt-khazad - Perl extension for Khazad block cipher
- P5-crypt-le - Let's Encrypt API interfacing module
- P5-crypt-libscep - Easy-to-use interface between LibSCEP and Perl programs
- P5-crypt-license - Perl extension to examine a license
- P5-crypt-lite - Perl extension for a symmetric data encryption and decryption
- P5-crypt-loki97 - Perl extension for Loki97 block cipher
- P5-crypt-mysql - Perl extension to compare MySQL passwords without libmysqlclient
- P5-crypt-null - Perl implementation of the NULL encryption algorithm
- P5-crypt-ofb - Encrypt Data using OFB Mode
- P5-crypt-oicq - Cryptographic algorithm used by OICQ protocol
- P5-crypt-otp - Perl implementation of the One Time Pad (hence, OTP) encryption method
- P5-crypt-openpgp - Pure-Perl OpenPGP-compatible PGP implementation
- P5-crypt-openssl-aes - Perl wrapper around OpenSSL's AES library
- P5-crypt-openssl-bignum - OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
- P5-crypt-openssl-ca - Perl extension for OpenSSL CA API
- P5-crypt-openssl-dsa - Perl5 module to DSA signature verification using OpenSSL
- P5-crypt-openssl-ec - Perl extension for OpenSSL EC (Elliptic Curves) library
- P5-crypt-openssl-ecdsa - Perl extension for OpenSSL ECDSA
- P5-crypt-openssl-guess - Guess OpenSSL include path
- P5-crypt-openssl-pkcs10 - Perl extension for OpenSSL PKCS10 API
- P5-crypt-openssl-rsa - Perl5 module to RSA encode and decode strings using OpenSSL
- P5-crypt-openssl-random - Perl5 interface to the OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator
- P5-crypt-openssl-verify - OpenSSL Verify certificate verification in XS
- P5-crypt-openssl-x509 - Perl extension for OpenSSL X509 API
- P5-crypt-pbkdf2 - PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm
- P5-crypt-pkcs10 - Parse PKCS
- P5-crypt-pwsafe3 - Read and write Passwordsafe v3 files
- P5-crypt-passgen - Generate random password that looks like real word
- P5-crypt-passwd-xs - Full XS implementation of common crypt() algorithms
- P5-crypt-passwdmd5 - Perl module that provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() function
- P5-crypt-password-util - Crypt password utilities
- P5-crypt-perl - Cryptography in Pure Perl
- P5-crypt-primes - Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for Cryptographic Applications
- P5-crypt-rc4 - Perl implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm
- P5-crypt-rc5 - Perl implementation of the RC5 encryption algorithm
- P5-crypt-rc6 - Perl implementation of the RC6 encryption algorithm
- P5-crypt-rhash - Compute hash sums and magnet links
- P5-crypt-ripemd160 - RIPEMD-160 message digest algorithm
- P5-crypt-rsa-parse - Parse RSA keys
- P5-crypt-rsa-yandex - Perl binding to modified RSA (yamrsa)
- P5-crypt-rsa - RSA public-key cryptosystem
- P5-crypt-rabbit - Perl extension for Rabbit stream cipher
- P5-crypt-randpasswd - Implementation of the Automated Password Generator standard
- P5-crypt-random-seed - Simple method to get strong randomness
- P5-crypt-random-source - Get weak or strong random data from pluggable sources
- P5-crypt-random-tesha2 - Random numbers using timer/schedule entropy
- P5-crypt-random - Cryptographically Secure, True Random Number Generator
- P5-crypt-rijndael - Perl module that implements the Rijndael cipher
- P5-crypt-rijndael_pp - Perl implementation of Rijndael
- P5-crypt-skey - Perl S/Key calculator
- P5-crypt-smime - S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryption
- P5-crypt-ssleay - Perl5 interface to allow p5-libwww LWP to make https connections
- P5-crypt-ssss - Implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing System
- P5-crypt-salt - Perl extension to generate a salt to be fed into crypt
- P5-crypt-saltedhash - Perl extension to work with salted hashes
- P5-crypt-serpent - Perl implementation of the Serpent encryption algorithm
- P5-crypt-shark - Perl extension for Shark block cipher
- P5-crypt-simple - Perl encrypt stuff simply
- P5-crypt-smbhash - Perl module implementing lanman and nt md4 hash functions
- P5-crypt-sodium - Perl bindings for portable NaCL (libsodium)
- P5-crypt-solitaire - Solitaire encryption
- P5-crypt-tea - Perl extension to Tiny Encryption Algorithm
- P5-crypt-t_e_a - The Tiny Encryption Algorithm in Perl and JavaScript
- P5-crypt-tea_js - Next gen Tiny Encryption Algorithm in Perl and Javascript
- P5-crypt-tripledes - Perl module implementing the Triple-DES cipher
- P5-crypt-twofish - Perl module implementing the Twofish cipher
- P5-crypt-twofish2 - Perl implementation of the Twofish encryption algorithm
- P5-crypt-twofish_pp - The Twofish Algorithm in Pure Perl
- P5-crypt-urandom - Perl extension to provide non blocking randomness
- P5-crypt-unixcrypt - Perl module implementing crypt(3) function
- P5-crypt-unixcrypt_xs - Perl XS interface for a portable traditional crypt function
- P5-crypt-x509-crl - Object oriented X.509 certificate revocation list parser
- P5-crypt-x509 - Perl extension to parse X.509 certificates
- P5-crypt-xtea - Implementation of the eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm
- P5-crypt-xdbm_file - Perl module encrypt almost any kind of dbm file
- P5-cryptx - Crypto toolkit
- P5-dancer-plugin-auth-extensible-provider-usergroup - Extensible authentication framework for Dancer apps
- P5-dancer-plugin-auth-extensible - Extensible authentication framework for Dancer apps
- P5-dancer-plugin-passphrase - Passphrases and Passwords as objects for Dancer
- P5-dancer2-plugin-auth-extensible-provider-dbic - Extensible authentication framework for Dancer2 apps using DBIC
- P5-dancer2-plugin-auth-extensible-provider-database - Extensible authentication for D2 apps using Dancer2-Plugin-Database
- P5-dancer2-plugin-auth-extensible-provider-imap - Extensible authentication for D2 apps using NetIMAPSimple
- P5-dancer2-plugin-auth-extensible-provider-usergroup - Extensible authentication framework for Dancer2 apps
- P5-dancer2-plugin-auth-extensible - Extensible authentication framework for Dancer2 apps
- P5-dancer2-plugin-passphrase - Passphrases and Passwords as objects for Dancer2
- P5-data-entropy - Entropy (randomness) management
- P5-data-password - Assess password quality
- P5-digest-adler32 - Perl extension for Adler32 hash algorithm
- P5-digest-bcrypt - Perl interface to the bcrypt digest algorithm
- P5-digest-bubblebabble - Perl5 interface to a fingerprint in "bubble babble" format
- P5-digest-crc - Perl extension for calculating CRC checksums
- P5-digest-crc32 - Perl extension for calculating 32-bit CRC checksums
- P5-digest-djb - Perl extension for D.J Bernstein's hash algorithm
- P5-digest-dmac - Perl5 interface to DMAC Double Message-Digest Algorithms
- P5-digest-emac - Perl5 interface to EMAC Double Message-Digest Algorithms
- P5-digest-elf - Perl extension for ElfHash hash algorithm
- P5-digest-fnv - Perl extension for Fowler/Noll/Vo hash algorithm
- P5-digest-gost - Perl interface to the GOST R 34.11-94 digest algorithm
- P5-digest-hmac - Perl5 interface to HMAC Message-Digest Algorithms
- P5-digest-hashcash - Perl extension for Hashcash hash algorithm
- P5-digest-haval256 - Perl extension for Haval256 hash algorithm
- P5-digest-jhash - Perl extension for JHash hash algorithm
- P5-digest-md2 - Perl5 interface to the MD2 message digest algorithm
- P5-digest-md4 - Perl5 interface to the MD4 message digest algorithm
- P5-digest-md5-file - Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls
- P5-digest-md5-m4p - Perl interface to a variant of the MD5 algorithm
- P5-digest-md5-reverse - Perl extension that looks for MD5 hashes in several databases
- P5-digest-md5 - Perl5 interface to the MD5 algorithm
- P5-digest-manberhash - Perl extension for ManberHash hash algorithm
- P5-digest-murmurhash - Perl extension for XS interface to the MurmurHash algorithm
- P5-digest-nilsimsa - Perl version of Nilsimsa code
- P5-digest-pearson-pureperl - Perl extension for Peter K. Pearson's hash algorithm in pure Perl
- P5-digest-pearson - Perl extension for Peter K. Pearson's hash algorithm
- P5-digest-perl-md4 - Perl extension for MD4 hash algorithm in pure Perl
- P5-digest-perl-md5 - Perl extension for MD5 hash algorithm in pure Perl
- P5-digest-sha-pureperl - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512 in pure Perl
- P5-digest-sha - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
- P5-digest-sha1 - Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
- P5-digest-sha3 - Perl extension for SHA-3
- P5-digest-sv1 - Perl extension for SV1 hash algorithm
- P5-digest-tiger - Perl extension for Tiger hash algorithm
- P5-digest-whirlpool - Perl extension for Whirlpool hash algorithm
- P5-digest - Modules that calculate message digests
- P5-file-keepass-agent - Application agent for working with FileKeePass objects
- P5-file-keepass - Interface to KeePassX, KeePass 1.x and 2.x database files
- P5-file-scan-clamav - Perl extension for the clamav virus scanner
- P5-file-scan - Perl5 anti-virus file scanning package
- P5-filter-cbc - Source filter for Cipher Block Chaining
- P5-filter-crypto - Create runnable Perl files encrypted with OpenSSL libcrypto
- P5-gd-securityimage - Perl5 module for creating CAPTCHA security images
- P5-gssapi - Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
- P5-gnupg-interface - Perl module for interfacing with GnuPG
- P5-gnupg - Perl module for interfacing with GnuPG
- P5-html-email-obfuscate - Obfuscates HTML email addresses that look normal
- P5-heimdal-kadm5 - Perl extension for Heimdal administrative client library
- P5-io-async-ssl - Use SSL/TLS with IOAsync
- P5-io-socket-ssl - Perl5 interface to SSL sockets
- P5-md5 - Wrapper to the DigestMD5 module
- P5-mcrypt - Perl extension for the Mcrypt cryptography library
- P5-module-signature - Module signature file manipulation
- P5-net-daemon-ssl - Perl5 extension for portable daemons
- P5-net-openid-common - Libraries shared between NetOpenIDConsumer and NetOpenIDServer
- P5-net-openid-janrain - OpenID JanRain and Consumer with JanRain API
- P5-net-openid-server - Reference implementation of OpenID server
- P5-net-radius-server - Framework for RADIUS Servers
- P5-net-saml2 - SAML2 bindings and protocol implementation
- P5-net-ssh-authorizedkeysfile - Read and modify SSH authorized_keys files
- P5-net-ssl-expiredate - Obtain expiration date of certificate
- P5-net-sslglue - Add/extend SSL support for common perl modules
- P5-net-ssleay - Perl5 interface to SSL
- P5-net-server-mail-esmtp-auth - Plain and login auth methods for NetServerMailESMTP
- P5-net-sinfp - Full operating system stack fingerprinting suite
- P5-nmap-parser - Parse nmap scan data with perl
- P5-nmap-scanner - Perform and manipulate nmap scans using perl
- P5-openca-crl - CRL Management module
- P5-openca-crr - Perl extension to handle CRR objects
- P5-openca-req - Perl extension to easily manage Cert REQUESTs
- P5-openca-x509 - Perl extension for handling X509 Certificates
- P5-pbkdf2-tiny - Minimalist PBKDF2 (RFC 2898) with HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA2
- P5-pgp-sign - Create detached PGP signatures for data
- P5-pgp - Perl5 module to work with PGP messages
- P5-poe-component-sslify - Integrate SSL into POE
- P5-poe-filter-ssl - Esiest and flexiblest way to SSL in POEIntegrate SSL into POE
- P5-parse-snort - Parse and create Snort rules
- P5-perlcryptlib - Perl interface to Peter Guttman cryptlib API
- P5-protocol-acme - Interface to the Let's Encrypt ACME API
- P5-savi-perl - Perl5 module interface to Sophos AntiVirus
- P5-sha - Perl5 interface to the SHA1 algorithm
- P5-safe-hole - Make a hole to the original main compartment in the Safe compartment
- P5-session-token - Secure, efficient, simple random session token generation
- P5-snort-rule - Perl5 extension for dynamically building snort rules
- P5-string-mkpasswd - Random password generator
- P5-sudo - Perl extension for running a command line sudo
- P5-text-password-pronounceable - Perl extension for generating pronounceable passwords
- P5-tie-encryptedhash - Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields
- P5-tree-authz - Role-Based Access Control authorization scheme
- P5-urn-oasis-saml2 - Constants for urnoasis SAML2 implementations
- P5-unix-passwd-file - Manipulate passwd and group entries
- P5-unix-setuid - Get/set real/effective UID/username via (localizeable) variable
- P5-yahoo-bbauth - Perl interface to the Yahoo! Browser-Based Authentication
- P5-dicewaregen - Perl script to generate Diceware dictionaries for passwords
- P5-openxpki-i18n - Perl based trustcenter software for PKI i18n tools
- P5-openxpki - Perl based trustcenter for PKI universal server building block
- P5-plog - Perl based ipfilter log reporter
- Pad - Command-line utility to encrypt files
- Palisade - PALISADE lattice cryptography library for Fully Homomorphic Encryption
- Pam-modules - Collection of modules for PAM
- Pam-mysql - PAM module for authenticating with MySQL
- Pam-pgsql - PAM module for authenticating with PostgreSQL
- Pam_fprint - PAM module offering finger print authentication using libfprint
- Pam_google_authenticator - PAM module for two-step authentication from Google
- Pam_helper - Authenticate applications requiring PAM services
- Pam_howdy - PAM module for Howdy Face Recognition
- Pam_jail - PAM module dropping users in jails after login
- Pam_kde - PAM modules for KDE Display Manager
- Pam_krb5-rh - The Red Hat Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5
- Pam_krb5 -
- Pam_ldap - PAM module for authenticating with LDAP
- Pam_mkhomedir - Create HOME with a PAM module on demand
- Pam_ocra - RFC6287 (OCRA) PAM module
- Pam_p11 - PAM module using crypto tokens for auth
- Pam_per_user - PAM module for per-user authentication
- Pam_pkcs11 - PAM module using crypto tokens for auth
- Pam_pseudo - PAM module for per-user authentication
- Pam_pwdfile - Pam module for authenticating with flat passwd files
- Pam_require - PAM module for restricting access based on unix group or username
- Pam_rssh - Remote sudo authenticated via ssh-agent
- Pam_script - PAM script module allows to hook user space scripts on PAM events
- Pam_search_list - PAM module to search arbitrary file for user
- Pam_ssh_agent_auth - PAM module which permits authentication via ssh-agent
- Pam_u2f - Pluggable Authentication Module for U2F and FIDO2
- Pam_yubico - PAM module for authenticating with a Yubico YubiKey
- Pamtester - Command line pam authentication tester
- Paperkey - Extract just the secret information out of OpenPGP secret keys
- Parano - Gnome program to deal with hashfiles
- Passh - Non-interactive password inputting CLI
- Passivedns - Network sniffer that logs DNS replies for use in passive DNS setups
- Pbc - Library of pairing-based cryptosystems
- Pcsc-tools - Tools to test a PCSC driver, card, or reader
- Pdfcrack - Cracking tool for password-protected PDF-files
- Pear-auth - PEAR class for creating an authentication system
- Pear-auth_http - PEAR HTTP authentication
- Pear-auth_prefmanager - PEAR preferences management class
- Pear-auth_sasl - PEAR abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
- Pear-auth_sasl2 - Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
- Pear-crypt_blowfish - PEAR class for blowfish encryption
- Pear-crypt_cbc - Class to emulate Perl's CryptCBC module
- Pear-crypt_chap - PEAR class for generating CHAP packets
- Pear-crypt_diffiehellman - PEAR class implementing Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange protocol for PHP5
- Pear-crypt_gpg - GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
- Pear-crypt_hmac2 - Implementation of Hashed Message Authentication Code for PHP5
- Pear-crypt_microid - PHP MicroID library
- Pear-crypt_rc4 - PEAR encryption class for RC4 encryption
- Pear-crypt_rsa - PEAR class allows you to use two-key strong cryptography
- Pear-crypt_xxtea - PEAR XXTEA encryption algorithm
- Pear-file_htaccess - PEAR class to manipulate .htaccess files
- Pear-file_passwd - PEAR class to manipulate many kinds of password files
- Pear-file_smbpasswd - PEAR class for managing SAMBA style password files
- Pear-html_crypt - Encrypts text which is later decoded using JavaScript on the client side
- Pear-horde_auth - Horde Authentication API
- Pear-horde_crypt - Horde Cryptography API
- Pear-horde_crypt_blowfish - Horde blowfish encryption for PHP string data
- Pear-horde_group - Horde User Groups System
- Pear-horde_oauth - Horde OAuth client/server
- Pear-horde_perms - Horde Permissions System
- Pear-horde_secret - Secret Encryption API
- Pear-horde_share - Horde Shared Permissions System
- Pear-liveuser - PEAR user authentication and permission management framework
- Pear-liveuser_admin - PEAR user authentication and permission management framework
- Pear-net_portscan - Provides an API for scanning ports
- Pear-text_password - PEAR random password creator
- Pecl-crypto - Objective wrapper for OpenSSL Crypto Library
- Pecl-gnupg - PECL wrapper around the gpgme library
- Pecl-krb5 - PECL classes for PAM integration
- Pecl-libsodium - PHP wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
- Pecl-mcrypt - PHP extension for mcrypt, removed in PHP 7.2
- Pecl-pam - PECL classes for PAM integration
- Pecl-pkcs11 - PKCS11 bindings for PHP
- Pecl-scrypt - PHP wrapper to Colin Percival's scrypt implementation
- Pecl-ssh2 - PECL extension to the libssh2 library
- Peda - Python-based GDB extension for exploit development and debugging
- Pev - PE analysis toolkit
- Pgpdump - PGP packet visualizer
- Pgpgpg - Wrapper for GnuPG to simulate PGP 2.6.x
- Pgpin - PGP International version - improved for use in IN-CA
- Php71-filter -
- Php71-hash -
- Php71-mcrypt -
- Php71-openssl -
- Php72-filter -
- Php72-hash -
- Php72-openssl -
- Php72-sodium -
- Php80-filter -
- Php80-sodium -
- Php81-filter -
- Php81-sodium -
- Php82-filter -
- Php82-sodium -
- Php83-filter -
- Php83-sodium -
- Picocrypt - Small, simple, yet very secure encryption tool
- Picosha2 - C++ header-only SHA256 hash generator
- Pidgin-encryption - Encryption Plugin for the Pidgin instant messenger client
- Pidgin-otr - Allows deniable private conversations using Pidgin
- Pinentry-curses - Curses version of the GnuPG password dialog
- Pinentry-efl - EFL version of the GnuPG password dialog
- Pinentry-fltk - FLTK version of the GnuPG password dialog
- Pinentry-gnome - GNOME version of the GnuPG password dialog
- Pinentry-gtk2 - GTK+ 2.0 version of the GnuPG password dialog
- Pinentry-qt5 - Qt 5 version of the GnuPG password dialog
- Pinentry-tty - Console version of the GnuPG password dialog
- Pinentry -
- Pixiewps - Offline WPS bruteforce utility
- Pkcrack - Utility for breaking pkzip encryption
- Pkcs11-dump - Allow dumping PKCS\#11 token content
- Pkcs11-gateway - Wrapper Cryptoki library to use Linux PKCS\#11 modules
- Pkcs11-helper - Helper library for multiple PKCS\#11 providers
- Pkcs11-tools - Tools for managing PKCS11 cryptographic tokens
- Pkesh - Public Key Encryption SHell script
- Pks - PGP Public Key Server
- Plasma5-kscreenlocker - Plasma5 secure lock screen architecture
- Plasma5-ksshaskpass - Plasma5 ssh-add frontend
- Plasma5-kwallet-pam - Plasma5 KWallet PAM Integration
- Please - Execute a command as root
- Poly1305aes - Poly1305 message authentication reference implementation using AES
- Proftpd-mod_clamav - ClamAV ProFTPD module
- Proxycheck - Check for open proxy servers
- Proxytunnel - Connects stdin and stdout to an origin server through an HTTPS proxy
- Pssh - Parallel version of OpenSSH and related tools
- Pulledpork - Script to update snort-2.8+ rules
- Pure-sfv - Utility to test and create .sfv files
- Putty-nogtk -
- Putty - Secure shell and telnet client including xterm emulator
- Pvk - Tool to convert a RSA key in PEM format into a PVK file and vice versa
- Pwauth - Unix Web Authenticator
- Pwman - Console password management application based on gpg(me)
- Pwned-check - Check whether password is known to have been exposed in a data breach
- Py-accesscontrol - Security framework for Zope2
- Py-pf - Pure-Python module for managing OpenBSD Packet Filter
- Py-products.plonepas - Adapts the PluggableAuthService for use by Plone
- Py-products.pluggableauthservice - Pluggable Zope2 authentication / authorization framework
- Py-restrictedpython - Restricted execution environment for Python
- Py-secretstorage - Store passwords using the SecretService DBus API
- Py-yubiotp - Library for verifying YubiKey OTP tokens
- Py-acme-tiny - Tiny script to issue and renew TLS certs from Let's Encrypt
- Py-acme - ACME protocol implementation in Python
- Py-ailment - AIL, the angr Intermediate Language
- Py-aiohttp-security -
- Py-angr - Multi-architecture binary analysis toolkit
- Py-argon2-cffi-bindings - Low-level CFFI bindings for Argon2
- Py-argon2-cffi - Secure Argon2 password hashing algorithm
- Py-artifacts - Artifact Repository
- Py-asyncssh - Asynchronous SSHv2 client and server library
- Py-authlib - Ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers
- Py-azure-keyvault-certificates - Microsoft Azure Key Vault Certificates Client Library for Python
- Py-azure-keyvault-keys - Microsoft Azure Key Vault Keys Client Library for Python
- Py-azure-keyvault-secrets - Microsoft Azure Key Vault Secrets Client Library for Python
- Py-backports.ssl_match_hostname - Backport of the ssl_match_hostname function from Python 3.5
- Py-badkeys - Tool to check public keys for known vulnerabilities
- Py-base58 - Bitcoin-compatible Base58 and Base58Check implementation
- Py-bcrypt - Modern password hashing for your software and your servers
- Py-bitbox02 - Python API for communicating with the BitBox02 device
- Py-borg.localrole - PAS plugin which can manage local roles via an adapter lookup
- Py-btchip-python - Python communication library for Ledger Hardware Wallet
- Py-cerealizer - Secure pickle-like module
- Py-cert-human - SSL Certificates for Humans
- Py-certbot-apache - Apache plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-cloudflare - Cloudflare DNS plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-cpanel - CPanel DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-digitalocean - DigitalOcean DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-dnsimple - DNSimple DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy - DNS Made Easy DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-gandi - Gandi LiveDNS plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-gehirn - Gehirn Infrastructure Service DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-google - Google Cloud DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-linode - Linode DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-luadns - LuaDNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-nsone - NS1 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-ovh - OVH DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-powerdns - PowerDNS DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-rfc2136 - RFC 2136 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-route53 - Route53 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-sakuracloud - Sakura Cloud DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-dns-standalone - Standalone DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot-nginx - NGINX plugin for Certbot
- Py-certbot - Let's Encrypt client
- Py-certifi - Mozilla SSL certificates
- Py-certomancer - PKI testing tool
- Py-certstream - Library for receiving certificate transparency list updates
- Py-ckcc-protocol - Coldcard CLI and python interface library
- Py-coincurve - Cross-platform Python CFFI bindings for libsecp256k1
- Py-cpe - CPE Common Platform Enumeration for Python
- Py-cracklib - Python bindings for cracklib
- Py-cryptkit - Cryptographic Toolkit for Python
- Py-cryptlib_py - Pythin binding for cryptlib
- Py-cryptography-vectors - Test vectors for the cryptography package
- Py-cryptography - Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python developers
- Py-ctypescrypto - CTypes-based interface for some OpenSSL libcrypto features
- Py-cybox - Python library for parsing, manipulating, and generating CybOX content
- Py-detect-secrets - Tool for detecting secrets in the codebase
- Py-dfdatetime - Digital Forensics Date and Time
- Py-dfvfs - Digital Forensics Virtual File System
- Py-dfwinreg - Digital Forensics Windows Registry
- Py-dirhash - Python module and CLI for hashing of file system directories
- Py-django-auth-kerberos - Kerberos authentication backend for Django
- Py-docker-pycreds - Python bindings for the docker credentials store API
- Py-ecdsa - ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python)
- Py-ed25519ll - Low-level ctypes wrapper for Ed25519 digital signatures
- Py-exscript - Automating Telnet and SSH
- Py-fail2ban - Scans log files and bans IP that makes too many password failures
- Py-fchksum - Python module to find the checksum of files
- Py-fido2 - Provides library functionality for FIDO 2.0
- Py-first-server - Function Identification and Recovery Signature Tool
- Py-flask-bcrypt - Flask extension that provides bcrypt hashing utilities for your application
- Py-flask-httpauth - Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes
- Py-flask-kerberos - GSSAPI Negotiate HTTP authentication for Flask routes
- Py-flask-saml - SAML authentication for Flask web apps
- Py-fteproxy - Programmable proxy for censorship circumvention
- Py-gixy - Tool to analyze Nginx configuration for security misconfiguration
- Py-gnupg - Python wrapper for GnuPG
- Py-gnutls - Python wrapper for the GNUTLS library
- Py-google-auth-httplib2 - Google Authentication Library httplib2 transport
- Py-google-auth-oauthlib - Google Authentication Library
- Py-google-auth - Google Authentication Library
- Py-gpgme - Gpgme Python bindings
- Py-gpsoauth - Python client library for Google Play Services OAuth
- Py-gssapi - High-level and low-level Python bindings to GSSAPI C libraries
- Py-gvm-tools - The Greenbone Vulnerability Management Tools
- Py-halberd - HTTP load balancer detector written in Python
- Py-hkdf - HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
- Py-htpasswd - Replacement for htpasswd
- Py-httpx-auth - Authentication for HTTPX
- Py-iris-check-module - A simple processor module for IRIS
- Py-iris-client - Python client for DFIR-IRIS
- Py-iris-evtx-module - Example of IRIS module, handling EVTX files
- Py-iris-intelowl-module - IntelOwl IRIS module
- Py-iris-misp-module - IRIS module interfacing MISP with IRIS
- Py-iris-module-interface - Base interface for modules of Iris
- Py-iris-vt-module - IRIS Module enriching IOCs with VT insights
- Py-iris-webhooks-module - IRIS module offering support for webhooks
- Py-itsdangerous - Various helpers to pass data in untrusted environments
- Py-josepy - JOSE protocol implementation in Python
- Py-keepkey - Library for communicating with KeepKey Hardware Wallet
- Py-kerberos - Kerberos bindings for python
- Py-keyczar - Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography
- Py-keyring - Store and access your passwords safely
- Py-keyrings.alt - Alternate Python keyring implementations
- Py-keystone - OpenStack Keystone / Identity service
- Py-krb5 - Kerberos API bindings for Python
- Py-libnacl - Python bindings for libsodium based on ctypes
- Py-m2crypto - Crypto and SSL toolkit for Python
- Py-maec - Python library for parsing, manipulating, and generating MAEC content
- Py-mcrypt - Comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt library
- Py-merkletools - Tools for working with Merkle trees
- Py-mhash - Python mhash module
- Py-mixbox - Utility library for cybox, maec, and stix
- Py-mnemonic - Implementation of Bitcoin BIP-0039
- Py-msoffcrypto-tool - Python tool and library for decrypting MS Office files
- Py-muacrypt - Support tool and API for Autocrypt mail agents
- Py-nassl - Experimental OpenSSL wrapper for SSLyze
- Py-netbox-secrets - Secret store for NetBox
- Py-netbox-secretstore - Secret store for NetBox
- Py-netmiko - Multi-vendor library to simplify SSH connections to network devices
- Py-noiseprotocol - Python implementation of Noise Protocol Framework
- Py-notus-scanner -
- Py-ntlm-auth - Create NTLM authentication structures
- Py-oauth2client - OAuth 2.0 client library
- Py-oauthlib - Generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
- Py-obfsproxy-tor - Pluggable transport proxy
- Py-onetime - Encryption program that uses the one-time pad algorithm
- Py-onlykey - Python command line tool for configuring and using OnlyKey
- Py-openssl - Python interface to the OpenSSL library
- Py-oscrypto - Cryptographic operations using the OS crypto libraries
- Py-ospd-openvas - Scanner wrapper for OSP (Open Scanner Protocol)
- Py-paramiko - Python SSH2 protocol library
- Py-pass-audit - Extension to audit your password-store password repository
- Py-pass-git-helper - Git credential helper interfacing with pass
- Py-passlib - Comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
- Py-pbkdf2 - PKCS5 v2.0 PBKDF2 Module
- Py-pem - Easy PEM file parsing in Python
- Py-pgpdump - Python library for parsing PGP packets
- Py-pgpy - Pretty Good Privacy for Python
- Py-plaso - Automatic creation of a super timeline
- - Plone OpenID authentication support
- Py-plone.keyring - Manage secrets
- Py-plone.openid - OpenID authentication support for PAS
- Py-plone.protect - Security for browser forms
- Py-plone.session - Session based authentication for Zope
- Py-potr - Pure Python Off-The-Record encryption
- Py-pow - Python OpenSSL Wrappers
- Py-pwntools - CTF framework and exploit development library
- Py-pyaes - Pure-Python implementation of AES block-cipher
- Py-pyaff4 - Python Advanced Forensic Format Version 4 library
- Py-pyaxo - Python implementation of the Axolotl ratchet protocol
- Py-pyblake2 - BLAKE2 hash function extension module
- Py-pyclamd - Python ClamD interface module
- Py-pycryptodome-test-vectors - Optional test vectors for PyCryptodome and PyCryptodomeX
- Py-pycryptodome - Cryptographic library for Python
- Py-pycryptodomex -
- Py-pycryptopp - Python Wrappers for the Crypto++ Library
- Py-pydeep - Python bindings for ssdeep
- Py-pyelliptic - Python OpenSSL wrapper
- Py-pyhanko-certvalidator - Validates X.509 certificates and paths
- Py-pyhanko - Tools for stamping and signing PDF files
- Py-pylibacl - Manipulate ACL with Python
- Py-pymacaroons-pynacl - Macaroon library for Python
- Py-pymacaroons - Macaroon library for Python
- Py-pynacl - Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography library
- Py-pyotp - Python One Time Password Library
- Py-pyotp2289 - Pure Python implementation of RFC-2289 - "A One-Time Password System"
- Py-pyptlib - Pluggable transport library
- Py-pysaml2 - Python implementation of SAML Version 2
- Py-pysaml24 - Python implementation of SAML Version 2
- Py-pysaml26 - Python implementation of SAML Version 2
- Py-pyscard - Smartcard module for Python
- Py-pysha3 - SHA-3 (Keccak) for Python
- Py-pysodium - Wrapper for libsodium providing high level crypto primitives
- Py-pyspnego - Windows Negotiate Authentication Client and Server
- Py-python-axolotl-curve25519 - Python wrapper for curve25519 with ed25519 signatures
- Py-python-axolotl - Python port of libaxolotl-android
- Py-python-gnupg - Python wrapper for the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG or GnuPG)
- Py-python-gvm - The Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python API library
- Py-python-jose - Client SDK for TIP API which require Authentication Tokens
- Py-python-nss - Python bindings for NSS and NSPR
- Py-python-openid - Python OpenID version
- Py-python-pam - Python PAM module
- Py-python-pkcs11 - PKCS\#11 (Cryptoki) support for Python
- Py-python-registry - Read access to Windows Registry files
- Py-python3-openid - Python 3 port of the python-openid library
- Py-python3-saml - Add SAML support to your Python software
- Py-pyvex - Python interface to libVEX and VEX IR
- Py-pywinrm - Python library for Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
- Py-requests-credssp - Authentication handler for using CredSSP with Python Requests
- Py-requests-kerberos - Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests
- Py-ropgadget - Tool to search gadgets to facilitate ROP exploitation
- Py-ropper - Find gadgets to build rop chains for different architectures
- Py-rsa - Pure-Python RSA implementation
- Py-safe - Python library to test password strength
- Py-scp - Scp module for paramiko
- Py-scramp - Pure-Python implementation of the SCRAM authentication protocol
- Py-scrypt - Bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library
- Py-secure - Adds security headers for python web frameworks
- Py-securesystemslib - Cryptographic and general-purpose routines
- Py-service_identity - Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL
- Py-signedjson - Sign JSON with Ed25519 signatures
- Py-slowaes - Implementation of AES in pure Python
- Py-social-auth-core - Social authentication/registration mechanism for several frameworks
- Py-spake2 - SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange (pure python)
- Py-ssh-audit - SSH server auditing
- Py-sshpubkeys - SSH public key parser
- Py-sslstrip - Python program for SSL stripping
- Py-sslyze - Fast and powerful SSL/TLS scanning library
- Py-stem - Python controller library for Tor
- Py-stix - Python library for parsing, manipulating, and generating STIX content
- Py-stix2-patterns - Python library to validate STIX 2 Patterns
- Py-stix2 - Python library to produce and consume STIX 2 JSON content
- Py-taxii2-client - Minimal client implementation for the TAXII 2.0 server
- Py-tinyaes - Tiny-AES-c wrapper in Python
- Py-tls-parser - Small library to parse TLS records
- Py-tlslite-ng - Pure python implementation of SSL and TLS
- Py-tlslite - Python module implementing SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1
- Py-trezor - Client side implementation for TREZOR Bitcoin hardware wallets
- Py-trustedpickle - TrustedPickle is a Python (de)Pickler with a way to verify the data
- Py-trustme - Top quality TLS certs while you wait, for the discerning tester
- Py-tuf - Framework for securing software update systems
- Py-twofish - Twofish cryptographic module for Python
- Py-txtorcon - Twisted-based Tor controller client
- Py-uhashring - Full featured consistent hashing python library
- Py-vici - Native Python interface for strongSwan's VICI protocol
- Py-virustotal-api - Virus Total Public/Private/Intel API
- Py-volatility - Advanced memory forensics framework
- Py-volatility3 - Advanced memory forensics framework
- Py-vpn-slice -
- Py-vulndb - Provides access to the vulndb information in Python
- Py-webauthn - WebAuthn Python module
- Py-xkcdpass - Password generator as in XKCD 936
- Py-xmlsec - Python bindings for XML Security Library
- Py-yara-python-dex - Prebuilt dex-enabled yara-python wheels
- Py-yara - Python bindings for yara
- Py-yubikey-manager - Python library and command line tool for configuring a YubiKey
- Py-zkg - Zeek NSM package manager
- - Principals and groups management for the pluggable authentication
- - Local Persistent Permissions for
- - Bootstrap subscriber and browser menu item for zope.principalannotation
- - ZMI Views For Zope3 Security Components
- - ZMI-based management views for zope.securitypolicy
- Py-zope.authentication - Definition of authentication basics for the Zope Framework
- Py-zope.login - Login helpers for zope.publisher / authentication
- Py-zope.password - Password encoding and checking utilities
- Py-zope.pluggableauth - Pluggable Authentication Utility
- Py-zope.principalannotation - Annotations for Zope Principals
- Py-zope.principalregistry - Global principal registry component for Zope3
- - Zope Security Framework
- Py-zope.securitypolicy - Default security policy for Zope3
- Py-zope.session - Client identification and sessions for Zope
- Py-zxcvbn - Realistic password strength estimator
- Pygost - Pure Python 2.7/3.x GOST cryptographic functions library
- Qtkeychain - Platform independent Qt API for storing passwords
- Quantis-kmod - Kernel driver for Quantis PCI/PCIe random number generator
- Racoon2 - Racoon2 IPsec daemon
- Ratproxy - Semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool
- Rats - Source code auditing tool
- Razorback-dispatcher - Framework for an intelligence driven security - Dispatcher
- Rcracki_mt - Rainbow table based crack tool
- Reop - Reasonable Expectation Of Privacy
- Revelation - Password manager for the GNOME 2 desktop
- Rhash - Utility and library for computing and checking of file hashes
- Rhonabwy - Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) library
- Ridl - Tool to check whether the system is affected by various attacks
- Rifiuti2 - Tool for analyzing Windows recycle bin
- Rkhunter - Rootkit detection tool
- Rndpassw - CLI password generator
- Rnp - RNP is a set of OpenPGP (RFC4880) tools
- Rotate -
- Ruby-camellia - Ruby extension library which implements Camellia encryption
- Rubygem-acme-client - Client for the ACME protocol
- Rubygem-aes_key_wrap - Ruby implementation of AES Key Wrap
- Rubygem-airbrussh - Replacement log formatter for SSHKit
- Rubygem-android_key_attestation - Android key attestation verification
- Rubygem-attr_encrypted - Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes
- Rubygem-bcrypt-ruby - Sophisticated and secure hash algorithm for passwords
- Rubygem-bcrypt - OpenBSD bcrypt password hashing algorithm
- Rubygem-bcrypt_pbkdf - This gem implements bcrypt_pdkfd
- Rubygem-cose - Ruby implementation of RFC 8152 CBOR Object Signing and Encryption
- Rubygem-cvss-suite - Ruby binding to process CVSS entries
- Rubygem-declarative_policy - Authorization framework with a declarative DSL
- Rubygem-devise-two-factor-rails5 - Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise
- Rubygem-devise-two-factor-rails61 - Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise
- Rubygem-devise-two-factor-rails70 - Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise
- Rubygem-devise-two-factor - Barebones two-factor authentication with Devise
- Rubygem-devise_pam_authenticatable2-rails61 - Devise PAM authentication module using rpam2
- Rubygem-devise_pam_authenticatable2 - Devise PAM authentication module using rpam2
- Rubygem-digest-crc - Adds support for CRC to the Digest module
- Rubygem-digest - Framework for message digest libraries
- Rubygem-doorkeeper-openid_connect - OpenID Connect extension for Doorkeeper
- Rubygem-doorkeeper-rails5 - OAuth2 provider for Rails and Grape
- Rubygem-doorkeeper-rails50 - OAuth2 provider for Rails and Grape
- Rubygem-doorkeeper-rails61 - OAuth2 provider for Rails and Grape
- Rubygem-doorkeeper - OAuth2 provider for Rails and Grape
- Rubygem-doorkeeper43 - Doorkeeper is an OAuth 2 provider for Rails and Grape
- Rubygem-duo_api - Ruby implementation of the Duo API
- Rubygem-ed25519 - Ruby binding to the Ed25519 (RFC 8032)
- Rubygem-encryptor - Wrapper for the standard ruby OpenSSL library
- Rubygem-ezcrypto - Wrapper for the poorly documented OpenSSL ruby library
- Rubygem-googleauth - Google Auth Library for Ruby
- Rubygem-gpgme - Ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME)
- Rubygem-gpgr - Very light interface to the command-line GPG tool
- Rubygem-gssapi - Ruby FFI Library wrapper for GSSAPI
- Rubygem-haiti-hash - Hash type identifier (CLI tool and library)
- Rubygem-hkdf - HMAC-based Key Derivation Function
- Rubygem-hkdf0 - HMAC-based Key Derivation Function
- Rubygem-hrr_rb_ssh-ed25519 -
- Rubygem-hrr_rb_ssh - Pure Ruby SSH 2.0 server implementation
- Rubygem-lockbox - Modern encryption for Rails
- Rubygem-metasploit-aggregator - Proxy for Meterpreter sessions
- Rubygem-metasploit-concern - Automatically include Modules from app/concerns
- Rubygem-metasploit-credential - Credential models for metasploit-framework and Metasploit Pro
- Rubygem-metasploit-model - Metasploit Model Mixins and Validators
- Rubygem-metasploit-payloads - Compiled binaries for Metasploit's Meterpreter
- Rubygem-metasploit_data_models - Database layer for Metasploit
- Rubygem-metasploit_payloads-mettle - Compiled binaries for Metasploit's next-gen Meterpreter
- Rubygem-nessus_rest - Communicate with Nessus Scanner over REST/JSON interface
- Rubygem-net-scp - Non-interactive SCP processing
- Rubygem-net-scp1 - Non-interactive SCP processing
- Rubygem-net-sftp - Implementation of the SFTP client protocol
- Rubygem-net-sftp2 - Implementation of the SFTP client protocol
- Rubygem-net-ssh-gateway - Establish NetSSH connections through firewalls
- Rubygem-net-ssh-krb - Add Kerberos authentication capabilities to NetSSH
- Rubygem-net-ssh-multi - SSH connection multiplexing library for Ruby
- Rubygem-net-ssh - Non-interactive SSH processing
- Rubygem-net-ssh5 - Non-interactive SSH processing
- Rubygem-net-ssh6 - Non-interactive SSH processing
- Rubygem-net-telnet - Provides telnet client functionality
- Rubygem-nexpose - Ruby API to Rapid7 Nexpose vulnerability management
- Rubygem-nmap-parser - Ruby interface to Nmap scan data
- Rubygem-omniauth-alicloud - Wrapper the AliCloud Oauth2 API
- Rubygem-omniauth-atlassian-oauth2 - Atlassian OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
- Rubygem-omniauth-bitbucket - OmniAuth strategy for Bitbucket
- Rubygem-omniauth-cas - Central Authentication Service (CAS) strategy for OmniAuth
- Rubygem-omniauth-dingtalk-oauth2 - Wrapper the DingTalk Oauth2 API
- Rubygem-omniauth-gitlab - OmniAuth strategy for GitLab
- Rubygem-omniauth-jwt - OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on
- Rubygem-omniauth-multipassword - OmniAuth strategy using different password strategies
- Rubygem-omniauth-oauth2-generic - Generic, Configurable OmniAuth Strategy for OAuth2 providers
- Rubygem-omniauth-rails_csrf_protection - Mitigation against CVE-2015-9284 for OmniAuth
- Rubygem-omniauth-saml - OmniAuth strategy for SAML
- Rubygem-omniauth-saml1 - OmniAuth strategy for SAML
- Rubygem-omniauth-shibboleth-redux - OmniAuth strategy for Shibboleth
- Rubygem-omniauth-shibboleth - OmniAuth Shibboleth strategies for OmniAuth 1.x
- Rubygem-omniauth - Generalized Rack framework for multiple-provider authentication
- Rubygem-omniauth1 - Generalized Rack framework for multiple-provider authentication
- Rubygem-openssl-ccm - Implementation of RFC 3610 - Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM)
- Rubygem-openssl-cmac - Implementation of RFC 4493, 4494, 4615 - AES-CMAC Algorithm
- Rubygem-openssl-signature_algorithm - ECDSA, RSA-PSS and RSA-PKCS for ruby
- Rubygem-openssl - Wrap the OpenSSL library
- Rubygem-openssl2 - Wrap the OpenSSL library
- Rubygem-openvas-omp - Communicate with OpenVAS manager through OMP
- Rubygem-origami - Ruby framework to parse analyze and forge PDF documents
- Rubygem-pbkdf2-ruby - Password Based Key Derivation Function 2 for Ruby
- Rubygem-pundit - Object oriented authorization for Rails applications
- Rubygem-pundit61 - Object oriented authorization for Rails applications
- Rubygem-pyu-ruby-sasl - Simple Authentication and Security Layer
- Rubygem-rack-oauth2 - OAuth 2.0 Server & Client Library
- Rubygem-rack-oauth21 - OAuth 2.0 Server & Client Library
- Rubygem-rasn1 - Pure ruby ASN.1 library
- Rubygem-razorback-scriptnugget - Framework for an intelligence driven security - Script Nugget Ruby
- Rubygem-rbnacl-libsodium - Port rbnacl with bundled libsodium
- Rubygem-rbnacl - Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
- Rubygem-recog - Framework for fingerprinting products
- Rubygem-rex-arch - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library with architecture specific information
- Rubygem-rex-bin_tools - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) Library for Binary Manipulation
- Rubygem-rex-core - Core libraries required for the Ruby Exploitation (Rex) Suite
- Rubygem-rex-encoder - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for various polymorphic encoders
- Rubygem-rex-exploitation - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for various exploitation helpers
- Rubygem-rex-java - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for parsing Java serialized streams
- Rubygem-rex-mime - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) methods for creating and parsing MIME messages
- Rubygem-rex-nop - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for NOP generation
- Rubygem-rex-ole - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for working with OLE files and streams
- Rubygem-rex-powershell - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for generating Powershell scripts
- Rubygem-rex-random_identifier - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for generating Random identifier
- Rubygem-rex-registry - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for parsing offline registry files
- Rubygem-rex-rop_builder - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for building ROP chains
- Rubygem-rex-socket - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) socket abstraction library
- Rubygem-rex-sslscan - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for scanning SSL/TLS capabilities
- Rubygem-rex-struct2 - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for creating and using C-like structs
- Rubygem-rex-text - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) methods for text manipulation and generation
- Rubygem-rex-zip - Ruby Exploitation(Rex) library for working with zip and related files
- Rubygem-roauth - Simple Ruby OAuth library
- Rubygem-rpam2 - PAM integration with ruby
- Rubygem-ruby-hmac - Common interface to HMAC functionality
- Rubygem-ruby-rc4 - Pure Ruby implementation of the RC4 algorithm
- Rubygem-ruby-saml - SAML toolkit for Ruby on Rails
- Rubygem-safety_net_attestation - SafetyNet attestation response verification
- Rubygem-scrypt - Scrypt key derivation function
- Rubygem-securecompare - Constant time string comparison
- Rubygem-securerandom - Interface for secure random number generator
- Rubygem-signet - OAuth 1.0 / OAuth 2.0 implementation
- Rubygem-six - Very simple authorization gem
- Rubygem-ssh_data - Library for parsing SSH certificates
- Rubygem-sshkey - Generate private/public SSH keypairs using pure Ruby
- Rubygem-sshkit - Toolkit for remotely running commands on groups of servers
- Rubygem-sslshake - Simulate SSL and TLD handshake
- Rubygem-ssrf_filter - Gem to prevent SSRF attacks
- Rubygem-timfel-krb5 - KRB5 for Ruby
- Rubygem-tpm-key_attestation - TPM Key Attestation verifier
- Rubygem-twitter_oauth - Twitter OAuth REST API client library for Ruby
- Rubygem-unix-crypt - UNIX crypt(3) algorithm using DES, MD5, SHA256 and SHA512
- Rubygem-vault - Ruby API client for interacting with a Vault server
- Rubygem-webauthn - WebAuthn ruby server library
- Rubygem-webpush - Encryption utilities for Web Push payload
- Rustscan - Faster Nmap Scanning with Rust
- S2n-tls - C99 implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols
- Safesh - Authentication manager for OpenSSH (making secure auth easier)
- Samhain-client - Client daemon for the Samhain IDS
- Samhain-server - Log server for the Samhain IDS
- Samhain - Samhain Intrusion Detection System
- Sancp - Network connection profiler
- Sandsifter - Processor fuzzer for x86 CPUs
- Sasp - Tool that permits to use a gateway whatever IP we have
- Scamp - Download & Install additional definition files for Clamav
- Scanhill - Microsoft Messenger Protocol Sniffer
- Scanlogd - TCP port scan detection tool
- Scrypt - Key Derivation Function
- Seahorse - GNOME application for managing encryption keys (PGP, SSH)
- Seal - Microsoft Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library
- Seccure - Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
- Seclists - Collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments
- Secpanel - GUI for managing and running ssh and related utilities
- Sectok - ISO 7816 Smartcard Utility
- Secure_delete - Secure data deletion toolkit
- Sedutil - Self Encrypting Drive utility
- Sequoia-sq - Sequoia-PGP command line tool
- Sequoia - Meta-port for Sequoia
- Setaudit - Tool to specify audit configurations on a process
- Sha1collisiondetection - Library and command line tool to detect SHA-1 collisions
- Sha2wordlist - Create SHA256 digests as PGP words
- Shibboleth-idp - Shibboleth Identity Provider (Internet2)
- Shibboleth-sp - C++ Shibboleth Service Provider (Internet2) for Apache
- Sig2dot - GPG/PGP Keyring Graph Generator
- Signify - Create and verify cryptographic signatures
- Signing-party - Various OpenPGP related tools
- Silktools - Tools for large-scale network capture analysis
- Sinfp - Full operating system stack fingerprinting suite
- Sks - Synchronizing Key Server, a fast OpenPGP keyserver
- Smurflog - Program to assist logging of smurf attacks
- Sniffglue - Secure multithreaded packet sniffer
- Snoopy - Log every executed command to syslog
- Snort-rep - Snort reporting tool that can produce text or HTML from logs
- Snort - Lightweight network intrusion detection system
- Snort2pfcd - Snort alert to pf blocker
- Snort3 - Lightweight network intrusion detection system
- Snortsam - Output plugin for Snort
- Snortsnarf - Generate HTML report summaries from snort incident alerts
- Snowflake-tor - Pluggable Transport using WebRTC inspired by Flashproxy
- Snuffleupagus - Security module for PHP
- Softether-devel - Softether VPN 4 (stable beta version)
- Softether - SoftEther VPN 4 (RTM version)
- Softether5 - SoftEther VPN 5 (Developer Edition)
- Softhsm2 - Software implementation of a Hardware Security Module (HSM)
- Solana - Web-scale blockchain for decentralized apps and marketplaces
- Sops - Editor of encrypted files that supports YAML, JSON and BINARY formats
- Spass-qt5 - Secure password generator with a true RNG (Qt5 GUI)
- Spass -
- Spectre-meltdown-checker - Checks your system for the speculative execution CVEs
- Spike-proxy - Tool looking for vulnerabilities in web applications
- Spm - Simple password manager
- Sqlmap - Automatic SQL injection tool
- Sqlninja - Sql Server exploit toolkit
- Srm - Secure rm, a utility which destroys file contents before unlinking
- Ssb - SSH Server Bruteforcer
- Ssdeep - Tool for computing context triggered piecewise hashes
- Ssh-import-id - Authorize SSH public keys from trusted online identities
- Ssh-multiadd - Tool to add multiple ssh keys to the authentication agent
- Ssh-tools - CLI tools that make SSH more convenient
- Ssh-vault - Encrypt/decrypt using ssh keys
- Ssh_askpass_gtk2 - Tiny GTK2 ssh askpass replacement
- Sshguard - Protect hosts from brute-force attacks against SSH and other services
- Sshpass - Non-interactive ssh password auth tool
- Ssl-admin - OpenSSL certificate manager with OpenVPN support
- Ssllabs-scan - Command-line tool to use the SSL Labs API
- Sslproxy - Transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception
- Sslscan - Fast SSL port scanner
- Sslsplit - Transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception
- Sssd-devel - System Security Services Daemon
- Sssd - System Security Services Daemon
- Ssss - Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
- Sst - Simple SSL tunneling tool (uses netcat)
- Starttls - Simple wrapper program for STARTTLS on ${EMACS_PORT_NAME}
- Steghide - Steganography tool to hide data in binary files
- Stegify - Steganography software
- Step-certificates - Smallstep step-ca certificates server
- Step-cli - Smallstep step-ca command line client
- Stoken - Software Token for UNIX compatible with RSA SecurID
- Strongswan - Open Source IKEv2 IPsec-based VPN solution
- Stunnel - SSL encryption wrapper for standard network daemons
- Subversion-gnome-keyring - Gnome Keyring integration for Version control system
- Subweb - SubWeb is a (reverse) proxy to inspect HTTP flows on the fly
- Sudo - Allow others to run commands as root
- Sudoscript - Audited shells in Perl with sudo(8) and script(1)
- Super - Allow others to run commands as root
- Suricata - High Performance Network IDS, IPS and Security Monitoring engine
- Suricata5 - High Performance Network IDS, IPS and Security Monitoring engine(v5)
- Swatch - The Simple WATCHer and filter
- Swatchdog - Simple log watcher formerly known as swatch
- Switzerland - Test the integrity of communications over networks and firewalls
- Tailscale - Mesh VPN that makes it easy to connect your devices
- Tang - Tang is a small daemon for binding data to the presence of a network
- Tclsasl - Tcl interface to the Cyrus SASLv2 library
- Tcpcrypt - TCPCrypt userland divert daemon
- Teleport - Centralized access gateway using the SSH protocol
- - Analyze and report TLS/SSL configuration/misconfiguration
- Tfhe - Fast Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) library over the Torus
- Tfsec - Security scanner for Terraform
- Theonionbox - Web interface to monitor Tor node operation
- Tinc-devel - Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
- Tinc - Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
- Tinyca - Simple graphical interface to manage a small Certification Authority
- Tls-check - Scan a list of domains for TLS-related compliance stats
- Tlsc - TLS connect daemon
- Tor-devel - Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
- Tor - Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
- Totp-cli - Authy/Google Authenticator like TOTP CLI tool
- Tpm-quote-tools - Tools for TPM-based remote attestation using the TPM quote operation
- Tpm-tools - Provides a basic set of TPM tools
- Tpm2-abrmd - TPM2 Access Broker & Resource Manager Deamon
- Tpm2-tools - TPM2 tools
- Tpm2-tss - TPM2 Software Stack core library
- Transcrypt - Transparently encrypt files within a git repository
- Trezord - TREZOR Communication Daemon aka TREZOR Bridge
- Tripwire - File system security and verification program
- Trousers - Open-source TCG Software Stack
- Tsshbatch - Batch SSH operations
- Tthsum - Command-line utility for generating and checking TTH message digests
- U2f-devd - Devd hotplug rules for Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) tokens
- Uacme - Lightweight C ACMEv2 client which uses external authenticators
- Ubuntu-keyring - GPG keys for Ubuntu package signature verification
- Umit - Nmap frontend developed with Python and PyGTK
- Unhide - Forensic tool to find hidden processes and TCP/UDP ports
- Unix-selfauth-helper - Local self-authentication for pam_exec
- Unssh - Fast way to delete entries from OpenSSH known_hosts file
- Vanguards-tor - Tor add-on to protect against guard discovery and related attacks
- Vault - Tool for securely accessing secrets
- Vaultwarden - Bitwarden compatible backend server
- Veracrypt - Open-source disk encryption software based on Truecrypt
- Vigenere - Vigenere cipher cryptography tool
- Vlock - Locks a terminal
- Vm-to-tor - Connect virtual machines to the tor network
- Vouch-proxy - SSO solution for Nginx using the auth_request module
- Vpnc - Client for Cisco 3000 VPN Concentrator
- Vuls - Agentless vulnerability scanner
- Vuxml - Vulnerability and eXposure Markup Language DTD
- Vxquery - VuXML Query Tool
- W3af - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework
- Wapiti - Vulnerability scanner for web applications
- Wazuh-agent - Security tool to monitor and check logs and intrusions (agent)
- Wazuh-dashboard - Web user interface for data visualization and analysis
- Wazuh-indexer - A highly scalable, full-text search and analytics engine
- Wazuh-manager - Security tool to monitor and check logs and intrusions (manager)
- Wazuh-server - Components for analyze the data received from the agents
- Webfwlog - Web-based firewall log analyzer
- Webtunnel-tor - Pluggable Transport attempting to imitate web browsing based on HTTPT
- Weggli - Semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases
- Whatweb - Tool to fingerprint web site components
- Wipe - File and block device wiping utility
- Wolfssh - Lightweight SSH Library
- Wolfssl - Embedded SSL C-Library
- Wpa_supplicant-devel - Supplicant (client) for WPA/802.1x protocols
- Wpa_supplicant - Supplicant (client) for WPA/802.1x protocols
- Wpa_supplicant29 - Supplicant (client) for WPA/802.1x protocols
- Xca - Graphical certification authority
- Xinetd - Replacement for inetd with better control and logging
- Xml-security - Java library for XML Signature and Encryption
- Xmlsec1 - XML Security Library
- Xorsearch - Search for a given string in an XOR or ROL encoded binary file
- Xray-core - Set of network penetration tools
- Xspy - Utility for monitoring keystrokes on remote X servers
- Yafic - Yet Another File Integrity Checker, similar to Tripwire
- Yapet - Curses based password manager
- Yara - Malware identification and classification tool
- Yersinia - Layer 2 vulnerability scanner (switches, spanning tree, 802.1q ...)
- Ykclient - Yubico C client library
- Ykpers - Library and tool for personalization of Yubico's YubiKey
- Ylva - Command line password manager and file encryption program
- Yubico-piv-tool - Yubico PIV tool
- Yubikey-agent - Seamless ssh-agent for YubiKeys
- Yubikey-manager-qt - Cross-platform application for configuring any YubiKey
- Yubikey-personalization-gui - Graphical YubiKey personalization tool
- Yubioath-desktop - GUI for displaying OATH codes with a Yubikey
- Zaproxy - The OWASP zed attack proxy
- Zeek - System for detecting network intruders in real-time
- Zenmap - GUI frontend for the Nmap scanning utility
- Zeronet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
- Zlint - X.509 certificate linter
- Zzuf - Transparent application input fuzzer
- Older
- Newer