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- Setting Up DHCP Server in FreeBSD
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Jul 20, 2023
- Gcc - GNU Compiler Collection
- R-cran-dbi - R Database Interface
- R-cran-rmysql - R interface to the MySQL database
- R-cran-rpostgresql - R Interface to the 'PostgreSQL' Database System
- R-cran-rsqlite - Database Interface R driver for SQLite
- R-cran-cachem - Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning
- R-cran-fastmap - Fast Implementation of a Key-Value Store
- R-cran-sqldf - SQL select on R data frames
- Wwwdb - Perl based generic WWW DB interface / frontend
- Adminer - Full-featured database management tool written in PHP
- Adodb5 - Database library for PHP
- Akonadi - Storage server for KDE-Pim
- Apache-commons-dbutils - JDBC helper library
- Arangodb32 - ArangoDB is a distributed NoSQL database with multiple data models
- Arangodb33 - ArangoDB is a distributed NoSQL database with multiple data models
- Arrow-glib - C API wrapper library for Arrow C++
- Arrow - Columnar in-memory analytics layer for big data
- Ateam_mysql57_ldap_auth - A-Team MySQL LDAP authentication plugin
- Autobackupmysql - Make daily, weekly, and monthly backups of your MySQL databases
- Automysqlbackup - Automatic MySQL Backup Tool
- Bbdb - Big Brother Database
- Beansdb - Yet another distributed key-value storage system from Douban Inc
- Buzhug - Pure-Python database engine
- C3p0 - Library for augmenting JDBC drivers with JNDI-bindable DataSources
- Cassandra-cpp-driver - DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra
- Cassandra3 - Highly scalable distributed database
- Cassandra4 - Highly scalable distributed database
- Casstcl - Tcl language interface to the Cassandra database
- Cayley - Open-source graph database
- Cdb - Fast lookup database library & utilities
- Cego - Relational and transactional database system
- Cegobridge - Imports non-cego database dump files into cego
- Clickhouse - Fast open-source OLAP database management system
- Closql-devel - Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
- Closql - Store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL
- Cockroach - Cloud-native SQL database that survive disasters
- Couchdb - Document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API
- Couchdb3 - JSON document database with HTTP API and scalable cluster mesh sync
- Courier-authlib-mysql - MySQL support for the Courier authentication library
- Courier-authlib-pgsql - PostgreSQL support for the Courier authentication library
- Courier-authlib-sqlite - SQLite support for the Courier authentication library
- Courier-authlib-userdb - Userdb support for the Courier authentication library
- Courier-authlib-usergdbm - Userdb support for the Courier authentication library
- Cppdb - Platform and database independent SQL connectivity library
- Credis - Library for communicating with Redis servers
- Cutelyst-asql - Qt async SQL library (for Postgres)
- Dalmp - Database Abstraction Layer for MySQL using PHP
- Datamodeler - Database modeling tool
- Datasette - Multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
- Db - Manipulate db(3)'s btree(3) and hash(3) databases - NetBSD port
- Db18 - Oracle Berkeley DB, Release ${BDBVER}
- Db48 - Berkeley DB package, revision 4.8
- Db5 - Oracle Berkeley DB, revision ${BDBVER}
- Db6 - Oracle Berkeley DB, revision ${BDBVER}
- Dbf - Show and convert the content of dBASE III, IV, and 5.0 files
- Dbh - Disk Based Hashtables
- Dbixx - Tiny C++ wrapper around libdbi for database and SQL connectivity
- Dbow - Database object generator for C, Perl, PHP, etc.
- Dbtool - Store and retrieve data in a key/value format in a hash database
- Dbview - View dBase III files
- Diesel - Extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust
- Duckdb - In-process SQL OLAP database management system
- Ejdb - Embeddable JSON database engine library
- Elixir-exredis - Redis client for Elixir
- Emacs-sqlite3-api - SQLite3 API for Emacs 25+
- Emacsql-devel - High-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end (Development Version)
- Emacsql - High-level Emacs Lisp RDBMS front-end
- Emma - Extendable MySQL managing assistant
- Erlfdb - FoundationDB client in Erlang via FDB C bindings
- Evolution-data-server - Data backends for the Evolution integrated mail/PIM suite
- Fastdb - Main Memory Relational Database Management System
- Firebird30-client - Firebird-3 database client
- Firebird30-server -
- Firebird40-client - Firebird-4 database client
- Firebird40-server -
- Fortytwo-bdb - Interface to Berkeley DB for GNUstep
- Foundationdb - Distributed, transactional key-value store
- Fpc-dblib - Free Pascal DB-Library and FreeTDS unit
- Fpc-fpindexer - Database indexer with database/flat file backend
- Fpc-gdbm - Free Pascal interface to the GNU database system
- Fpc-ibase - Free Pascal interface to interbase
- Fpc-mysql - Free Pascal interface to MySQL
- Fpc-odbc - Free Pascal interface to ODBC
- Fpc-oracle - Free Pascal interface to Oracle
- Fpc-postgres - Free Pascal interface to PostGreSQL
- Fpc-pxlib - Free Pascal unit to read various Paradox files
- Fpc-sqlite - Free Pascal interface to SQLite
- Frece - Maintain a database sorted by frecency (frequency + recency)
- Freetds-devel - Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library - nightly snapshot
- Freetds - Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
- Frontbase-jdbc - The Java JDBC implementation for FrontBase
- Gadfly - SQL database written in Python
- Galera - Synchronous multi-master replication engine
- Galera26 - Synchronous multi-master replication engine
- Gdbm - GNU database manager
- Geoserver-mysql-plugin - MySQL DataStore implementation for GeoServer
- Gigabase - Object-Relational Database Management System
- Gmdb2 - Official GUI for mdbtools
- Gnats4 - GNATS, the GNU Problem Report Management System
- Gnatsweb4 - Gnatsweb, a GNATS web interface
- Go-carbon -
- Go-pgweb - Web-based database browser for PostgreSQL
- Gobang - Cross-platform TUI database management tool written in Rust
- Gom - GObject Data Mapper
- Gqlplus - SQL*PLUS with commandline editing, history, and name completion
- Grass7 - Open source Geographical Information System (GIS)
- Grass8 - Open source Geographical Information System (GIS)
- Hamsterdb - Lightweight Embedded Database Engine
- Hashtypes - Hash data types for PostgreSQL
- Hiredis - Minimalistic C client library for the Redis database
- Hsqldb - Embeddable SQL database written in Java
- Immudb - Database with built-in cryptographic proof and verification
- Imposm3 - Imposm imports OpenStreetMap data into PostGIS
- Influxdb - Open-source distributed time series database
- Influxdb2-cli - CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2
- Innotop - MySQL and InnoDB monitoring program
- Iowow - Persistent key-value database engine
- Ip4r - IP address and IP range index types for PostgreSQL
- Ipa_sdb - IPA simple database module
- Iplike - C implementation of the OpenNMS iplike stored procedure
- Isql-viewer - JDBC 2.x compliant database front end
- Jdb - JDB manipulates flat-ASCII databases from shell scripts
- Jdbc-oracle11g - JDBC drivers for Oracle 11g
- Jetbrains-datagrip - JetBrains DataGrip IDE for your Databases
- Jlog - Journaled log library
- Jrobin - Pure Java alternative to RRDTool
- Jrrd - Java native interface (JNI) to RRDtool
- Kbibtex - Bibliography editor for KDE
- Kdb -
- Kexi -
- Kyotocabinet - Straightforward implementation of DBM
- Kyototycoon - Handy cache/storage server
- Ldb -
- Ldb12 -
- Ldb13 -
- Ldb14 -
- Ldb15 -
- Ldb20 -
- Ldb21 -
- Ldb22 -
- Leo_center - LeoFS Web console
- Leofs - Highly scalable, fault-tolerant distributed file system
- Leveldb - Fast and lightweight key/value database library by Google
- Libcouchbase - Multithreaded noSQL database (client and library)
- Libdbi-drivers - Drivers for libdbi
- Libdbi - Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
- Libdrizzle-redux - Client and protocol library for the Drizzle database
- Libdrizzle - Client and protocol library for the Drizzle database
- Libgda5-jdbc - Provides Java DB Connector backend for the libgda5 library
- Libgda5-ldap - Provides ldap access for the libgda5 library
- Libgda5-mysql - Provides mysql backend for the libgda5 library
- Libgda5-postgresql - Provides postgresql access for the libgda5 library
- Libgda5-ui - The libgda 5 ui library
- Libgda5 -
- Libgdamm5 - C++ wrapper for libgda5 library
- Libhsclient - Client Library of HandlerSocket Plugin
- Libiodbc - ODBC 3.x driver manager, for universal data source access
- Libmemcache - C library for accessing a memcache cluster
- Libmemcached - C/C++ client library and tools for the memcached server
- Libmongo-client - Alternative C driver for MongoDB
- Libmongocrypt - MongoDB companion C library for client side encryption in drivers
- Libmswstr - Read and parse mdb file indices
- Libnvpair - Illumos name-value pair library
- Libodbc++ - C++ class library and toolset for ODBC access to data sources
- Libpbl - Peter Graf's Program Base Library
- Libpg_query - C library for accessing the PostgreSQL parser outside of the server
- Libpqtypes - Extension to libpq parameter handling
- Libsdb - Simple database library
- Libzdb - Thread-safe connection pool library
- Linux-c6-sqlite3 - Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-sqlite3 - Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-unixodbc - Complete ODBC driver manager (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-oracle-instantclient-basic -
- Linux-oracle-instantclient-sdk - Oracle 10 InstantClient SDK. Works with Oracle RDBMS 8.1.2+
- Linux-oracle-instantclient-sqlplus -
- Liquibase - Database Change Management
- Litestream - Standalone streaming replication tool for SQLite
- Lmdb - OpenLDAP Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
- Lua-lsqlite3 - Lua wrapper for SQLite3 library
- Lua-pgsql - Lua binding for PostgreSQL
- Lua-resty-redis - Redis client driver for the ngx_lua nginx module
- Lua-xapian - Lua binding for Xapian
- Luadbi - Multi-backend SQL database library for Lua
- Luasql-firebird -
- Luasql-mysql - Lua interface to Firebird
- Luasql-odbc -
- Luasql-postgres -
- Luasql-sqlite3 -
- Mantis - Bug tracking system written in PHP
- Mariadb-connector-c - MariaDB database connector for C
- Mariadb-connector-odbc - MariaDB database connector for odbc
- Mariadb101-client - Multithreaded SQL database (client)
- Mariadb101-server -
- Mariadb1011-client - Multithreaded SQL database (client)
- Mariadb1011-server -
- Mariadb102-client - Multithreaded SQL database (client)
- Mariadb102-server -
- Mariadb105-client - Multithreaded SQL database (client)
- Mariadb105-server -
- Mariadb106-client - Multithreaded SQL database (client)
- Mariadb106-server -
- Mariadb55-client - Multithreaded SQL database (client)
- Mariadb55-server -
- Mdbtools - Utilities and libraries to export data from MS Access databases (.mdb)
- Mdbx - Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (Extended)
- Mdcached - High performance cache server similar to memcached
- Memcached - High-performance distributed memory object cache system
- Memcacheq - Simple queue service over Memcache
- Metabase - Simple and powerful analytics tool that supports multiple data stores
- Metakit - C++ embedded database engine with Python and Tcl support
- Monetdb - Multithreaded "column-oriented" SQL databasee
- Mongodb-tools - Tools for MongoDB 4.4.x and up
- Mongodb34-tools - Tools for MongoDB
- Mongodb34 - Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database
- Mongodb42-tools - Tools for MongoDB 4.2.x
- Mongodb42 - Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database (4.2.x Branch)
- Mongodb44 - Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database (4.4.x Branch)
- Mongodb50 - Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database (5.0.x Branch)
- Mongodb60 - Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database (6.0.x Branch)
- Mongodb70 - Distributed document-oriented "NoSQL" database (7.0.x Branch)
- Movine - Database migration manager written in Rust
- Mroonga - Open-source fulltext search engine for MySQL
- Mtools-mongodb - Setup test environments; parse, filter and visualize MongoDB log files
- Mtop - MySQL Monitoring Tool
- Mydbf2mysql - Flexible tool for DBF import into MySQL
- Mydumper - MySQL Data Dumper
- Mysql++ - C++ wrapper for the MySQL and MariaDB C APIs
- Mysql++1 - Complex C++ API for MySQL${MYSQL_VER}
- Mysql++3 - Complex C++ API for MySQL${MYSQL_VER}
- Mysql-connector-c++ - MySQL database connector for C++
- Mysql-connector-java - MySQL Connector/J JDBC interface for MySQL
- Mysql-connector-java51 - MySQL Connector/J JDBC interface for MySQL
- Mysql-connector-odbc-80 - ODBC driver for MySQL${MYSQL_VER} / ${DRIVER_MANAGER}
- Mysql-udf - Set of user-defined functions for the MySQL server
- Mysql2odbc - Openlink MySQL-ODBC Gateway
- Mysql2pgsql - Convert a MySQL dump to a PostgreSQL dump
- Mysql57-client - Multithreaded SQL database (client)
- Mysql57-server -
- Mysql80-client - Multithreaded SQL database (client)
- Mysql80-server -
- Mysqlbackup - Creates MySQL backups on a periodic basis
- Mysqldump-secure - Simple tool for dumping/backing up MySQL and MariaDB databases
- Mysqlidxchk - Checks MySQL databases/tables for unused indexes
- Mysqlreport - Mysqlreport makes a friendly report of important MySQL status values
- Mysqlsla - Mysqlsla analyzes general, slow, and raw MySQL statement logs
- Mysqltcl - TCL module for accessing MySQL databases based on msqltcl
- Mysqltuner - Assist you with MySQL Configuration
- Mysqlwsrep57-server - MySQL database enhanced with Galera replication (server package)
- Mytop - Top clone for MySQL
- Nagios-check_mongodb - Nagios plugin to check mongodb server
- Nagios-check_postgres_replication - Nagios plugin to check the lag between a postgresql replica and master
- Nagios-check_redis - Nagios plugin to check redis server
- Namazu2 - Full-text search system intended for easy use
- Nanodbc - Small C++ wrapper for the native C ODBC API
- Neo4j - High performance graph store and database
- Ntdb -
- Ocaml-dbm - OCaml binding to the NDBM and GDBM database library
- Ocaml-mysql - OCaml bindings to libmysqlclient
- Ocaml-sqlite3 - OCaml bindings to sqlite3 library
- Octosql - OctoSQL is a query tool for databases, file formats, etc
- Odbc-cpp-wrapper - Object-oriented C++-wrapper of the ODBC API
- Ods2sql - Create SQLite3 database from ODS spreadsheet
- Openark-kit - Common utilities for MySQL
- Opendbviewer - Simple database explorer
- Opendbx - C library for accessing databases with a single API
- Ora2pg - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
- Oracle8-client - Oracle 8 client
- P5-amazon-simpledb - Low-level perlish interface for working with Amazon SimpleDB service
- P5-amon2-dbi - Perl extension of simple DBI wrapper
- P5-anyevent-bdb - Truly asynchronous Berkeley DB access
- P5-anyevent-couchdb - Non-blocking CouchDB client based on jquery.couch.js
- P5-anyevent-dbd-pg - Perl extension for AnyEvent interface to DBDPg async interface
- P5-anyevent-memcached - AnyEvent memcached client
- P5-anyevent-redis - Non-blocking Redis client written in Perl
- P5-app-sqitch - Sensible database change management
- P5-asciidb-tagfile - Perl tie class for a simple ASCII database
- P5-bdb - Asynchronous Berkeley DB access
- P5-bson-xs - XS implementation of MongoDB BSON serialization
- P5-bson - Pure Perl implementation of MongoDB BSON serialization
- P5-berkeleydb - Perl5 interface to the Berkeley DB package
- P5-bucardo - Asynchronous PostgreSQL replication system
- P5-cdb_file-generator - Generate massive sorted CDB files simply
- P5-cdb_file - Perl5 interface to the CDB package
- P5-cgi-session-driver-memcached - Perl extension for persistent session data in CGI applications
- P5-chi-driver-memcached - Memcached Driver to use with the Cache Handling Interface CHI
- P5-chi-driver-redis - Redis driver for CHI
- P5-chi-driver-tokyotyrant - TokyoTyrant Driver to use with the Cache Handling Interface CHI
- P5-cache-bdb - Object caching wrapper around BerkeleyDB
- P5-cache-memcached-fast - Fast Perl client for memcached, a distributed memory cache daemon
- P5-cache-memcached-managed - Provide API for managing cached information
- P5-cache-memcached-xs - Client library for memcached using libmemcache
- P5-cache-memcached-libmemcached - CacheMemcached compatible interface to libmemcached
- P5-cache-memcached - Perl API for memcached, a distributed memory cache daemon
- P5-class-dbi-abstractsearch - Abstract ClassDBI SQL with SQLAbstract
- P5-class-dbi-asform - Produce HTML form elements for database columns
- P5-class-dbi-autoloader - Generates ClassDBI subclasses dynamically
- P5-class-dbi-basedsn - DSN sensitive base class
- P5-class-dbi-data-schema - Execute ClassDBI SQL from DATA sections
- P5-class-dbi-ddl - DDL for Class-DBI
- P5-class-dbi-fromcgi - Update ClassDBI data using CGIUntaint
- P5-class-dbi-lazyinflate - Defer inflating of columns until they are used
- P5-class-dbi-loader-relationship - Easier relationship specification in CDBIL
- P5-class-dbi-loader - Dynamic definition of ClassDBI sub classes
- P5-class-dbi-oracle - Extensions to ClassDBI for Oracle
- P5-class-dbi-pager - Pager utility for ClassDBI
- P5-class-dbi-pg - Extensions to ClassDBI for PostgreSQL
- P5-class-dbi-plugin-abstractcount - Get COUNT(*) results with abstract SQL
- P5-class-dbi-plugin-deepabstractsearch - Provides deep_search_where() for ClassDBI
- P5-class-dbi-plugin-iterator - New iterator for p5-Class-DBI
- P5-class-dbi-plugin-pager - Perl extension to paged queries for CDBI
- P5-class-dbi-plugin-retrieveall - More complex retrieve_all() for ClassDBI
- P5-class-dbi-plugin-senna - Add Instant Fulltext Search Capability With Senna to ClassDBI
- P5-class-dbi-plugin-type - Determine type information for columns
- P5-class-dbi-plugin - Abstract base class for ClassDBI plugins
- P5-class-dbi-replication - ClassDBI for replicated database
- P5-class-dbi-sak - ClassDBI Swiss Army Knife (SAK)
- P5-class-dbi-sqlite - Extension to ClassDBI for sqlite
- P5-class-dbi-sweet - Extra sweet features for ClassDBI
- P5-class-dbi-tosax - Extension to ClassDBI for sqlite
- P5-class-dbi-untaint - ClassDBI constraints using CGIUntaint
- P5-class-dbi-mysql - Extensions to ClassDBI for MySQL
- P5-class-dbi - Simple Database Abstraction
- P5-class-inflate - Inflate HASH Object from Values in Database
- P5-couchdb-view - Handle and create CouchDB views in Perl
- P5-dbd-anydata - DBI access to XML, CSV, and other formats
- P5-dbd-csv - DBI driver for CSV files
- P5-dbd-excel - Class for DBI drivers that acts on Excel files
- P5-dbd-google - Treat Google as a datasource for DBI
- P5-dbd-interbase - DBI driver for InterBase/Firebird/Yaffil RDBMS server
- P5-dbd-ldap - DBI interface for accessing LDAP servers
- P5-dbd-mariadb -
- P5-dbd-mock - Simple mock DBD implementation used for testing
- P5-dbd-multi - Manage Multiple Data Sources with Failover and Load Balancing
- P5-dbd-odbc - DBD module interfacing the ODBC databases
- P5-dbd-oracle - DBI driver for Oracle RDBMS server
- P5-dbd-pg - Provides access to PostgreSQL databases through the DBI
- P5-dbd-pglite - PostgreSQL emulation mode for SQLite
- P5-dbd-pgpp - Pure Perl PostgreSQL driver for the DBI
- P5-dbd-sqlite - Provides access to SQLite3 databases through the DBI
- P5-dbd-sqlite2 - Provides access to SQLite2 databases through the DBI
- P5-dbd-sybase - Sybase DBI driver for Perl 5
- P5-dbd-xbase - Provides access to XBase (dBase, Fox*) database files through DBI
- P5-dbd-cego - Cego DBI driver for Perl 5
- P5-dbd-mysql - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
- P5-dbi-shell - Interactive command shell for the DBI
- P5-dbi - Perl5 Database Interface, required for DBD* modules
- P5-dbicx-deploy - Perl 5 module to deploy a DBIxClass schema
- P5-dbicx-mapmaker - Perl 5 module to automatically create a DBIxClass mapping table
- P5-dbicx-sugar - Just some syntax sugar for DBIxClass
- P5-dbicx-testdatabase - Module to create temporary database from a DBIxClassSchema
- P5-dbicx-txninsert - Wrap all inserts into transaction
- P5-dbiwrapper - Perl extension for generic DBI database access
- P5-dbix-abstract - Perl module for DBI SQL abstraction
- P5-dbix-admin-createtable - Create and drop tables, primary indexes, and sequences
- P5-dbix-admin-dsnmanager - Manage a file of DSNs, for both testing and production
- P5-dbix-admin-tableinfo - Wrapper for all of table_info(), column_info(), *_key_info()
- P5-dbix-anydbd - DBD independent class
- P5-dbix-browse - Perl extension to browse tables
- P5-dbix-class-asfdat - Perl extension like CDBIPluginAsFdat
- P5-dbix-class-auditlog - Simple activity audit logging for DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class-bitfield - Store multiple boolean fields in one integer field
- P5-dbix-class-candy - Sugar for your favorite ORM, DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class-cursor-cached - Cursor class with built-in caching support
- P5-dbix-class-customprefetch - Custom prefetches for DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class-datetime-epoch - Automatic inflation/deflation of epoch-based DateTime objects
- P5-dbix-class-deploymenthandler - Perl extension for extensible DBIxClass deployment
- P5-dbix-class-digestcolumns - Automatic digest columns
- P5-dbix-class-dynamicdefault - Automatically set and update fields
- P5-dbix-class-dynamicsubclass - Use dynamic subclassing with DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class-encodecolumns - Handle column encodings
- P5-dbix-class-encodedcolumn - Automatically encode columns
- P5-dbix-class-fixtures - Perl extension to use fixtures with DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class-frozencolumns - Store virtual columns inside another column
- P5-dbix-class-helpers - Simplify the common case stuff for DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class-inflatecolumn-authen-passphrase - Inflate/deflate columns to AuthenPassphrase instances
- P5-dbix-class-inflatecolumn-fs - Perl extension to {in,de}flate columns to PathClassFile objects
- P5-dbix-class-inflatecolumn-ip - Component to auto-create NetAddrIP objects from columns
- P5-dbix-class-inflatecolumn-serializer - Inflators to serialize data structures for DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class-introspectablem2m - Introspect many-to-many shortcuts
- P5-dbix-class-loader - Dynamic definition of DBIxClass sub classes
- P5-dbix-class-migration - Perl extension to make migrating your DBIxClass databases easier
- P5-dbix-class-moosecolumns - Allow write DBIC add_column definitions as attribute options
- P5-dbix-class-passphrasecolumn - Automatically hash password/passphrase columns
- P5-dbix-class-querylog - Log queries for later analysis
- P5-dbix-class-queryprofiler - DBIxClass profiler
- P5-dbix-class-resultset-hashref - Adds syntactic sugar to skip the fancy objects
- P5-dbix-class-resultset-recursiveupdate - Like update_or_create - but recursive
- P5-dbix-class-schema-config - Credential Management for DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class-schema-loader - Dynamic definition of a DBIxClassSchema
- P5-dbix-class-schema-populatemore - Enhanced populate method
- P5-dbix-class-storage-txnendhook - Transaction hook provider for DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class-timestamp - DBIxClass extension to handle date and time based fields
- P5-dbix-class-tree-nestedset - Perl extension to manage trees of data using the nested set model
- P5-dbix-class-tree - Perl extension to manipulate and analyze tree structured data
- P5-dbix-class-uuidcolumns - Perl module implementing implicit UUID columns
- P5-dbix-class-virtualcolumns - Add virtual columns to DBIxClass schemata
- P5-dbix-class-webform - CRUD methods for DBIxClass
- P5-dbix-class - Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
- P5-dbix-connector - Perl extension for fast, safe DBI connection management
- P5-dbix-contextualfetch - Add contextual fetches to DBI
- P5-dbix-custom - Customizable DBI
- P5-dbix-dbhresolver - Perl extension to resolve DB connection with many database servers
- P5-dbix-dbschema - OO-interface to database schemas
- P5-dbix-datasource - Database-independent create and drop functions
- P5-dbix-disconnectall - Disconnect all databases
- P5-dbix-dump - Module for dumping database (DBI) data into a variety of formats
- P5-dbix-ease - Less-code DBI interactions for all drivers
- P5-dbix-ha - High Availability package for DBI
- P5-dbix-handler - Fork-safe and easy transaction handling DBI handler
- P5-dbix-inspector - Perl extension to get information from $dbh
- P5-dbix-introspector - Detect what database you are connected to
- P5-dbix-lite - Chained and minimal ORM
- P5-dbix-log4perl - For DBI to selectively log SQL, parameters, result-sets, transactions
- P5-dbix-mysqlsequence - Proper and correct (emulated) sequence support for MySQL
- P5-dbix-nosql - NoSQL-ish overlay for an SQL database
- P5-dbix-password - Allows you to create a global password file for DB passwords
- P5-dbix-perlish - Perlish interface to SQL databases
- P5-dbix-querylog - Perl extension for logging queries for DBI
- P5-dbix-quickdb - Quickly start a db server
- P5-dbix-recordset - Perl module for abstraction and simplification of database access
- P5-dbix-retryoverdisconnects - Keeps database connection persistent
- P5-dbix-sqlengine - Extends DBI with high-level operations
- P5-dbix-sqlite-simple - Easy access to SQLite databases using objects
- P5-dbix-safe - Safer access to your database through a DBI database handle
- P5-dbix-searchbuilder - Perl extension for easy SQL SELECT Statement generation
- P5-dbix-sequence - Simple SQL92 ID generator in Perl
- P5-dbix-simple - Simplified object oriented interface to Perl DBI
- P5-dbix-skinny-inflatecolumn-datetime - Perl extension to inflate/deflate DateTime for DBIxSkinny
- P5-dbix-skinny-mixin-dbhresolver - Perl extension of DBIxDBHResolver mixin for DBIxSkinny
- P5-dbix-skinny-pager - Perl extension of resultset pager for DBIxSkinny
- P5-dbix-skinny-schema-loader - Perl extension to load schema for DBIxSkinny
- P5-dbix-skinny - Perl extension for simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper
- P5-dbix-sunny - Simple DBI wrapper supports SQLite and MySQL
- P5-dbix-tablehash - Tie a hash to a MySQL table plus SQL utilities
- P5-dbix-tracer - Easy tracer for DBI
- P5-dbix-transactionmanager - Perl extension for database transaction handling
- P5-dbix-tree - Perl module for generating a tree from a self-referential table
- P5-dbix-versionedddl - Upgrade and downgrade database schemas to a specified version
- P5-dbix-wrapper - Wrapper around Perl's DBI module
- P5-dbix-xhtml_table - Create XHTML tables from SQL queries
- P5-dbix-xml_rdb - Perl extension for creating XML from existing DBI datasources
- P5-dbm-deep - Pure perl persistent multi-level hash/array DBM
- P5-dmoz-parserdf - Parse the gigantic content file into smaller parts
- P5-dr-tarantool - Perl driver for Tarantool
- P5-dwh_file - Store deep and wide hashes in single level tied hash
- P5-dancer-plugin-dbic - DBIxClass interface for Dancer applications
- P5-dancer-plugin-database-core - Shared core for D1 and D2 Database plugins
- P5-dancer-plugin-database - Easy database connections for Dancer applications
- P5-dancer-plugin-redis - Redis database connector for Dancer
- P5-dancer-session-memcached - Memcached-based session backend for Dancer
- P5-dancer2-plugin-dbic - DBIxClass interface for Dancer2 applications
- P5-dancer2-plugin-database - Easy database connections for Dancer2 applications
- P5-dancer2-session-dbic - DBIxClass based session engine for Dancer2
- P5-data-page - Pager utility for ClassDBI
- P5-data-pageset - Page numbering and page sets
- P5-exception-class-dbi - DBI Exception objects
- P5-file-locate - Search the locate(1)-database from Perl
- P5-gdbm - GNU Data Base Manager (gdbm) interface
- P5-genezzo - Extensible database with SQL and DBI
- P5-gitddl-migrator - Perl extension to extended p5-GitDDL
- P5-gitddl - Perl extension for database migration utility by git managed sql
- P5-graphviz-dbi - Perl module for graph database tables and relations
- P5-html-formhandler-model-dbic - Model class for FormHandler unsing DBIxClass
- P5-ima-dbi - Database connection caching and organization
- P5-interchange6-schema - Database Schema for Interchange 6
- P5-iterator-dbi - Iterator for returning DBI query results
- P5-jifty-dbi - Object-relational persistence Perl framework
- P5-kyotocabinet - Perl extension for KyotoCabinet
- P5-lmdb_file - Perl wrapper around the OpenLDAP's LMDB
- P5-mldbm-sync - Safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases from Perl
- P5-mldbm - Store multi-level hash structure in single level tied hash
- P5-mr-tarantool - Driver for an efficient Tarantool/Box NoSQL in-memory storage
- P5-mango - Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver
- P5-memcached-libmemcached - Thin fast full interface to the libmemcached client API
- P5-metadata - Perl implementation of Dublin Core compatible metadata
- P5-mojo-pg - PostgreSQL integration for p5-Mojolicious
- P5-mongodb - Mongo Driver for Perl
- P5-mongoose - MongoDB document to Moose object mapper
- P5-mysql-diff - Perl module for comparing the table structure of two MySQL databases
- P5-net-async-cassandracql - Use Cassandra databases with IOAsync using CQL
- P5-orlite-migrate - Light weight SQLite-specific schema migration
- P5-orlite - Perl5 extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM
- P5-oryx - Meta-Model Driven Object Persistance with Multiple Inheritance
- P5-poe-component-dbiagent - POE Component for running asynchronous DBI calls
- P5-poe-component-easydbi - POE Component for simplified DBI usage
- P5-poe-component-ladbi - Perl extension for asynchronous non-blocking DBI calls in POE
- P5-poe-component-rrdtool - POE interface to Round Robin Database Tools
- P5-pg - Interface for using perl5 to access PostgreSQL databases
- P5-postgresql-plperl-call - Simple interface for calling SQL functions from PostgreSQL PL/Perl
- P5-postgresql-plperl-trace - Simple way to trace execution of Perl statements in PL/Perl
- P5-prophet - Distributed database system
- P5-protocol-cassandracql - Wire protocol support functions for Cassandra CQL3
- P5-rrd-simple - Simple interface to create and store data in RRD files
- P5-redis-fast - Perl binding for Redis database
- P5-redis-jobqueue - Job queue management implemented using Redis server
- P5-redis-ratelimit - Sliding window rate limiting with Redis
- P5-redis-hiredis - Simple wrapper around hiredis C client
- P5-redis - Perl binding for Redis database
- P5-redisdb-parser - Perl extension for Redis protocol parser
- P5-redisdb - Perl extension to access redis database
- P5-relations-query - Object for building queries with DBI/DBDmysql
- P5-relations - Functions to Use with Databases and Queries
- P5-resourcepool-resource-dbi - Resource pool wrapper for DBI Perl module
- P5-rose-db-object - Extensible, high performance RDBMS-OO mapper
- P5-rose-db - DBI wrapper and abstraction layer
- P5-rose-dbx-object-morehelpers - Perl 5 module to deploy a DBIxClass schema
- P5-rose-dbx-object-renderer - Web UI Rendering for RoseDBObject
- P5-sql-abstract-classic - Generate SQL from Perl data structures
- P5-sql-abstract-limit - SQL Portability layer for LIMIT emulation
- P5-sql-abstract-more - Extension of SQLAbstract with more constructs and more flexible API
- P5-sql-abstract-pg - PostgreSQL features for SQLAbstract
- P5-sql-abstract-plugin-insertmulti - Perl extension to add bulk insert for SQLAbstract
- P5-sql-abstract - Perl extension to generate SQL from Perl data structures
- P5-sql-interp - Interpolate Perl variables into SQL with DBI
- P5-sql-maker - Perl extension for yet another SQL builder
- P5-sql-namedplaceholder - Extension of placeholder
- P5-sql-reservedwords - Reserved SQL words by ANSI/ISO
- P5-sql-statement - Perl5 module for SQL parsing and processing
- P5-sql-translator - Manipulate structured data definitions (SQL and more)
- P5-sqlite-work - Report on and update an SQLite database
- P5-scope-container-dbi - DB connection manager with ScopeContainer
- P5-search-invertedindex - Manager for inverted index maps
- P5-search-namazu - Namazu library module for perl
- P5-search-xapian - Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library
- P5-search-xapian10 - Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library
- P5-search-xapian12 - Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library
- P5-store-couchdb - Perl interface to Apache CouchDB
- P5-t2 - Object Relational mapping system
- P5-tangram - Orthogonal Object Persistence in Relational Databases
- P5-template-dbi - Template interface to the DBI Perl module
- P5-teng - Perl extension for simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper
- P5-test-cukes - BBD test tool inspired by Cucumber
- P5-test-database - Database handles ready for testing
- P5-test-databaserow - Simple database tests
- P5-test-fixture-dbi - Perl extension to load fixture data into database
- P5-test-mysqld - Perl extension for mysqld test runner
- P5-test-postgresql - Perl extension of postgresql runner for tests
- P5-text-query-sql - Text-Query-SQL provides query builders for SQL databases
- P5-text-xsv - Read character separated files
- P5-tie-dbi - Perl module implementing Tie hash to a DBI handle
- P5-tie-leveldb - Perl Interface to the Google LevelDB NoSQL database
- P5-time-piece-mysql - MySQL-specific methods for TimePiece Perl module
- P5-tokyocabinet - Perl extension for TokyoCabinet
- P5-xapian - Perl binding for Xapian
- P5-mysql-genocide - Parallel operation on MySQL processlist
- P5-tokyotyrant - Perl5 interface to the TokyoTyrant
- Pear-db - PEAR Database Abstraction Layer
- Pear-dba - Berkely-style database abstraction class
- Pear-dba_relational - Berkely-style database abstraction class
- Pear-db_dataobject - SQL Builder, Object Interface to Database Tables
- Pear-db_dataobject_formbuilder - Automatically build HTML_QuickForm objects using DB_DataObject
- Pear-db_pager - PEAR Database Abstraction Layer
- Pear-db_querytool - PEAR OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB
- Pear-db_sqlite_tools - Object-oriented interface to backup SQLite databases
- Pear-db_table - PEAR object-oriented interface to a database table
- Pear-db_ldap - PEAR DB compliant interface to LDAP servers
- Pear-db_ldap2 - PEAR DB compliant interface to LDAP v2 and v3 database
- Pear-doctrinecommon - Shared code for Doctrine PHP object relational mapper
- Pear-doctrinedbal - Database abstraction layer used to power the ORM package
- Pear-doctrineorm - Primary package containing the Doctrine ORM
- Pear-horde_db - Horde Database Libraries
- Pear-horde_hashtable - Horde Hash Table Interface
- Pear-horde_imsp - Horde IMSP API
- Pear-horde_memcache - Horde Memcache API
- Pear-horde_mongo - Horde Mongo Configuration
- Pear-mdb - PEAR unified API for DB access, based on user meta data
- Pear-mdb2 - PEAR database abstraction layer
- Pear-mdb2_driver_mysql - PEAR MySQL MDB2 driver
- Pear-mdb2_driver_mysqli - PEAR MySQL MDB2 driver
- Pear-mdb2_driver_pgsql - PEAR pgsql MDB2 driver
- Pear-mdb2_schema - PEAR XML based database schema manager
- Pear-mdb_querytool - PEAR OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB
- Pear-structures_datagrid_datasource_array - DataSource driver using arrays
- Pear-structures_datagrid_datasource_csv - DataSource driver using CSV files
- Pear-structures_datagrid_datasource_db - DB datasource driver for pear-Structures_DataGrid
- Pear-structures_datagrid_datasource_dbquery - DataSource driver using PEARDB and an SQL query
- Pear-structures_datagrid_datasource_dbtable - DataSource driver using PEARDB_Table
- Pear-structures_datagrid_datasource_dataobject - DataSource driver using PEARDB_DataObject
- Pear-structures_datagrid_datasource_mdb2 - DataSource driver using PEARMDB2 and an SQL query
- Pear-structures_datagrid_datasource_pdo - DataSource driver using PHP Data Objects (PDO) and an SQL query
- Pear-xml_query2xml - PEAR class transform SQL queries into XML data
- Pecl-couchbase - Couchbase Server PHP extension
- Pecl-leveldb - PHP bindings for Google LevelDB
- Pecl-memcache - Memcached extension
- Pecl-memcached - PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library
- Pecl-mongodb - PECL classes for MongoDB
- Pecl-redis - Extension to access Redis
- Pecl-rrd - PHP bindings to rrd tool system
- Percona-pam-for-mysql - PAM plugin for MySQL
- Percona-toolkit - Collection of essential command-line utilities for MySQL
- Percona57-client - Multithreaded SQL database (client)
- Percona57-pam-for-mysql - PAM plugin for MySQL
- Percona57-server -
- Pg-gvm - Greenbone Library for helper functions in PostgreSQL
- Pg.el - PostgreSQL Elisp interface
- Pgformatter - PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier
- Pg_activity - Htop like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring
- Pg_citus - Horizontally scale Postgresql using sharding and replication
- Pg_dirtyread - Read dead but unvacuumed tuples from a PostgreSQL relation
- Pg_ed25519 - PostgreSQL extension for ed25519 sign and verify
- Pg_filedump - Display formatted contents of a PostgreSQL heap, index, or control file
- Pg_hashids - PostgreSQL extension for generates short, unique, non-sequential ids from numbers
- Pg_partman - PostgreSQL Partition Manager
- Pg_qualstats - PostgreSQL extension for collecting statistics about predicates
- Pg_repack - Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
- Pg_similarity - Set of functions and operators for executing similarity queries
- Pg_stat_kcache - Gather statistics about PostgreSQL I/O and CPU usage
- Pg_tileserv - PostGIS-only tile server written in Go
- Pgaccess - Powerful PostgreSQL database GUI administration tool and toolkit
- Pgadmin3 - PostgreSQL database design and management system
- Pgagent - Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
- Pgagroal - High-performance protocol-native connection pool for PostgreSQL
- Pgbackrest - Reliable PostgreSQL Backup & Restore
- Pgbadger - Very competent log analyzer for PostgreSQL
- Pgbarman - Backup and recovery manager for PostgreSQL
- Pgbouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
- Pgdbf - Convert XBase / FoxPro tables to PostgreSQL
- Pgfouine - PostgreSQL log analyzer
- Pgloader - Import CSV data and Large Object to PostgreSQL
- Pgloader3 - Data loading and migration tool for PostgreSQL using the COPY command
- Pglogical - Logical replication system as a PostgreSQL extension
- Pgmetrics - Collect and display info & stats from a running PostgreSQL server
- Pgmodeler - PostgreSQL Database Modeler
- Pgpool-ii-40 - Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
- Pgpool-ii-41 - Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
- Pgpool-ii-42 - Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
- Pgpool-ii-43 - Connection pool server for PostgreSQL (4.3.X branch)
- Pgpool - Connection pool server for PostgreSQL
- Pgreplay - Replay SQL statements from a Postgresql Log
- Pgroonga - Open-source fulltext search engine for PostGRESQL
- Pgrouting - Extension to PostGIS to provide geospatial routing functionality
- Pgsanity - Check syntax of PostgreSQL SQL files
- Pgsphere - Spherical data types, functions, and operators for PostgreSQL
- Pgtcl - TCL extension for accessing a PostgreSQL server (PGTCL-NG)
- Pgtop - Display PostgreSQL performance info like top(1)
- Pgtune - Postgresql.conf tuning tips based on hardware and load type
- Pguri - URI datatype for PostgreSQL
- Pgworksheet - Simple PostreSQL GUI front end
- Php-memcache - Memcached extension for PHP
- Php-tarantool - PECL PHP driver for Tarantool
- Php-xapian - PHP binding for Xapian
- Php71-dba -
- Php71-interbase -
- Php71-mysqli -
- Php71-odbc -
- Php71-pdo -
- Php71-pdo_dblib -
- Php71-pdo_firebird -
- Php71-pdo_mysql -
- Php71-pdo_odbc -
- Php71-pdo_pgsql -
- Php71-pdo_sqlite -
- Php71-pgsql -
- Php71-sqlite3 -
- Php72-dba -
- Php72-interbase -
- Php72-mysqli -
- Php72-odbc -
- Php72-pdo -
- Php72-pdo_dblib -
- Php72-pdo_firebird -
- Php72-pdo_mysql -
- Php72-pdo_odbc -
- Php72-pdo_pgsql -
- Php72-pdo_sqlite -
- Php72-pgsql -
- Php72-sqlite3 -
- Php80-dba -
- Php80-mysqli -
- Php80-odbc -
- Php80-pdo -
- Php80-pdo_dblib -
- Php80-pdo_firebird -
- Php80-pdo_mysql -
- Php80-pdo_odbc -
- Php80-pdo_pgsql -
- Php80-pdo_sqlite -
- Php80-pgsql -
- Php80-sqlite3 -
- Php81-dba -
- Php81-mysqli -
- Php81-odbc -
- Php81-pdo -
- Php81-pdo_dblib -
- Php81-pdo_firebird -
- Php81-pdo_mysql -
- Php81-pdo_odbc -
- Php81-pdo_pgsql -
- Php81-pdo_sqlite -
- Php81-pgsql -
- Php81-sqlite3 -
- Php82-dba -
- Php82-mysqli -
- Php82-odbc -
- Php82-pdo -
- Php82-pdo_dblib -
- Php82-pdo_firebird -
- Php82-pdo_mysql -
- Php82-pdo_odbc -
- Php82-pdo_pgsql -
- Php82-pdo_sqlite -
- Php82-pgsql -
- Php82-sqlite3 -
- Php83-dba -
- Php83-mysqli -
- Php83-odbc -
- Php83-pdo -
- Php83-pdo_dblib -
- Php83-pdo_firebird -
- Php83-pdo_mysql -
- Php83-pdo_odbc -
- Php83-pdo_pgsql -
- Php83-pdo_sqlite -
- Php83-pgsql -
- Php83-sqlite3 -
- Phpliteadmin - Web-based database management tool for Sqlite
- Phpminiadmin - Lightweight alternative to phpMyAdmin
- Phpmyadmin-devel - Set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web
- Phpmyadmin - Set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web
- Phpmyadmin5 - Set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web
- Phppgadmin - Web Based Postgres Administration
- Pldebugger - PostgreSQL pl/pgsql Debugger API
- Plpgsql_check - PostgreSQL extension to check PL/pgSQL code
- Pointcloud - LIDAR types for PostgreSQL
- Postgis-jdbc - PostGIS spatial data structures for JDBC
- Postgis23 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases
- Postgis30 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases
- Postgis31 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases
- Postgis32 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases
- Postgis33 - Geographic objects support for PostgreSQL databases
- Postgresql-cstore_fdw - Columnar store for analytics with PostgreSQL
- Postgresql-jdbc - Java JDBC implementation for PostgreSQL
- Postgresql-libpgeasy - Easy-to-use C interface to PostgreSQL
- Postgresql-libpqxx - New C++ interface for PostgreSQL
- Postgresql-libpqxx3 - New C++ interface for PostgreSQL
- Postgresql-libpqxx4 - New C++ interface for PostgreSQL
- Postgresql-mysql_fdw - PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for MySQL
- Postgresql-odbc - PostgreSQL ODBC driver
- Postgresql-ogr_fdw - PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for OGR
- Postgresql-orafce - Oracle's compatibility functions and packages for PostgreSQL
- Postgresql-pgaudit -
- Postgresql-plproxy - Function-based sharding for PostgreSQL
- Postgresql-plv8js - PL/v8js procedural language for PostgreSQL database
- Postgresql-prefix - Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
- Postgresql-promscale - Tables, types and functions supporting Promscale
- Postgresql-relay - Multiplex multiple PostgreSQL databases to one relay
- Postgresql-repmgr - PostgreSQL replication manager
- Postgresql-rum - Inverted index with additional information in posting lists
- Postgresql-semver - SemVer 2.0.0 compatible datatype for PostgreSQL database
- Postgresql-tds_fdw - PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper to connect to TDS databases
- Postgresql-zhparser - PostgreSQL extension for full-text search of Chinese
- Postgresql11-client - PostgreSQL database (client)
- Postgresql11-contrib - The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
- Postgresql11-docs -
- Postgresql11-pgtcl -
- Postgresql11-plperl -
- Postgresql11-plpython -
- Postgresql11-pltcl -
- Postgresql11-server -
- Postgresql12-client - PostgreSQL database (client)
- Postgresql12-contrib - The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
- Postgresql12-docs -
- Postgresql12-pgtcl -
- Postgresql12-plperl - Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
- Postgresql12-plpython - Module for using Python to write SQL functions
- Postgresql12-pltcl - Module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
- Postgresql12-server -
- Postgresql13-client - PostgreSQL database (client)
- Postgresql13-contrib - The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
- Postgresql13-docs -
- Postgresql13-pgtcl -
- Postgresql13-plperl - Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
- Postgresql13-plpython - Module for using Python to write SQL functions
- Postgresql13-pltcl - Module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
- Postgresql13-server -
- Postgresql14-client - PostgreSQL database (client)
- Postgresql14-contrib - The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
- Postgresql14-docs - The PostgreSQL documentation set
- Postgresql14-pgtcl -
- Postgresql14-plperl - Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
- Postgresql14-plpython - Module for using Python to write SQL functions
- Postgresql14-pltcl - Module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
- Postgresql14-server -
- Postgresql15-client - PostgreSQL database (client)
- Postgresql15-contrib - The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
- Postgresql15-docs - The PostgreSQL documentation set
- Postgresql15-pgtcl -
- Postgresql15-plperl - Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
- Postgresql15-plpython - Module for using Python to write SQL functions
- Postgresql15-pltcl - Module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
- Postgresql15-server -
- Postgresql16-client - PostgreSQL database (client)
- Postgresql16-contrib - The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
- Postgresql16-docs - The PostgreSQL documentation set
- Postgresql16-pgtcl -
- Postgresql16-plperl - Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
- Postgresql16-plpython - Module for using Python to write SQL functions
- Postgresql16-pltcl - Module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
- Postgresql16-server -
- Postgresql94-client - PostgreSQL database (client)
- Postgresql94-contrib - The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
- Postgresql94-docs -
- Postgresql94-pgtcl -
- Postgresql94-plperl -
- Postgresql94-plpython -
- Postgresql94-pltcl -
- Postgresql94-server -
- Powa-archivist - PostgreSQL workload analyzer background worker
- Powa-web - PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer is a performance tool for PostgreSQL
- Powerarchitect - Data modeling and profiling tool
- Proftpd-mod_sql_mysql - MySQL ProFTPD module
- Proftpd-mod_sql_odbc - ODBC ProFTPD module
- Proftpd-mod_sql_postgres - PostgreSQL ProFTPD module
- Proftpd-mod_sql_sqlite - SQLite ProFTPD module
- Proftpd-mod_sql_tds - TDS ProFTPD module
- Prometheus-postgresql-adapter - Use PostgreSQL as a remote storage database for Prometheus
- Pspg - Tabular data pager designed to be used with psql
- Puppetdb-terminus7 - PuppetDB storeconfigs backend terminus module
- Puppetdb-terminus8 - PuppetDB storeconfigs backend terminus module
- Puppetdb7 - PuppetDB storeconfigs backend
- Puppetdb8 - PuppetDB storeconfigs backend
- Puredb - Set of libraries for creating and reading constant databases
- Pxlib - C library to read various Paradox files
- Pxtools - Collection of tools to work with Paradox databases
- Py-elixir - Declarative Mapper for SQLAlchemy
- Py-mysqldb - Access a MySQL database through Python
- Py-mysqldb55 - Access a MySQL database through Python (Using MySQL 5.5 Client)
- Py-mysqldb56 - Access a MySQL database through Python (Using MySQL 5.6 Client)
- Py-pygresql - Python interface to PostgreSQL, both classic and DP-API 2.0
- Py-pyrseas - Framework and utilities to upgrade and maintain a relational database
- Py-aesqlapius - Manage SQL queries as a Python API
- Py-agate-sql - Add SQL read/write support to agate
- Py-aiomcache - Minimal asyncio memcached client
- Py-aiomysql - MySQL driver for asyncio
- Py-aiopg - Python library for accessing PostgreSQL database using asyncio
- Py-aioredis - Python asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis client library
- Py-aiosqlite - AsyncIO bridge to the standard sqlite3 module for Python 3.7+
- Py-alembic - Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
- Py-alembic14 - Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy (1.4.X branch)
- Py-apache-arrow - Columnar in-memory analytics layer for big data
- Py-apsw - Another Python SQLite Wrapper
- Py-asyncmy - Fast asyncio MySQL driver
- Py-asyncpg - High performance PostgreSQL Client Library for Python/asyncio
- Py-berkeleydb - Python bindings for Oracle Berkeley DB
- Py-bsddb - Standard Python bindings to the Berkeley DB library
- Py-carbon - Backend storage application for graphite
- Py-cassandra-driver - Python client library for Apache Cassandra
- Py-cdb - Python interface to DJB's constant database library
- Py-couchdb - Simple Library to Allow Python Applications to Use CouchDB
- Py-cql - Python DB-API 2.0 client interface for Cassandra
- Py-databases - Async database support for Python
- Py-dbf - Pure python package for reading/writing dbf files
- Py-dbutils - Providing solid, persistent, and pooled connections to a database
- Py-django-transaction-hooks - Django database backends to register transaction-commit hooks
- Py-duckdb - In-process SQL OLAP database management system
- Py-fakeredis - Fake version of databases/py-redis for unit testing
- Py-fastapi-users-db-ormar - FastAPI-Users Ormar database adapter
- Py-fastparquet - Python support for Parquet file format
- Py-fdb - Firebird RDBMS bindings for Python
- Py-firebirdsql - Python DBAPI module for FirebirdSQL
- Py-flask-sqlalchemy - Add SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application
- Py-forgetsql - Python module for object-oriented access to SQL databases
- Py-gdbm - Python bindings to the GNU dbm library (Python ${PYTHON_VER})
- Py-geoalchemy - Using SQLAlchemy with Spatial Databases
- Py-geoalchemy2 - Using SQLAlchemy with Spatial Databases
- Py-hiredis - Python extension that wraps hiredis
- Py-htsql-mysql - Database Query Language (MySQL Backend for HTSQL)
- Py-htsql-pgsql - Database Query Language (PostgreSQL Backend for HTSQL)
- Py-htsql - Database Query Language (Core & SQLite Backend)
- Py-influxdb - Python Client for InfluxDB
- Py-kyotocabinet - Python binding of kyotocabinet
- Py-leveldb - Thread-safe Python binding for LevelDB
- Py-litecli - CLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
- Py-lmdb - Python bindings for LMDB
- Py-marshmallow-sqlalchemy - SQLAlchemy integration with the marshmallow serialization library
- Py-minidb - Simple SQLite3-based store for Python objects
- Py-mongoengine - Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB
- Py-motor - Non-blocking MongoDB driver for Tornado or asyncio
- Py-mycli - CLI for MySQL Database with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
- Py-mysql-connector-python - MySQL driver written in Python
- Py-mysql2pgsql - Tool for migrating/converting from MySQL to PostgreSQL
- Py-mysqlclient - MySQL database connector for Python
- Py-oops - Object Oriented Database Library For Persistent Storage in Python
- Py-ormar - Simple async ORM with fastapi in mind and pydantic validation
- Py-oursql - MySQL bindings for python
- Py-partd - Appendable key-value storage
- Py-peewee - Small, expressive Python ORM
- Py-peewee_migrate - Simple migration engine for Peewee
- Py-pg8000 - Pure-Python Interface to the PostgreSQL Database
- Py-pgcli - CLI for Postgres Database with auto-completion and syntax highlighting
- Py-pgdbconn - Object-oriented layer to connect and interact with PostgreSQL databases
- Py-pglast - PostgreSQL Languages AST and statements prettifier
- Py-pglite - Light PostgreSQL use PostgreSQL as a simple SQLite database
- Py-pgmigrate - PostgreSQL migrations made easy
- Py-pgspecial - Meta-commands handler for Postgres Database
- Py-pgspecial1 - Meta-commands handler for Postgres Database
- Py-pgxnclient - Command line tool to interact with the PostgreSQL Extension Network
- Py-pickledb - Lightweight, fast, and simple key-value store
- Py-pickleshare - Tiny shelve-like database with concurrency support
- Py-pony - Pony ORM is easy to use and powerful object-relational mapper
- Py-postgresql - Python 3 compatible PostgreSQL database driver and tools
- Py-psycogreen - Python library to enable psycopg2 to work with coroutine libraries
- Py-psycopg-c - PostgreSQL database adapter for Python - C optimization distribution
- Py-psycopg-pool - Connection Pool for Psycopg
- Py-psycopg - PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- Py-psycopg2 - High performance Python adapter for PostgreSQL
- Py-psycopg2cffi - Implementation of the psycopg2 module using cffi
- Py-pum - Postgres upgrade manager
- Py-pypgsql - Python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to PostgreSQL
- Py-pycql - Pure Python parser implementation of the OGC CQL standard
- Py-pyhs - HandlerSocket client for Python
- Py-pylibmc - Quick and small memcached client for Python
- Py-pymemcache - Comprehensive, fast, pure-Python memcached client
- Py-pymongo - Python driver for MongoDB
- Py-pymssql - Python database interface for MS-SQL. Version 2
- Py-pymysql - Pure Python MySQL Driver
- Py-pyodbc - ODBC connections for python
- Py-pypuppetdb - Library to work with PuppetDB's REST API
- Py-pypuppetdb03 - Library to work with PuppetDB's REST API
- Py-pytc - Tokyo Cabinet Python bindings
- Py-python-arango - Python driver for ArangoDB
- Py-python-binary-memcached - Pure python module to access memcached via its binary protocol
- Py-python-memcached - Python API for memcached, a distributed memory cache daemon
- Py-python-rrdtool - Python bindings for RRDTool, the graphing and logging utility
- Py-python-sql - Library to write SQL queries
- Py-python-swiftclient - Python client library for OpenStack Object Storage (Swift)
- Py-queries - Simplified PostgreSQL client built upon Psycopg2
- Py-rb - Redis blaster
- Py-redis - Python client for Redis key-value store
- Py-redis2 - Python client for Redis key-value store
- Py-redis3 - Python client for Redis key-value store
- Py-riak - Python client for Riak
- Py-rrdtool - Python interface to RRDTool, the graphing and logging utility
- Py-rrdtool_lgpl - Python interface to RRDTool, the graphing and logging utility
- Py-sispy - Python client library for interacting with the SIS RESTful API
- Py-south - Intelligent schema migrations for Django apps
- Py-sqlalchemy-json - JSON type with nested change tracking for SQLAlchemy
- Py-sqlalchemy-migrate - Database schema migrations for SQLAlchemy
- Py-sqlalchemy-utils - Various utility functions for SQLAlchemy
- Py-sqlalchemy10 - Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 1.0.x
- Py-sqlalchemy11 - Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 1.1.x
- Py-sqlalchemy12 - Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 1.2.x
- Py-sqlalchemy13 - Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 1.3.x
- Py-sqlalchemy14 - Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 1.4.x
- Py-sqlalchemy20 - Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 2.0.x
- Py-sqlglot - Easily customizable SQL parser and transpiler
- Py-sqlite-fts4 - Python functions for working with SQLite FTS4 search
- Py-sqlite-utils - Python CLI utility and library for manipulating SQLite databases
- Py-sqlite3 - Standard Python binding to the SQLite3 library (Python ${PYTHON_VER})
- Py-sqlite3dbm - Sqlite-backed dictionary
- Py-sqlobject - Python object for manipulation with SQL table row
- Py-sqlparse - Non-validating SQL parser for Python
- Py-sqlparse020 - Non-validating SQL parser for Python (version 0.2.0)
- Py-sqlrelay - Python modules to access to SQL Relay
- Py-swift - Highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store
- Py-sybase - Python Database API interface to the Sybase RDBMS
- Py-tableschema - Utility library for working with Table Schema
- Py-tarantool - Client library for Tarantool Database
- Py-tiledb - Python interface to the TileDB array storage manager
- Py-txredisapi - Non-blocking redis client for python
- Py-umemcache - Memcache client written in highly optimized C++ with Python bindings
- Py-unqlite - Fast Python bindings for the UnQLite embedded NoSQL database
- Py-varstack - Create stacked configuration structures
- Py-whisper - Fixed-size database, similar in design to RRD
- Py-xapian - Python binding for Xapian
- Py-zodbpickle - Python pickling interface for ZODB
- Pydbx - Simple SQL database abstraction layer for Python
- Pyspatialite - DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite 3.x with Spatialite
- Qdbm-plus - C++ API for QDBM
- Qdbm - Quick Database Manager
- Qdrant - Vector search engine and database for the next gen AI applications
- Qof - Query Object Framework
- Qt5-sql - Qt SQL database integration module
- Qt5-sqldrivers-ibase -
- Qt5-sqldrivers-mysql -
- Qt5-sqldrivers-odbc - Qt ${DB_DESC} plugin
- Qt5-sqldrivers-pgsql -
- Qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite2 -
- Qt5-sqldrivers-sqlite3 -
- Qt5-sqldrivers-tds -
- Qt6-base_sqldriver - Qt base (${FLAVOR} sqldriver)
- Quake - Quake is a knowledge management meta-framework for geeks
- Recutils - Tools and libraries to access human-editable, plain text databases
- Redis-devel - Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
- Redis - Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
- Redis6 - Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
- Redis62 - Persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
- Redis_exporter - Prometheus exporter for redis stats
- Redisdesktopmanager - Redis DB management tool
- Redisjson - JSON data type for Redis
- Replibyte - Seed your databases with your production data
- Retcl - Tcl client library for Redis
- Riak - Open source, distributed, noSQL database
- Rocksdb - Persistent key-value store for fast storage environments
- Rrdman - Apply Holt-Winters prediction parameters to RRD data
- Rrdmerge - Utility to merge existing RRD data from backups into new RRD files
- Rrdtool - Round Robin Database Tools
- Rrdtool12 - Round Robin Database Tools v1.2
- Ruby-bdb - Ruby interface to Oracle Berkeley DB revision 2 or later
- Ruby-qdbm - Ruby API for QDBM
- Ruby-tokyocabinet - Ruby interface to the Tokyo Cabinet DB engine
- Ruby-xapian - Ruby binding for Xapian
- Rubygem-active_model_serializers - Conventions-based JSON generation for Rails
- Rubygem-active_model_serializers61 - Conventions-based JSON generation for Rails
- Rubygem-active_record_query_trace - Print stack trace of all queries to the Rails log
- Rubygem-activemodel-serializers-xml - XML serialization for Active Model objects and Active Record models
- Rubygem-activemodel4 - Toolkit for building modeling frameworks
- Rubygem-activemodel5 - Toolkit for building modeling frameworks
- Rubygem-activemodel50 - Toolkit for building modeling frameworks
- Rubygem-activemodel52 - Toolkit for building modeling frameworks
- Rubygem-activemodel60 - Toolkit for building modeling frameworks
- Rubygem-activemodel61 - Toolkit for building modeling frameworks
- Rubygem-activemodel70 - Toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record
- Rubygem-activerecord-explain-analyze - Extends ActiveRecord#explain with additional features
- Rubygem-activerecord-import - Bulk import many records into an ActiveRecord DB
- Rubygem-activerecord-jdbc-adapter - JDBC adapter for ActiveRecord, for use within JRuby on Rails
- Rubygem-activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter - ActiveRecord driver for MySQL using JDBC running under JRuby
- Rubygem-activerecord-session_store - Action Dispatch session store backed by an Active Record class
- Rubygem-activerecord4 - Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
- Rubygem-activerecord5 - Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
- Rubygem-activerecord50 - Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
- Rubygem-activerecord52 - Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
- Rubygem-activerecord60 - Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
- Rubygem-activerecord61 - Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
- Rubygem-activerecord70 - Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
- Rubygem-after_commit_queue - Allows to run callbacks after transaction is committed
- Rubygem-amalgalite - Embeds the SQLite database engine in a Ruby extension
- Rubygem-arel-helpers - Helpers to construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel
- Rubygem-arel - Relational Algebra for Ruby
- Rubygem-arel6 - Relational Algebra for Ruby
- Rubygem-arel7 - Relational Algebra for Ruby
- Rubygem-arel8 - Relational Algebra for Ruby
- Rubygem-awesome_nested_set - Nested set implementation for Active Record
- Rubygem-bdb1 - Ruby interface to Berkeley DB revision 1.8x with full feature support
- Rubygem-bigrecord - Intended to work as a drop-in for Rails applications
- Rubygem-brpoplpush-redis_script - Bring your own LUA scripts into redis
- Rubygem-couchrest - Provides a simple interface on top of CouchDBs RESTful HTTP API
- Rubygem-dalli - High performance memcached client for Ruby
- Rubygem-data_objects - Unified Ruby API for popular databases
- Rubygem-datamapper - Fast, thread-safe, object-relational mapper
- Rubygem-dbd-mysql - MySQL driver for DBI-for-Ruby
- Rubygem-dbd-pg - PostgreSQL driver for DBI-for-Ruby
- Rubygem-dbd-sqlite3 - SQLite3 driver for DBI-for-Ruby
- Rubygem-dbf - Library for reading dBase, xBase, Clipper and FoxPro database files
- Rubygem-dbi - Vendor independent interface for accessing databases
- Rubygem-dbm - Wrapper for the UNIX-style Database Manager Library
- Rubygem-discard-rails61 - Allows marking ActiveRecord objects as discarded
- Rubygem-dm-aggregates - DataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates
- Rubygem-dm-chunked_query - Allows performing chunked queries
- Rubygem-dm-constraints - DataMapper plugin constraining relationships
- Rubygem-dm-core - Object/Relational Mapper for Ruby
- Rubygem-dm-do-adapter - DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper
- Rubygem-dm-migrations - DataMapper plugin for writing and specifying migrations
- Rubygem-dm-mysql-adapter - MySQL Adapter for DataMapper
- Rubygem-dm-observer - DataMapper plugin for observing Resources
- Rubygem-dm-pager - DataMapper Pagination
- Rubygem-dm-paperclip - File attachments as attributes for DataMapper
- Rubygem-dm-postgres-adapter - PostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper
- Rubygem-dm-serializer - DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections
- Rubygem-dm-timestamps - DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps
- Rubygem-dm-transactions - Makes transaction support available for adapters that support them
- Rubygem-dm-types - DataMapper plugin providing extra data types
- Rubygem-dm-validations - Library for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object
- Rubygem-do_mysql - Ruby DataObjects driver for MySQL
- Rubygem-do_postgres - Ruby DataObjects driver for PostgreSQL
- Rubygem-do_sqlite3 - Ruby DataObjects driver to the SQLite DB engine version 3
- Rubygem-em-redis-unified - Eventmachine-based implementation of the Redis protocol
- Rubygem-fabrication - Object generation framework for ActiveRecord or any other Ruby object
- Rubygem-familia - Organize and store ruby objects in Redis
- Rubygem-flipper-active_record-rails61 - ActiveRecord adapter for Flipper
- Rubygem-flipper-active_record - ActiveRecord adapter for Flipper
- Rubygem-flipper-active_record013 - ActiveRecord adapter for Flipper
- Rubygem-gdbm - Ruby extension to GDBM library
- Rubygem-globalid-rails5 - URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around
- Rubygem-globalid-rails50 - URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around
- Rubygem-globalid-rails52 - URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around
- Rubygem-globalid-rails60 - URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around
- Rubygem-globalid-rails61 - URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around
- Rubygem-globalid-rails70 - URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around
- Rubygem-globalid - URIs for your models makes it easy to pass references around
- Rubygem-her - ORM that maps REST resources to Ruby objects
- Rubygem-hiredis - Ruby wrapper for hiredis
- Rubygem-influxdb - Ruby library for InfluxDB
- Rubygem-jdbc-mysql - MySQL JDBC driver for JRuby
- Rubygem-leo_manager_client - LeoFS-Manager client library for Ruby
- Rubygem-marginalia - Attach comments to your ActiveRecord queries
- Rubygem-mario-redis-lock - Ruby distributed lock using Redis, with emphasis in transparency
- Rubygem-memcache-client - Ruby bindings for MemCached
- Rubygem-memcache - Ruby bindings for libmemcached
- Rubygem-mysql - MySQL API module for Ruby
- Rubygem-mysql2 - Simple, fast MySQL library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
- Rubygem-neighbor - Ruby nearest neighbor search for Rails and Postgres
- Rubygem-openid-redis-store - Redis store for OpenID
- Rubygem-paranoia - Soft deletion mapper for activerecord
- Rubygem-peek-mysql2-rails5 - Take a peek into the MySQL queries made
- Rubygem-peek-pg-rails5 - Take a peek into the MySQL queries made
- Rubygem-peek-pg-rails52 - Take a peek into the MySQL queries made
- Rubygem-pg - Ruby interface to PostgreSQL library
- Rubygem-pg_array_parser - Fast PostreSQL array parsing
- Rubygem-pg_query - Parses SQL queries using a copy of the PostgreSQL server query parser
- Rubygem-pghero-rails5 - Performance dashboard for Postgres
- Rubygem-pghero-rails50 - Performance dashboard for Postgres
- Rubygem-pghero-rails61 - Performance dashboard for Postgres
- Rubygem-pghero - Performance dashboard for Postgres
- Rubygem-pl-puppetdb-ruby - Simple Ruby client library for PuppetDB API
- Rubygem-postgres_ext - PostgreSQL data types extension for ActiveRecord
- Rubygem-puppetdb_cli - PuppetDB CLI Tooling
- Rubygem-rbase - Library to create/read/write to XBase databases (*.DBF files)
- Rubygem-red-arrow-dataset - Ruby bindings of Apache Arrow Dataset
- Rubygem-red-arrow - Ruby bindings of Apache Arrow
- Rubygem-red-gandiva - Ruby bindings of Gandiva
- Rubygem-red-parquet - Ruby bindings of Apache Parquet
- Rubygem-red-plasma - Ruby bindings of Plasma
- Rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails5 - Redis session store for ActionPack
- Rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails50 - Redis session store for ActionPack
- Rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails52 - Redis session store for ActionPack
- Rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails60 - Redis session store for ActionPack
- Rubygem-redis-actionpack-rails61 - Redis session store for ActionPack
- Rubygem-redis-actionpack - Redis session store for ActionPack
- Rubygem-redis-client - Simple low-level client for Redis 6+
- Rubygem-redis-cluster-client - Redis cluster client for Ruby
- Rubygem-redis-clustering - Ruby client that tries to match Redis Cluster API
- Rubygem-redis-namespace - Ruby client class for Redis with namespace support
- Rubygem-redis-namespace19 - Ruby client class for Redis with namespace support
- Rubygem-redis - Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage server
- Rubygem-redis3 - Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage server
- Rubygem-redis4 - Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage server
- Rubygem-scenic61 - Adds methods to ActiveRecordMigration to create and manage database views in Rails
- Rubygem-sdbm - Simple file-based key-value store with String keys and values
- Rubygem-seed-fu - Library to maintain seed data
- Rubygem-sqlite3-ruby - Ruby interface to the SQLite DB engine version 3
- Rubygem-sqlite3 - Ruby interface to the SQLite DB engine version 3
- Rubygem-state_machines-activemodel - Support for creating state machines for attributes on ActiveModel
- Rubygem-state_machines-activerecord - Support for creating state machines for attributes on ActiveRecord
- Rubygem-state_machines-activerecord05 - Support for creating state machines for attributes on ActiveRecord
- Rubygem-tarantool - Tarantool KV-storage client
- Sequeler - Friendly SQL client
- Sfcgal - Wrapper library around CGAL for PostGIS
- Sharedance - Daemon to centralize keys and associated data
- Slony1v2 - PostgreSQL master to multiple replicas replication system
- Soci - C++ Database Access Library
- Spatialite-tools - Collection of CLI tools supporting SpatiaLite
- Spatialite - Spatial Extensions for SQLite
- Spatialite_gui - Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool supporting SpatiaLite
- Speedtables - High-performance memory-resident database
- Sql-workbench - DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL query tool
- Sqlcached - Cache daemon using SQL for data manipulation
- Sqlcipher - Encrypted SQLite database
- Sqlclient - Lightweight database abstraction layer
- Sqldeveloper - Graphical tool for database development
- Sqlite-ext-miscfuncs - Math, string, and aggregate function library for SQLite
- Sqlite-ext-pcre - Regexp function for SQLite based on PCRE library
- Sqlite-ext-regexp - Regular-expression matcher using NFA engine for SQLite
- Sqlite-ext-spellfix - Search large vocabulary for close matches for SQLite
- Sqlite2 - SQL database engine in a C library
- Sqlite3 - SQLite extension for Tcl using the Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA)
- Sqlitebrowser - Visual tool to manage SQLite databases
- Sqliteconvert - Tools to convert SQLite3 schema files into documentation
- Sqlitecpp - SQLiteC++ Easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper
- Sqlitemanager - Multilingual web based tool to manage SQLite database
- Sqliteodbc-sqlite2 - ODBC driver for SQLite 2
- Sqliteodbc -
- Sqlitestudio - SQLite database GUI manager
- Sqlrelay - Persistent DB connection pooling/proxying/load balancing system
- Sqsh - Interactive tool for querying Sybase database servers
- Squirrel-sql - Universal SQL Client
- Symphytum - Personal, user-friendly database software
- Tarantool-c - C client for Tarantool 1.6+
- Tarantool - NoSQL database running in a Lua application server
- Tcl-mysql - TCL module for accessing MySQL databases
- Tcl-lmdb - Tcl interface to the Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
- Tcl-sqlite3 - SQLite extension for Tcl using the Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA)
- Tdb -
- Tdb1 -
- Tdbc - Common database access interface for Tcl
- Tile38 - In-memory geolocation data store, spatial index, and realtime geofence
- Tiledb - TileDB array data management
- Timescaledb-backup - Tool for performing TimescaleDB backups across versions
- Timescaledb-tune - Tool for tuning TimescaleDB for better performance
- Timescaledb - Time-series database built on PostgreSQL
- Tinycdb - Analogous to cdb, but faster
- Tokyocabinet - Modern implementation of DBM
- Tokyotyrant - Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
- Tsearch_extras - Functions for getting lower-level data about full text search
- Tuning-primer - MySQL performance tuning primer script
- Twemproxy - Fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis
- Unixodbc - ODBC library suite for Unix
- Useracc - Special purpose database application
- Usql - Universal command-line interface for SQL databases
- Vfront - Simple frontend for database data entry
- Virtualpg - Loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite
- Virtuoso - Universal SQL/Application Server
- Vsqlite - Well designed and portable SQLite3 Wrapper for C++
- Webdis - HTTP interface for Redis
- Wfb2sql - CIA World Fact Book to SQL Conversion Utility
- Xapian-bindings - Bindings allowing Xapian to be used from various programming languages
- Xapian-bindings12 - Bindings allowing Xapian to be used from various programming languages
- Xapian-core - Probabilistic text search database engine
- Xapian-core10 - Probabilistic text search database engine
- Xapian-core12 - Probabilistic text search database engine
- Xls2txt - Utilities to convert spreadsheet files to text and csv formats
- Xrootd - Framework for fast, low latency, scalable data access
- Xtrabackup - OpenSource version of InnoDB backup with support of Percona extensions
- Xtrabackup8 - Open-source backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB
- Zabbix22-libzbxpgsql - Zabbix agent module for comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers
- Zodb - Python object-oriented database
- Zodb3 - Z - Object Database for python
- Older
- Newer