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Jul 20, 2023
- 4ti2 - Solve algebraic, geometric, combinatorial problems on linear spaces
- Ginac - C++ library for symbolic mathematical calculations
- Imath - C++/Python lib of 2D/3D vector, matrix, math ops for computer graphics
- Pdl - Perl Data Language
- R-cran-adgoftest - Anderson-Darling GoF test
- R-cran-amelia - Program for Missing Data
- R-cran-bsmd - Bayes Screening and Model Discrimination
- R-cran-cvst - Fast Cross-Validation via Sequential Testing
- R-cran-changeanomalydetection - Change Anomaly Detection
- R-cran-deoptimr - Differential Evolution Optimization in Pure R
- R-cran-drr - Dimensionality Reduction via Regression
- R-cran-doe.base - Full Factorials, Orthogonal Arrays and Base Utilities for DoE
- R-cran-fnn - Fast Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms and Applications
- R-cran-formula - Extended Model Formulas
- R-cran-frf2 - Statistical Methods for Quality Science
- R-cran-kfas - Kalman filter and smoothers for exponential family state space models
- R-cran-learnbayes - Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference
- R-cran-mcmcpack - Markov chain Monte Carlo Package
- R-cran-mswm - Fitting Markov Switching Models
- R-cran-matchit - Nonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Casual Inference
- R-cran-matching - Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching with Balance Optimization
- R-cran-matrixmodels - Modelling with Sparse And Dense Matrices
- R-cran-nmf - Algorithms and Framework for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
- R-cran-rsvgdevice - R SVG graphics device
- R-cran-rcpparmadillo - Rcpp integration for Armadillo templated linear algebra library
- R-cran-rcppeigen - Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear algebra library
- R-cran-rcpproll - Efficient Rolling / Windowed Operations
- R-cran-rmpfr - R wrapper for the mpfr multiple precision library
- R-cran-rsolnp - General Non-Linear Optimization
- R-cran-squarem - Squared Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating EM-Like Algorithms
- R-cran-sparsem - Sparse Linear Algebra
- R-cran-vgam - Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
- R-cran-xlconnect - R package for manipulating Microsoft Excel files
- R-cran-zelig - Everyone's Statistical Software
- R-cran-acepack - ACE and AVAS for selecting multiple regression transformations
- R-cran-admisc - Adrian Dusa's Miscellaneous
- R-cran-alabama - Constrained Nonlinear Optimization
- R-cran-ash - David Scott's ASH Routines
- R-cran-assertthat - Easy pre and post assertions
- R-cran-backports - Reimplementations of Functions Introduced Since R-3.0.0
- R-cran-bdsmatrix - Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric matrices
- R-cran-car - Companion to Applied Regression
- R-cran-cardata - Companion to Applied Regression Data Sets
- R-cran-coda - Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC
- R-cran-combinat - Routines for combinatorics
- - Construction of factorial designs
- R-cran-conquer - Convolution-Type Smoothed Quantile Regression
- R-cran-cvar - Compute Expected Shortfall and Value at Risk for Continuous Distributions
- R-cran-date - Functions for Handling Dates
- R-cran-ddalpha - Depth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data Depth
- R-cran-deldir - Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation
- R-cran-dimred - Framework for Dimensionality Reduction
- R-cran-dlmodeler - Generalized Dynamic Linear Modeler
- R-cran-dplyr - Grammar of Data Manipulation
- R-cran-erm - Extended Rasch Modeling
- R-cran-energy - E-Statistics Multivariate Inference via the Energy of Data
- R-cran-exactranktests - Exact Distributions for Rank and Permutation Tests
- R-cran-expm - Matrix Exponential, Log, 'etc'
- R-cran-forcats - Tools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors)
- R-cran-forecast - Forecasting functions for time series and linear models
- R-cran-fracdiff - Fractionally differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(p,d,q) models
- R-cran-gbutils - Utilities for Simulation, Plots, Quantile Functions and Programming
- R-cran-geepack - Generalized Estimating Equation Package
- R-cran-geometry - Mesh Generation and Surface Tesselation
- R-cran-gmp - Multiple Precision Arithmetic
- R-cran-gower - Gower's Distance
- R-cran-gpclib - General Polygon Clipping Library for R
- R-cran-gsl - Wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library
- R-cran-gss - General Smoothing Splines
- R-cran-gtable - Arrange grobs in tables
- R-cran-haven - Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files
- R-cran-hdrcde - Highest Density Regions and Conditional Density Estimation
- R-cran-hexbin - Hexagonal Binning Routines
- R-cran-igraph - Network Analysis and Visualization
- R-cran-influencer - Software Tools to Quantify Structural Importance of Nodes in a Network
- R-cran-inline - Inline C, C++, Fortran function calls from R
- R-cran-intervals - Tools for Working with Points and Intervals
- R-cran-ipred - Improved Predictors
- R-cran-irlba - Fast partial SVD by implicitly-restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization
- R-cran-isoband - Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids
- R-cran-labeling - Provides a range of axis labeling algorithms
- R-cran-lava - Latent Variable Models
- R-cran-lazyeval - Disciplined approach to non-standard evaluation
- R-cran-linprog - Linear Programming / Optimization
- R-cran-lme4 - Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4
- R-cran-locfit - Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimation
- R-cran-lpsolve - Interface to 'Lp_solve' v. 5.5 to Solve Linear/Integer Programs
- R-cran-ltm - Latent Trait Models under IRT
- R-cran-magic - Create and Investigate Magic Squares
- R-cran-maps - Draw Geographical Maps
- R-cran-mathjaxr - Using 'Mathjax' in Rd Files
- R-cran-matrixstats - Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices
- R-cran-maxlik - Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Related Tools
- R-cran-mclust - Gaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation
- R-cran-mcmc - Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- R-cran-memisc - Provides an infrastructure for the management of survey data
- R-cran-minqa - Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation
- R-cran-misc3d - Miscellaneous 3D Plots
- R-cran-misctools - Miscellaneous small tools and utilities for R
- R-cran-mitools - Tools for Multiple Imputation of Missing Data
- R-cran-moments - Moments, Cumulants, Skewness, Kurtosis and Related Tests
- R-cran-mvtnorm - Multivariate Normal and t Distributions
- R-cran-nloptr - R interface to NLopt
- R-cran-nnls - R implementation of an algorithm for non-negative least squares
- R-cran-nortest - Tests for Normality
- R-cran-numderiv - Accurate Numerical Derivatives
- R-cran-numbers - Number-Theoretic Functions
- R-cran-outliers - Collection of some tests commonly used for identifying outliers
- R-cran-partitions - Additive Partitions of Integers
- R-cran-pbkrtest - Parametric bootstrap and Kenward-Roger-based methods for mixed model comparison
- R-cran-plot3d - Plotting Multi-Dimensional Data
- R-cran-pls - Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Regression
- R-cran-polycor - Polychoric and Polyserial Correlations
- R-cran-polynom - Functions to Implement a Class for Univariate Polynomial Manipulations
- R-cran-pracma - Practical Numerical Math Functions
- R-cran-prodlim - Product-Limit Estimation for Censored Event History Analysis
- R-cran-proxy - Distance and Similarity Measures
- R-cran-psych - Psych package for the R project
- R-cran-pwr - Basic Functions for Power Analysis
- R-cran-quadprog - Functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems
- R-cran-qualitytools - Statistical Methods for Quality Science
- R-cran-quantreg - Quantile Regression
- R-cran-raster - Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling
- R-cran-recipes - Preprocessing Tools to Create Design Matrices
- R-cran-rgenoud - R Version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
- R-cran-robustbase - Basic Robust Statistics
- R-cran-sandwich - Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators
- R-cran-scatterplot3d -
- R-cran-sets - Sets, Generalized Sets, Customizable Sets and Intervals
- R-cran-sf - Simple Features for R
- R-cran-sm - Smoothing methods for nonparametric regression and density estimation
- R-cran-sp - R Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
- R-cran-spdata - Datasets for Spatial Analysis
- R-cran-spdep - Spatial dependence weighting schemes, statistics, and models
- R-cran-sspir -
- R-cran-stabledist - Stable Distribution Functions
- R-cran-statmod - Statistical Modeling
- R-cran-survey - Analysis of complex survey samples
- R-cran-tensor - Tensor product of arrays
- R-cran-terra - Spatiall Data Analysis
- R-cran-truncnorm - Truncated normal distribution
- R-cran-units - Measurement Units for R Vectors
- R-cran-uroot - Unit Root Tests for Seasonal Time Series
- R-cran-wk - Lightweight Well-Known Geometry Parsing
- R-cran-xts - Extensible Time Series
- R-cran-zoo - S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series
- R - Language for statistical computing and graphics
- Scip - Solver for mixed integer, mixed integer nonlinear programming
- Soplex - Optimization package for solving linear programming problems (LPs)
- Aamath - Renders ASCII art from mathematical expressions
- Abella - Interactive theorem prover
- Abs - Free spreadsheet with graphical user interface
- Acalc - Simple and pretty Qt5-based expression calculator
- Add - Full-screen editing calculator
- Adept - Combined array and automatic differentiation library in C++
- Adol-c - Automatic differentiation library
- Alberta - Adaptive multi-level finite element toolbox
- Algae - Programming language for numerical analysis
- Alglib - Numerical analysis and data processing library
- Alps - Abstract Library for Parallel Search (ALPS)
- Alt-ergo - Automatic solver of mathematical formulas for program verification
- Amath - Simple command line calculator
- Ambit - C++ library for tensor product calculations
- Amgcl - C++ header-only library for solving large sparse linear systems
- Analitza - Library from KDE Education project
- Ann - Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching
- Annoy - Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++
- Antic - Algebraic Number Theory In C
- Apache-commons-math - Java library of self-contained mathematics and statistics components
- Apc - Xforms based Auto Payment Calculator
- Apron - APRON numerical abstract domain library
- Arb - C library for arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic
- Arborx - Performance-portable geometric search library
- Aribas - Interpreter for big integer/multi-precision floating point arithmetic
- Armadillo - C++ linear algebra library
- Arpack++ - Object-oriented version of the ARPACK package
- Arpack-ng - Revised Argand library for solving large-scale eigenvalue problems
- Ascent - C++ simulation engine and differential equation solver
- Asl - COIN-OR autotools harness to build AMPL Solver Library
- Asymptote - Powerful script-based vector graphics language
- Atlas - Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS)
- Audi - Header only C++ library implementing the algebra of Taylor polynomials
- Barvinok - Library for counting the number of integer points in polytopes
- Basic-stats - Command-line tool to perform basic statistics on tabular data
- Bcal - Storage expression, unit conversion & address offset CLI calculator
- Bcps - Branch, Constrain, and Price Software (BiCePS)
- Biggles - Create publication-quality 2D scientific plots
- Bitwise - Terminal-based bit manipulator in curses
- Blacs - BLACS (Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms)
- Blahtexml - TeX to MathML converter designed with MediaWiki in mind
- Blas - Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
- Blasfeo - Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines For Embedded Optimization
- Blaspp - C++ API for the Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
- Blaze - C++ math library for dense and sparse arithmetic
- Blazeiterative - Set of iterative linear system solvers for use with the Blaze library
- Blis - Software framework for high-performance BLAS-like libraries
- Bliss - Tool for computing automorphism groups and canonical forms of graphs
- Blitz++ - C++ class library for scientific computing
- Blocksolve95 - Software for the efficient solution of large, sparse linear systems
- Bonmin - Basic Open-source Nonlinear Mixed INteger programming
- Boolector - Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver
- Brial - Library for polynomials over boolean rings
- Bsdnt - Bignum Library
- Btor2tools - Generic parser and tool package for the BTOR2 format
- Cadabra2 - Computer algebra system for solving field theory problems
- Cadical - Simple CDCL satisfiability solver
- Cado-nfs - Implementation of the Number Field Sieve Algorithm
- Calc - Interactive CLI arbitrary-precision calculator
- Calcium - Exact real and complex numbers in C
- Calcoo - RPN and algebraic scientific calculator
- Calctool - Multi-GUI (terminal, X, XView) calculator program
- Cantor - Mathematical software frontend by KDE
- Casadi - Symbolic framework for numeric optimization
- Cbc - Coin-or Branch and Cut mixed integer programming solver
- Cblas - Reference implementation of the C interface to the legacy Fortran BLAS
- Ccmath - Mathematics library with many different functions
- Cddlib - C-library implementation of the Double Description Method
- Ceres-solver - Nonlinear least squares minimizer
- Cgal - Computational geometry library
- Cgl-conic - Strategies for conic problems for COIN-OR Cut Generation
- Cgl - Collection of cut generators for COIN-OR packages that use cuts
- Cglm - Highly optimized graphics math (glm) for C
- Chaco - Software for partitioning graphs
- Chryzodus - Chryzode (http// explorer
- Chuffed - Lazy clause generation CP solver for MiniZinc
- Cimod - C++ header-only library for a binary quadratic models
- Clasp - Answer set solver for (extended) normal logic programs
- Clblas - Software library containing BLAS functions written in OpenCL
- Clblast - Modern, lightweight, performant and tunable OpenCL BLAS library
- Clfft - Software library containing FFT functions written in OpenCL
- Clingcon - Extension of clingo to handle constraints over integers
- Clingo - Grounder and solver for logic programs
- Cliquer - Routines for clique searching
- Cln - Class Library for Numbers
- Cloog - Code generator in the polyhedral model
- Clp - Linear Programming Solver
- Clrng - Library for uniform random number generation in OpenCL
- Cm - Library for ring class fields of imaginary quadratic number fields
- Cmh - Compute Igusa class polynomials
- Cminpack - Solving nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems
- Cmlib - NIST Core math library (CMLIB)
- Cocoalib - C++ library for doing Computations in Commutative Algebra
- Coin-or-data-netlib - COIN-OR netlib models
- Coin-or-data-sample - COIN-OR data samples
- Coin-or-data-stochastic - COIN-OR stochastic models
- Coin-or-metis - COIN-OR autotools harness to build Metis
- Coin-or-mumps - COIN-OR autotools harness to build Mumps
- Coinmp - Optimization library with support for COIN-OR CLP, CBC, and CGL
- Coinutils - Utilities for COIN-OR project
- Colpack - Graph Coloring Algorithm Package
- Combblas - Combinatorial BLAS library an extensible parallel graph library
- Conauto - Program for graph isomorphism testing & automorphism group computation
- Concorde - Combinatorial Optimization package
- Convertall - Another unit converter
- Coq - Theorem prover based on lambda-C
- Cosma - Distributed communication-optimal matrix multiplication algorithm
- Costa - Distributed Communication-Optimal Shuffle and Transpose Algorithm
- Couenne - Convex Over and Under Envelopes for NonliNear Estimation
- Coxeter3 - Library for the study of combinatorial aspects of Coxeter group theory
- Cppad - C++ Algorithmic Differentiation package
- Creme - Randomized thermal relaxation method for MaxFS problems
- Crlibm - Correctly-rounded mathematics library
- Cryptominisat - General-purpose award-winning SAT solver
- Csdp - Solver for semidefinite programming problems
- Ctl-sat - CTL (Computation Tree Logic) SAT solver
- Cudd - Package for the manipulation of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), etc
- Curv - Language for making art using mathematics
- Cvc5 - Automatic theorem prover for SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories)
- Darknet - Open source neural networks in C
- Dbcsr - Distributed Block Compressed Sparse Row matrix library
- Deal.ii - Finite element Differential Equations Analysis Library (DEAL)
- Dgl - Deep Graph Library
- Diehard - Marsaglia's Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness
- Dieharder - Random number generator testsuite
- Dihydrogen - Dense and sparse linear algebra, conic optimization, lattice reduction
- Dionysus - Library for computing persistent homology
- Disco - Discrete Conic Optimization Solver
- Djbfft - Extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
- Drgeo - GTK interactive geometry software
- Dsdp - Implementation of interior-point method for semidefinite programming
- Dune-alugrid - DUNE framework grid implementation providing simplex or cube grids
- Dune-common - DUNE framework Build system, infrastructure and foundation classes
- Dune-curvedgeometry - DUNE framework curved dune geometries by Lagrange parameterization
- Dune-fem - DUNE framework Finite Element Methods, Finite Volume Methods, etc
- Dune-foamgrid - DUNE framework one- and two-dimensional simplex grids
- Dune-functions - DUNE framework Abstraction layer for global finite element functions
- Dune-geometry - DUNE framework Geometry transformations, reference elements, etc
- Dune-grid-glue - DUNE framework infrastructure for coupling of unrelated Dune grids
- Dune-grid - DUNE framework Geometry transformations, reference elements, etc
- Dune-istl - DUNE framework Iterative Solver Template Library
- Dune-localfunctions - DUNE framework Local finite elements
- Dune-metagrid - DUNE framework module implementing a variety of DUNE meta grids
- Dune-multidomaingrid - DUNE framework meta grid for subdomains spanning parts of host grid
- Dune-pdelab - DUNE framework PDE solver toolbox
- Dune-polygongrid - DUNE framework 2D polygonal grid
- Dune-spgrid - DUNE framework A structured, parallel DUNE grid implementation
- Dune-typetree - DUNE framework The TypeTree library
- Dune-uggrid - DUNE framework The UG Grid Manager
- Dune-vtk - DUNE framework File reader and writer for the VTK XML format
- Dynare - Software platform for handling a wide class of economic models
- E-antic - Real Embedded Algebraic Number Theory In C
- E - Tiny expression evaluator
- Eclib - C++ library for arithmetic on elliptic curves
- Ecos - Lightweight conic solver for second-order cone programming
- Edenmath - Scientific calculator for GNUstep
- Eigen3 - Lightweight library for vector and matrix math
- Eispack - Eigenvalue system package
- Elemental - Dense and sparse linear algebra, conic optimization, lattice reduction
- Elementary-calculator - Simple calculator written in Vala
- Elpa - Eigenvalue soLver for Petaflop Applications
- Emc2 - Graphical editor of two-dimensional mesh geometries
- Ensmallen - Flexible C++ library for efficient mathematical optimization
- Ent - Entropy calculation and analysis of putative random sequences
- Entropy - Calculate data entropy to benchmark compression algorithms
- Eprover - Theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality
- Ess - R support for Emacsen
- Eukleides - Euclidean geometry drawing language
- Eval - Full featured floating point expression evaluator
- Exprtk - C++ mathematical expression library
- Facile - Functional Constraint Library
- Faiss - Library for efficient similarity search & clustering of dense vectors
- Fann - Free open source neural network library
- Fast_float - Fast and exact C++ number parsing library
- Fastops - AVX/AVX2-accelerated bulk call of math functions
- Fcl - Flexible Collision Library
- Fcl05 - Flexible Collision Library (Old version)
- Fenics-basix - FEniCS finite element basis evaluation library
- Fflas-ffpack - Library for dense linear algebra over word-size finite fields
- Fftw-float - Fast C routines (Single Percision)
- Fftw -
- Fftw3-float - Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Single Precision C Routines)
- Fftw3-long - Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Long Double Precision C Routines)
- Fftw3-quad - Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Quad Precision C Routines)
- Fftw3 -
- Flann - Library for fast nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces
- Flexfloat - C library for the emulation of reduced-precision floating point types
- Flint2 - Fast library for number theory
- Flintqs - Quadratic Sieve integer factorization algorithm
- Flopc++ - Library for solving Linear Optimization Problems in C++
- Form - Symbolic Manipulation System
- Fparser - Function parser for C++
- Fpc-fftw - Free Pascal interface to the FFTW3 library
- Fpc-gmp - Free Pascal interface to gmp library
- Fpc-numlib - Free Pascal unit to numerical methods
- Fplll - Lattice algorithms using floating-point arithmetic
- Freefem++ - Partial differential equation solver
- Fricas - Advanced computer algebra system
- Frobby - Software system and project for computations with monomial ideals
- Fxt - Llibrary of low-level algorithms
- G2o - General framework for graph optimization
- Galculator - GTK-based scientific calculator
- Gambit - Library of tools for doing computation in game theory
- Gap - System for computational discrete algebra
- Gau2grid - Fast computation of a gaussian and its derivative on a grid
- Gecode - Generic Constraint Development Environment
- Gemmlowp - Low-precision matrix multiplication library
- Geogebra - Dynamic software that joins geometry, algebra, and calculus
- Geogram - Programming library of geometric algorithms
- Geonext - Interactive (dynamic) elementary Geometry Software
- Gexpr - Shell calculator
- Gf2x - Library for multiplying polynomials over the binary field
- Gfan - Software for computing Groebner fans and tropical varieties
- Gfanlib - Static library for computing Groebner fans and tropical varieties
- Ggobi - Data visualization system
- Gh-bc -
- Giacxcas - Computer algebra system
- Gismo - C++ library for isogeometric analysis (IGA)
- Givaro - C++ library for computer algebra
- Gkmap - Simplification of Boolean Functions using Karnaugh Map
- Glgraph - OpenGL based function grapher
- Glm - C++ mathematics library for software based on the OpenGL GLSL
- Glpk - GNU Linear Programming Kit
- Glucose - Parallel SAT solver based on Minisat, with glue clauses
- Gmm++ - Generic matrix template library
- Gmp-ecm - Elliptic Curve Method for Integer Factorization
- Gmp - Free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
- Gnome-calculator - GNOME calculator tool
- Gnubc - GNU bc/dc calculator
- Gnumeric - GNOME spreadsheet program
- Gnuplot-lite - Command-line driven graphing utility (lite package)
- Gnuplot-tex-extras - Extra files for Gnuplot TeX support
- Gnuplot -
- Gp2c - Package for translating GP routines into C
- Grace - Powerful 2D plotting tool (successor of xmgr)
- Gravity - Mathematical modeling for optimization and machine learning
- Gretl - GNU Regression, Econometrics, and Time-series Library
- Gri - Extensible plotting language for producing scientific graphs
- Grpn - GTK+-based reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator
- Gsl - The GNU Scientific Library - mathematical libs
- Half - C++ library for half precision floating point arithmetic
- Hexcalc - Multi-radix calculator for x11
- Heyoka - C++ library for ODE integration via Taylor's method and LLVM
- Highs - Solver for large scale sparse linear programming (LP) problems
- Hmat-oss - Hierarchical matrix C/C++ library
- Hpcombi - Fast combinatorics in C++ using SSE/AVX instruction sets
- Hpipm - High-performance interior-point-method QP solvers
- Hptt - High-Performance Tensor Transpose library
- Hs-agda - Dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant
- Hs-semigroups - Anything that associates
- Hs-syfco - Synthesis Format Conversion Tool
- Hsl - COIN-OR autotools harness to build HSL linear solvers
- Hydrogen - Dense and sparse linear algebra, conic optimization, lattice reduction
- Hyperdeal - Finite-element library for partial differential equations
- Ideep - Chainer module for numpy-like API and DNN acceleration using MKL-DNN
- Ignition-math - General purpose math library for robot applications
- Igraph - Package For Manipulating Undirected And Directed Graphs
- Iml - Integer Matrix Library
- Intx - Extended precision integer library
- Ipopt - Software package for large-scale nonlinear optimization
- Ised - Tool for generating number sequences and arithmetic evaluation
- Jacal - Symbolic mathematics program written in Scheme
- Jacop - Java Constraint Programming solver
- Jags - Just Another Gibbs Sampler
- Jakarta-commons-math3 - Java library of self-contained mathematics and statistics components
- Jama - Java-like Matrix C++ Templates
- Jeuclid - Java based MathML rendering solution
- Jlatexmath - Java API to display mathematical formulas written in LaTeX
- Jsmath-fonts - Raster fonts pack for jsmath
- Jtransforms - Multithreaded FFT library written in pure Java
- Jts - JTS Topology Suite
- Kahip - Karlsruhe high quality graph partitioning
- Kalc - Calculator for real and complex numbers, 2d/3d graphing, etc
- Kalgebra - KDE graph calculator
- Kalk - Kalk is a convergent calculator for Plasma
- Kalker - Scientific calculator that supports math-like syntax
- Kamis - Maximum independent sets and vertex covers of large sparse graphs
- Kbruch - KDE 4 application to exercise fractions
- Kcalc - Scientific calculator for KDE
- Kfr - C++ DSP framework, FFT, Sample Rate Conversion, FIR/IIR/Biquad Filters
- Kig - KDE interactive geometry application
- Kissat - Kissat SAT Solver
- Kktdirect - Direct solver package for saddle-point (KKT) matrices
- Kmplot - Mathematical function plotter for KDE
- Labplot - Data plotting and function analysis tool by KDE
- Lambda - Lambda calculus interpreter
- Lapack++ - Linear Algebra PACKage in C++, a wrapper for LAPACK
- Lapack -
- Lapack95 - LAPACK95, Fortran90/95 wrapper for LAPACK
- Lapacke - Standard C language APIs for LAPACK
- Lapackpp - C++ API for the Linear Algebra PACKage
- Laspack - Package for solving large sparse systems of linear equations
- Latte-integrale - Software for counting lattice points/integration over convex polytopes
- Lcalc - L-function c++ class library and the CLI program lcalc
- Ldouble - Long double math precision functions
- Lean - Theorem prover
- Lemon - Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks
- Levmar - GPL-licensed library implementing the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- Lib2geom - Easy to use 2D geometry library in C++
- Librmath - Standalone math library from R
- Libbraiding - C++ library for computations on braid groups
- Libccd - Library for collision detection between two convex shapes
- Libcerf - Library that provides an implementation of complex error functions
- Libdivide - Fast prime counting function implementations
- Libfixmath - Cross-platform fixed point math library
- Libflame - FLAME dense linear algebra library
- Libformfactor - Library for computation of scattering form factors of polyhedra
- Libhomfly - Library to compute the homfly polynomial of knots and link
- Liblbfgs - Library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
- Libmesh - Numerical simulation of partial differential equations
- Libmissing - Standard math functions missing from the FreeBSD libm
- Libnormaliz - Compute Hilbert bases and enumerative data of rational polyhedra
- Libocas - Efficient training of SVM classifiers
- Liborigin - Library and utility for reading OriginLab project files
- Libpoly - C library for manipulating polynomials
- Libqalculate - Multi-purpose desktop calculator (backend library)
- Libranlip - Random variate generator for Lipschitz-continuous densities
- Librdata - Read and write R data frames from C
- Librsb - Sparse matrix library
- Libsemigroups - C++ library for semigroups and monoids
- Libsharp2 - Library for fast spherical harmonic transforms
- Libtommath - Comprehensive, modular, and portable mathematical routines
- Libtsnnls - Fast Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares Solver
- Libxls - Extract Cell Data From Excel xls files
- Libxlsxwriter - C library for creating Excel XLSX files
- Libxsmm - Library for dense and sparse matrix operations and deep learning
- Lidia - Library for computational number theory
- Linbox - C++ library for exact, high-performance linear algebra
- Lingeling - Lingeling SAT Solver
- Linpack - Linear Algebra package
- Lis - Library of Iterative Solvers for linear systems
- Lll_spect - LLL-spectral test of linear congruential random number generators
- Lmfit - Library for Levenberg-Marquardt minimization and least-squares fitting
- Lp_solve - Linear Programming Solver
- Lrcalc - Littlewood-Richardson Calculator
- Lrng - Uniform random number generators of P. L'Ecuyer and his colleagues
- Lrslib - Reverse search algorithm for vertex enumeration/convex hull problems
- Ltl - C++ class SSE library for scientific computing
- Ltl2ba - Fast translation from LTL formulae to Buchi automata
- Lybniz - Mathematical function graph plotter
- M4ri - Library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over F2
- M4rie - Library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over GF(2^e)
- Mandelbulber2 - Three-dimensional fractals generator
- Mate-calc - MATE calculator tool based on the old calctool for OpenWindows
- Math77 - CalTech mathematical subprogram libraries for Fortran 77
- Mathgl - Library for high-quality scientific data visualization
- Mathicsscript - Terminal CLI to Mathics
- Mathlibtools - Lean prover mathlib supporting tools
- Mathmod - Mathematical modeling software
- Mathomatic - Highly portable, general purpose CAS (Computer Algebra System)
- Mathpresso - Mathematical expression parser and JIT compiler
- Matio - Library for reading and writing Matlab MAT files
- Matlab-installer - Easy installation of Linux Matlab(r) on FreeBSD
- Maxima - Symbolic mathematics program
- Mbasecalc - Simple calculator program inspired by basecalc
- Mcsim - Monte Carlo stochastic simulations and Bayesian inference
- Mdal - Mesh data abstration library
- Mesquite - Mesh Quality Improvement Toolkit is a suite of mesh algorithms
- Metis-edf - Meshes partitioning tool used by Code_Aster
- Metis - Package for unstructured graph partitioning
- Metis4 - Package for unstructured graph partitioning
- Mfem - Lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for finite element methods
- Mingw32-libgmp - Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (MinGW32)
- Minisat - Minimalistic, open-source SAT solver
- Minizinc-ide - IDE for MiniZinc, a constraint modeling language
- Minizinc-solvers - Metaport for MiniZinc solvers
- Minizinc - Constraint modeling language
- Minorminer - Heuristic tool for minor graph embedding (C++ headers-only library)
- Miracl - Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++ Library
- Mkl-dnn - Intel(R) Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks
- Mlpack - Fast, flexible machine learning library
- Moab - Component for representing and evaluating mesh data
- Moo - Calculator that accepts C-like syntax as input
- Mpc - Library of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision
- Mpdecimal - C/C++ arbitrary precision decimal floating point libraries
- Mpexpr - Multiple precision math for Tcl
- Mpfi - Multiple Precision Floating-point Interval library
- Mpfr - Library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
- Mpfrc++ - High-performance C++ interface for MPFR library
- Mpfrcx - Arbitrary precision library for arithmetic of univariate polynomials
- Mpir - Multiprecision integer, rational, floating point numbers library
- Mppp - Multiprecision for modern C++
- Mprime - Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
- Mpsolve - Multiprecision rootfinder for complex roots of univariate polynomials
- Mtrxmath - Small tool for matrix mathematics
- Multichoose - Generate multiset combinations (n multichoose k)
- Mumps - MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver for Code_Aster
- Mumps4 - MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver
- Munkres-cpp - Kuhn-Munkres (Hungarian) algorithm in C++
- Muparser - Mathematical expressions parser library written in C++
- Muparserx - C++ math parser library with array and string support
- Nanoflann - Header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search with KD-trees
- Naturalmath - Script to turn intuitively written math into latex
- Nauty - Nauty & Traces are programs for computing graph automorphism
- Ndiff - Compare files, ignoring numeric differences
- Newmat - C++ matrix library
- Nfft - Nonequispaced fast Fourier transform
- Ngraph - XY plotting tool for students, scientists, and engineers
- Nlopt - Nonlinear optimization library
- Ntl - Victor Shoup's Number Theory Library
- Ntpoly - Library for computing the functions of sparse matrices
- Numdiff - Compare putatively similar files, ignoring small numeric differences
- Obake - C++ library for the symbolic manipulation of sparse polynomials & co
- Ocaml-num - Legacy library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic
- Ocaml-ocamlgraph - Graph manipulation library for OCaml
- Ocaml-zarith - OCaml arithmetic library for arbitrary precision integers
- Ocamlgsl - Interface to GSL for the Objective Caml language
- Octave-forge-actuarial - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-audio - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-automatic-differentiation - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-base - Octave-forge baseport for all packages
- Octave-forge-bim - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-bioinfo - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-biosig - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-bsltl - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-cfitsio - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-cgi - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-civil-engineering - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-coder - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-communications - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-control - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-csg-toolkit - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-data-smoothing - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-database - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-dataframe - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-dicom - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-divand - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-doctest - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-econometrics - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-fda - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-femoctave - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-fenv - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-fileio - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-financial - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-fits - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-fpl - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-ga - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-general - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-generate_html - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-geographiclib - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-geometry - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-gnuplot - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-gsl - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-ident - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-image - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-informationtheory - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-integration - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-internal-fluid-flow - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-interval - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-io - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-irsa - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-level-set - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-linear-algebra - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-lssa - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-ltfat - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-mapping - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-matgeom - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-mccabe-thiele - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-mechanics - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-miscellaneous - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-missing-functions - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-mpi - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-mqtt - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-msh - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-multicore - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-mvn - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-nan - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-ncarray - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-netcdf - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-nlwing2 - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-nnet - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-nurbs - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-oct2mat - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-octave-pool - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-octclip - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-octproj - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-odebvp - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-onsas - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-optics - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-optim - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-optiminterp - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-outliers - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-parallel - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-pde1dm - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-pkg-octave-doc - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-plot - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-ponchon-savarit - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-psychrometrics - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-pythonic - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-quaternion - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-queueing - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-secs1d - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-secs2d - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-secs3d - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-signal - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-simp - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-sockets - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-sole - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-sparsersb - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-specfun - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-special-matrix - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-splines - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-sqlite - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-statistics-bootstrap - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-statistics - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-stk - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-strings - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-struct - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-symband - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-symbolic - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-tcl-octave - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-tsa - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-velas - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-video - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-websockets - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-zenity - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge-zeromq - Octave-forge package ${OCTAVE_PKGNAME}
- Octave-forge - Octave-forge metaport for math/octave
- Octave - High-level interactive language for numerical computations
- Octomap - Efficient probabilistic 3D mapping framework based on octrees
- Ogdf - C++ class library for the automatic layout of diagrams
- Oink - Modern parity game solvers written in C++
- Oleo - GNU spreadsheet for X11 and terminals
- Onednn - Intel(R) Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks
- Onednn252 - Intel(R) Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks
- Onnx - Open Neural Network eXchange
- Openblas - Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
- Openfst - Library for working with weighted finite-state transducers
- Openlibm - High quality system independent, portable, open source libm
- Openmesh - Generic data structure for manipulating polygonal meshes
- Openscop - Library for Data Exchange in Polyhedral Compilation Tools
- Opensolaris-libm - C99 Math and vector libraries from OpenSolaris snv_33
- Openturns - Uncertainty treatment library
- Optpp - Object-oriented nonlinear optimization library
- Or-tools - Google's Operations Research tools
- Orpie - Fullscreen RPN calculator for the console
- Osi-conic - Conic problem solver interface extending OSI to conic problems
- Osi - COIN-OR Open Solver Interface, an API for calling solver libraries
- Osiipopt - Conic solver interface for Ipopt
- Osqp - Operator Splitting Quadratic Program solver for optimization problems
- P5-ai-decisiontree - Perl module for Automatically Learning Decision Trees
- P5-ai-genetic - Pure Perl genetic algorithm implementation
- P5-ai-neuralnet-backprop - Perl module implementing back-propagation feed-forward neural network
- P5-ai-perceptron - Perl module for introducing to internal operations of neural networks
- P5-algorithm-combinatorics - Efficient generation of combinatorial sequences
- P5-algorithm-curvefit - Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting
- P5-algorithm-kmeans - Clustering multi-dimensional data with a pure-Perl implementation
- P5-algorithm-munkres - Perl Extension for Munkres' Solution to Classical Assignment Problem
- P5-alien-gsl - Detect and get configuration setting for GSL
- P5-bit-shiftreg - Perl module implementing various bit shifting operations
- P5-bit-vector-minimal - Object-oriented wrapper around Perl's vec()
- P5-bit-vector - Library of advanced math functions that includes a Perl OO module
- P5-cad-calc - Generic cad-related geometry calculations
- P5-chart-math-axis - Implements an algorithm to find good values for chart axis
- P5-data-float - Details of the floating point data type
- P5-date-handler - Perl module for calculating time differences
- P5-gis-distance-fast - C implementation of GISDistance formulas
- P5-gis-distance-lite - Calculate geographic distances in geodetic WGS84 format
- P5-gis-distance - Calculate geographic distances
- P5-geo-coordinates-utm - Perl extension for converting latitude/longitude to UTM
- P5-geo-distance-xs - Calculate Distances and Closest Locations faster
- P5-geo-distance - Calculate Distances and Closest Locations
- P5-graph - Graph, the Perl module for graph operations
- P5-math-algebra-symbols - Symbolic Algebra in Pure Perl
- P5-math-base36 - Encoding and decoding of base36 strings
- P5-math-base85 - Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
- P5-math-basecalc - Convert numbers between various bases
- P5-math-basecnv - Fast functions to convert between number Bases
- P5-math-bezier-convert - Convert cubic and quadratic Bezier each other
- P5-math-bezier - Perl module to solve Bezier curves
- P5-math-bigint-fastcalc - MathBigIntCalc with some XS for more speed
- P5-math-bigint-gmp - Use GMP library for MathBigInt routines
- P5-math-bigint-lite - What MathBigInts are before they become big
- P5-math-bigint-pari - Use MathPari for MathBigInt routines
- P5-math-bigint - Arbitrary size integer math perl package
- P5-math-bigrat - Arbitrary big rational numbers
- P5-math-cdf - Generate probabilities and quantiles
- P5-math-calc-units - Human-readable unit-aware calculator
- P5-math-cephes - Perl interface to the cephes math library
- P5-math-combinatorics - Perform combinations and permutations on lists
- P5-math-complex - Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
- P5-math-convexhull - Calculate convex hulls using Graham's scan (n*log(n))
- P5-math-currency - Perl module for exact currency math with formatting and rounding
- P5-math-derivative - Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
- P5-math-evol - Perl module implements the evolution search strategy
- P5-math-expr - Perl module for parsing mathematical expressions into a tree structure
- P5-math-fft - Perl module providing an interface to Fast Fourier Transform routines
- P5-math-fixedprecision - Perl module that provides decimal math without floating point errors
- P5-math-fleximal - Integers with flexible representations
- P5-math-gmp - Perl module that provides an interface to the GMP library
- P5-math-gmpf - Perl interface to the GMP library floating point (mpf) functions
- P5-math-gmpq - Perl interface to the GMP library rational (mpq) functions
- P5-math-gmpz - Perl interface to the GMP library integer (mpz) functions
- P5-math-gsl - Perl interface to GNU Scientific Library
- P5-math-geometry-planar-gpc-polygonxs - OO wrapper to gpc library (translated to XS)
- P5-math-geometry-planar-gpc - Perl wrapper for Alan Murta's gpc library
- P5-math-geometry-planar-offset - Calculate offset polygons
- P5-math-geometry-planar - Collection of planar geometry functions
- P5-math-geometry-voronoi - Perl Module to compute Voronoi diagrams from sets of points
- P5-math-geometry - Geometry related functions
- P5-math-gradient - Calculating gradients for color transitions and the like
- P5-math-int128 - Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
- P5-math-int64 - Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
- P5-math-interpolate - Perl routines for data sets interpolation and interval search
- P5-math-intersection-straightline - Calculate intersection point for two lines
- P5-math-logic - Perl module providing pure 2, 3, or multi-value logic
- P5-math-mpc - Perl interface to MPC Library
- P5-math-mpfr - Perl interface to MPFR Library
- P5-math-matrix - Multiply and invert matrices in Perl
- P5-math-matrixreal - Perl module implementing a Matrix of Reals
- P5-math-numbercruncher - Collection of useful math-related functions
- P5-math-pari - Numerical/scientific/number-theoretic calculations
- P5-math-polygon-tree - Class for fast check if point is inside polygon
- P5-math-polygon - Class for Maintaining Polygon Data
- P5-math-polynomial-solve - Find the roots of polynomial equations
- P5-math-prime-util-gmp - Utilities related to prime numbers and factoring, using GMP
- P5-math-prime-util - Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring
- P5-math-prime-xs - Detect and calculate prime numbers with deterministic tests
- P5-math-provableprime - Generate a provable prime number, in pure Perl
- P5-math-rpn - Reverse polish math expression evaluation
- P5-math-random-isaac-xs - C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG Algorithm
- P5-math-random-isaac - Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG Algorithm
- P5-math-random-mt-auto - Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
- P5-math-random-mt - The Mersenne Twister PRNG
- P5-math-random-oo - Consistent object-oriented interface for generating random numbers
- P5-math-random-secure - Cryptographically-secure rand function
- P5-math-random - Random number generators
- P5-math-randomorg - Retrieve random numbers and data from
- P5-math-round-var - Variations on rounding
- P5-math-round - Perl extension for rounding numbers
- P5-math-sequence - Perl extension dealing with mathematic sequences
- P5-math-series - Perl extension dealing with mathematic series
- P5-math-sigfigs - Do math with correct handling of significant figures
- P5-math-simplevariable - Simple representation of mathematical variables
- P5-math-spline - Cubic Spline Interpolation of data
- P5-math-string - Perl module to calculate with strings as if they were big integers
- P5-math-symbolic-custom-ccompiler - Compile MathSymbolic trees to C
- P5-math-symbolic-custom-contains - Find subtrees in MathSymbolic expressions
- P5-math-symbolic-custom-errorpropagation - Calculate Gaussian Error Propagation
- P5-math-symbolic-custom-latexdumper - MathSymbolic LaTeX output
- P5-math-symbolic-custom-pattern - Pattern matching on MathSymbolic trees
- P5-math-symbolic-custom-simplification - User defined simplification routines
- P5-math-symbolic-custom-transformation - Transform MathSymbolic trees
- P5-math-symbolic - Symbolic calculations
- P5-math-symbolicx-bignum - Big number support for the MathSymbolic parser
- P5-math-symbolicx-complex - Complex number support for the MathSymbolic parser
- P5-math-symbolicx-error - Parser extension for dealing with numeric errors
- P5-math-symbolicx-inline - Inlined MathSymbolic functions
- P5-math-symbolicx-nosimplification - Turn off MathSymbolic simplification
- P5-math-symbolicx-parserextensionfactory - Generate parser extensions
- P5-math-symbolicx-statistics-distributions - Statistical distributions
- P5-math-trulyrandom - Perl interface to a truly random number generator function
- P5-math-units - Unit conversion
- P5-math-utils - Useful mathematical functions not in Perl
- P5-math-vec - Object-Oriented Vector Math Methods in Perl
- P5-math-vecstat - Basic statistics on vectors
- P5-math-vectorreal - Perl Module to handle 3D Vector Mathematics
- P5-netcdf - Perl5 module to read and write netCDF files
- P5-number-compare - Numeric comparisons
- P5-number-fraction - Perl extension to model fractions
- P5-number-misc - Perl extension of handy utilities for numbers
- P5-number-uncertainty - Object-orientated uncertainty object
- P5-number-witherror-latex - LaTeX output for NumberWithError
- P5-number-witherror - Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
- P5-parse-range - Parses range definitions and returns an array
- P5-roman - Perl module to convert between Arabic and Roman numerals
- P5-set-intspan-fast-xs - Faster SetIntSpanFast
- P5-set-intspan-fast - Fast handling of sets containing integer spans
- P5-set-intspan - Manages sets of integers
- P5-set-partition - Enumerate all arrangements of a set in fixed subsets
- P5-set-window - Perl module to manage an interval on the integer line
- P5-statistics-basic - Collection of basic statistics modules
- P5-statistics-benford - Calculate the deviation from Benford's Law
- P5-statistics-caseresampling - Efficient resampling and calculation of medians with confidence intervals
- P5-statistics-chisquare - How random is your data?
- P5-statistics-contingency - Calculate precision, recall, F1, accuracy, etc
- P5-statistics-descriptive-discrete - Compute descriptive statistics for discrete data sets
- P5-statistics-descriptive - Perl module that supplies statistical methods for perl5
- P5-statistics-distributions - Calculate critical values of common statistical distributions
- P5-statistics-forecast - Calculates a future value
- P5-statistics-frequency - Simple counting of elements
- P5-statistics-ltu - Perl implementation of Linear Threshold Units
- P5-statistics-linefit - Least squares line fit, weighted or unweighted
- P5-statistics-lite - The lightweight and functional object-oriented statistics
- P5-statistics-ols - Perl module to perform ordinary least squares and other bivariate statistics
- P5-statistics-r - Controls the R interpreter through Perl
- P5-statistics-regression - Perl module to perform weighted linear regression
- P5-statistics-ttest - Perl module to perform T-test on 2 independent samples
- P5-task-math-symbolic - MathSymbolic with lots of plugins
- P5-text-asciitex - Convert (La)TeX formulas to ASCII art
- P5-bignum - Transparent BigNumber/BigRational support for Perl
- Palp - Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes
- Pari - Mathematics library and advanced calculator package
- Pari_elldata - Elliptic Curve Data for PARI/GP
- Pari_galdata - Data needed by PARI/GP for polgalois
- Pari_galpol - Database of Galois polynomials for PARI/GP
- Pari_nflistdata - List fields of small discriminant for nflist() in PARI/GP
- Pari_nftables - Repackaging of the historical megrez number field tables for PARI/GP
- Pari_seadata - Modular polynomials for PARI/GP
- Paritwine - Glue library between PARI/GP and other mathematics libraries
- Parmetis - Package for parallel (MPI) unstructured graph partitioning
- Parmgridgen - Library for obtaining a sequence of successive coarse grids
- Pdal - Library for translating and manipulating point cloud data
- Pear-math_biginteger - Pure-PHP arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library
- Pear-math_combinatorics - Package that produces combinations and permutations
- Pecl-bitset - PECL extension for manipulating bitsets
- Perlinnoise - Header-only Perlin noise library for modern C++
- Permlib - C++ header-only library for permutation computations
- Petanque - Library that helps manipulate symbolic boolean expressions
- Petiga - Framework for High Performance Isogeometric Analysis
- Pffft - Pretty Fast FFT (PFFFT) library
- Php71-bcmath -
- Php71-gmp -
- Php72-bcmath -
- Php72-gmp -
- Php80-bcmath -
- Php80-gmp -
- Php81-bcmath -
- Php81-gmp -
- Php82-bcmath -
- Php82-gmp -
- Php83-bcmath -
- Php83-gmp -
- Physcalc - Flexible calculator that behaves much like units(1)
- Picosat - Satisfiability (SAT) solver for boolean variables
- Piranha - Piranha computer algebra system
- Planarity - Edge Addition Planarity Suite
- Plantri - Plantri and fullgen are programs to generate planar graph
- Plman - Propositional Logic sentence shell/interpreter
- Ploticus-nox11 - Generates plots and graphs from data (no X11 required)
- Ploticus -
- Plplot - Scientific plotting package
- Poly2tri -
- Polyclipper - Library to clip polygons (in 2D) and polyhedra (in 3D) by planes
- Polylib - Library of polyhedral functions
- Polymake - Software package for research in polyhedral geometry
- Primecount - Fast prime counting function implementations
- Primegen - Small, fast library to generate prime numbers in order
- Primesieve - Fast prime number generator
- Primesum - Sum of the primes below x
- Primme - Iterative eigensolver for symmetric and hermitian matrices
- Prng - Portable, high-performance ANSI-C pseudorandom number generators
- Proofgeneral - Generic interface for proof assistants
- Pspp - Program for statistical analysis of sampled data
- Psurface - Piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces
- Py-cylp - Python interface to CLP, CBC, and CGL to solve LPs and MIPs
- Py-diofant - Python library for symbolic mathematics
- Py-griddataformats - Handle data on a grid NumPy n-dimensional arrays
- Py-mutatormath - Piecewise linear interpolation in multiple dimensions
- Py-pulp - LP modeler written in python
- Py-pymetis - Python wrapper for the Metis graph partitioning software
- Py-pyscipopt - Python interface and modeling environment for SCIP
- Py-pywavelets - Discrete Wavelet Transforms in Python
- Py-pyomo - Python Optimization Modeling Objects
- Py-affine - Matrices describing affine transformation of the plane
- Py-algopy - Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) and Taylor polynomial approximations
- Py-altgraph - Python graph (network) package
- Py-ambit - Library for tensor product calculations
- Py-amply - Load and manipulate AMPL data as Python data structures
- Py-animatplot-ng - Making animating in matplotlib easy (new gen)
- Py-animatplot - Making animating in matplotlib easy
- Py-annoy - Approximate Nearest Neighbors algorithm
- Py-apgl - Fast python graph library with some machine learning features
- Py-arviz - Package for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models
- Py-arybo - Manipulation of mixed boolean-arithmetic symbolic expressions
- Py-autograd - Efficiently computes derivatives of numpy code
- Py-basemap-data - Map data for py-basemap
- Py-basemap - Plots data on map projections with boundaries
- Py-baycomp - Library for Bayesian comparison of classifiers
- Py-bayesian-optimization - Bayesian Optimization package
- Py-benford_py - Library for testing data sets with Benford's law
- Py-bitmath - Represent and manipulate file sizes with different prefix notations
- Py-bitvector - Pure-Python memory-efficient packed representation for bit arrays
- Py-bottleneck - Collection of fast NumPy array functions written in Cython
- Py-brial - Python implementation of BRiAl
- Py-chaospy - Toolbox for performing uncertainty quantification
- Py-claripy - Abstraction layer for constraint solvers
- Py-clingcon - Extension of clingo to handle constraints over integers
- Py-clingo - Grounder and solver for logic programs
- Py-cma - CMA-ES for non-linear numerical optimization in Python
- Py-cmaes - Lightweight CMA Evolution Strategy implementation for Python
- Py-cmyt - Collection of Matplotlib colormaps from the yt project
- Py-colormath - Module that spares the user from directly dealing with color math
- Py-contourpy - Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids
- Py-cryptominisat - Bindings to CryptoMiniSat (a SAT solver)
- Py-cvxopt - Python software for convex optimization
- Py-cvxpy - Domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems
- Py-cyipopt - Cython interface for the interior point optimizer IPOPT
- Py-cypari2 - Python interface to the number theory library PARI/GP
- Py-deap - Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python
- Py-dgl - Deep Graph Library
- Py-dionysus - Library for computing persistent homology
- Py-disjoint-set - Disjoint set data structure implementation for Python
- Py-docplex - IBM Decision Optimization CPLEX Modeling for Python
- Py-ducc0 - Distinctly Useful Code Collection (DUCC)
- Py-ecos - Python package for ECOS Embedded Cone Solver
- Py-evalidate - Safe evaluation of untrusted user-supplied python expressions
- Py-faiss - Library for efficient similarity search & clustering of dense vectors
- Py-fastcluster - Fast hierarchical clustering routines for R and Python
- Py-fastdtw - Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm with an O(N) complexity
- Py-fenics-basix - FEniCS finite element basis evaluation library
- Py-fenics-ffcx - FEniCS Form Compiler for finite element forms
- Py-fenics-ufl - FEniCS Unified Form Language
- Py-ffc - C++ code generator for multilinear forms
- Py-fiat - FInite element Automatic Tabulator
- Py-flax - Neural network library for JAX designed for flexibility
- Py-formulaic - Implementation of Wilkinson formulas
- Py-fpconst - Utilities for handling IEEE 754 floating point special values
- Py-fpylll - Python interface for fplll
- Py-fraction - Carry out all the fraction operations
- Py-fsph - Library to quickly compute series of complex spherical harmonics
- Py-fvcore - Shared code among different Facebook research projects
- Py-gato - Python-based toolbox to visualise algorithms on graphs
- Py-gau2grid - Fast computation of a gaussian and its derivative on a grid
- Py-gimmik - Generator of Matrix Multiplication Kernels
- Py-gmpy2 - GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC interface to Python
- Py-gnuplot - Python interface to gnuplot plotting program
- Py-grandalf - Graph experimentation and drawing algorithms framework
- Py-graphillion - Fast, lightweight graphset operation library in Python
- Py-gym-notices - Notices for gym
- Py-gym - OpenAI toolkit for developing and comparing your reinforcement learning agents
- Py-hdbscan - Clustering based on density with variable density clusters
- Py-hdmedians - High-dimensional medians
- Py-heyoka - Python library for ODE integration via Taylor's method and LLVM
- Py-igakit - Low-level routines for manipulations of NURBS geometries
- Py-igraph - High performance graph data structures and algorithms
- Py-iminuit - Jupyter-friendly Python frontend for MINUIT2 in C++
- Py-intspan - Finite element automatic tabulator
- Py-iohexperimenter - Experimenter for Iterative Optimization Heuristic
- Py-ipyopt - Python interface to Ipopt
- Py-isosurfaces - Construct isolines/isosurfaces over a 2D/3D scalar field
- Py-jacobi - Compute numerical derivatives
- Py-jax - Differentiate, compile, and transform Numpy code
- Py-kahip - Karlsruhe high quality graph partitioning
- Py-keras-applications - Reference implementations of popular deep learning models
- Py-keras-preprocessing - Easy data preprocessing and data augmentation for DL models
- Py-keras - Deep learning library for Python
- Py-kiwisolver - Fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver
- Py-levmar - Binding to levmar library (Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm)
- Py-libpoly - Python binding for libpoly
- Py-linearmodels - Linear Panel, Instrumental Variable, Asset Pricing and other models
- Py-lmfit - Least-squares Minimization with bounds and constraints
- Py-logical-unification - Logical unification in Python
- Py-lrcalc - Python bindings for lrcal
- Py-luminol - Lightweight python library for time series data analysis
- Py-mapbox-earcut - Bindings for Pango for use with Manim
- Py-mathdom - Content MathML in Python
- Py-mathics-scanner - Tokeniser, char tables, & conversion routines for the Wolfram Language
- Py-mathics - General-purpose computer algebra system (CAS)
- Py-matplotlib-inline - Matplotlib Inline Back-end for IPython and Jupyter
- Py-matplotlib-scalebar - Artist for matplotlib to display a scale bar
- Py-matplotlib - Plotting library uses a syntax familiar to MATLAB users
- Py-matplotlib2 - Plotting library uses a syntax familiar to MATLAB users (legacy)
- Py-minorminer - Heuristic tool for minor embedding of graphs
- Py-mip - Python MIP (Mixed-Integer Linear Programming) Tools
- Py-mixsimulator - Calculate and simulate the least cost of an energy mix under constraints
- Py-ml-dtypes - Stand-alone implementation of several NumPy dtype extensions
- Py-mnnpy - MNN (Mutual Nearest Neighbors) correct in python
- Py-moarchiving - Biobjective Archive class with hypervolume indicator and uncrowded hypervolume improvement computation
- Py-mpmath - Python Library for Arbitrary-precision Floating-point Arithmetic
- Py-munkres - Munkres implementation for Python
- Py-munkres10 - Munkres implementation for Python
- Py-ndindex - Python library for manipulating indices of ndarrays
- Py-networkx - Tools for complex networks
- Py-networkx1 - Tools for complex networks / Backported version
- Py-nevergrad - Python toolbox for performing gradient-free optimization
- Py-nlopt - Nonlinear optimization library
- Py-numba-stats - Numba-accelerated implementations of common probability distributions
- Py-numdifftools - Solve automatic numerical differentiation problems in 1+ variables
- Py-numeric - Numeric Extension to Python
- Py-numexpr - Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy
- Py-numpoly - Create/manipulate/evaluate polynomial arrays based on numpy.ndarray
- Py-numpy-groupies - Optimised tools for group-indexing operations aggregated sum and more
- Py-numpy-stl - Simple library to make working with STL files fast and easy
- Py-numpy - The New Numeric Extension to Python
- Py-nzmath - Number theory oriented calculation system
- Py-onnx - Open Neural Network eXchange
- Py-opentsne - Fast, parallel implementations of t-SNE
- Py-opt-einsum - Optimizing numpys einsum function
- Py-optuna - Hyperparameter optimization framework
- Py-or-tools - Google's Operations Research tools (Python binding)
- Py-osqp - Python binding for Operator Splitting QP Solver
- Py-pandas-datareader - Data readers previously found in Pandas
- Py-pandas - Flexible, high-performance data analysis in Python
- Py-patsy - Python package for statistical models and design matrices
- Py-pdal - PDAL Python bindings
- Py-permutation - Permutations of finitely many positive integers
- Py-petsc4py - PETSc for Python
- Py-piranha - Python binding for Piranha, the computer algebra system
- Py-plastex - LaTeX Document Processing Framework
- Py-point-annotator - Annotate data with labels based on the Mann-Whitney U test
- Py-pplpy - Python wrapper to the C++ Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL)
- Py-primecountpy - Primecount Cython interface
- Py-primme - PRIMME wrapper for Python
- Py-probstat - Probability And Statistics Utils for Python
- Py-py-find-1st - Numpy extension module for efficient search in numpy arrays
- Py-pyfftw - Pythonic wrapper around FFTW, the FFT library
- Py-pyaudi - Library implementing the algebra of Taylor polynomials
- Py-pybloom - Probabilistic data structure
- Py-pyclipper - Cython wrapper for the C++ translation of Clipper library
- Py-pycosat - Bindings to PicoSAT (a SAT solver)
- Py-pygsl - Python interface to GNU Scientific Library
- Py-pygslodeiv2 - Python binding for odeiv2 in GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
- Py-pyhdfe - High dimensional fixed effect absorption
- Py-pyhull - Computation of convex hull, Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagram
- Py-pymc - Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling Toolkit
- Py-pymc3 - Probabilistic programming in Python
- Py-pynauty - Isomorphism testing and automorphisms of graphs
- Py-pyneqsys - Solver of symbolically defined systems of non-linear equations
- Py-pynleq2 - Python binding for NLEQ2 algorithm's fortran implementation
- Py-pynndescent - Python nearest neighbor descent for approximate nearest neighbors
- Py-pyodeint - Python binding for odeint from boost
- Py-pyodesys - Straightforward numerical integration of ODE systems from Python
- Py-pyreadr - Read/write R RData and Rds files into/from pandas data frames
- Py-pyrr -
- Py-pysmt - Solver-agnostic library for SMT formulae manipulation and solving
- Py-pysparse - Fast sparse matrix library for Python
- Py-pystan - Python interface for Stan
- Py-pysym - Prototype package for symbolic manipulation
- Py-pytanque - Petanque static python bindings
- Py-pytensor - Optimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions
- Py-python-fcl - Python bindings for the Flexible Collision Library
- Py-python-louvain - Louvain algorithm for community detection
- Py-python-picard - Preconditoned ICA algorithm for Real Data
- Py-pytorchvideo - Video understanding deep learning library
- Py-pyvtk - Tools for manipulating VTK files in Python
- Py-qdldl - QDLDL free LDL factorization routine for linear systems Ax = b
- Py-quadprog - Quadratic programming package
- Py-random2 - Python 3 compatible Python 2 random module
- Py-rapi - Minimal R API for Python
- Py-reals - Lightweight python3 library for arithmetic with real numbers
- Py-rectangle-packer - Rectangle packing library
- Py-resample - Resampling-based inference in Python
- Py-roman - Integer to Roman numerals converter
- Py-rpy - Python interface to the R Programming Language
- Py-rpy2 - Python interface to the R Programming Language
- Py-rustworkx - High performance Python graph library implemented in Rust
- Py-rvlib - Probability distributions mimicking Distrbutions.jl
- Py-scientific - Collection of Python modules for scientific computing
- Py-scikit-fem - Simple finite element assemblers
- Py-scikit-umfpack - Python interface to UMFPACK sparse direct solver
- Py-scs - Splitting conic solver for Python
- Py-seaborn - Statistical data visualization
- Py-secp256k1 - FFI bindings to libsecp256k1
- Py-seriate - Optimal ordering of elements in a set given their distance matrix
- Py-simhash - Python implementation of simhash algorithm
- Py-slepc4py - SLEPc for Python
- Py-snuggs - S-expressions for Numpy
- Py-spectral - Spectral Python (SPy) is a Python module for hyperspectral image processing
- Py-spglm - Sparse generalize linear models
- Py-spint - SPatial INTeraction models
- Py-splot - Visual analytics for spatial analysis with PySAL
- Py-spopt - Spatial Optimization in PySAL
- Py-spot - Python binding for 'Spot', the library for omega automata manipulation
- Py-spreg - PySAL Spatial Econometrics Package
- Py-spvcm - Fit spatial multilevel models and diagnose convergence
- Py-ssm - Bayesian learning and inference for state space models
- Py-statsmodels - Complement to SciPy for statistical computations
- Py-svgmath - MathML to SVG Converter in Python
- Py-sym - Unified wrapper for symbolic manipulation libraries in Python
- Py-symengine - Python library providing wrappers to SymEngine
- Py-sympy - Python Library For Symbolic Mathematics
- Py-theano - Optimizing compiler for evaluating math expressions on CPUs and GPUs
- Py-timple - Extended functionality for plotting timedelta values with Matplotlib
- Py-topologic - Library for topological representations of architectural spaces
- Py-triangle - Python interface to triangle
- Py-ufl - Unified Form Language for finite element discretizations
- Py-umap-learn - Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
- Py-uncertainties - Calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved
- Py-unyt - Package for handling numpy arrays with units
- Py-vincenty - Calculate the geographical distance between 2 points
- Py-viper - Minimalistic scientific plotter and visualization module
- Py-yt - Analysis and visualization toolkit for volumetric data
- Py-z3-solver - Python binding for Z3 Theorem Prover
- Qalculate-gtk - Multi-purpose desktop calculator (GTK+3 frontend)
- Qalculate-qt - Multi-purpose desktop calculator (Qt frontend)
- Qd - Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic
- Qhull - Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and halfspaces
- Qhull5 - Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and halfspaces
- Qhull7 - Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and halfspaces
- Qposases - Library for online active set strategy quadratic programming problems
- Qrupdate - Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decomposition
- Qtiplot-doc - The QtiPlot Handbook
- Qwtplot3d -
- Randlib - Library of Routines for Random Number Generation
- Rankwidth - Calculation of rank-width and rank-decompositions
- Rapid - Robust and Accurate Polygon Interference Detection
- Readstat - Read (and write) data sets from SAS, Stata, and SPSS
- Reduce-psl - Portable Standard Lisp REDUCE general-purpose algebra system
- Reduce - Codemist Standard Lisp REDUCE general-purpose computer system
- Reed-solomon - Reed-Solomon CODEC library
- Rehearse - Algebraic modeling library in C++ for linear optimization solvers
- Rexx-regmath - Two mathematics libraries for Rexx
- Rkward - IDE/GUI for the R-project
- Rngstreams - C implementation of a high-quality uniform random number generator
- Rocs - KDE Graph theory IDE
- Rpcalc - Simple RPN calculator
- Rubiks - Several programs for working with Rubik's cubes
- Rubygem-algebra - Library for mathematical computations
- Rubygem-bigdecimal - Arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number class
- Rubygem-enumerable-statistics - Statistics features for Enumerable
- Rubygem-expression_parser - Mathematical expression parser for Ruby
- Rubygem-fftw3 - Ruby interface to the FFTW ver.3
- Rubygem-mathn - Deprecated library that extends math operations
- Rubygem-matrix - Implementation of Matrix and Vector classes
- Rubygem-mtrc - Minimal metric aggregation library
- Rubygem-narray - Numerical N-dimensional array library for Ruby
- Rubygem-narray_miss - Additional class with processing of missing value to NArray
- Rubygem-numru-misc - Miscellaneous functions and classes to help Ruby programming
- Rubygem-numru-units - Class to handle units of physical quantities for Ruby
- Rubygem-prime - Prime numbers and factorization library
- Rubygem-rb-gsl - Ruby extension library for GSL (GNU Scientific Library)
- Rumur - Model checker, a formal verification tool for state machines
- Saga - System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses
- Sage - Open source Mathematics software
- Savage - Primitive computer algebra system
- Sc-im - Ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal
- Sc - Curses-based spreadsheet program
- Scalapack - ScaLAPACK Scalable LAPACK library
- Scalapackfx - Modern Fortran wrappers around ScaLAPACK routines
- Scilab-toolbox-swt - Scilab 1-D and 2-D Wavelet Toolbox
- Scilab - Scientific software package for numerical computations
- Scorec-core - Parallel finite element unstructured meshes
- Scs - Solver of convex cone problems via operator splitting
- Sdpa - Very efficient SDP (semidefinite programming) solver
- Secp256k1 - Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
- Sfft - Optimized Sparse Fast Fourier Transform
- Sfst - A toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers
- Simd-viterbi - Fast Viterbi CODEC library
- Singular - Computer algebra system for polynomial computations
- Sisl - Spline library
- Slatec - SLATEC Common Mathematical Library
- Sleef - SIMD Library for Evaluating Elementary Functions, vectorized libm
- Slepc - Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations
- Slgrace - SLang module to plot graphs with grace
- Slicot - Fortran subroutines library for systems and control
- Snns - Fully featured neural network simulator
- Solitaire - Reference implementation of the Solitaire encryption algorithm
- Sound-of-sorting - Visualization and "Audibilization" of Sorting Algorithms
- Spar - Modular math parser
- Spblas - NIST Sparse Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS)
- Spectra - C++ library for large scale eigenvalue problems
- Speedcrunch - Keyboard-oriented desktop scientific calculator
- Spfft - Sparse 3D FFT library
- Spla - Specialized Parallel Linear Algebra
- Spooles-mpich -
- Spooles - SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver
- Spot - Library for omega automata manipulation and model checking
- Sprng - Scalable Parallel Pseudo Random Number Generators Library
- Ssht - Fast and exact spin spherical harmonic transforms
- Stan - C++ package for Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood estimation, etc
- Stanmath - C++ template library for automatic differentiation
- Stp - Decision Procedure for Bitvectors and Arrays
- Suitesparse-amd - Symmetric approximate minimum degree
- Suitesparse-btf - Permutation to block triangular form
- Suitesparse-camd - Symmetric approximate minimum degree
- Suitesparse-ccolamd - Constrained column approximate minimum degree ordering
- Suitesparse-cholmod - Sparse CHOLesky MODification package
- Suitesparse-colamd - Column approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm
- Suitesparse-config - Common library for SuiteSparse
- Suitesparse-csparse - Concise Sparse Matrix package
- Suitesparse-cxsparse - Extended version of CSparse
- Suitesparse-graphblas - Graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra
- Suitesparse-klu - Sparse LU factorization, for circuit simulation
- Suitesparse-ldl - Simple LDL^T factorization
- Suitesparse-mongoose - Symmetric approximate minimum degree
- Suitesparse-rbio - Read/write sparse matrices
- Suitesparse-spex - Sparse Left-looking Integer-Preserving LU Factorization
- Suitesparse-spqr - Sparse QR factorization
- Suitesparse-umfpack - Sparse multifrontal LU factorization
- Suitesparse - Set of packages for sparse matrix calculation
- Sundials - SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic Equation Solvers
- Superlu-dist - Distributed memory, MPI based SuperLU
- Superlu - Library of routines for performing sparse factorization
- Symengine - Fast symbolic manipulation library, written in C++
- Symfpu - Implementation of IEEE-754 / SMT-LIB floating-point
- Symmetrica - Library with a collection of routines for combinatorial mathematics
- Symphony - Solver and development framework for mixed-integer linear programs
- Sympol - C++ library and tool to work with symmetric polyhedra
- Sympow - Mathematical program for SYMmetric POWer elliptic curve L-functions
- Tablix - Free software for solving timetabling problems
- Taucs - C library of sparse linear solvers
- Tblis - Framework for performing tensor operations
- Testu01 - Utilities for statistical testing of uniform random number generators
- Tetgen - Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator
- Teyjus - Higher-order logic programming language Lambda Prolog
- The-algorithms-c++ - Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, physics, etc
- Timbl - Tilburg Memory Based Learner
- Tiny-bignum-c - Small portable multiple-precision unsigned integer arithmetic in C
- Tinymt - Tiny Mersenne Twister
- Tlapack - C++ Template Linear Algebra PACKage
- Tmv - Fast, intuitive linear algebra library for C++
- Tomsfastmath - Portable fixed precision math library for fast exponentiations
- Topaz - Command driven graph plotting system for scientists and engineers
- Topcom - Computing triangulations of point configurations and oriented matroids
- Topologic - Library for topological representations of architectural spaces
- Triangle - Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator
- Trlan - Thick-restart Lanczos method for eigenproblems
- Trlib - Trust Region Subproblem Solver Library
- Truthtable - Truth Tables generator (written in Java)
- Ttmath - C++ headers-only library for big integer and floating point numbers
- Tvm - Deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators
- Tvmet - Tiny Vector and Matrix template library
- Ump - Graphical, easy to use math program
- Units - Unit conversion and calculation
- Universal - Header-only C++ template library for universal number arithmetic
- Unuran - Universal Non-Uniform RANdom number generators
- Vampire - Automatic theorem prover
- Vdt - Fast and inline implementations of mathematical functions
- Verdict - Compute quality functions of 2 and 3-dimensional regions
- Viennacl - Linear algebra and solver library using CUDA, OpenCL, and OpenMP
- Vinci - Package that implements algorithms for convex body volume computation
- Visualpolylib - Visualization program for PolyLib
- Vowpal_wabbit - Fast out-of-core learning system
- Vtk8 - Visualization toolkit
- Vtk9 - Visualization toolkit
- Wavelib - Wavelet Transform (DWT, SWT and MODWT)
- Wcalc - Natural-expression command-line calculator
- Wfmath - Worldforge math library
- Wingz3 - Commercial Spreadsheet
- Wxmaxima - WxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system maxima
- X12arima - X-12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment program
- Xblas - Extra Precise Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS)
- Xfce4-calculator-plugin - Simple calculator for the Xfce panel
- Xgap - Graphical user interface for GAP
- Xgraph - Program that helps you plot graphs
- Xlapack - Extended Precision LAPACK
- Xldlas - XForms-based statistics package
- Xlife++ - XLiFE++ eXtended Library of Finite Elements in C++
- Xplot - X11 plotting package
- Xppaut - Graphical tool for solving differential equations, etc
- Xspread - Spreadsheet program for X and terminals
- Xtensor-blas - BLAS extension to xtensor
- Xtensor-io - Xtensor plugin to read/write images, audio files, numpy npz and HDF5
- Xtensor-python - Python bindings for xtensor
- Xtensor - Multi-dimensional arrays with broadcasting and lazy computing
- Yacas - Yet Another Computer Algebra System
- Yices - SMT solver
- Z3 - Z3 Theorem Prover
- Zarray - Dynamically typed N-D expression system based on xtensor
- Zegrapher - Software for plotting mathematical objects
- Zimpl - Language to translate the LP models into .lp or .mps
- Zn_poly - C library for polynomial arithmetic
- Older
- Newer