- Introduction to FreeBSD Security Best Practices
- Working with Package Management in FreeBSD
- Understanding FreeBSD Security Advisories and Updates
- Troubleshooting Common System Administration Issues in FreeBSD
- Tips for Hardening FreeBSD to achieve System Protection
- Setting Up DHCP Server in FreeBSD
- Secure User and Group Management in FreeBSD Systems
- Secure Remote Access with SSH in FreeBSD
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- Network Packet Capture with tcpdump in FreeBSD
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Jul 20, 2023
- 9base - Port of various original plan9 tools
- Electricfence - Debugging malloc() that uses the VM hardware to detect buffer overruns
- Orbit2-reference -
- R-cran-bh - Boost C++ Header Files
- R-cran-defaults - Create Global Function Defaults
- R-cran-hmisc - Harrell Miscellaneous functions useful for data analysis
- R-cran-modelmetrics - Rapid Calculation of Model Metrics
- R-cran-r6 - Classes with reference semantics
- R-cran-runit - R functions implementing a Unit Testing framework
- R-cran-rcpp - Seamless R and C++ Integration
- R-cran-rcppprogress - Interruptible Progress Bar with OpenMP Support for C++ in R Packages
- R-cran-rdpack - Update and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects
- R-cran-abind - Combine Multidimensional Arrays
- R-cran-bindr - Parametrized Active Bindings
- R-cran-bindrcpp - Rcpp Interface to Active Bindings
- R-cran-bit - Class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
- R-cran-bit64 - S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers
- R-cran-bitops - Functions for Bitwise operations
- R-cran-blob - A Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS')
- R-cran-brio - Basic R Input Output
- R-cran-broom - Convert Statistical Analysis Objects into Tidy Data Frames
- R-cran-catools - Tools moving window statistics, GIF, Base64, ROC AUC, etc
- R-cran-callr - Call R from R
- R-cran-caret - Classification and Regression Training
- R-cran-checkmate - Fast and versatile argument checks
- R-cran-chk - Check User-Supplied Function Arguments
- R-cran-chron - R package for creating objects which can handle dates and times
- R-cran-classint - Choose Univariate Class Intervals
- R-cran-cli - Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces
- R-cran-cliapp - Create Rich Command Line Applications
- R-cran-clipr - Read and Write from the System Clipboard
- R-cran-clisymbols - Unicode Symbols at the R Prompt
- R-cran-clock - Date-Time Types and Tools
- R-cran-collapse - Advanced and Fast Data Transformation
- R-cran-covr - Test Coverage for Packages
- R-cran-cpp11 - C++11 Interface for R's C Interface
- R-cran-crayon - Colored Terminal Output
- R-cran-cyclocomp - Cyclomatic Complexity of R Code
- R-cran-data.table - Extension of Data.frame
- R-cran-decor - Retrieve Code Decorations
- R-cran-desc - Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files
- R-cran-devtools - Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
- R-cran-diffobj - Diffs for R Objects
- R-cran-doparallel - Foreach parallel adaptor for the parallel package
- R-cran-ellipsis - Powerful tool for extending functions
- R-cran-evaluate - Parsing and Evaluation Tools
- R-cran-fansi - ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions
- R-cran-filelock - Portable File Locking
- R-cran-fontawesome - Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons
- R-cran-foreach - Foreach looping construct for R
- R-cran-future.apply - Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
- R-cran-future - Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone
- R-cran-gbrd - Utilities for processing Rd objects and files
- R-cran-gbm - Extensions to AdaBoost algorithm
- R-cran-gdata - Various R programming tools for data manipulation
- R-cran-generics - Common S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods
- R-cran-gert - Simple Git Client for R
- R-cran-getopt - Accept short and long flags in Rscript
- R-cran-git2r - Provides Access to Git Repositories
- R-cran-glmnet - Lasso and elastic-net regularized generalized linear models
- R-cran-globals - Identify Global Objects in R Expressions
- R-cran-glue - Interpreted String Literals
- R-cran-gmodels - Various R Programming Tools for Model Fitting
- R-cran-gsubfn - R package used for string matching, substitution and parsing
- R-cran-gtools - Various R programming tools
- R-cran-hardhat - Construct Modeling Packages
- R-cran-hms - Pretty Time of Day
- R-cran-ini - Read and Write '.ini' Files
- R-cran-iterators - Iterator construct for R
- R-cran-itertools - Iterator Tools for R
- R-cran-later - Utilities for Delaying Function Execution
- R-cran-lifecycle - Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions
- R-cran-lintr - A 'Linter' for R Code
- R-cran-listenv - Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists
- R-cran-lubridate - Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier
- R-cran-magrittr - Forward-Pipe Operator for R
- R-cran-memoise - Memoise functions for R
- R-cran-microbenchmark - Infrastructure to measure the execution time of R expressions
- R-cran-mockery - Mocking Library for R
- R-cran-msm - Multi-State Markov and Hidden Markov Models in Continuous Time
- R-cran-multicool - Permutations of Multisets in Cool-Lex Order
- R-cran-optparse - Command line flag parser inspired by Python's optparse
- R-cran-pak - Another Approach to Package Installation
- R-cran-parallelly - Enhancing the 'parallel' Package
- R-cran-parsedate - Recognize and Parse Dates in Various Formats, Including All ISO 8601 Formats
- R-cran-pillar - Coloured Formatting for Columns
- R-cran-pkgbuild - Find Tools Needed to Build R Packages
- R-cran-pkgcache - Cache 'CRAN'-Like Metadata and R Packages
- R-cran-pkgconfig - Private Configuration for 'R' Packages
- R-cran-pkgdepends - Package Dependency Resolution and Downloads
- R-cran-pkgload - Simulate Package Installation and Attach
- R-cran-pkgmaker - Package development utilities
- R-cran-pkgsearch - Search and Query CRAN R Packages
- R-cran-plogr - Plog C++ Logging Library
- R-cran-plyr - Tools for splitting, applying, and combining data
- R-cran-praise - Praise Users
- R-cran-prettycode - Pretty Print R Code in the Terminal
- R-cran-prettyunits - Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities
- R-cran-progress - Terminal Progress Bars
- R-cran-progressr - Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates
- R-cran-promises - Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming
- R-cran-proto - Prototype object-based programming
- R-cran-purrr - Functional Programming Tools
- R-cran-rjava - R to Java interface
- R-cran-randomforest - Classification based on a forest of trees using random inputs
- R-cran-rappdirs - Application Directories Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs
- R-cran-rcmdcheck - Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results
- R-cran-registry - Registry infrastructure
- R-cran-rematch2 - Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching
- R-cran-remotes - R Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including 'GitHub'
- R-cran-repr - Serializable Reprensentations
- R-cran-reshape - R package for flexibly restructuring and aggregating data
- R-cran-reshape2 - Flexibly reshape data a reboot of the reshape package
- R-cran-rgexf - Build, Import and Export GEXF Graph Files
- R-cran-rlang - Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
- R-cran-rngtools - Utility functions for working with Random Number Generators
- R-cran-roxygen2 - In-Line Documentation for R
- R-cran-rprojroot - Finding Files in Project Subdirectories
- R-cran-rstudioapi - Safely Access the RStudio API
- R-cran-rversions - Query 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
- R-cran-sessioninfo - R Session Information
- R-cran-sfsmisc - Utilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH Zurich
- R-cran-sourcetools - Tools for the Reading and Tokenization of R Code
- R-cran-sys - Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in R
- R-cran-testthat - Unit Testing for R
- R-cran-tibble - Simple Data Frames
- R-cran-tidyr - Easily tidy data with spread and gather functions
- R-cran-tidyselect - Select from a Set of Strings
- R-cran-timechange - Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times
- R-cran-tinytest - Lightweight and Feature Complete Unit Testing Framework
- R-cran-tzdb - Time Zone Database Information
- R-cran-usethis - Automate Package and Project Setup
- R-cran-uuid - Tools for Generating and Handling of UUIDs
- R-cran-vcd - Visualization techniques, data sets for categorical data
- R-cran-vctrs - Vector Helpers
- R-cran-waldo - Find Differences Between R Objects
- R-cran-whisker -
- R-cran-whoami - Username, Full Name, Email Address, 'GitHub' Username of the Current User
- R-cran-withr - Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State
- R-cran-zeallot - Multiple, Unpacking, and Destructuring Assignment
- Rstudio - Integrated development environment (IDE) for R
- Spectcl - Free drag-and-drop GUI builder for Tk and Java from Sun
- Aap - Build tool alternative to make with internet access and CVS support
- Aarch64-binutils - GNU binutils for AArch64 cross-development
- Aarch64-none-elf-binutils - GNU binutils for bare metal AArch64 cross-development
- Aarch64-none-elf-gcc -
- Abi-compliance-checker - Checks binary compatibility of two versions of a C/C++ shared library
- Abseil - Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
- Ace - Adaptive Communication Environment for C++
- Acme - Crossassembler for 6502, 65c02 and 65816 processors
- Acsccid - PC/SC driver for CS CCID smart card readers
- Activitymail - Program for sending email messages for CVS repository commits
- Actor-framework - Open Source implementation of the Actor Model in C++
- Adacurses - Ada95 bindings for ncurses
- Aegis - Transaction-based software configuration management system
- Agar - Cross-platform GUI toolkit
- Aifad - Machine learning system
- Aixlog - Header-only C++ logging library
- Ald -
- Allegro - Cross-platform library for games and multimedia programming
- Allegro5 - Cross-platform C library for games and multimedia programming
- Amber - Code search/replace tool
- Amd64-binutils - GNU binutils for amd64 cross-development
- Aml - Another Main Loop
- Ammonite - Provides a system shell in the high-level Scala language
- Amqp-cpp - C++ library for asynchronous non-blocking communication with RabbitMQ
- Android-tools - Android debugging tools
- Anjuta - Integrated Development Environment for C and C++
- Antlr - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
- Antlr3 - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
- Antlr4 - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
- Apache-ant - Java- and XML-based build tool, conceptually similar to make
- Apache-commons-configuration - Java package for the reading of configuration/preferences files
- Apache-commons-daemon - Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon
- Apache-commons-io - Collection of I/O utilities for Java
- Apache-commons-jxpath - Utilities for manipulating Java Beans using the XPath syntax
- Apache-log4j2 - Fast and flexible logging library for Java
- Apache-rat - Release audit tool
- Aphpbreakdown - Code-Analyzer for PHP for Compatibility Check-UP
- Aphpunit - Testing framework for unit tests
- Api-sanity-autotest - Quickly generate sanity tests for the API of a C/C++ shared library
- Apitrace - Tools for tracing OpenGL and other graphics APIs
- App-builder - Generic helper tool to build app in a distributable format
- Appstream-compose -
- Appstream-glib - Library to help with AppStream metadata
- Appstream-qt -
- Appstream -
- Apr1 - Apache Portability Library
- Apr2 - Apache Portability Library
- Arachne-pnr - Place and route tool for FPGAs
- Arcanist-lib -
- Arcanist - Command line interface for Phabricator
- Arduino-avrdude - Program for programming the on-chip memory of Atmel AVR Arduino CPUs
- Arduino-bsd-mk - Build Arduino sketches from the command line on FreeBSD
- Arduino-builder - Command line tool for building Arduino sketches
- Arduino-core - Core board support for Arduino devices
- Arduino-ctags - Feature-filled tagfile generator used by Arduino 1.6
- Arduino-irremote - Multi-protocol infrared remote library for the Arduino
- Arduino-mk - Build Arduino sketches from the command line
- Arduino-openglcd - GLCD Graphical LCD Library
- Arduino-sevseg - Arduino seven segment display library
- Arduino-tools - Brings together all of the tool dependencies used for Arduino 1.6+
- Arduino - Open-source electronics prototyping platform
- Arduino18 - Open-source electronics prototyping platform
- Arduinoota - OTA upload tool for Arduino/ESP8266
- Argc - Easily parse command line arguments in bash
- Argdata - Binary serialisation format inspired by YAML, MessagePack and nvlists
- Argobots - Lightweight, low-level threading and tasking framework
- Argouml - UML design tool with cognitive support
- Argp-standalone - Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from GLIBC
- Argparse - Argument Parser for Modern C++
- Args - Header-only C++ argument parser library
- Argtable - ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments
- Arm-elf-binutils - GNU binutils for vanilla ARM cross-development
- Arm-gnueabi-binutils - GNU binutils for arm cross-development
- Arm-none-eabi-binutils - GNU binutils for bare metal arm cross-development
- Arm-none-eabi-gcc - GNU Compiler Collection for bare metal arm cross-development
- Arm-none-eabi-gdb - GNU GDB for the arm bare metal target
- Arm-none-eabi-newlib - Newlib distribution for ${NEWLIB_TARGET} targets
- Aros-sdk - The Software development kit (SDK) for the AROS Operating System
- Arpc - GRPC-like RPC library that supports file descriptor passing
- Art - Resource tracing, debugging, and profiling tool
- Artifactory - Universal Artifact Repository Manager
- Asl - Assembler for a variety of microcontrollers/-processors
- Asmjit - Complete x86/x64 JIT and AOT Assembler for C++
- Asmutils - Set of Unix utilities written in x86 assembly language
- Asmx - Multi-CPU macro assembler for many major 8-bit and 16-bit CPUs
- Astah-community - Java/UML Object-Oriented Design Tool
- Astyle - Source code indenter and formatter for C, C++, C\#, and Java
- Asyncplusplus - Async++ concurrency framework for C++11
- Atf - C, C++ and shell libraries to write ATF-compliant test programs
- Athens - Proxy server for the Go Modules download API
- Atlantis - Terraform Pull Requests Automation
- Atlas-devel - C++ reference implementation of the Atlas protocol
- Atlas - C++ reference implementation of the Atlas protocol
- Autobook - GNU autoconf, automake, and libtool - The Book
- Autoconf-archive - Set of useful GNU Autoconf macros
- Autoconf-switch - Wrapper script to switch between autoconf versions
- Autoconf - Generate configure scripts and related files
- Autoconf2.13 - Generate configure scripts and related files
- Autoconf2.69 - Generate configure scripts and related files
- Autodia - Automatic Dia XML - from Source Code and Data
- Autodist - Distribution creation system
- Autogen - Tool designed to simplify the creation and maintenance of programs
- Automake - GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
- Autotools - Autotools meta-port
- Avalon-framework - Apache Avalon core framework for component programming
- Avarice - Atmel AVR JTAG programmer and debugging interface for avr-gdb
- Avce00 - OpenSource C library convert Arc/Info Vector Coverages to E00
- Avr-binutils - GNU binutils for AVR cross-development
- Avr-gcc - FSF GCC for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC cross-development
- Avr-gdb - GNU GDB for the AVR target
- Avr-libc - C and math library for the Atmel AVR controller family
- Avra - Macro Assembler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
- Avrdude - Program for programming the on-chip memory of Atmel AVR CPUs
- Avro-c - C library for Apache Avro
- Avro-cpp - C++ library for Apache Avro
- Avro - Data serialization system
- Awless - Fast, powerful and easy-to-use CLI for AWS
- Aws-c-common - Core c99 package for AWS SDK for C
- Aws-c-commons - Core c99 package for AWS SDK for C
- Aws-c-compression - C99 implementation of compression algorithms
- Aws-c-event-stream - C99 implementation of the content-type
- Aws-c-http - C99 implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 specifications
- Aws-c-io - Event driven framework for implementing application protocols
- Aws-c-mqtt - C99 implementation of the MQTT 3.1.1 specification
- Aws-c-s3 - C99 library implementation for communicating with the S3 service
- Aws-c-sdkutils - AWS SDK C utilities
- Aws-checksums - Cross-Platform HW accelerated CRC32c and CRC32
- Aws-crt-cpp - C++ wrapper around the aws-c libraries
- Aws-sdk-cpp - C++ interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Aws-sdk-php - PHP interface for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Axmldec - Stand-alone binary AndroidManifest.xml decoder
- Ayatana-ido - Ayatana Indicator Display Objects
- B2 - Command Line Interface for Backblaze's B2 storage service
- Babelflow - Embedded Domain Specific Language to describe task graph abstraction
- Babeltrace - Tool and library to read, write and convert execution traces
- Bacon - Background rust code check
- Bam - Fast and flexible build system using Lua
- Bashdb - Source-code debugger for bash
- Basu -
- Bats-core - Bash automated testing system
- Bazel-buildtools - Bazel BUILD file formatter and editor
- Bazel - Fast and correct build system
- Bazel029 - Fast and correct build system
- Bazel5 - Fast and correct build system
- Bbfreeze-loader - Binary loader module required for bbfreeze
- Bbfreeze - Module to create standalone executables from Python scripts
- Bbparse - Library to parse Blackbox-created PCAPng files
- Bcc - Bruce's C compiler (with as and ld); can do 16-bit code
- Bcpp - Utility similar to indent for C++ code
- Bcunit - Fork of defunct project CUnit, with several fixes and patches applied
- Bear - Tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling
- Benchmark - Microbenchmark support library
- Bencodetools - Collection of tools for manipulating bencoded data
- Bennugd-core - High level open source game development suite, core libs
- Bennugd-modules - High level open source game development suite, modules
- Bfg - Removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does
- Bglibs - One stop library package by Bruce Guenter
- Bicyclerepair - Python refactoring tool
- Bin86 -
- Binaryen - Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly
- Bingrep - Grep through binaries
- Binutils -
- Bison - Parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
- Bit - Modern command-line interface to Git
- Bitkeeper - Scalable Distributed Source Management System
- Blame - Display last modification for each line in an RCS file
- Blitz - Blitz++ Multi-Dimensional Array Library for C++
- Bloaty - Size profiler for binaries
- Blueprint-compiler - Markup language for GTK user interfaces
- Bmake - Portable version of NetBSD 'make' utility
- Bmkdep - Construct Makefile dependency list
- Bnf - Generate C parser given a grammar in BNF notation
- Boehm-gc-threaded - Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++ with threading support
- Boehm-gc - Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
- Boost-all -
- Boost-docs - Documentation for libraries from
- Boost-jam - Build tool from the
- Boost-libs - Free portable C++ libraries (without Boost.Python)
- Boost-python-libs - Framework for interfacing Python and C++
- Boost_build - Extensible cross-platform build tool suite
- Bossa - Flash programmer for Atmel SAM microcontrollers
- Bouml-doc - Reference manual of BOUML
- Boxfort - Convenient and cross-platform sandboxing C library
- Bpython - Fancy interface to the Python interpreter
- Breakpad - Client/server based crash-reporting system
- Brz - Distributed version control system based on bzr
- Bsdbuild - Portable BSD-style build system
- Bsdcflow - Call graph generator for C and assembler code
- Bsddialog - Text User Interface Widgets
- Bsdowl - BSD Make macros for TeX, OCaml, noweb and more
- Bugzilla44 - Bug-tracking system developed by Mozilla Project
- Bugzilla50 - Bug-tracking system developed by Mozilla Project
- Build - Massively-parallel build system implemented on top of GNU make
- Build2 - Cross-platform toolchain for building and packaging C++ code
- Buildkite-agent - Cross-platform build runner to run your own build tasks
- Buildstream - Free software tool for integrating software stacks
- Bullet -
- Bunyan - CLI to pretty print logs in bunyan format
- Busybee - High-performance messaging layer
- Byacc - Best yacc variant available
- Byaccj - Java extension of BSD YACC-compatible parser generator
- Bzr-builder - Bzr plugin to construct a bzr branch based on a "recipe"
- Bzr-colo - Plugin for bzr to support colocated branches
- Bzr-externals - Support external branches like svnexternals
- Bzr-fastimport - Provide fast loading of revision control data into bzr
- Bzr-git - Plugin for bzr to work with git trees
- Bzr-gtk - GTK interface to Bazaar-NG VCS
- Bzr-loom - Bazaar plugin to assist in developing focused patches
- Bzr-pipeline - Bzr tools for working with a sequence of branches
- Bzr-rewrite - Bzr plugin that provides rewriting existing revisions
- Bzr-scmproj - Organise and manage a collection of bzr branches
- Bzr-stats - Simple statistics plugin for bzr
- Bzr-svn - Plugin for bzr to work with svn
- Bzr-upload - Bzr plugin to incrementally upload changes to a dumb server
- Bzr - Distributed version control system by Canonical
- Bzrtools - Extensions to devel/bzr
- C2mdoc - Script to generate mdoc(7) markup from C functions
- C4core - Library of low-level C++ utilities
- Calibrator -
- Caliper - Instrumentation and performance profiling library
- Capnproto - Serialization/RPC system
- Capnproto080 - Serialization/RPC system
- Capstone - Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
- Capstone3 - Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
- Capstone4 - Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
- Capstone5 - Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
- Cargo-bloat - Find out what takes most of the space in your executable
- Cargo-c - Cargo C-ABI helpers
- Cargo-generate - Quickly generate Rust project templates from existing git repositories
- Cargo-tree - Rust's cargo subcommand to visualize dependency graph as a tree
- Cask - Project management tool for Emacs
- Catch - Header-only test framework for C++
- Catch2 - Test framework for C++ (3.x series)
- Cbang - C! (cbang) is a library of cross-platform C++ utilities
- Cbfmt - Tool to format codeblocks inside markdown and org documents
- Cbrowser - Graphical front end for cscope and cscope clones
- Cc65 - Cross-compiler for 6502-based systems
- Ccache-static -
- Ccache - Tool to minimize the compile time of C/C++ programs
- Ccache4 - Tool to minimize the compile time of C/C++ programs
- Cccc - C and C++ Code Counter
- Ccdoc - Extracting comments from C++ source and generating HTML
- Ccls - C/C++/ObjC language server
- Ccrtp - Implementation of the real-time transport protocol
- Cctz - C++ library for handling dates, times, and time zones
- Cdash - Web-based software testing server
- Cdecl - Explains complicated C/C++ declarations in plain English
- Cdialog - Enhanced version of 'dialog' to work with ncurses
- Cdk - Curses Development Kit for speedy development of full screen programs
- Cereal - C++11 library for serialization
- Cervisia - CVS Frontend for KDE
- Cflow - Call graph generator for C code
- Cflow2vcg - Convert the result of the cflow utility in a VCG format
- Cfr - Class File Reader (CFR) Java decompiler
- Cgdb - Curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger
- Cgilib - Library of procedures for developing CGI programs in C
- Cgit - Fast, lightweight web frontend for Git repositories
- Cgprof - Generates colored graphs for profiled executables using gcc and gprof
- Charva - Java Windowing Toolkit for Text Terminals
- Check - Unit test framework for C
- Checkbashisms - Check for the presence of bashisms
- Checkheaders - Checks headers in C/C++ programs
- Chroma - General purpose syntax highlighter in pure Go
- Chromium-gn - Gn meta build framework
- Chrpath - Tool to modify DT_RPATH in existing ELF binaries
- Chruby - Changes the current Ruby
- Cil - Infrastructure for C Program Analysis and Transformation
- Cirrus-cli - Command line interface for Cirrus CI
- Cityhash - Family of hash functions
- Cjose - C library implementing JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
- Cl-alexandria-sbcl - Collection of portable public domain utilities for Common Lisp
- Cl-alexandria - Collection of portable public domain utilities for Common Lisp
- Cl-asdf - System definition facility for Common Lisp
- Cl-cffi - Portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp
- Cl-infix-sbcl - Lisp macro to read math statements in infix notation
- Cl-infix - Lisp macro for reading math expressions in infix form
- Cl-port-sbcl - Cross-Lisp portability package
- Cl-port - Cross-Lisp portability package
- Cl-split-sequence-sbcl - Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
- Cl-split-sequence - Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
- Cl-trivial-features-sbcl - Ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp
- Cl-trivial-features - Ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp
- Cl-trivial-gray-streams-sbcl - Thin compatibility layer for Gray streams
- Cl-trivial-gray-streams - Thin compatibility layer for Gray streams
- Clazy - Qt oriented code checker based on clang
- Cld2 - Compact language detector library
- Clewn - Clewn provides Gdb support within Vim
- Cli - Library for interactive command line interfaces in modern C++
- Cli11 - Command line parser for C++11 and beyond
- Clig - Auto-generate an (argc, argv) processor, usage message, and manpage
- Cligen - Command-line interface generator
- Clinfo - Print information about all available OpenCL platforms/devices
- Clipp - Command line interfaces for modern C++
- Clisp-hyperspec - Common Lisp reference in HTML format, from LispWorks Ltd
- Clixon - YANG-based toolchain including CLI, NETCONF and RESTCONF interfaces
- Clojure-cider - Clojure IDE and REPL for Emacs
- Cloudabi-toolchain - C and C++ toolchain for CloudABI
- Cloudabi - Constants, types and data structures used by CloudABI
- Clthreads - C++ wrapper library around the POSIX threads API
- Cltune - Library to tune OpenCL kernels
- Clxclient - C++ wrapper library around the X Window System API
- Cmake-core - Cross-platform Makefile generator
- Cmake-doc - HTML and Qt Creator helpfiles for CMake
- Cmake-fedora - Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
- Cmake-gui - Qt-based GUI for CMake
- Cmake-man - Manual pages for CMake
- Cmake-modules-webos - CMake modules needed to build WebOS components
- Cmake - Meta-port to connect all CMake bits
- Cmakedoc - Command-line tool to read CMake documentation
- Cmph - Minimal perfect hashes for C
- Cmunge - Tool for encrypting and compacting C source code
- Cobf - C and C++ code obfuscator
- Coccinelle - Program matching and transformation engine
- Cocogitto - Conventional commits toolbox
- Codeblocks-devel - Open source, cross-platform, free C/C++ IDE
- Codeblocks - Open source, cross-platform, free C/C++ IDE
- Codequery - Code understanding, browsing and search tool
- Codesearch-py - Python library for accessing Chromium CodeSearch
- Codeville -
- Codeworker - Versatile parsing tool and source code generator
- Collada-dom - COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) C++ Library
- Color - C++ header-only library for color conversion and manipulation
- Colorgcc - Perl script to colorize the terminal output of GCC
- Colormake - Wrapper to color gmake output
- Commit-patch - Commit patches or partial workspace changes to a VCS repository
- Commoncpp - GNU project portable class framework for C++
- Compiler-rt - Compiler runtime library with Blocks support
- Compiz-bcop - Code generator for Compiz Fusion Plugins
- Concurrencpp - C++ concurrency library tasks, executors, timers, C++20 coroutines
- Concurrencykit - Lock-free data structures for high performance concurrent systems
- Concurrentqueue - Fast C++11 multi-producer multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue
- Configkit - Somewhat prototypical facility for generating CLI interfaces
- Cons-test - Test bed for `Cons' development
- Cons - Perl-based Make Replacement
- Containers - Containers backed on dlang by std.experimental.allocator
- Convco - Conventional commit CLI
- Cook - Like make(1), but more powerful and clean
- Corrade - C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- Courier-unicode - Courier implementation of Unicode Standard related algorithms
- Coursier - Pure Scala Artifact Fetching
- Covtool - C++ test coverage analyzer
- Cpan-upload-http - Perl script to upload one or more files to CPAN, using PAUSE
- Cpan-upload - Script for uploading distributions to CPAN
- Cpp-hocon - C++ configuration library
- Cpp-netlib -
- Cpp-utilities - Common C++ classes such as argument parser, IO, conversion utilities
- Cpp2py - Reflection tools based on clang
- Cppcheck - Tool for static C/C++ code analysis
- Cppi - Tool to indent the C preprocessor directives
- Cpplint - Static code checker for C++
- Cpprestsdk - Microsoft C++ REST SDK
- Cpptest - Unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++
- Cppunit - C++ port of the JUnit framework for unit testing
- Cppurses - Terminal User Interface framework with NCurses
- Cpputest - Unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
- Cproto - Generate C function prototypes and convert function definitions
- Cpu_features - Cross platform C99 library to get cpu features at runtime
- Cpu_rec_rs - Determine which CPU architecture is used in a binary file
- Cquery - Highly-scalable, low-latency language server for C/C++/Objective-C
- Cram - Simple testing framework for command line applications
- Crc32c - CRC32C implementation supporting CPU-specific acceleration
- Creduce - Produces small test cases
- Critcl - Compiled Runtime in Tcl
- Criterion - C and C++ unit testing framework for the 21st century
- Cscope - Interactive C source code browser
- Cscout - Source code analyzer and refactoring browser for C program collections
- Csmith - Generates random C programs that conform to the C99 standard
- Csoap - Client/server SOAP library written in pure C
- Cssc - Workalike for the source code control system SCCS
- Ctags - Feature-filled tagfile generator for vi and emacs clones
- Ctre - C++ header-only library for Compile Time Regular Expressions
- - Foreign function interface for bash
- Cunit - Automated unit testing framework for C
- Cut - Unit Testing Framework for C, C++, and Objective-C
- Cutils - Miscellaneous C programmer's utilities
- Cutter - Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
- Cvise - C-Vise is a super-parallel Python port of the C-Reduce
- Cvs+ipv6 - IPv6 enabled cvs. You can use IPv6 connection when using pserver
- Cvs-devel - IPv6 enabled cvs. You can use IPv6 connection when using pserver
- Cvs-syncmail - CVS notification tool
- Cvs -
- Cvs2cl - CVS-log-message-to-ChangeLog conversion script
- Cvs2darcs - Convert CVS module to darcs repository
- Cvs2html - Perl script to turn ``cvs log'' output into HTML
- Cvs2svn - CVS to Subversion Repository Converter
- Cvsadmin - Simple program to administrate users of a CVS repository
- Cvsbook - Tutorial and reference for CVS
- Cvschangelogbuilder - Utility to generate changelogs and reports from a CVS repository
- Cvschk - Quick offline checker for CVS modifications
- Cvsd - CVS pserver daemon
- Cvsdadm - Tool for CVSd pserver user administration
- Cvsdelta - Cvsdelta summarizes differences between local and in-cvs files
- Cvsdiff2patch - Turn cvs diff output into patch input
- Cvsgraph - Graph the life story of a file under CVS or RCS
- Cvslines -
- Cvsmonitor - Monitor activity on a CVS Repository
- Cvsplot - Perl script which analyses the history of a CVS-managed project
- Cvsps-devel - Create patchset information from CVS
- Cvsps - Create patchset information from CVS
- Cvsspam - Sends diffs when a change is committed to your CVS repository
- Cvstrac -
- Cvsutils - CVS utilities which facilitate working with local working directories
- Cvsweb - WWW CGI script to browse CVS repository trees
- Cvsweb3 - WWW CGI script to browse CVS repository trees version 3
- Cvswrap - Helper for multiple CVS repositories
- Cweb - Literate programming tools for the C language
- Cwrap -
- Cx_freeze - The cx_Freeze is a set of utilities for freezing Python scripts
- Cxmon - Interactive file manipulation tool and disassembler
- Cxref - C program cross-referencing and documentation tool
- Cxxopts - Lightweight C++ command line option parser
- Cxxtest - Simple and powerful JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like framework for C++
- Cxxtools - Collection of general-purpose C++ classes
- D-feet - D-Bus Python introspection debugger
- D-scanner - Swiss-army knife for D source code
- D-spy - D-Bus explorer
- Darts - C++ template library that implements Double-Array
- Dash.el - Modern list library for Emacs
- Dasm - Macro assembler with support for several 8-bit microprocessors
- Datadraw - Feature rich persistent database generator
- Date - Date and time library based on the C++11/14/17
header</li> - Dbus-c++ - C++ API for D-BUS
- Dbus-glib - GLib bindings for the D-BUS messaging system
- Dbus-java - Java API for D-BUS
- Dbus-sharp-glib - D-Bus for .NET GLib integration module
- Dbus-sharp - Mono interface to the D-BUS messaging system
- Dbus-tcl - Tcl interface to the D-Bus messaging system
- Dbus - Message bus system for inter-application communication
- Dcd-client - Auto-complete program for the D programming language (client)
- Dcd-server -
- Dconf-editor - Configuration database editor for GNOME
- Dconf - Configuration database system for GNOME
- Debugedit - ELF file debug information extractor and editor
- Dee - Model to synchronize multiple instances over DBus
- Deforaos-libsystem - DeforaOS core system library
- Deheader - Tool to find unnecessary includes in C/C++ files
- Delta - Heuristically minimizes interesting files
- Delve - Debugger for the Go programming language
- Deployer - Deployment tool for PHP
- Derelict-sdl2 - Dynamic bindings to SDL2 and its libraries for the D lang
- Derelict-util - The base library for all Derelict packages
- Desed - Demystify and debug sed scripts from the comfort of your terminal
- Desktop-file-utils - Couple of command line utilities for working with desktop entries
- Dev86 -
- Devhelp - Developer help browser for GNOME
- Devtodo - Tool to effectively maintain todo lists aimed at developers
- Dfuife-curses - DFUI curses frontend
- Dia2code+ - Complete rewrite of dia2code in C++
- Dia2code - Small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram
- Diffuse - Graphical n-way diff and merge tool written in Python
- Ding-libs - Collection of useful libraries for developers
- Directfb - Graphic development lightweight API
- Dispy - Distributed and Parallel Computing with/for Python
- Distcc - Distribute compilation of C(++) code across machines on a network
- Distel - Distel extends Emacs Lisp with Erlang-style message passing
- Distorm -
- Ditrack - Tracking system based on Subversion repository
- Djgpp-binutils - FSF binutils for DJGPP cross-development
- Djgpp-crx - Headers and Libraries for DJGPP cross-development
- Dlib - Math, XML, I/O streams, image and audio processing for D
- Dmake - Another hyper make utility
- Dmalloc - Portable debug memory allocation library
- Dmlc-core - Common library for scalable and portable distributed machine learning
- Dmucs - Distributed Multi-User Compilation System (for use with distcc)
- Docopt.cpp - C++11 options parser based on help messages
- Doctest - Header-only C++ unit-testing
- Doctorj - Tool for analyzing Java code and documentation
- Dolphin-plugins - Plugins for Dolphin file manager
- Dotconf - Simple, powerful configuration-file parser
- Double-conversion - Binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles
- Doxygen - Documentation system for C, C++, and other languages
- Dparser - Simple but powerful tool for parsing
- Dragon - Combined C++ scanner/parser generator for LR compliant grammars
- Dreampie - Python shell which is designed to be reliable and fun
- Drpython - Highly customizable cross-platform ide to aid programming in Python
- Ds2 - Debug server for lldb
- Dsymbol - Symbol lookup support for libdparse
- Dtool - Command-line tool collection to assist development
- Dub - Package and build manager for D applications and libraries
- Dupl - Tool for code clone detection
- Duplo - Find duplicated code blocks in large C/C++/Java/C#/VB.Net systems
- Dura - Background process that watches Git repositories and backs up data
- Dwarf2json - Convert ELF/DWARF symbol and type information into JSON
- Dwarfdump - Tool to display DWARF debugging information in ELF files
- Dwarves - Debugging Information Manipulation Tools (pahole & friends)
- Dwz - DWARF optimization and duplicate removal tool
- Dxa65 - Disassembler for MOS 6502 and compatible CPUs
- Dyncall - Highly dynamic multi-platform foreign function call interface library
- E00compr - Library to Read/Write Compressed E00 Files
- Eastl - Electronic Arts Standard Template Library
- Easy-profiler - Lightweight profiler library for C++
- Easyexif - Tiny ISO-compliant C++ EXIF parsing library
- Easygit - Easy wrapper for git
- Easyloggingpp - C++ logging library
- Ebnf2yacc - EBNF to YACC
- Ecgi - Library for the creation of CGI-based Web applications
- Edi - EFL-based/focused IDE
- Editline - Minix editline A free readline() for UNIX
- Efivar - Tools and library to manipulate EFI variables
- Efl - Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
- Egypt - Create call graphs of C programs
- Eiffelstudio - Complete Integrated Development Environment for Eiffel
- Electron22 - Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Electron23 - Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Electron24 - Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Electron25 - Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Electron4 - Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Elf-dissector - Tools for inspecting, analyzing and optimizing ELF files
- Elf - Commandline based ELF header analyzer
- Elfcat - ELF visualizer, generates HTML files from ELF binaries
- Elfio - Small C++ library for reading and generating ELF files
- Elfkickers - Collection of programs to manipulate ELF files
- Elfrc - Resource compiler for ELF systems
- Elfsh - Attractive toolkit for the analysis of ELF object files
- Elfutils - Library for manipulating ELF files and partial implementation of binutils
- Elixir-gen_state_machine - Idiomatic Elixir wrapper for gen_statem in OTP 19
- Elixir-hex - Package manager for the Erlang VM
- Elixir-make - Make compiler for Mix
- Elixir-swarm - Clustering, registration, and distribution for Elixir
- Elm-format - Elm source code formatter based on the official Elm Style Guide
- Embb - C/C++ library for parallel programming
- Emscripten - LLVM-to-Web Compiler
- Entt - Fast and reliable entity-component system (ECS) and much more
- Envsubst - Perform variable substitutions on input
- Epl.el - Emacs Package Library
- Epm - Free UNIX software/file packaging program
- Epydoc - Python API documentation generation tool
- Eql5 - Embedded Qt Lisp
- Eric6 -
- Eris - WorldForge client entity library
- Erlang-cl - OpenCL binding for Erlang
- Erlang-clique - CLI Framework for Erlang
- Erlang-gen_rpc - Scalable RPC library for Erlang
- Erlang-msgpack - MessagePack (de)serializer for Erlang
- Erlang-native-compiler - Native Code Compiler helper for Erlang
- Erlang-oserl - SMPP library for Erlang
- Erlang-rebar3_hex - Rebar3 Hex library
- Erlang-recon - Collection of functions and scripts to debug Erlang in production
- Es-eric6 -
- Esbuild - Extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier
- Estd - Header-only C++ utilities in the style of the standard library
- Etcd - Highly-available key value store and service discovery
- Etcd31 - Highly-available key value store and service discovery
- Etcd32 - Highly-available key value store and service discovery
- Etcd33 - Highly-available key value store and service discovery
- Etcd34 - Highly-available key value store and service discovery
- Etl - Voria Extended Class and Template Library
- Euca2ools - Eucalyptus Command Line Tools
- Evcxr-jupyter - Jupyter Evaluation Context for Rust
- Evdev-proto - Input event device header files
- Evemu - Records and replays EVDEV descriptions and events
- Eventxx - C++ wrapper for libevent
- Evolution-gconf-tools - Scripts to make it easier to work with Evolution's configuration
- Exercisix - Innovative lightweight unit-test framework for C++
- Exomizer - Cruncher for 6502-based systems
- F77flow - Analyze the structure of a fortran77 program
- Fam - File alteration monitor
- Fastcrc - Fast CRC routines
- Fatal - Library for fast software prototyping in modern C++
- Fb303 - Facebook Bassline
- Fbthrift - Facebook's branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server
- Fc++ - Functional Programming in C++
- Fccf - Command-line tool that quickly searches through C/C++
- Fcppt - Freundlich's C++ toolkit
- Fhist - Utilities to maintain file history, do file comparisons, and merges
- Fifechan - Small, efficient C++ GUI library designed for games
- Fire-hpp - C++ single header library to create a CLI from a function signature
- Firmware-utils - Create device firmware images
- Fistgen - Language for describing stackable filesystems
- Flatbuffers - Memory efficient serialization library
- Flatbuffers205 - Memory efficient serialization library
- Flatcc - FlatBuffers compiler and library in C for C
- Flatzebra - Generic game engine for 2D double-buffering animation
- Flex-sdk - Adobe Flex SDK
- Flex-sdk35 - Adobe Flex SDK
- Flexdock - Swing windowing and docking framework
- Flexjson - Lightweight Java library to write JSON
- Flyspray - Simple, easy-to-use web based bug tracking system
- Fmake - Legacy FreeBSD pmake
- Fnc - Interactive ncurses browser for Fossil repositories
- Fnccheck - Profiling library/utilities for C/C++ programs
- Fnm - Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
- Fnorb - CORBA 2.0 ORB written in Python
- Folly - C++ library developed and used at Facebook
- Forge-devel - Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit (Development Version)
- Forge - Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit
- Fortran-utils - Tools for use with Fortran code, from 4.4BSD
- Fortytwo-encore - Utility classes for GNUstep
- Fossil - DSCM with built-in wiki, http interface and server, tickets database
- Fossology-nomos-standalone - Standalone Nomos license scanner from fossology project
- Fp16 - Conversion to/from half-precision floating point formats
- Fpc-bfd - Free Pascal interface for the GNU Binary Format description
- Fpc-dbus - Free Pascal interface to dbus library
- Fpc-fcl-async - Free Pascal asynchronous event management (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-base - Free Pascal Component Library base
- Fpc-fcl-db - Free Pascal Database Library (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-extra - Free Pascal extra libraries (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-fpcunit - Free Pascal unit testing library (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-image - Free Pascal image loading and conversion libraries (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-js - Free Pascal Javascript scanner/parser/syntax tree (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-json - Free Pascal JavaScript Object Notation implementation (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-net - Free Pascal network interfaces (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-passrc - Free Pascal language parsing library (FPC)
- Fpc-fcl-pdf - Free Pascal pdf (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-registry - Free Pascal emulation of Windows registry (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-report - Free Pascal report (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-res - Free Pascal resource handlers (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-sdo - Free Pascal Service Data Objects implementation (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-sound - Free Pascal sound loading, storing, and conversion (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-stl - Free Pascal generic container library (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-web - Free Pascal web application library (FCL)
- Fpc-fcl-xml - Free Pascal XML and DOM library (FCL)
- Fpc-fppkg - Free Pascal package manager unit
- Fpc-fv - Free Pascal unit for Delphi support
- Fpc-gdbint - Free Pascal unit providing interface to gdb
- Fpc-libmagic - Free Pascal interface to magic library
- Fpc-newt - Free Pascal interface to newt library
- Fpc-odata - Free Pascal interface to odata
- Fpc-pthreads - Free Pascal wrapper for the pthreads library
- Fpc-regexpr - Free Pascal regular expression routines
- Fpc-sdl - Free Pascal interface to SDL library
- Fpc-symbolic - FreePascal unit for simple expression parsing and evaluating
- Fpc-tplylib - Unit for a compiler generator for Turbo Pascal and compatibles
- Fpc-zlib - Free Pascal interface to the zlib compression library
- Fpp - Fortran preprocessor for FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90 programs
- Freebsd-gcc12 - Cross GNU Compiler Collection for ${TARGETARCH}
- Freebsd-gcc9 - Cross GNU Compiler Collection for ${TARGETARCH}
- Freebsd-git-devtools - Simple Git tools from the FreeBSD src tree
- Freebsd-sysroot - FreeBSD ${_SYSROOT_VER} ${FLAVORS/_/ /} sysroot
- Frink - Tcl formatter and static tester
- Fsmtrie - Fast String Matcher Trie project
- Fstrcmp - Library for fuzzy string comparisons
- Fstrm -
- Fsx - File System eXerciser
- Ftjam - Small build tool that can be used as a replacement for make(1)
- Ftnchek - Fortran 77 semantic checking utility
- Ftxui - C++ Functional Terminal User Interface library
- Fuel - GUI Front-End to the Fossil SCM tool
- Functionalplus - C++ header-only library that helps write concise and readable C++ code
- Fungw - C Function gateway for different programming languages
- Fuzzylite - Fuzzy logic control library in C++
- Fxdiv - C/C++ header-only library for division via FP inverse multiplication
- G-wrap - Tool for generating function wrappers for Guile
- Ga - Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) library for distributed arrays
- Gaa - GPL Argument Analyser
- Gamin -
- Gammaray - Debugging tool for Qt-application
- Gauche-readline - Pure gauche/scheme implementation of the Readline library
- Gaul - Genetic Algorithm Utility Library
- Gazpacho - GUI builder for the GTK+ toolkit
- Gbump - Git tag semantic version bumper
- Gcc-arm-embedded - Complete gcc-based toolcahin for embedded ARM development
- Gcc-msp430-ti-toolchain - Complete gcc-based toolcahin for TI MSP430 uC
- Gccmakedep - Create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M'
- Gcem - C++ header-only library for Generalized Constant Expression Math
- Gcli - CLI utility to interact with various Git forges
- Gconf2-reference -
- Gconf2 - Configuration database system for GNOME
- Gconfmm26 - C++ wrapper for gconf2 API library
- Gdb - GNU Project Debugger
- Gdcm - Grassroots DICOM library
- Gdmd - Wrapper providing DMD-like CLI interface to gdc
- Geany-plugin-addons - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-autoclose - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-automark - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-codenav - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-commander - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-ctags - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-debugger - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-defineformat - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-doc - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-extrasel - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-geanypy - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-gendoc - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-geniuspaste - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-git-changebar - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-insertnum - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-latex - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-lineoperations - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-lipsum - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-lua - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-macro - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-markdown - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-miniscript - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-overview - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-pairtaghighlighter - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-pg - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-pohelper - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-pretty-printer - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-prj - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-projectorganizer - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-scope - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-sendmail - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-shiftcolumn - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-spellcheck - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-tableconvert - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-treebrowser - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-updatechecker - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-utilslib - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-vc - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-vimode - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-workbench - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugin-xmlsnippets - Geany plugin ${${GEANY_PLUGIN}_DESC}
- Geany-plugins-l10n - Localization messages for Geany plugins
- Geany-plugins - Geany plugins (meta port)
- Geany-themes - Additional color schemes for the Geany IDE
- Geany - Fast and lightweight GTK+ IDE
- Gearmand - Gearman C Server and Library
- Generate - Simple text pre-processor
- Gengetopt - Tool for generating a C function which parses command line arguments
- Genht - Simple generic hash table implementation in C
- Genie - GENie Project generator tool
- Genromfs - Mkfs equivalent for romfs filesystem
- Getoptions - Elegant option parser for shell scripts
- Gettext-lint - Check the validity and consistency of PO and POT files
- Gettext-msghack - Alter gettext po files in special ways
- Gettext-po-mode - GNU gettext po-mode for emacs
- Gettext-runtime - GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
- Gettext-tiny - Replacements for tools typically used from the GNU gettext suite
- Gettext-tools - GNU gettext development and translation tools
- Gettext - GNU gettext meta package
- Gflags - Commandline flags module for C++
- Gfold - CLI tool to help keep track of your Git repositories
- Gh - GitHub's official command line tool
- Ghidra - Software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
- Ghostie - Github notifications in your terminal
- Ghq - Repository management tool (Git, Hg, SVN, Fossil, Bazaar, Darcs)
- Ghub-devel - Client libraries for the APIs of various Git forges
- Ghub - Client libraries for the APIs of various Git forges
- Gindent - C source code reformatter
- Gio-sharp - GIO bindings not available in gtk-sharp
- Git-absorb - Git command for automating fixup/autosquash commits
- Git-branchless - High-velocity, monorepo-scale workflow for Git
- Git-bug - Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges
- Git-bzr-ng - Bi-directional git to bzr bridge
- Git-cinnabar - Git remote helper to interact with Mercurial repositories
- Git-cliff - Highly customizable changelog generator
- Git-codereview - Command-line tool for working with Gerrit
- Git-cola - Sleek and powerful Git GUI
- Git-cvs - CVS emulation and import/export for git
- Git-delta - Syntax-highlighting pager for git/diff
- Git-extras - Sub-commands for repo summary, repl, changelog population, and more
- Git-filter-repo -
- Git-gui - Git GUI (Graphical User Interface) components
- Git-lab - GitLab management commands for git CLI
- Git-lfs - Git extension for versioning large files
- Git-lite - Distributed source code management tool (lite package)
- Git-merge-changelog - Git "merge" driver for GNU style ChangeLog files
- Git-modes - GNU Emacs modes for Git-related files
- Git-p4 - Import from and submit to Perforce repositories using git
- Git-prev-next - Git commands for navigating and editing Git commit history
- Git-remote-hg - Transparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial for Git
- Git-review - Allow to push code to review and interact with a Gerrit server
- Git-subrepo - Git command for managing subrepositories
- Git-subversion - Distributed source code management tool with FreeBSD subversion bindings
- Git-svn - Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git
- Git-town - Git extension for generic, high-level git workflow support
- Git-workspace - Sync personal and work git repositories from multiple providers
- Git -
- Gitaly - Smart reverse proxy for GitLab
- Gitflow - Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations
- Gitg - GTK-based git repository viewer
- Gitg0 - GTK-based git repository viewer (gtk2 version)
- Github-backup-utils - GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities
- Gitinspector - Statistical analysis tool for git repositories
- Gitlab-metrics-exporter - GitLab Metrics Exporter (GME) is Ruby Prometheus exporter
- Gitlab-runner - Official GitLab Runner written in Go
- Gitlab-shell - GitLab Shell handles git commands for GitLab
- Gitleaks - Tool for detecting hardcoded secrets in git repositories
- Gitlist - Web based Git repository browser written in PHP
- Gitolite - Access control layer on top of git
- Gitolite2 - Access control layer on top of git
- Gitoxide - Idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git
- Gitqlient - Graphical interface to git repositories
- Gittrac - Web-Based Bug And Patch-Set Tracking System For Git
- Gitty - Smart terminal helper for git projects
- Gitui - Terminal UI for git
- Glab - GitLab CLI tool bringing GitLab to your command line
- Glade - User interface builder for GTK+ 3
- Glade2 - User interface builder for GTK+
- Glade3 - User interface builder for Gtk+ 2
- Glademm - C++ code generator backend for glade and glade2
- Glib20-reference -
- Glib20 - Some useful routines of C programming (current stable version)
- Glibd - D language bindings for the GLib Utility Library
- Glibmm-reference -
- Glibmm - C++ interfaces for glib2
- Glibmm26 - C++ interfaces for glib2
- Glitter - Tool for generating and structuring Git commit messages
- Gllvm - Whole Program LLVM wllvm ported to Go
- Global - Source code tag system
- Glog - Library of C++ classes for flexible logging
- Glrparser - Parser which works with the GLR(0) algorithm
- Glslang - OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator
- Glui - GLUT-based C++ user interface library
- Gmake - GNU version of 'make' utility
- Gn - Gn meta build framework - standalone version
- Gnome-builder - IDE for writing software for GNOME
- Gnome-common - Common automake macros for GNOME 3
- Gnome-js-common - GNOME JavaScript common modules and tests
- Gnome-vfs-reference -
- Gnome-vfsmm - C++ wrapper for gnomevfs2 library
- Gnu-efi - SDK for EFI applications
- Gnucflow - Tool to chart control flow within the C program
- Gnulib - GNU portability library
- Gnulibiberty - Miscellaneous GNU functions
- Gnustep-make - GNUstep makefile package
- Gnustep - Objective-C libraries based on the OpenStep standard
- Go-bindata-assetfs - Serves embedded files from go-bindata with Go's net/http support
- Go-bindata - Generates Go code from any file
- Go-git - Highly extensible git library in pure Go
- Go-godef - Print where symbols are defined in Go source code
- Go-perf - Go performance measurement, storage, and analysis tools
- Go-protobuf - Protocol Buffers for Go with Gadgets
- Go-tools - Go Tools
- Go-wire - Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go
- Gob2 - Preprocessor for making GObjects with inline C
- Gobject-introspection - Generate interface introspection data for GObject libraries
- Gocheese - Python private package repository and caching proxy
- Gocritic - Opinionated Go source code linter for code audit
- Godot-tools - Game integrated development environment
- Godot -
- Godot2 -
- Godot35-tools - Game integrated development environment
- Godot35 -
- Goffice - GLib/GTK+ set of document centric objects and utilities
- Goffice010 - GLib/GTK+ set of document centric objects and utilities
- Gogland-eap - JetBrains Gogland IDE (Preview Edition)
- Gogs - Painless self-hosted Git service
- Golangci-lint - Linters Runner for Go
- Golint - Linter for Go source code
- Google-cloud-cpp - C++ Idiomatic Clients for Google Cloud Platform services
- Google-perftools - Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
- Google-styleguide - Tool to assist with Google style guide compliance
- Googlemock - Library for writing and using C++ mock classes
- Googletest - Framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms
- Gopls - Go language LSP server
- Goprotobuf - Go support for Google's protocol buffers
- Goredo - Go implementation of djb's redo, Makefile replacement that sucks less
- Goreleaser - Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
- Gorm - Graphical Object Relationship Modeller
- Goswagger - Swagger 2.0 implementation for Go
- Got - Game of Trees version control system
- Gpds - General purpose data serializer library written in modern C++
- Gperf - Generates perfect hash functions for sets of keywords
- Gperf31 - Generates perfect hash functions for sets of keywords
- Gpm - Go Package Manager
- Gprbuild - Adacore multi-language software build tool
- Gputils - Utilities for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
- Gradle-completion - Gradle tab completion for Bash and Zsh
- Gradle - Project automation tool
- Gradle4 - Project automation tool
- Gradle5 - Project automation tool
- Gradle6 - Project automation tool
- Gradle62 - Project automation tool
- Gradle761 - Project automation tool
- Grantlee5 - String template engine for Qt 5
- Graphql.el - Emacs lisp library for GraphQL web services
- Grcov - Code coverage information aggregator
- Grex - Command-line tool for generating regular expressions from test cases
- Grpc - HTTP/2-based RPC framework
- Grpc142 - HTTP/2-based RPC framework
- Grumpy - Python to Go source code transcompiler and runtime
- Grv - Terminal interface for viewing git repositories
- Gsettings-desktop-schemas - Collection of globally shared GSetting schemas
- Gsoap - Generator Tools for Coding SOAP/XML Web Services in C and C++
- Gstreamer1-plugins-soup - GStreamer soup based http input plugin
- Gtgt - General (or GNU) template generation tools
- Gtkparasite - GTK+ UI debugging tool
- Gtranslator - GNOME application for creating GNU gettext translation files
- Guichan - Small, efficient C++ GUI library designed for games
- Guile-lib - Repository of useful code written in Guile Scheme
- Gum - Tool for glamorous shell scripts
- Gumbo - Pure-C HTML5 parser
- Gvfs - GNOME virtual file system
- Gvp - Go Versioning Manager
- Gwenhywfar-fox16 - Gwenhywfar FOX-1.6 support library
- Gwenhywfar-gtk2 - Gwenhywfar GTK2+ support library
- Gwenhywfar-gtk3 - Gwenhywfar GTK3+ support library
- Gwenhywfar-qt5 - Gwenhywfar Qt5 support library
- Gwenhywfar -
- Gzstream - Provides zlib functionality in an iostream
- Hachoir-core - Hachoir core parser
- Hachoir-parser - Parsers of most common file formats
- Hachoir-regex - Regular expression manipulation library
- Hapy - Runtime parser generator
- Hare - Hare language build system and standard library
- Hcs12mem - Software to manipulate EEPROM/FLASH memory
- Heaptrack - Heap memory profiler
- Heimdall - Tool suite used to flash firmware onto Samsung mobile devices
- Heirloom-devtools - OpenSolaris yacc, lex, m4, make, and SCCS
- Hexcompare - Compare and identify differences between two binary files
- Hexd - Colourful, human-friendly hexdump tool
- Hg-git - Mercurial extension to pull from or push to a Git repository
- Hgreviewboard - Mercurial reviewboard extension
- Hgsvn - Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial
- Hhdate - Date and time library based on the C++11 (and beyond)
header</li> - Highlighterkit - Framework needed by Project Manager
- Highway - Performance-portable, length-agnostic SIMD with runtime dispatch
- Hive - Framework for data warehousing on top of Hadoop
- Hoel - Database abstraction library written in C
- Hotspot - Perf GUI for performance analysis (needs mock 'perf' command)
- Hp48cc - C-like compiler that translates input code to the HP48 RPL language
- Hp48xgcc - GNU C cross-compiler for HP48 calculators
- Hpx - C++ Standard Library for Parallelism and Concurrency
- Hs-shellcheck - Shell script analysis tool
- Hs-alex - Tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell
- Hs-bytestring-nums - Parse numeric literals from ByteStrings
- Hs-cabal-install - Command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage
- Hs-cpphs - Liberalised re-implementation of cpp, the C pre-processor
- Hs-darcs - Distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
- Hs-data-default-class - Class for types with a default value
- Hs-data-default-instances-base - Default instances for types in base
- Hs-data-default-instances-containers - Default instances for types in containers
- Hs-data-default-instances-dlist - Default instances for types in dlist
- Hs-data-default-instances-old-locale - Default instances for types in old-locale
- Hs-data-default - Class for types with a default value
- Hs-dlist - Difference lists
- Hs-extensible-exceptions - Extensible exceptions
- Hs-ghc-events - Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from GHC
- Hs-ghcprofview - Graphical viewer for GHC profile files
- Hs-git-annex - Manage files with git, without checking their contents into git
- Hs-git-brunch - Git branch checkout command line tool
- Hs-happy - Parser generator for Haskell
- Hs-hashable - Class for types that can be converted to a hash value
- Hs-haskell-language-server - LSP provider implementation for Haskell language
- Hs-hasktags - Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
- Hs-hlint - Source code suggestions
- Hs-hoogle - Haskell API Search
- Hs-hpack - Modern format for Haskell packages
- Hs-hspec-discover - Automatically discover and run Hspec tests
- Hs-mtl - Monad classes, using functional dependencies
- Hs-mueval - Safely evaluate pure Haskell expressions
- Hs-old-locale - Locale library
- Hs-old-time - Time library
- Hs-ormolu - Formatter for Haskell source code
- Hs-profiteur - Treemap visualiser for GHC .prof files
- Hs-random - Random number library
- Hs-setlocale - Haskell setlocale package
- Hs-shake - Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies
- Hs-spago - PureScript package manager and build tool
- Hs-threadscope - Graphical tool for profiling parallel Haskell programs
- Hs-transformers-compat - Compatibility shim exposing the new types from transformers 0.3 and 0.4
- Hs-unordered-containers - Efficient hashing-based container types
- Hs-utf8-string - Support for reading and writing UTF-8 strings
- Htable - Lightweight implementation of hash tables in C
- Hub - Introduces git to GitHub
- Hwloc - Portable Hardware Locality software package
- Hwloc2 - Portable Hardware Locality software package
- Hyperscan - High-performance multiple regex matching library
- I386-binutils - GNU binutils for i386 cross-development
- Ice -
- Ice37 -
- Icestorm - IceStorm tools for Lattice iCE40 FPGAs
- Icmake - Intelligent C-like Maker
- Icontheme - Icon Theme Specification implementation in D programming language
- Icu-le-hb - ICU Layout Engine API on top of HarfBuzz shaping library
- Icu-lx - ICU Paragraph Layout API
- Icu -
- Idutils - The classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
- Ignition-cmake - CMake modules to be used by the Ignition projects
- Ignition-common - Set of libraries designed to rapidly develop robot applications
- Ignition-msgs - Protobuf messages and functions for robot applications
- Ignition-plugin - Library for registering plugins and dynamically loading them
- Ignition-tools - Ignition entry point (ign) for using all the suite of ignition tools
- Ikos - Static analyzer for C/C++ based on theory of abstract interpretation
- Imake - Imake and other utilities from X.Org
- Imtui - Immediate Mode Text-based User Interface C++ Library
- Inastemp - C++ library to use SIMD vectorization
- Include-what-you-use - Tool for use with clang to analyze \#includes in C and C++ source files
- Indi - Implementation of the Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface protocol
- Indicators - C++ header-only library for thread-safe progress bars and spinners
- Influx-pkg-config - Drop-in pkg-config replacement for compiling C libraries for InfluxData
- Inifiled - Compile-time .ini file parser and writer generator for D
- Inih - Simple .INI file parser written in C
- Inilib - C++ lib which provides a method of saving the "state" of a program
- Inilike - D library for parsing ini-like files used in Freedesktop systems
- Iniparser - Free stand-alone ini file parsing library
- Initutil - STL Container Initialization Library
- Injeqt - Dependency injection framework for Qt
- Intel-graphics-compiler - Intel Graphics Compiler for OpenCL
- Interactive_rebase_tool - Improved sequence editor for Git
- Ioncube - Loader for ionCube-encoded PHP files
- Ipython - Enhanced Interactive Python shell
- Ireport - Visual report builder/designer for JasperReports
- Isa-l - Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Libray
- Isfreedesktop - D programming to test if target platform is freedesktop
- Isl - Integer Set Library
- Ispc - Intel's compiler for high-performance SIMD programming
- Ivykis - Asynchronous I/O readiness notification library
- Iz - General purpose library for the D programming language
- Jam - Build utility like make(1)
- Jansson - C library for encoding, decoding, and manipulating JSON data
- Java-findbugs - Find Bugs in Java Programs
- Jclassinfo - Shows information about Java class, dependencies, and more
- Jcmdline - Java command line processor
- Jech-dht - Mainline variant of Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT)
- Jenkins-lts - Open-source continuous integration server
- Jenkins - Open-source continuous integration server
- Jetbrains-clion - JetBrains CLion IDE
- Jetbrains-goland - JetBrains GoLand IDE
- Jetbrains-phpstorm - JetBrains PhpStorm IDE
- Jetbrains-pty4j - Pty4J's native library
- Jetbrains-webstorm - JetBrains JavaScript IDE
- Jfrog-cli - CLI client for Artifactory
- Jgoodies-looks - Improved appearance for Java Swing applications
- Jiic - Streaming-based Java implementation of ISO 9660
- Jiri - Tool for multi-repo development
- Jline - Java library for handling console input
- Jna - Java access to native shared libraries
- Jrtplib - Object-oriented RTP library written in C++
- Jsap - Java package to parse command-line arguments
- Jsl - Analyzes JavaScript code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
- Jsmin - The JavaScript Minifier
- Json-c - JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) implementation in C
- Json-dto - Header-only library for converting data between JSON and C++ structs
- Json-glib - JSON (RFC 4627) interface for Glib
- Jsoncpp - JSON reader and writer library for C++
- Jsonnet - JSON data templating language
- Jsonrpc-glib - Library to communicate using the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification
- Juce - C++ application framework to develop desktop and mobile applications
- Judy - General purpose dynamic array
- Jwasm - Fork of OpenWatcom x86 assembler with AMD64 support
- K8048 - Programs Microchip PICs using Velleman K8048 board
- Kbuild - Makefile framework
- Kapptemplate - KDE template generator
- Kcachegrind - Profiler frontend for KDE
- Kconfig-frontends - Kconfig files parser and frontend
- Kcov - Coverage checker for ELF, Bash, and Python programs
- Kdbg - Graphical user interface around gdb using KDE
- Kde-dev-scripts - KDE development scripts
- Kde-dev-utils - KDE development utilities
- Kdesdk-kio - KIO workers useful for software development
- Kdesdk-thumbnailers - KDE thumbnail generator for gettext po files
- Kdesdk - KDE Software Development Kit
- Kdesvn - KDE frontend for Subversion
- Kdev-php - PHP support for KDevelop
- Kdev-python - Python support for KDevelop
- Kdevelop-pg-qt - Parser-generator from KDevplatform
- Kdevelop - Plugin extensible IDE for C/C++ and other languages
- Kerl - Virtualenv-like tool for Erlang/OTP
- Kf5-extra-cmake-modules - Extra modules and scripts for CMake
- Kf5-kapidox - KF5 API Documentation Tools
- Kf5-kauth - KF5 abstraction to system policy and authentication features
- Kf5-kbookmarks - KF5 library for bookmarks and the XBEL format
- Kf5-kcmutils - KF5 utilities for working with KCModules
- Kf5-kconfig - KF5 widgets for configuration dialogs
- Kf5-kcoreaddons - KF5 addons to QtCore
- Kf5-kcrash - KF5 library to handle crash analysis and bug report from apps
- Kf5-kdbusaddons - KF5 addons to QtDBus
- Kf5-kdeclarative - KF5 library providing integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
- Kf5-kdoctools - KF5 documentation generation from docbook
- Kf5-kfilemetadata - KF5 library for extracting file metadata
- Kf5-ki18n - KF5 advanced internationalization framework
- Kf5-kidletime - KF5 library for monitoring user activity
- Kf5-kio - KF5 resource and network access abstraction
- Kf5-kitemmodels - KF5 models for Qt Model/View system
- Kf5-knewstuff - KF5 library for downloading application assets from the network
- Kf5-knotifications - KF5 abstraction for system notifications
- Kf5-knotifyconfig - KF5 configuration system for KNotify
- Kf5-kpackage - KF5 library to load and install packages
- Kf5-kparts - KF5 document centric plugin system
- Kf5-kpeople - KF5 library providing access to contacts
- Kf5-kpty - KF5 pty abstraction
- Kf5-kservice - KF5 advanced plugin and service introspection
- Kf5-ktexteditor - KF5 advanced embeddable text editor
- Kf5-kunitconversion - KF5 library for unit conversion
- Kf5-solid - KF5 hardware integration and detection
- Kf5-threadweaver - KF5 helper for multithreaded programming
- Kio-extras - Plasma5 library to increase the functionality of KIO
- Kirigami-gallery - Kirigami component gallery application
- Klib - Standalone and lightweight C library
- Kms-cmake-utils - CMake common files used to build all Kurento C/C++ projects
- Kodi-platform - Kodi platform support library
- Kokkos - C++ performance portability programming ecosystem
- Kommit - Git gui client for KDE
- Kore - Web application framework for writing web APIs in C
- Kpublictransport - Access realtime public transport data
- Kronosnet - Network abstraction layer designed for high availability
- Ksql - Lazy man's wrapper for the SQLite C API
- Ktextaddons - Various text handling addons
- Kyra - Simple Sprite engine written in C++
- Kyua - Testing framework for infrastructure software
- Lab - Lab makes it simple to work with repositories on GitLab
- Lasi - C++ stream output interface for creating Postscript documents
- Lattice-ice40-examples-hx1k - Lattice iCE40 FPGA examples for the Olimex HX1K board
- Lattice-ice40-examples-hx8k - Lattice iCE40 FPGA examples for the Olimex HX8K board
- Lattice-ice40-tools - Open source tools for Lattice iCE40 FPGAs
- Lazygit - Simple terminal UI for git commands
- Lcov - Linux Test Project GCOV extension
- Leaktracer - Trace and analyze memory leaks in C++ programs
- Leatherman - Leatherman C++ Tool library
- Lefthook - Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects
- Leiningen - Automate Clojure projects
- Lemon - LALR(1) parser generator. Similar in function to yacc and bison
- Level-zero -
- Lfcbase - Collection of basic c++ classes, used for databases/cego
- Lfcxml - C++ XML library, used for databases/cego
- Libcello - Higher level programming in C
- Libidl - Library for creating trees of CORBA IDL files
- Libproplist - Property library for gnome and Window Maker
- Libabigail - ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library
- Libac - C++ implementation of the Aho-Corasick (AC) string matching algorithm
- Libafterbase - AfterStep basic functionality library
- Libantlr3c - ANother Tool for Language Recognition (C runtime)
- Libantlr4 - ANother Tool for Language Recognition (C runtime)
- Libappindicator - KSNI App Indicator library
- Libaravis -
- Libarea - CAM-related software for profile and pocketing operations
- Libarena - Custom Memory Allocator Interface
- Libassa - C++ networking library and application framework
- Libassetml - Library to share image and audio files between projects
- Libast - Library of assorted spiffy things
- Libastylej-arduino -
- Libastylej - Source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier (JNI library)
- Libatomic_ops - Atomic operations access library
- Libaura - Library of Assorted Useful Reusable Abstractions
- Libavl - Library for balanced binary trees
- Libayatana-appindicator - Ayatana Application Indicators Shared Library
- Libayatana-indicator - Ayatana Indicators Shared Library
- Libb2 - C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
- Libbacktrace - C library that produces symbolic backtraces in C/C++ programs
- Libbde - Library and tools to access the BitLocker Drive Encryption volumes
- Libbegemot - Function library for begemot tools
- Libbfd - Universal BFD library from GNU binutils
- Libbinio - Binary I/O stream class library
- Libbonobo-reference -
- Libbpfjit - Just-in-Time compilation of bpf
- Libbson - BSON utility library
- Libburn - Libburnia library to read/write optical discs
- Libcbor - CBOR protocol implementation for C and others
- Libccid - Generic driver for USB CCID and ICCD
- Libcdada - Basic data structures in C as libstdc++ wrapper
- Libcdb - Constant database library
- Libcds - C++ library of Concurrent Data Structures
- Libcfg - Library for command line and configuration file parsing
- Libcfu - Simple library of tools for developing multithreaded software
- Libchipcard - Library for easy access to chipcards
- Libcidr - Library to handle manipulating CIDR netblocks
- Libcii - Library from "C Interfaces and Implementations" by David Hanson
- Libcircllhist - Circonus log-linear histogram C implementation
- Libcjson - Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
- Libclc - Required library functions for OpenCL C programming language
- Libcli - Emulates a Cisco style command-line interface
- Libconcurrent - Tiny asymmetric-coroutine library
- Libconfig - Simple library for processing structured configuration files
- Libconfuse - Configuration file parsing library
- Libcreg - Library and tools to access the Windows 9x/Me Registry File format
- Libcrossguid - Minimal and cross platform C++ GUID library
- Libcsptr - Smart pointers for the (GNU) C programming language
- Libcuckoo - Performant hash table implementation
- Libcutl - C++ utility library with generic and independent components
- Libcwd - C++ Debugging Support Library
- Libdaemon - Lightweight C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
- Libdap - SDK which contains an implementation of DAP 2.0 and 4.0
- Libdatadog - Datadog Rust library
- Libdatovka - ISDS client library
- Libdatrie - Double-array trie implementation library
- Libdbusmenu-qt - Qt${PKGNAMESUFFIX} implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
- Libdbusmenu - GLib and Gtk Implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
- Libddoc - D implementation of the DDoc macro system
- Libddwaf - Datadog WAF engine
- Libdevq - Generic Device Query and Monitor interface
- Libdfui - Abstract user interface protocol library
- Libdill - Structured concurrency library in C
- Libdisasm - Intel x86 instructions disassembler utility and library
- Libdisorder - Simple C library for entropy measurement
- Libdispatch - Grand Central Dispatch API support library
- Libdistance - Compute the distance between two pieces of data
- Libdlmalloc - Small, fast malloc library by Doug Lea
- Libdnsres - Provides a non-blocking thread-safe API for resolving DNS names
- Libdombey - SCGI application server in a library
- Libdparse - Library for lexing and parsing D source code
- Libds - ANSI Generic Data Structures Library
- Libdsp - C++ class library of common digital signal processing functions
- Libdwarf - Library to analyze DWARF debugging information in ELF files
- Libe - High-performance data structures and utilities for C++
- Libedit - Command line editor library
- Libegit2 - Emacs bindings for libgit2
- Libeio - Full-featured asynchronous I/O library for C
- Libelf - Public ELF file access library similar to libelf(3) in Solaris
- Libepoll-shim - Small epoll implementation using kqueue
- Libepp-nicbr - Partial Extensible Provisioning Protocol to .br domains
- Liberasurecode - Unified Erasure Coding interface for common storage workloads
- Libesedb - Library and tools to access the ESEDB format
- Libestr - Library for some string essentials
- Libev - Full-featured and high-performance event loop library
- Libevdev - Linux Event Device library
- Libevdevplus - Easy-to-use event device library in C++
- Libevent-devel - API for executing callback functions on events or timeouts
- Libevent - API for executing callback functions on events or timeouts
- Libevt - Library and tooling to access the Windows Event Log (EVT) format
- Libevtx - Library and tooling to access the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format
- Libewf - Library for support of the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF)
- Libexplain - Library which may be used to explain Unix and Linux system call errors
- Libfaketime - Modifies the system time for a single application
- Libfastcommon - C common functions library used mainly by FastDFS and FastDHT
- Libfastjson - Fork of json-c (JSON implementation in C)
- Libffcall - Foreign function call libraries
- Libffi - Foreign Function Interface
- Libffi321 - Foreign Function Interface (stripped down compat version)
- Libffi33 - Foreign Function Interface (stripped down compat version)
- Libfirm - Graph-based SSA intermediate representation library for compilers
- Libfixposix - Replacement for inconsistent parts of POSIX
- Libflatarray - Struct of arrays library with object oriented interface for C++
- Libfmt - Formatting library for C++
- Libfort - C/C++ library to print formatted ASCII tables for console applications
- Libfortuna - Fortuna PRNG Library
- Libfreefare - MIFARE contactless tag access library
- Libfsapfs - Library and tools to access the Apple File System (APFS)
- Libfsext - Library and tools to access the Extended File System
- Libfsfat - Library and tools to access the File Allocation Table File System
- Libfshfs - Library and tools to access the Mac OS Hierarchical File System (HFS)
- Libfsntfs - Library and tools to access the New Technology File System (NTFS)
- Libfsxfs - Library and tools to access the SGI X File System
- Libftdi - Library (using libusb) to talk to FTDI chips
- Libftdi1 - Library (using libusb) to talk to FTDI chips
- Libfwnt - Library for Windows NT data types
- Libfwsi - Library to access the Windows Shell Item format
- Libg19 - G19 library
- Libg19draw - G19 draw library
- Libgamepad - Generic gamepad API
- Libgdata - GLib-based implementation of the GData protocol
- Libgee - GObject collection library
- Libgee06 - GObject collection library
- Libgetline - Small, portable, and easy to use command line library
- Libght - GeoHashTree library for storing and accessing multi-dimensional point clouds
- Libgit2-glib - Glib wrapper library around the libgit2 git access library
- Libgit2 - Portable, pure C implementation of the Git core
- Libglade2-reference -
- Libglade2 - GNOME glade library
- Libglademm24 - C++ wrapper for libglade2 library
- Libgnt - Toolkit based on glib and ncurses for text-mode user interfaces
- Libgnuregex - GNU Regex Library
- Libgpc - Generic Polygon Clipper
- Libgpkg - SQLite 3 extension of minimal OGC GeoPackage implementation
- Libgpr - Library from GPRbuild
- Libgrading - Simple library for grading C- and C++-language assignments
- Libgraphqlparser - GraphQL query parser
- Libgsf - Extensible I/O abstraction for dealing with structured file formats
- Libgta - Portable library that implements the GTA file format
- Libgtop - GNOME top library
- Libgudev - GObject bindings for libudev
- Libgusb - GUsb is a GObject wrapper for libusb1
- Libgutenfetch - Library that allows application developers to connect to PG
- Libheinz - C++ base library of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum
- Libhoard - Fast, scalable, and memory-efficient allocator for MP
- Libhtp - Security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol
- Libibuddy - C loadable library and CLI tool to control an i-buddy device
- Libical - Implementation of the IETF Calendaring and Scheduling protocols
- Libindicator - Symbols and convience functions for desktop indicators
- Libinjection - SQL / SQLI tokenizer parser analyzer
- Libinotify - Kevent based inotify compatible library
- Libiqxmlrpc - Free, object-oriented XML-RPC implementation written in C++
- Libisofs - Libburnia ISO9660 filesystem creation library
- Libixp - Standalone client/server 9P library
- Libjitterentropy - Hardware RNG based on CPU timing jitter
- Libjson++ - Small C++ library to handle JSON serialized data
- Libk8055 - Velleman K8055 USB experimental board support and command line tool
- Libkiwix - Common code base for all Kiwix ports
- Libklel - KoreLogic Expression Language library
- Liblangtag - Interface library to access tags for identifying languages
- Liblas - Library For Reading And Writing LAS-Format Data
- Liblnk - Library and tools to access the Windows shortcut file (LNK) format
- Liblockfile - Standard lockfile library
- Liblogging - Easy to use system logging library
- Liblognorm - Log normalizer
- Liblouis - Open-source Braille Translator And Back-translator
- Liblpm - Longest Prefix Match library
- Libltdl - System independent dlopen wrapper
- Libluksde - Library and tools to access LUKS Disk Encryption encrypted volumes
- Liblxqt - Shared library for LXQt applications
- Libmaa - Provides a few data structures and helpful functions
- Libmatheval - Library to evaluate mathematical functions
- Libmatthew - Selection of Java libraries by Matthew Johnson
- Libmba - Collection of C modules potentially useful to any project
- Libmcfp - C++ header only library to parse command line arguments
- Libmill - Go-style concurrency in CGo-style concurrency in C
- Libmimedir - Library for parsing RFC2425 MIME Directory Profile information
- Libmodi - Library and tools to access the Mac OS disk image formats
- Libmonetra - Library for credit card processing through Monetra (formerly MCVE)
- Libmowgli - Development framework for C
- Libmowgli2 - Development framework for C
- Libmpcbdm - Standalone library to control various mpc8xx boards
- Libmpsse - Open source library for SPI/I2C control via FTDI chips
- Libmsiecf - Library and tools to access the MSIE index.dat files
- Libmsocket - Socket abstraction library for C programmers
- Libmtdev - Multitouch Protocol Translation Library
- Libmtrie - Library to build an IP-netmask based mtrie
- Libmustache - C++ implementation of Mustache
- Libnaji - Library that generates, converts, and filters files
- Libnest2d-ultimaker -
- Libnfc - Near Field Communication (NFC) library
- Libnjs - NGINX JavaScript static library
- Libnotify - Library for desktop notifications
- Libnsutils - NetSurf generalised utility library
- Libnxt - Lego NXT library
- Liboil - Library of optimized inner loops
- Libol - Library needed by syslog-ng
- Libolecf - Library and tools to access the OLE 2 Compound File (OLECF) format
- Liboobs - Wrapping library to the System Tools Backends
- Libopenbsd -
- Libopencm3 - LGPLv3 Cortex-M0/M3/M4 runtime library
- Libopensync - PIM data synchronization framework
- Libopentracing - C++ implementation of the OpenTracing API
- Libopkele - C++ implementation of an OpenID decentralized identity system
- Liborcus - Standalone file import filter library for spreadsheet documents
- Libosinfo - Library for managing OS information for virtualization
- Libosmo-netif - Library containing common/shared code regarding network interface
- Libosmo-sccp - SCCP network layer protocol implementation
- Libowfat - General purpose library based on code by D. J. Bernstein
- Libpafe-ruby - Ruby binding for libpafe
- Libpafe - FeliCa read/write library for Sony RC-S320 USB FeliCa R/W(PaSoRi)
- Libparserutils - Lexer/parser utility functions for NetSurf
- Libpasori - FeliCa read/write library for Sony RC-S320 USB FeliCa R/W(PaSoRi)
- Libpci - PCI configuration space I/O made easy
- Libpciaccess - Generic PCI access library
- Libpcl - Portable Coroutine Library for low level functionality for coroutines
- Libpdel - Packet Design multi-purpose C library for embedded applications
- Libpeak - Parallel Events and Asynchronous tasKing Library
- Libpeas -
- Libpff - Library and tools to access the PFF and the OFF formats
- Libphdi - Library and tools to access the Parallels Hard Disk image format
- Libphk - PHK's utilities functions
- Libphonenumber - Library for parsing, formatting, and validating phone numbers
- Libphutil - Collection of PHP utility classes
- Libplist -
- Libpo6 - POSIX wrappers for C++
- Libpololu-avr - Support libraries for Pololu robots
- Libpru - Library to interface with PRUs
- Libqb -
- Libqcow - Library and tooling to access the QEMU Copy-On-Write image format
- Libqsbr - QSBR and EBR library
- Libqtxdg - Qt implementation of xdg specs
- Libr3 - URL router library with high performance
- Librcc - Library used by rusxmms for language autodetection
- Librcd - Library used by rusxmms for autodetection of Russian charset
- Libreadline-java - JNI wrapper around GNU Readline / libedit / libgetline
- Libredblack - Library that provides the red-black balanced tree algorithm
- Libregf - Library and tools to support the Windows NT Registry File format
- Librelp - Reliable event logging protocol library
- Librest - Easy access to RESTful web services
- Librevisa-vish - Open Source VISA shell for interfacing test and measurement equipment
- Librevisa-vxi - Open Source VISA VXI-11 (TCP/IP RPC bindings)
- Librevisa - Library for interfacing test and measurement equipment
- Librolegen - Library to dynamically generate webOS system bus role files
- Librttopo - RT Topology Library
- Libruin - Renderer for User Interfaces in Ncurses
- Libs11n - C++ library for easily serializing a wide variety of objects
- Libsavitar - C++ implementation of 3mf loading/python bindings
- Libscca - Library and tools to access the Windows Prefetch File (SCCA) format
- Libsearpc - Simple RPC framework based on GObject System in C
- Libserdes - Schema-based serializer/deserializer with support for Avro
- Libserialport - Framework for hardware logic analyzers, serial port support library
- Libserver - Generic TCP server in a library
- Libshbuf - Library for Shared Buffer IPC
- Libshhmsg - Library for displaying messages
- Libshhopt - Library for parsing command line options
- Libsigc++12 - Callback Framework for C++
- Libsigc++20 - Callback Framework for C++
- Libsigc++30 - Callback Framework for C++
- Libsigrok - Framework for hardware logic analyzers, core library
- Libsigrokdecode - Framework for hardware logic analyzers, protocol decoders library
- Libsigscan - Library for binary signature scanning
- Libsigsegv - Handling page faults in user mode
- Libsimdpp - Header-only zero-overhead C++ wrapper of SIMD instructions
- Libslang2 - Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
- Libsmdev - Library to access to storage media devices
- Libsml - Implementation in C of the Smart Message Language (SML) protocol
- Libsmpp34 - Provide an implementation of SMPP-3.4 protocol for PDUs handling
- Libsmraw - Library and tools to access the split RAW image format
- Libsoup-gnome - GNOME wrapper for libsoup
- Libsoup - SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in C
- Libsoup3 - HTTP client/server library for GNOME
- Libspice-server - Implements the server side of the SPICE protocol
- Libstatgrab - Provides a useful interface to system statistics
- Libstatgrab0 - Provides a useful interface to system statistics
- Libstrfunc - Handles CGI forms, MIME, templates, date conversions, etc
- Libstroke - Stroke translation library
- Libsysctlmibinfo - Sysctl MIB-Tree API
- Libsysctlmibinfo2 - Sysctl MIB-Tree API (improved version)
- Libsysinfo - GNU libc's sysinfo port for FreeBSD
- Libtai - Library for storing and manipulating dates and times
- Libtap - Library implementing the Test Anything Protocol
- Libtar - Library for manipulating POSIX and GNU tar files
- Libtecla - Interactive command line editing facilities
- Libtermkey - Easy processing of keyboard entry from terminal-based programs
- Libtextstyle - Text styling library
- Libthai - Thai language support library
- Libthmap - Concurrent trie-hash map library
- Libthreadar - Abstracted set of C++ *classes* to manipulate threads
- Libtickit - Terminal Interface Construction Kit
- Libtifiles2 - TI calculator file types library
- Libtool - Generic shared library support script
- Libtpl - Library for serializing C data
- Libtrue - You can't handle the truth
- Libtsm - Terminal-emulator state machine
- Libtuntap - Configuring TUN or TAP devices API in a portable manner
- Libublio - User space caching library
- Libubox - C utility functions for OpenWrt
- Libudev-devd -
- Libuinputplus - Easy-to-use uinput library in C++
- Libukcprog - Generally useful low level routines
- Libunicode - Library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings
- Libuninum - Library for converting Unicode strings to numbers
- Libunistring - Unicode string library
- Libunit - Development kit for dynamic web application server
- Libunwind - Generic stack unwinding library
- Libuutil - Illumos userland utilities library
- Libuv - Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O
- Libvanessa_adt - Library that provides ADTs (queues, dynamic arrays, and more)
- Libvanessa_logger - Library that provides a generic logging layer
- Libvanessa_socket - Library that provides a simple layer for TCP/IP socket operations
- Libvc -
- Libversion - Advanced version string comparison library
- Libvex - Library for dynamic binary instrumentation and translation
- Libvhdi - Library and tools to access the Virtual Hard Disk image format
- Libvirt-dbus - Libvirt D-Bus API binding
- Libvirt-glib - Glib bindings for Libvirt virtualization API
- Libvirt-java - Java bindings for Libvirt virtualization API
- Libvirt - Toolkit to interact with virtualization capabilities
- Libvmdk - Library and tools to access the VMware Virtual Disk (VMDK) format
- Libvolume_id - Library to provide file system type information
- Libvsgpt - Library and tools to access the GPT volume system format
- Libvshadow - Library to support the Volume Service Snapshot (VSS) format
- Libvslvm - Library and tools to access the LVM volume system format
- Libvterm - Implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator
- Libwfut - WorldForge update library
- Libx86 - Hardware-independent library for executing real-mode x86 code
- Libxalloc - Memory allocation library with error checking
- Libxo - Library to generate text, XML, JSON, and HTML output
- Libxs - Open source lightweight messaging layer
- Libxtend - Miscellaneous functions to extend libc
- Libzim - Reference implementation of the ZIM specification
- Libzookeeper - C client interface to Zookeeper server
- Libzvbi - Routines to access raw VBI capture devices
- Lightning - Generates assembly language code at run-time
- Linenoise-ng - Small, portable readline replacement
- Linenoise - Small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit
- Linux-c6-dbus-glib - GLib bindings for D-Bus (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-dbus-libs - Libraries for accessing D-BUS (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-devtools - Linux compilers and base libraries (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-elfutils-libelf - ELF file handling library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-icu - International Components for Unicode (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libgfortran - Runtime libraries for gfortran (Linux Centos ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libglade2 - GNOME glade library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libpciaccess - Generic PCI access library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libsigc++20 - Callback Framework for C++ (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libsoup - Simple Object Access Protocol implementation in C (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libthai - Thai language support library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-libunwind - Generic stack unwinding library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-nspr - Netscape Portable Runtime (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-qt47 - Cross-platform application and UI framework (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c6-sdl12 - Cross-platform multi-media development API (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-dbus-libs - Libraries for accessing D-BUS (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-devtools - Linux compilers and base libraries (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-elfutils-libelf - ELF file handling library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-elfutils-libs - ELF file handling libraries (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-icu - International Components for Unicode (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libaio - Asynchronous I/O library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libgfortran - Runtime libraries for gfortran (Linux Centos ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libglade2 - GNOME glade library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libpciaccess - Generic PCI access library (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libsigc++20 - Callback Framework for C++ (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libthai - Thai language support library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libtool-ltdl - Runtime libraries for GNU libtool (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-libunwind - Generic stack unwinding library (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-make - GNU make utility (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-nspr - Netscape Portable Runtime (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-qt - RPM of QT4 (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-sdl12 - Cross-platform multi-media development API (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-sdl20 - Cross-platform multi-media development API (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-strace - System call tracer (CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-systemd-libs - Libraries for accessing systemd (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-c7-zlib-devel - Zlib headers (Linux CentOS ${LINUX_DIST_VER})
- Linux-ltp - Linux Test Project (SUSE Linux Enterprise 15)
- Linux-sublime-merge - Cross-platform Git client, done the Sublime Text way
- Linux_libusb - Linux-compatibility LibUSB
- Lion - Multi-platform, event-driven, simple networking library
- Listserialc - Simple multiplatform program to list serial ports with vid/pid/iserial
- Liteide - Simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE
- Llbuild - Low-level build system, used by the Swift Package Manager
- Llnextgen - Extended LL(1) parser generator
- Llvm-cheri -
- Llvm-devel - LLVM and Clang
- Llvm-morello - LLVM and Clang with support the Arm Morello architecture
- Llvm - Meta-port for the default version of the LLVM Toolchain
- Llvm10 - LLVM and Clang
- Llvm11 - LLVM and Clang
- Llvm12 - LLVM and Clang
- Llvm13 - LLVM and Clang
- Llvm14 - LLVM and Clang
- Llvm15 - LLVM and Clang
- Llvm16 - LLVM and Clang
- Lm4tools - TI Tiva C ARM microcontroller tools
- Lmdbg - Lightweight malloc debugger
- Lndir - Create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another directory tree
- Lnphost - Lego RCX iinfrared communication API
- Loccount - Count source lines of code in a project
- Lockfree-malloc - Scalable drop-in replacement for malloc/free
- Log4c - Logging for C Library
- Log4cplus - Logging library for C++
- Log4cpp - Library of C++ classes for flexible logging
- Log4cxx - C++ port of the Log4j project
- Log4j - Fast and flexible logging library for Java
- Log4net - Port for .NET of the Apache Logging Services project
- Log4sh - Common logging library for Bourne shell scripts
- Log4shib - Library of C++ classes for flexible logging
- Loguru - Lightweight and flexible C++ logging library
- Lokalize - Computer-aided translation system
- Loki - C++ library of common design patterns
- Looks - Improved appearance for Java Swing applications
- Love - Open-source 2D game engine
- Love07 - Open-source 2D game engine
- Love08 - Open-source 2D game engine
- Love10 - Open-source 2D game engine (legacy version 0.10)
- Love5 - Open-source 2D game engine
- Lpc21isp - ISP programmer tool for flashing NXP and Analog Devices ARM7 CPUs
- Lrmi - Library for calling real mode BIOS routines
- Lua-messagepack - Efficient binary serialization format
- Lua-argparse - Feature-rich command line parser for Lua
- Lua-bitlib - Tiny library for bitwise operations
- Lua-bitop - Bitwise operations on numbers
- Lua-cjson - Fast JSON parsing and encoding support for Lua
- Lua-cqueues - Continuation queues module for Lua
- Lua-gettext - Lua 5+ bindings for Gettext
- Lua-language-server - Lua development server and LSP client
- Lua-lgi - Lua bindings to libraries using GObject-Introspection
- Lua-libevent - Lua libevent binding
- Lua-lpeg - PEG-based pattern-matching library for Lua
- Lua-luacheck - Linter and static analyzer for lua files
- Lua-luarocks - Package manager for Lua modules
- Lua-lunit - Unit Testing Framework for Lua
- Lua-mode - Minor mode for LUA
- Lua-posix - Lua bindings for POSIX APIs
- Lua-pty - Pty (pseudo-terminal) bindings for Lua 5+
- Lua-rds-parser - Resty-DBD-Stream (RDS) parser for Lua written in C
- Lua-resty-string - String utilities and common hash functions for ngx_lua and LuaJIT
- Lua-stdlib-debug - Debug hints management library for lua
- Lua-stdlib-normalize - Collection of normalized lua functions
- Lua-stdlib - Standard Lua Libraries
- Lua-sysctl - Small sysctl(3) interface for lua
- Lua51-bitop -
- Lua51-cjson - Fast JSON parsing and encoding support for Lua 5.1
- Lua51-libevent - Lua libevent binding
- Luabind - Library that helps you create bindings between C++ and Lua
- Luafilesystem-51 -
- Luafilesystem - Library to access directory structure and file attributes
- Luajava - Lua scripting tool for Java
- Lutok - Lightweight C++ API for Lua
- Luv -
- Lwp - Userspace thread library
- Lxqt-build-tools - Helpers CMake modules for LXQt
- Lyra - Command line parser for C++11
- M17n-db - Data files for the m17n library
- M17n-docs -
- M17n-inscript2 - Enhanced Inscript keyboard layouts for Indic languages
- M17n-lib - Library for the multilingual text handling
- M4 - GNU M4
- Mage - Command-line make-like build tool using Go as input files
- Magic_enum - Header-only C++17 library provides static reflection for enums
- Magit-devel - Interface to Git for Emacs (Development Version)
- Magit - Interface to Git for Emacs
- Make++ - Drop-in replacement for GNU make
- Makedepend - Dependency generator for makefiles
- Malloy - Embeddable HTTP(S) and WS(S) client/server components for C++
- Marisa-trie - MARISA Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge
- Marl - Hybrid thread / fiber task scheduler written in C++11
- Massif-visualizer - Graphical viewer for Massif data
- Mate-common - Common automake macros for MATE
- Maven-wrapper - Wrapper script for the various installations of Maven
- Maven - Java project management tool
- Maven363 - Java project management tool
- Mcpp - Alternative C/C++ preprocessor
- Mdb - Solaris Modular Debugger
- Mdds - Multi-dimensional data index algorithm
- Mdspan - Reference implementation of mdspan targeting C++23
- Menhir - LR(1) parser generator for OCaml
- Mercator - Procedural terrain library
- Mercurial - Fast, lightweight source control management system
- Mercurialeclipse - Mercurial plugin for the Eclipse IDE Framework
- Mergify - Merge changes from a branch one commit at a time
- Meson-python - Meson Python build backend (PEP-517)
- Meson - High performance build system
- Microsoft-gsl - Guidelines Support Library
- Mill - Java/Scala build tool
- Mimalloc - General-purpose allocator with excellent performance characteristics
- Mime - C library to parse mime data
- Mimir - Data-structure library used by the Elan Programming Environment
- Mingw32-bin-msvcrt - Headers and Libraries for Windows cross-development
- Mingw32-binutils - GNU Binutils for Windows cross-development
- Mingw32-directx - DirectX header files for use with MinGW
- Mingw32-gcc - FSF gcc-4 for Windows cross-development
- Mingw32-libffi - The libffi library cross-compiled for MinGW32
- Mingw32-libyaml - The libyaml library cross-compiled for MinGW32
- Mingw32-openssl - The OpenSSL library cross-compiled for MinGW32
- Mingw32-pdcurses - Curses and Panel terminal library for Windows
- Mingw32-pthreads - POSIX threads library for Windows compiled with MinGW32
- Mingw32-zlib - The zlib library cross-compiled for MinGW32
- Mips-binutils - GNU binutils for mips cross-development
- Mips64-binutils - GNU binutils for mips64 cross-development
- Mir-core -
- Mk-configure - Lightweight, easy to use replacement for GNU autotools
- Mm-common - Common build infrastructure for the GNOME C++ binding libraries
- Mm - Shared memory allocation library for pre-forked process models
- Modd - Developer tool that runs processes and responds to filesystem changes
- Mold - Modern Linker
- Mongo-c-driver - C Driver for MongoDB
- Mongo-cxx-driver - MongoDB Legacy C++ Driver
- Mono-addins - Mono framework to create extensible applications
- Motor - Powerful text mode based programming IDE
- Mpatrol - Dynamic memory debugging and profiling library
- Mph - Minimal perfect hashing code generator
- Mq4cpp - Message Queuing for C++
- Mrc - Maartens Resource Compiler
- Msbuild - Build platform for .NET and Visual Studio
- Msgpack-c - Efficient binary serialization, like JSON but smaller and faster
- Msgpack-cxx - Efficient binary serialization protocol (C++ version)
- Msgpack-d - Pure D implementation of MessagePack
- Msgpuck - Lightweight MessagePack library
- Msitools - Inspect and build Windows Installer (.MSI) files
- Msp430-debug-stack - TI MSP430 debugging interface library
- Mspdebug - Debugger for use with MSP 430 MCUs
- Mstch - Complete implementation of {{mustache}} templates using modern C++
- Mtbl - Immutable sorted string table library
- Muon - Build system compatible with meson
- Mustache - Mustache text templates for modern C++
- Mutagen - Continuous multidirectional synchronization for remote development
- Myrepos - Tool to manage all your version control repos
- Nana - Support for assertion checking and logging using GNU C and GDB
- Nano-signal-slot - Pure C++17 signals and slots
- Nanopb - Protocol Buffers with small code size
- Nant -
- Nasm - General-purpose multi-platform x86 and amd64 assembler
- Naturaldocs - Extensible, multi-language source code documentation generator
- Ncc - Program analysis tool and call-graph navigator
- Ncnf - Generic configuration management library
- Ncurses - Library for terminal-independent, full-screen output
- Ndesk-dbus-glib - GLib main loop integration for Managed D-Bus
- Ndesk-dbus - C\# implementation of D-Bus
- Ndesk-options - Callback-based program option parser for C\#
- Netscape-java40 - Classes to allow a Java applet access to JavaScript objects
- Netsurf-buildsystem - NetSurf project build system
- Newfile - Tool for creating starter files in various languages
- Newt - Not Eriks Windowing Toolkit console I/O handling library
- Newtonsoft-json - Popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
- Nextpnr - Portable FPGA place and route tool
- Nexus2-oss - Maven (and others) artifacts repository manager
- Nimble - Package manager for the Nim programming language
- Nini - NET configuration library
- Ninja - Small build system closest in spirit to Make
- Nlohmann-json - JSON library for Modern C++
- Node-thrift - Node.js bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
- Notcurses - TUI library for modern terminal emulators
- Notify-sharp - C\# client library for notification-daemon
- Nox - Flexible test automation
- Npth - New GNU Portable Threads
- Nsgenbind - NetSurf Generator for JavaScript bindings
- Nspr - Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions
- Nss_wrapper -
- Nsync - C library that exports various synchronization primitives like mutexes
- Nuitka - Compatible and efficient Python compiler
- Obby - Library for synced document buffers
- Objconv - Agner Fog's object file converter
- Objecthash - Cross-language way to cryptographically hash JSON objects
- Ocaml-annexlib - OCaml subroutines collection
- Ocaml-calendar - Date and time library for OCaml
- Ocaml-camljava - OCaml-Java library interface
- Ocaml-camlp4 - System for writing extensible parsers for OCaml
- Ocaml-camlp5 - Preprocessor-pretty-printer of OCaml
- Ocaml-camomile-examples - Example programs for Camomile library
- Ocaml-camomile - Comprehensive Unicode library for Objective Caml
- Ocaml-cfg - Library for manipulating context-free grammars
- Ocaml-classes - Ocaml Object interface for ocaml's standard library modules
- Ocaml-cmdliner - OCaml module for handling command-line interfaces
- Ocaml-cppo - C-style preprocessor for OCaml
- Ocaml-deriving-ocsigen - Function derivation library
- Ocaml-dune - Composable build system for OCaml (formerly jbuilder)
- Ocaml-extlib - Complete - yet small - standard library for OCaml
- Ocaml-findlib - OCaml package manager
- Ocaml-ipaddr - OCaml library for manipulation of IP address representations
- Ocaml-lacaml - OCaml interface to BLAS and LAPACK libraries
- Ocaml-lwt - Cooperative threading library for OCaml
- Ocaml-magic - OCaml binding for libmagic(3)
- Ocaml-ocamlbuild - Legacy build tool for OCaml libraries and programs
- Ocaml-opam - Source-based package manager for OCaml
- Ocaml-ounit - OCaml unit test framework
- Ocaml-parmap - Minimalistic library allowing to exploit multicore architecture
- Ocaml-pcre - Perl compatible regular expressions for Objective Caml
- Ocaml-pomap - OCaml library to maintain a list of partially ordered elements
- Ocaml-ppx-tools - Tools for authors of ppx rewriters
- Ocaml-re - Pure OCaml regular expressions
- Ocaml-react - OCaml module for functional reactive programming
- Ocaml-res - OCaml library for resizable arrays and strings
- Ocaml-result - Compatibility result module for OCaml
- Ocaml-sdl - OCaml interface to the SDL
- Ocaml-sem - POSIX semaphores for OCaml
- Ocaml-sexplib0 - OCaml library for working with S-expressions
- Ocaml-topkg - Transitory OCaml software packager
- Ocaml-type_conv - Type conversion routines for OCaml
- Ocaml-uchar - Compatibility library for OCaml's Uchar module
- Ocaml-ulex - Lexer generator for Unicode and OCaml
- Ocaml-uutf - Non-blocking streaming Unicode codec for OCaml
- Ocaml-xstr - Thread-safe implementation of string searching/matching
- Ocaml-xstrp4 - OCaml extension to expands brace expansions
- Oci-cli - Command Line Interface for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- Ocl-icd - OpenCL Installable Client Driver
- Oclgrind - SPIR interpreter and virtual OpenCL device simulator
- Ode - Articulated rigid body dynamics library
- Ois - Object Oriented Input System
- Okteta - KDE hex editor
- Omake - Flexible build system
- Omniorb - Robust high performance CORBA ORB for C++ and Python
- Onetbb - Library that provides thread building blocks
- Oniguruma - Regular expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
- Oozie - Workflow scheduler for Hadoop
- Open-beagle - Evolutionary Computation Framework
- Open-usp-tukubai - Open usp Tukubai is OSS version of Tukubai commands set
- Open62541 - Open source implementation of OPC UA
- Opencl-clang - Clang wrapper to compile OpenCL C kernels to SPIR-V modules
- Opencl - Open Computing Language (OpenCL) specifications V3.0 (header files)
- Opencvs - BSD-licensed CVS implementation
- Opendht - Lightweight Distributed Hash Table implementation
- Opengrok - Fast and powerful code search and cross-reference engine
- Openmp - Open Multi-Processing runtime for LLVM/Clang
- Openocd - Open On-Chip Debugger
- Openwince-include - Collection of the useful include files for embedded developers
- Orc - Library and toolset to operate arrays of data
- Orcania - Potluck with different functions for different purposes
- Osc - Command Line Interface to work with an openSUSE Build Service
- Ossp-al - Defines an abstract type of buffer that can move data without copying
- Ossp-cfg - Library for parsing arbitrary C/C++-style configuration files
- Ossp-ex - Small exception handling library for use in C
- Ossp-l2 - C library for a flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility
- Ossp-val - Flexible name to value mapping library for C variables
- Ossp-var - Flexible, full-featured, and fast variable expansion library
- Ossp-xds - Generic and extensible framework for serialization
- P4.el - Perforce-Emacs Integration
- P4 - Perforce command line client
- P4api - Perforce API (static libraries and header files)
- P4delta - Summarizes and manages differences between local files and Perforce
- P4genpatch - Helper scripts for generating RCS patches from Perforce
- P5-ai-pathfinding-astar - Perl implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm
- P5-ai-prolog - Perl extension for logic programming
- P5-argv-struct - Perl extension to parse complex data structures passed in ARGV
- P5-aws-signature4 - Create a version4 signature for Amazon Web Services
- P5-acme-comment - Allow multi-line comments which are filtered out
- P5-acme-damn - Unblessing perl objects
- P5-acme-metasyntactic - Themed metasyntactic variables names
- P5-adapter-async - Provide a way to link a data source with a view
- P5-agent - Perl module that provides a foundation for software agent developers
- P5-algorithm-accounting - Generate accounting statistic for general logs
- P5-algorithm-annotate - Represent a series of changes in annotate form
- P5-algorithm-backoff - Various backoff strategies for retry
- P5-algorithm-binpack - Efficiently pack items into bins
- P5-algorithm-bucketizer - Distribute sized items to buckets with limited size
- P5-algorithm-c3 - Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
- P5-algorithm-choosesubsets - Perl algorithm to iterate through subsets of a list
- P5-algorithm-cluster - Perl interface to C clustering library
- P5-algorithm-cron - Abstract implementation of the cron(8) scheduling algorithm
- P5-algorithm-dependency-objects - Implementation of an Object Dependency Algorithm
- P5-algorithm-dependency - Base class for implementing various dependency trees
- P5-algorithm-diff - Perl interface to compute differences between two objects
- P5-algorithm-evolutionary - Library for doing evolutionary computation in Perl
- P5-algorithm-floodcontrol - Robot protection
- P5-algorithm-includeexclude - Build and evaluate include/exclude lists
- P5-algorithm-interval2prefix - Generate prefixes from intervals
- P5-algorithm-lcs - Fast (XS) implementation of the Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm
- P5-algorithm-luhn - Calculate the Modulus 10 Double Add Double checksum
- P5-algorithm-markovchain - Perl class capable of creating Markov chains and output based on them
- P5-algorithm-merge - Three-way merge and diff
- P5-algorithm-minmax - Perl modules to find the minimum and maximum of an array
- P5-algorithm-naivebayes - Perl class performing Bayesian prediction of categories
- P5-algorithm-networksort - Perl module that will create sorting networks
- P5-algorithm-numerical-shuffle - Shuffle a list
- P5-algorithm-permute - Perl interface to handy and fast permutation
- P5-algorithm-svm - Perl bindings for the libsvm Support Vector Machine library
- P5-alias - Perl module that performs aliasing services
- P5-alien-base-modulebuild - ModuleBuild subclass for building Alien modules and libraries
- P5-alien-build - Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
- P5-alien-libgumbo - Gumbo parser library
- P5-alien-sdl - Detect and get configuration setting for SDL
- P5-alzabo - Data modelling tool and RDBMS-OO mapper
- P5-any-daemon - Provides basic needs for a daemon
- P5-any-moose-convert - Convert Moose libraries to Mouse ones, or vice versa
- P5-any-moose - Perl extension for/to use Moose or Mouse modules
- P5-anydata - Easy access to data in many formats
- P5-anyevent-aio - Asynchronous file and directory I/O with AnyEvent
- P5-anyevent-connection - Base class for TCP connectful clients
- P5-anyevent-dbi-abstract - AnyEventDBI + SQLAbstract
- P5-anyevent-dbi - Asynchronous DBI access
- P5-anyevent-dbus - Seamlessly integrate NetDBus into AnyEvent
- P5-anyevent-filesys-notify - Perl extension for AnyEvent compat to monitor file/dir changes
- P5-anyevent-fork - Create new worker processes like fork()
- P5-anyevent-gearman - Asynchronous Gearman client/worker module for AnyEvent applications
- P5-anyevent-graphite - Non-blocking Graphite client
- P5-anyevent-i3 - Communicate with the i3 window manager
- P5-anyevent-messagepack - Perl extension of AnyEvent for MessagePack
- P5-anyevent-rpc - Abstract framework for RPC clients
- P5-anyevent-run - Run a process or coderef asynchronously
- P5-anyevent-subprocess - Flexible, OO, asynchronous process spawning and management
- P5-anyevent-task - Client/server-based asynchronous worker pool
- P5-anyevent-worker - Manage blocking task in external process
- P5-anyevent - Provide framework for multiple event loops
- P5-anymq - Non-blocking message queue system based on AnyEvent
- P5-app-build - Build and install Perl applications
- P5-app-cli-extension - Extension for AppCLI extension module
- P5-app-cli - Dispatcher Perl module for command-line programs
- P5-app-cache - Easy application-level caching
- P5-app-cmd - Write command-line programs with less suffering
- P5-app-control - Apachectl style control of another script or executable
- P5-app-fatpacker - Perl extension to pack your dependencies onto your script file
- P5-app-gitgot - Tool to make it easier to manage multiple git repositories
- P5-app-github - GitHub Command Tools
- P5-app-info - Interface for providing metadata about installed software packages
- P5-app-options - Combine command line options, environment vars, and option file values
- P5-app-rad - Rapid creation of command line applications
- P5-app-sd - Peer-to-peer replicated distributed issue tracker
- P5-app-svn-bisect - Binary search through svn revisions
- P5-app-trace - Embedded debug statements, including call/return tracing
- P5-app-cpanminus-reporter - Perl extension to send cpanm output to CPAN Testers database
- P5-app-cpanminus - Get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
- P5-app-cpanoutdated - Detect outdated CPAN modules
- P5-app-local-lib-helper - Make it easy to run code against a local-lib
- P5-app-perlbrew - Perl Environment manager
- P5-app-scan_prereqs_cpanfile - Perl extension for scanning prerequisite modules to generate cpanfile
- P5-appconfig-std - Subclass of AppConfig that provides standard options
- P5-appconfig - Perl module for reading configuration files
- P5-array-group - Convert an array into array of arrayrefs of uniform size N
- P5-array-heap - Perl module implementing fast binary heaps/priority queues
- P5-array-iterator - Set of array iterators
- P5-array-unique - Tie-able array that allows only unique values
- P5-array-window - Calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays
- P5-asm-preproc - Preprocessor to be called from an assembler
- P5-async-interrupt - Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt perl asynchronously
- P5-async-mergepoint - Perl modules that resynchronise diverged control flow
- P5-atexit - Perform exit processing for a program or object
- P5-attribute-handlers-prospective - Richer semantics for attribute handlers
- P5-attribute-handlers - Simpler definition of attribute handlers
- P5-attribute-persistent - Abstract away persistence of arrays and hashes
- P5-autoloader - Load subroutines only on demand
- P5-autoxs-header - Container for the AutoXS header files
- P5-avro - Official Perl API for the Apache Avro
- P5-b-c - Perl compiler's C backend
- P5-b-cow - Additional B helpers to check COW status
- P5-b-compiling - Perl extension to expose PL_compiling to perl
- P5-b-debug - Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops
- P5-b-deobfuscate - Extension to BDeparse for use in de-obfuscating source code
- P5-b-flags - Friendlier flags for B
- P5-b-generate - Create your own Perl op trees
- P5-b-graph - Perl Compiler backend to diagram OP trees
- P5-b-hooks-atruntime - Lower blocks from compile time to runtime
- P5-b-hooks-endofscope - Execute code after a scope finished compilation
- P5-b-hooks-op-annotation - Annotate and delegate hooked OPs
- P5-b-hooks-op-check-entersubforcv - Perl extension to invoke callback on construction of entersub OPs
- P5-b-hooks-op-check - Wrap OP check callbacks
- P5-b-hooks-op-ppaddr - Hook into opcode execution
- P5-b-hooks-parser - Interface to perls parser variables
- P5-b-keywords - Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
- P5-b-opcheck - PL_check hacks using Perl callbacks
- P5-b-size2 - Perl extension to measure size of Perl OPs and SVs
- P5-b-utils - Helper functions for op tree manipulation
- P5-bfd - Impromptu dumping of data structures for debugging purposes
- P5-bs-event - Class that provides an event callback interface
- P5-bsd-resource - Perl module to access BSD resource limit and priority functions
- P5-bsd-devstat - Perl extension of devstat(3) API
- P5-bsd-stat - Stat() with BSD 4.4 extensions
- P5-bz-client - Client for the Bugzilla web services API
- P5-badger - Perl Application Programming Toolkit
- P5-benchmark-timer - Code benchmarking tool
- P5-best - Fallbackable module loader
- P5-border-style - Border style structure
- P5-borderstyle - Border styles
- P5-borderstylebase - Suitable base class for most BorderStyle* modules
- P5-borderstyles-standard - Standard collection of border styles
- P5-brannigan - Comprehensive, flexible system for validating and parsing input
- P5-bread-board-declare - Create BreadBoard containers as normal Moose objects
- P5-bread-board - Solderless way to wire up your application components
- P5-bundle-perl6 - Bundle to install Perl6-related modules
- P5-c-scan - Perl5 module to scan C language files for easily recognized constructs
- P5-cbor-xs - Perl does Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR, RFC7049)
- P5-chi-driver-dbi - Use DBI for CHI unified cache interface storage
- P5-chi - Perl extension for unified cache interface
- P5-class - Alias for __PACKAGE__
- P5-cli-osprey - MooXOptions + MooXCmd + Sanity
- P5-cpan-changes - Read and write CPAN Changes files
- P5-cpan-checksums - Perl module to write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
- P5-cpan-distnameinfo - Extract distribution name and version from a CPAN filename
- P5-cpan-inject - Base class for injecting distributions into CPAN sources
- P5-cpan-meta-check - Verify requirements in a CPANMeta object
- P5-cpan-meta-requirements - Set of version requirements for a CPAN distribution
- P5-cpan-meta-yaml - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
- P5-cpan-meta - Distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
- P5-cpan-mini - Create a minimal mirror of CPAN
- P5-cpan-perl-releases - Map Perl releases to the location of the tarballs
- P5-cpan-recent-uploads - Find the distributions recently uploaded to CPAN
- P5-cpan-reporter-smoker - Turnkey CPAN Testers smoking
- P5-cpan-reporter - Adds CPAN Testers reporting to
- P5-cpan-sqlite - Search CPAN using a SQLite database
- P5-cpan-site - Extend CPAN with private packages
- P5-cpan-testers-common-client - Common class for CPANTesters clients
- P5-cpan-testers-report - CPAN Testers report object
- P5-cpan-uploader - Upload things to the CPAN
- P5-cpan-yacsmoke - Yet Another CPAN Smoke Tester
- P5-cpanplus-dist-build - CPANPLUS plug-in to use Module-Build
- P5-cpanplus - Ameliorated interface to the CPAN
- P5-cps - Manage flow of control in Continuation-Passing Style
- P5-cpu-z80-assembler - Z80 assembler written in Perl
- P5-cache-againstfile - Cache data structures parsed from files, watching for updates
- P5-cache-cache - Perl Cache interface
- P5-cache-fastmmap - Uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache
- P5-cache-lru - Simple, fast implementation of an in-memory LRU cache
- P5-cache-memcached-tie - Use CacheMemcachedFast like hash
- P5-cache-mmap - Shared data cache using memory mapped files
- P5-cache-simple-timedexpiry - Lightweight cache with timed expiration
- P5-cache - Perl Cache interface
- P5-cairo-gobject - Integrate Cairo into the Glib type system
- P5-calendar-simple - Perl extension to create simple calendars
- P5-call-context - Sanity-check calling context
- P5-callback-frame - Preserve error handlers and "local" variables across callbacks
- P5-canary-stability - Stub for ancient system-checking module
- P5-capture-tiny-extended - Capture output from external programs (with some extras)
- P5-capture-tiny - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS, or external programs
- P5-carp-always-color - CarpAlways, but with color
- P5-carp-always - Warns and dies noisily with stack backtraces
- P5-carp-assert-more - Convenience wrappers around CarpAssert
- P5-carp-assert - Executable comments like the ANSI C library assert.h
- P5-carp-clan-share - Share your CarpClan settings with your whole Clan
- P5-carp-clan - Report errors from perspective of caller of a "clan" of modules
- P5-carp-datum - Debugging And Tracing Ultimate Module
- P5-carp-repl - Read-Eval-Print-Loop on die and/or warn
- P5-carp - Alternative warn and die for modules
- P5-cdk - Perl5 module for Curses Development Kit
- P5-check-isa - DWIM, correct checking of an object's class
- P5-child - Object oriented simple interface to fork()
- P5-chooser - Takes a string composed of various tests, arguments, etc and returns a value
- P5-class-accessor-chained - Make chained accessors
- P5-class-accessor-children - Automated child-class/accessor generation
- P5-class-accessor-complex - Arrays, hashes, booleans, integers, sets, and more
- P5-class-accessor-constructor - Perl extension for constructor generator
- P5-class-accessor-fast-contained - Fast accessors with data containment
- P5-class-accessor-fast-xs - XS replacement for ClassAccessorFast
- P5-class-accessor-grouped - Lets you build groups of accessors
- P5-class-accessor-installer - Install an accessor subroutine
- P5-class-accessor-lite - Minimalistic variant of p5-Class-Accessor
- P5-class-accessor-lvalue - Create Lvalue accessors
- P5-class-accessor-named - Better profiling output for ClassAccessor
- P5-class-accessor - Automated accessor generation
- P5-class-adapter - Perl implementation of the "Adapter" Design Pattern
- P5-class-alzabowrapper - Higher level wrapper around Alzabo Row and Table objects
- P5-class-arrayobjects - Utility class for array based objects
- P5-class-autoclass - Create get and set methods and simplify object initialization
- P5-class-autouse - Defer loading of one or more classes
- P5-class-base - Useful base class for deriving other modules
- P5-class-blackhole - Base class to treat unhandled method calls as no-ops
- P5-class-c3-adopt-next - Make NEXT suck less
- P5-class-c3-componentised - Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
- P5-class-c3-xs - XS speedups for ClassC3
- P5-class-c3 - Pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algorithm
- P5-class-closure - Encapsulated, declarative classes in Perl
- P5-class-codestyler - Perl extension for code generation program formatting and execution
- P5-class-component - Pluggable component framework
- P5-class-constant - Build constant classes
- P5-class-container - Glues object frameworks together transparently
- P5-class-contract - Design-by-Contract OO in Perl
- P5-class-data-confighash - Add Catalyst-Style Config To Your Class
- P5-class-data-inheritable - Inheritable, overridable class data
- P5-class-data-lite - Minimalistic class accessors
- P5-class-date - Perl class for easy date and time manipulation
- P5-class-declare - Perl module for declare classes
- P5-class-default - Static calls apply to a default instantiation
- P5-class-delegation - Object-oriented delegation
- P5-class-ehierarchy - Base class for hierarchically ordered objects
- P5-class-errorhandler - Base class for error handling
- P5-class-factory-util - Utility functions for (factory) classes
- P5-class-factory - Base class for dynamic factory classes
- P5-class-field - Class Field Accessor Generator
- P5-class-fields - Functions/methods for examining data members of a class
- P5-class-forward - Perl extension for class dispatcher that handles namespaces like paths
- P5-class-generate - Simplify the creation of class hierarchies
- P5-class-gomor - Class and object builder
- P5-class-handle - Create objects that are handles to classes
- P5-class-hook - Add hooks on methods from other classes
- P5-class-isa - Report the search path for a class's ISA tree
- P5-class-inner - Perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
- P5-class-insideout - Safe, simple inside-out object construction kit
- P5-class-inspector - Provides information about classes
- P5-class-interfaces - Module for defining interface classes inline
- P5-class-load-xs - XS implementation of parts of ClassLoad
- P5-class-load - Working (require ClassName) and more
- P5-class-loader - Load modules and create objects on demand
- P5-class-makemethods - Generate common types of methods
- P5-class-measure - Create, compare, and convert units of measurement
- P5-class-method-modifiers-fast - Perl extension to provide Moose-like method modifiers
- P5-class-method-modifiers - Provides Moose-like method modifiers
- P5-class-methodmaker - Perl module for creating generic methods
- P5-class-methodmapper - Perl module for abstract Class wrapper for AutoLoader
- P5-class-mix - Perl module for dynamic class mixing
- P5-class-mixin - API for aliasing methods to/from other classes
- P5-class-mixinfactory - Class Factory with Selection of Mixins
- P5-class-multimethods-pure - Method-ordered multimethod dispatch
- P5-class-multimethods - Support multimethods and function overloading in Perl
- P5-class-namedparms - Lightweight named parameter handling system
- P5-class-null - Perl module which implements the Null Class design pattern
- P5-class-ooorno - Perl module that give your module classic AND OO interfaces
- P5-class-objecttemplate-db - Optimized template builder base class with lookup capability
- P5-class-objecttemplate - Optimized template builder base class
- P5-class-observable - Allow other classes and objects to respond to events in yours
- P5-class-parmlist - Module for processing named parameter lists for method calls
- P5-class-prototyped - Fast prototype-based OO programming in Perl
- P5-class-returnvalue - Return-value object that can be treated as a boolean, array, or object
- P5-class-roles - Provides a role-based system of OOP (emulates Perl6)
- P5-class-stl-containers - Perl extension for STL-like object management
- P5-class-singleton - Perl module that describes a singular object class
- P5-class-spiffy - Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
- P5-class-statemachine - Define classes for state machines
- P5-class-std-fast - Faster but less secure than ClassStd
- P5-class-std-utils - Utility subroutines for building "inside-out" objects
- P5-class-std - Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes
- P5-class-strongsingleton - Stronger and more secure Singleton base class
- P5-class-tangram - Create constructors, accessor, update methods for objects from Tangram
- P5-class-throwable - Minimal lightweight exception class
- P5-class-tiny-chained - Minimalist class construction, with chained attributes
- P5-class-tiny - Perl extension for minimalist class construction
- P5-class-tom - Perl module to transport objects from one system to another
- P5-class-trigger - Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers
- P5-class-unload - Perl5 module for unloading classes
- P5-class-virtual - Base class for virtual base classes in Perl
- P5-class-whitehole - Base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
- P5-class-workflow - Lightweight workflow system
- P5-class-xpath - Base class to add xpath matching to object trees
- P5-class-xsaccessor - Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation
- P5-clone-choose - Choose appropriate clone utility
- P5-clone-fast - Natively copying Perl data structures
- P5-clone-more - Perl module for natively copying Perl data structures
- P5-clone-pp - Recursively copy Perl datatypes
- P5-clone - Recursively copy Perl datatypes
- P5-code-perl - Produce Perl code from a tree
- P5-color-ansi-util - Routines for dealing with ANSI colors
- P5-color-rgb-util - Utilities related to RGB colors
- P5-color-theme-role - Role for class wanting to support color themes
- P5-colorthemebase-static - Base class for color theme modules with static list of items
- P5-colorthemeutil-ansi - Utility routines related to color themes and ANSI code
- P5-colorthemes-standard - Standard collection of generic color themes
- P5-commandable - Utilities for commandline-based programs
- P5-commands-guarded - Deterministic guarded commands for Perl
- P5-commitbit - Project administration tool
- P5-compiler-lexer - Perl extension for lexical analyzer
- P5-complete-common - Common stuff for completion Perl routines
- P5-complete-path - Perl routine for completing anything path-like
- P5-complete-sah - Sah-related completion Perl routines
- P5-complete-sequence - Complete string from a sequence of choices
- P5-complete-util - General completion Perl routines
- P5-config-ast - Abstract syntax tree for configuration files
- P5-config-aws - Parse AWS config files
- P5-config-any - Load class configuration data from a number of file formats
- P5-config-apacheformat - Parse a configuration file in the same syntax as the Apache web server
- P5-config-auto - Magical config file parser
- P5-config-autoconf - Perl module to implement some of AutoConf macros
- P5-config-fast - Extremely fast configuration file parser
- P5-config-general - Perl5 module for handling Apache-style configuration files
- P5-config-gitlike - Simple git-compatible config file parser for Perl
- P5-config-grammar - Grammar-based, user-friendly config parser
- P5-config-ini-reader-ordered - INI-file parser that returns sections in order
- P5-config-ini-simple - Simple reading and writing from an INI file
- P5-config-ini - Simple .ini files emitter and parser for Perl
- P5-config-identity - Load (and optionally decrypt via GnuPG) user/pass identity information
- P5-config-inifiles - Read .ini-style configuration files
- P5-config-inihash - Perl extension for reading and writing INI files
- P5-config-iniregex - Ini workaround, regex search for parameters and sections
- P5-config-jfdi - CatalystPluginConfigLoader-style layer over ConfigAny
- P5-config-json - JSON based config file system
- P5-config-mvp-reader-ini - MVP config reader for .ini files
- P5-config-mvp - Multivalue-property package-oriented configuration
- P5-config-merge - Load a configuration directory tree in a number of languages
- P5-config-model-backend-yaml - Read and write config as a YAML data structure
- P5-config-model-tester - Test framework for ConfigModel
- P5-config-model - Model to create configuration validation tool
- P5-config-mysql - Perl extension to read/write MySQL-style configuration files
- P5-config-objective - Configuration data as perl objects
- P5-config-options - Provide a configuration hash with options
- P5-config-parser-ldap - Configuration file parser for ldap.conf
- P5-config-parser - Base class for configuration file parsers
- P5-config-perl-v - Structured data retrieval of perl -V output
- P5-config-properties - Read and write property files
- P5-config-record - Configuration file access
- P5-config-setting - Class that provides an easy interface to use config files
- P5-config-simple - Simple configuration file class
- P5-config-std - Load and save configuration files in a standard format
- P5-config-tiny - Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
- P5-config-validator - Schema based configuration validation
- P5-config-versioned - Simple, versioned access to configuration data
- P5-config-wrest - Perl module for reading and writing configuration data
- P5-config-yaml - Simple configuration automation
- P5-configreader-simple - Simple configuration file parser
- P5-configreader - Perl5 module to read directives from a configuration file
- P5-connector - Generic connection to a hierarchical-structured data set
- P5-const-exporter - Declare constants for export
- P5-const-fast - Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes
- P5-context-preserve - Run code after a subroutine call, preserving the context the subroutine
- P5-contextual-return - Create context-sensitive return values
- P5-convert-scalar - Convert between different representations of perl scalars
- P5-coro - Coroutine process abstraction for perl
- P5-curses-application - Curses application development framework
- P5-curses-forms - Provide high level APIs for rapid UI design on the console
- P5-curses-ui - Curses based OO user interface framework
- P5-curses-widgets - Curses-based widgets and functions
- P5-curses - Perl5 module for terminal screen handling and optimization
- P5-cvs - Object-oriented interface to CVS command
- P5-cwd-guard - Temporary changing working directory (chdir)
- P5-db_file-lock - Perl module to use the DB_File with Lock
- P5-daemon-control - Create init scripts in Perl
- P5-dancer-debug - PlackMiddlewareDebug extension Perl module
- P5-dancer-logger-syslog - Dancer logger engine for SysSyslog
- P5-danga-socket-callback - Use DangaSocket From Callbacks
- P5-danga-socket - Event loop and event-driven async socket base class
- P5-data-acl - Perl extension for simple ACL lists
- P5-data-alias - Comprehensive set of aliasing operations
- P5-data-average - Hold Data Set To Calculate Average
- P5-data-binary - Simple detection of binary versus text in strings
- P5-data-bind - Perl module to bind and alias variables
- P5-data-capture - Perl6 Capture objects
- P5-data-clearsilver-hdf - Convert from Perl Data Structure to ClearSilver HDF
- P5-data-clone - Polymorphic data cloning
- P5-data-compare - Compare Perl data structures
- P5-data-diver - Simple, ad-hoc access to elements of deeply nested structures
- P5-data-dmp - Dump Perl data structures as Perl code
- P5-data-domain - Data description and validation
- P5-data-dump-color - Like DataDump, but with color
- P5-data-dump-streamer - Stream a highly accurate breadth first data dump in Perl code
- P5-data-dump - Pretty printing of data structures
- P5-data-dumpxml - Dump arbitrary data structures as XML
- P5-data-dumper-concise - Less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing
- P5-data-dumper-perltidy - Stringify and pretty print Perl data structures
- P5-data-dumper-simple - Easily dump variables with names
- P5-data-dumper - Stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and eval
- P5-data-flow - Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
- P5-data-guid - Generate globally unique identifiers
- P5-data-grouper - Data aggregator for perl objects
- P5-data-hasharray - Array class of hashes with properties via overloading and AUTOLOAD
- P5-data-hexdump-range - Hexadecimal Range Dumper with color, bitfields and skip ranges
- P5-data-hexdump - Simple hexadecimal dumper
- P5-data-hexdumper - Module for displaying binary data in a readable format
- P5-data-hexify - Perl extension for hexdumping arbitrary data
- P5-data-hierarchy - Handle data in a hierarchical structure
- P5-data-ieee754 - Pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles
- P5-data-inherited - Perl extension for hierarchy-wide accumulation of list/hash results
- P5-data-inspect - Another pretty-printer for perl objects
- P5-data-integer - Details of the native integer data type
- P5-data-javascript-anon - Dump big dumb Perl structs to anonymous JavaScript structs
- P5-data-lazy -
- P5-data-localize - Perl extension for alternate data localization API
- P5-data-lock - Make variables (im)?mutable
- P5-data-messagepack-stream - Perl extension for yet another messagepack streaming deserializer
- P5-data-messagepack - Perl extension for MessagePack
- P5-data-miscellany - Collection of miscellaneous subroutines
- P5-data-model - Perl extension for model interface which had more data sources unified
- P5-data-munge - Various utility functions
- P5-data-object-args - Args Class for DataObject
- P5-data-object-attributes - Attribute Builder for DataObject
- P5-data-object-cast - Data Type Casting for DataObject
- P5-data-object-class - Class Builder for DataObject
- P5-data-object-classhas - Attribute Builder for DataObject
- P5-data-object-data - Podish Parser for DataObject
- P5-data-object-exception - Exception Class for DataObject
- P5-data-object-kind - Abstract Base Class for DataObject
- P5-data-object-name - Name Class for DataObject
- P5-data-object-opts - Opts Class for DataObject
- P5-data-object-plugin - Plugin Class for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-arguable - Arguable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-buildable - Buildable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-dumpable - Dumpable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-errable - Errable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-formulatable - Formulatable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-immutable - Immutable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-pluggable - Pluggable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-proxyable - Proxyable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-stashable - Stashable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-throwable - Throwable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role-tryable - Tryable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object-role - Role Builder for DataObject
- P5-data-object-rolehas - Attribute Builder for DataObject
- P5-data-object-space - Namespace Class for DataObject
- P5-data-object-state - Singleton Builder for DataObject
- P5-data-object-struct - Struct Class for DataObject
- P5-data-object-try - Try Class for DataObject
- P5-data-object-types - Data-Object Type Constraints for DataObject
- P5-data-object-vars - Stashable Role for DataObject
- P5-data-object - Data Type Objects for Perl 5
- P5-data-objectdriver - Simple, transparent data interface, with caching
- P5-data-optlist - Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
- P5-data-page-nototalentries - Perl extension for paging results without total entries
- P5-data-page-pageset - Perl extension to simplify page number lists
- P5-data-parsebinary - Yet Another parser for binary structures
- P5-data-path - XPath-like access to complex data structures
- P5-data-peek - Collection of low-level debug facilities
- P5-data-perl - Base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types
- P5-data-printer - Colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
- P5-data-properties - Perl module for persistent properties
- P5-data-rand-obscure - Perl module for generating (fairly) random strings easily
- P5-data-rand - Perl module for generating random strings or arrays
- P5-data-random - Perl module for generating random data
- P5-data-range-compare - Find gaps and intersections in lists of ranges
- P5-data-record - Perl module implementing "split" on steroids
- P5-data-recursive-encode - Perl extension to encode/decode values in a structure
- P5-data-remember - Remember complex information without giving yourself a headache
- P5-data-rmap - Recursive map, apply a block to a data structure
- P5-data-roundrobin - Serve data in a round robin manner
- P5-data-rx - Perl implementation of Rx schema system
- P5-data-sexpression - Perl extension to parse lisp S-expressions into perl data structures
- P5-data-sah-normalize - Normalize Sah schema
- P5-data-section-simple - Read data from __DATA__
- P5-data-section - Read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section
- P5-data-serializable - Moose role that adds serialization support to any class
- P5-data-serializer-sereal - Creates bridge between DataSerializer and Sereal
- P5-data-serializer - Modules that serialize data structures
- P5-data-showtable - Perl5 module to pretty-print arrays of data
- P5-data-stag - Structured Tags data structures
- P5-data-stream-bulk - N at a time iteration API
- P5-data-structure-util - Perl5 module to change the nature of data within a structure
- P5-data-swap - XS module to swap the contents and types of referenced variables
- P5-data-table - Data type related to database tables, HTML table displays, etc
- P5-data-taxonomy-tags - Represents a set of tags for any item
- P5-data-temporarybag - Handle long size data using temporary file
- P5-data-throttler-memcached - Memcached-Based DataThrottler
- P5-data-throttler - Limit data throughput
- P5-data-thunk - Lazy/deferred evaluation - a sneakier ScalarDefer
- P5-data-treedumper-renderer-gtk - GTK renderer for DataTreeDumper
- P5-data-treedumper - Dumps a data structure in a tree fashion
- P5-data-types - Validate and convert data types
- P5-data-uriencode - Allow complex data structures to be encoded using flat URIs
- P5-data-uuid - Generate Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs)
- P5-data-uniqid - Perl extension for simple genrating of unique id's
- P5-data-unixish - Implementation for Unixish, a data transformation framework
- P5-data-util - Perl extension for utilities for data and data types
- P5-data-validate - Common data validation methods
- P5-data-validator - Rule based validator on type constraint system
- P5-data-visitor-encode - Perl extension to encode/decode values in a structure
- P5-data-visitor-tiny - Recursively walk data structures
- P5-data-visitor - Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
- P5-data-walk - Traverse Perl data structures
- P5-datastruct-flat - Convert a data structure into a one level list of keys and values
- P5-date-business - Fast calendar and business date calculations
- P5-date-calc-iterator - Iterate over a range of dates
- P5-date-calc-xs - XS wrapper and C library plug-in for DateCalc
- P5-date-calc - Gregorian calendar date calculations
- P5-date-dayofweek - Determine the day of the week for any date
- P5-date-easter - Calculates Easter for any given year
- P5-date-extract - Extract probable dates from strings
- P5-date-ezdate - Date and time manipulation made easy
- P5-date-holidays-dk - Determine Danish public holidays
- P5-date-ical - Perl extension for ICalendar date objects
- P5-date-iso - Converts dates between ISO and Gregorian formats
- P5-date-leapyear - Perl module to determine if a particular year a leap year
- P5-date-manip - Perl5 module containing date manipulation routines
- P5-date-pcalc - Gregorian calendar date calculations
- P5-date-piece - Perl5 module containing date manipulation routines
- P5-date-range - Work with a range of dates in Perl
- P5-date-roman - Perl module to play with Roman dates
- P5-date-simple - Simple date object
- P5-dateconvert - Perl5 module to convert dates between any two calendar formats
- P5-datetime-astro - Functions For Astromical Calendars
- P5-datetime-calendar-chinese - Traditional Chinese Calendar Implementation
- P5-datetime-calendar-christian - Dates in the Christian calendar
- P5-datetime-calendar-discordian - Perl extension for the Discordian Calendar
- P5-datetime-calendar-frenchrevolutionary - Dates in the French Revolutionary Calendar
- P5-datetime-calendar-hebrew - Dates in the Hebrew calendar
- P5-datetime-calendar-japanese - DateTime Extension for Traditional Japanese Calendars
- P5-datetime-calendar-julian - Dates in the Julian calendar
- P5-datetime-calendar-mayan - Mayan Long Count, Haab, and Tzolkin calendars
- P5-datetime-calendar-pataphysical - Dates in the pataphysical calendar
- P5-datetime-cron-simple - Parse a cron entry and check against current time
- P5-datetime-event-chinese - DateTime Extension for Calculating Important Chinese Dates
- P5-datetime-event-cron - DateTime extension for generating recurrence sets from crontab
- P5-datetime-event-easter - Returns Easter events for DateTime objects
- P5-datetime-event-ical - Perl DateTime extension for computing RFC 2445 recurrences
- P5-datetime-event-lunar - Compute Lunar Events
- P5-datetime-event-nameday - Perl DateTime extension to work with namedays from various countries
- P5-datetime-event-random - DateTime extension for creating random datetimes
- P5-datetime-event-recurrence - Perl DateTime extension for computing basic recurrences
- P5-datetime-event-sunrise - DateTime Objects for sunrise and sunset for a given day
- P5-datetime-event-zodiac - Return zodiac for a given date
- P5-datetime-fiscal-year - Calculate the day or week of the Fiscal Year with an arbitrary start date
- P5-datetime-format-baby - Parse and format baby-style time
- P5-datetime-format-bork - Formats datetimes for that guy from The Muppet Show
- P5-datetime-format-builder - Create DateTime parser classes and objects
- P5-datetime-format-dbi - Find a parser class for a database connection
- P5-datetime-format-datemanip - Convert DateManip dates and durations to DateTimes and vice versa
- P5-datetime-format-dateparse - Compatibility wrapper around DateParse
- P5-datetime-format-duration - Format and parse DateTimeDurations
- P5-datetime-format-epoch - Convert DateTimes to/from epoch seconds
- P5-datetime-format-excel - Convert between DateTime and Excel dates
- P5-datetime-format-flexible - Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
- P5-datetime-format-http - HTTP date conversion routines
- P5-datetime-format-ibeat - Format times in .beat notation
- P5-datetime-format-ical - Parse and format ICal datetime and duration strings
- P5-datetime-format-iso8601 - Parse ISO8601 formats
- P5-datetime-format-mail - Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats
- P5-datetime-format-mysql - Parse and format MySQL dates and times
- P5-datetime-format-natural - Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic
- P5-datetime-format-oracle - Parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps
- P5-datetime-format-pg - Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times
- P5-datetime-format-rfc3339 - Parse and format RFC3339 times
- P5-datetime-format-rss - Format DateTime For RSS
- P5-datetime-format-roman - Roman day numbering for DateTime objects
- P5-datetime-format-sqlite - Parse and format SQLite dates and times
- P5-datetime-format-strptime - Parse and format strp and strf time patterns
- P5-datetime-format-w3cdtf - Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
- P5-datetime-format-xsd - Format DateTime according to xsddateTime
- P5-datetime-functions - Procedural interface to DateTime functions
- P5-datetime-hires - Create DateTime objects with sub-second current time resolution
- P5-datetime-incomplete - Incomplete DateTime, like January 5
- P5-datetime-locale - Localization support for DateTime
- P5-datetime-precise - Perform common time and date operations with additional GPS operations
- P5-datetime-set - Datetime sets and set math
- P5-datetime-timezone-alias - Create aliases for DateTime timezones
- P5-datetime-timezone-lmt - Local Mean Time time zone for DateTime
- P5-datetime-timezone - Time zone object base class and factory
- P5-datetime-util-calc - DateTime Calculation Utilities
- P5-datetime - Date and time object
- P5-datetimex-easy - Parse a date/time string using the best method available
- P5-debug-client - Client for the standard Perl debugger
- P5-decision-acl - Manage and Build Access Control Lists
- P5-declare-constraints-simple - Declarative Validation of Perl Data Structures
- P5-defhash - Define things according to a specification, using hashes
- P5-devel-argnames - Figure out the names of variables passed into subroutines
- P5-devel-autoflush - Set autoflush from the command line
- P5-devel-backtrace - Object-oriented backtrace
- P5-devel-beginlift - Perl extension to make selected sub calls evaluate at compile time
- P5-devel-callchecker - Custom op checking attached to subroutines
- P5-devel-caller-ignorenamespaces - Make available a magic caller which can ignore namespaces
- P5-devel-caller-perl - Perl extension to implement DevelCaller with Perl only
- P5-devel-caller - Perl module which is meatier versions of caller
- P5-devel-callsite - Gets current callsite and interpreter context
- P5-devel-checkbin - Check that a command is available
- P5-devel-checkcompiler - Check the compiler availability
- P5-devel-checklib - Check that a library is available
- P5-devel-checkos - Check currently running OS
- P5-devel-confess - Include stack traces on all warnings and errors
- P5-devel-constants - Perl module to translate constants back to their named symbols
- P5-devel-corestack - Perl5 module that generates a stack dump from a core file
- P5-devel-cover-report-clover - Perl extension for Clover reporting of coverage statistics
- P5-devel-cover - Code coverage metrics for Perl
- P5-devel-cycle - Find memory cycles in objects
- P5-devel-dprofpp - Parse DevelDProf output
- P5-devel-declare-parser - Perl extension for higher level interface to Devel-Declare
- P5-devel-declare - Adding keywords to Perl, in Perl
- P5-devel-diagram - Discover the classes of an arbitrary suite of Perl modules
- P5-devel-ditto - Identify where print output comes from
- P5-devel-dumpvar - Pure-OO reimplementation of
- P5-devel-evalcontext - Save lexicals and hints between calls to eval
- P5-devel-events-objects - Perl module providing object tracking support for DevelEvents
- P5-devel-events - Perl5 module providing an extensible instrumentation framework
- P5-devel-findperl - Find the path to your perl
- P5-devel-gladiator - Perl 5 module to walk Perls arena
- P5-devel-globaldestruction-xs - Faster implementation of the DevelGlobalDestruction API
- P5-devel-globaldestruction - Expose PL_dirty, the flag which marks global destruction
- P5-devel-hide - Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (for testing)
- P5-devel-inheritnamespace - Inherit an entire namespace
- P5-devel-kytprof - Perl extension for simple profiler
- P5-devel-leak-cb - Detect leaked callbacks
- P5-devel-leak-object - Detect leaks of objects
- P5-devel-leak - Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed
- P5-devel-leakguard-object - Scoped checks for object leaks
- P5-devel-leaktrace - Indicate where leaked variables are coming from
- P5-devel-lexalias - Perl module which does alias lexical variables
- P5-devel-mat-dumper - Write a heap dump file for later analysis
- P5-devel-mat - Perl Memory Analysis Tool
- P5-devel-messenger - Let Your Code Talk to You
- P5-devel-modlist - Perl extension to collect module use information
- P5-devel-nytprof - Powerful feature-rich Perl source code profiler
- P5-devel-overloadinfo - Introspect overloaded operators
- P5-devel-ppport - Perl/Pollution/Portability
- P5-devel-packagepath - Inspect and manipulate a Path based on a Package name
- P5-devel-partialdump - Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argument printing
- P5-devel-patchperl - Perl module to patch Perl source
- P5-devel-platform-info - Unified framework for obtaining common platform metadata
- P5-devel-pointer - Fiddle around with pointers
- P5-devel-profile - Tell me why my perl program runs so slowly
- P5-devel-repl - Modern Perl interactive shell
- P5-devel-refactor - Perl extension for refactoring Perl code
- P5-devel-refcount - Obtain the REFCNT value of a referent
- P5-devel-required - Automatic update of required modules documentation
- P5-devel-ringbuffer - Shared memory ring buffers for Perl scripts diagnosis/debug
- P5-devel-strace -
- P5-devel-simpletrace - Perl module for better stack traces on interpreter-generated warn/die
- P5-devel-size-report - Generate a size report for all elements in a structure
- P5-devel-size - Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables
- P5-devel-smallprof - Per-line Perl profiler
- P5-devel-stacktrace-ashtml - Perl extension to display stack trace in HTML
- P5-devel-stacktrace-withlexicals - Perl extension for DevelStackTrace + PadWalker
- P5-devel-stacktrace - Stack trace and stack trace frame objects
- P5-devel-stealthdebug - Simple non-intrusive debug module
- P5-devel-strictmode - Determine whether strict (but slow) tests should be enabled
- P5-devel-symdump - Perl5 module that dumps symbol names or the symbol table
- P5-devel-timer - Track and report execution time for parts of code
- P5-devel-trace - Print out each line before it is executed (like sh -x)
- P5-devel-tracecalls - Track calls to subs, classes, and object instances
- P5-devel-traceuse - Show the modules your program loads, recursively
- P5-devel-ebug - Simple, extensible Perl debugger
- P5-devel-ptkdb - Tk debugger for Perl
- P5-device-usb - Perl wrapper for libusb
- P5-digest-transformpath - Implements the TransformPath concept
- P5-dir-project - Project Environment determination
- P5-dir-self -
- P5-dir-watch - Watches the current directory for file/dir additions or removals
- P5-directory-queue - Object oriented interface to a directory based queue in Perl
- P5-directory-scratch-structured - Creates temporary files and directories from a structured description
- P5-directory-scratch - Easy-to-use self-cleaning scratch space
- P5-dist-checkconflicts - Declare version conflicts for your dist
- P5-dist-joseki - Tools for the prolific module author
- P5-dist-metadata - Perl extension for information about a perl module distribution
- P5-dist-zilla - Distribution builder
- P5-doxygen-filter-perl - Input filter for Doxygen enabling support for Perl code documentation
- P5-dynaloader-functions - Deconstructed dynamic C library loading
- P5-ev - Perl interface to libev, a high performance full-featured event loop
- P5-env-ps1 - Prompt string formatter
- P5-env-path - Advanced operations on path variables
- P5-error-helper - Provides some easy error related methods
- P5-eval-closure - Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
- P5-eval-context - Evaluate Perl code in context wrapper
- P5-eval-linenumbers - Add line numbers to hereis blocks that contain perl source code
- P5-eval-withlexicals - Perl extension for pure perl eval with persistent lexical variables
- P5-event-execflow - API for complex flow controls with asynchronous execution of external programs
- P5-event-join - Join multiple "events" into one
- P5-event-lib - Makes libevent(3) accessible with Perl
- P5-event-notify - Simple Observer/Notifier
- P5-event-rpc - Event based transparent Client/Server RPC framework
- P5-event - Generic Perl Event Loop
- P5-every - Return true every N cycles or S seconds
- P5-exception-class-trycatch - Syntactic try/catch sugar for use with ExceptionClass
- P5-exception-class - Real exception classes in Perl
- P5-exception-handler - Perl module that report exceptions with formatted text call-stack
- P5-expect-simple - Wrapper around the Expect module
- P5-exportto - Export any function/method to any namespace
- P5-exporter-declare - Perl extension for exporting done right
- P5-exporter-easy - Takes the drudgery out of Exporting symbols
- P5-exporter-lite - Lightweight exporting of functions and variables
- P5-exporter-tidy - Another way of exporting symbols
- P5-exporter-tiny - Exporter with features of SubExporter but only core dependencies
- P5-exporter - Implements default import method for modules
- P5-extutils-autoinstall - Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN
- P5-extutils-cbuilder - Compile and link C code for Perl modules
- P5-extutils-cchecker - Configure-time utilities for using C headers, libraries, OS features
- P5-extutils-config - Wrapper for perl configuration
- P5-extutils-constant - Generate XS code to import C header constants
- P5-extutils-cppguess - Guess C++ compiler and flags
- P5-extutils-depends - Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
- P5-extutils-helpers - Various portability utilities for module builders
- P5-extutils-install - Perl extension to install files from here to there
- P5-extutils-installpaths - Build.PL install path logic made easy
- P5-extutils-libbuilder - Perl module to build C libraries
- P5-extutils-makemaker-cpanfile - Cpanfile support for ExtUtilsMakeMaker
- P5-extutils-makemaker-coverage - Add a Makefile target to determine test coverage using DevelCover
- P5-extutils-makemaker - Designed to write a Makefile for an extension module
- P5-extutils-manifest - Utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
- P5-extutils-parsexs - Converts Perl XS code into C code
- P5-extutils-pkgconfig - Simplistic interface to pkg-config
- P5-extutils-xsbuilder - Autogenerating XS-glue Code
- P5-extutils-xspp - XS for C++ in Perl
- P5-ffi-c-stat - Object-oriented FFI interface to native stat and lstat
- P5-ffi-checklib - Check that a library is available for FFI
- P5-ffi-platypus-declare - Declarative interface to FFIPlatypus
- P5-ffi-platypus-type-enum - Custom platypus type for dealing with C enumerated types
- P5-ffi-platypus-type-ptrobject - Platypus custom type for an object wrapped around an opaque pointer
- P5-ffi-platypus - Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI
- P5-fsa-rules - Build simple rules-based state machines in Perl
- P5-feature-compat-try - Make try/catch syntax available
- P5-fennec-lite - Perl extension for minimalist Fennec, the commonly used bits
- P5-file-append-tempfile - Append data to files using a temporary copy
- P5-file-assets - Perl module to Manage .css and .js assets
- P5-file-attributes-recursive - Inherit file attributes from parent directories
- P5-file-attributes - Manipulate file metadata in Perl
- P5-file-bom - Perl module to handle Unicode byte order marks
- P5-file-basedir - Use the freedesktop basedir spec
- P5-file-basicflock - Perl5 module for file locking with flock
- P5-file-binary - Perl interface to modify and read binary files
- P5-file-cache - Perl module implementing a persistent object store
- P5-file-cat - Perl implementation of cat
- P5-file-changenotify - Watch for changes to files
- P5-file-configdir - Get directories of configuration files
- P5-file-copy-link - Extension for replacing a link with a copy of linked file
- P5-file-copy-recursive-reduced - Recursive copying of files and directories
- P5-file-copy-recursive - Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
- P5-file-countlines - Efficiently count the number of line breaks in a file
- P5-file-creationtime - Keeps track of file creation times
- P5-file-desktopentry - Object to handle desktop files
- P5-file-dir-dumper - Perl5 module to dump directory structures meta-data
- P5-file-dirsync - Perl5 module for synchronizing two directories rapidly
- P5-file-extattr - Access to extended attributes of the files
- P5-file-fcntllock - Perl5 module for file locking with fcntl
- P5-file-find-closures - Functions you can use with FileFind
- P5-file-find-object-rule - Alternative interface to FileFindObject
- P5-file-find-object - Object oriented FileFind replacement
- P5-file-find-rule-filesys-virtual - FileFindRule adapted to FilesysVirtual
- P5-file-find-rule-perl - Common rules for searching for Perl things
- P5-file-find-rule-vcs - Exclude files and directories for Version Control Systems
- P5-file-find-rule - Alternative interface to FileFind
- P5-file-finder - Nice wrapper for FileFind ala find(1)
- P5-file-flat - Implements a flat filesystem
- P5-file-flock-retry - Yet another flock module
- P5-file-flock - Perl5 module for file locking with flock
- P5-file-fnmatch - Simple filename and pathname matching
- P5-file-grep - Perl Module that Find matches to a pattern in files or function
- P5-file-hstore - Store files on a filesystem using a simple hash-based storage
- P5-file-homedir-pathclass - FileHomeDir returning PathClass objects
- P5-file-homedir-tiny - Find your home directory
- P5-file-homedir - Get home directory for self or other users
- P5-file-iterator - Module for iterating across files in a directory tree
- P5-file-libmagic - Nice wrapper for libmagic
- P5-file-loadlines - Load lines from file
- P5-file-mmagic-xs - Guess File Type With XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
- P5-file-mmagic - Perl5 module to guess file type like file(1)
- P5-file-map - Memory mapping made simple and safe
- P5-file-mimeinfo - Determine file type
- P5-file-modified - Perl module for checking intelligently if files have changed
- P5-file-monitor - Monitor files and directories for changes
- P5-file-ncopy - Copy file(s) to directories/file
- P5-file-nfslock - Perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
- P5-file-path-expand - Expand filenames
- P5-file-path-tiny - Lightweight FilePath alternative
- P5-file-path - Create or remove directory trees
- P5-file-pathconvert - Various path conversion routines for Perl
- P5-file-pid-quick - Associates a PID file with your script
- P5-file-pid - Pid File Manipulation
- P5-file-policy - Simple policy for file I/O functions
- P5-file-random - Perl module for random selecting of a file
- P5-file-readbackwards - Perl module to read file backwards by lines
- P5-file-remove - Perl5 module to easily removes files and directories
- P5-file-safedo - Safer do file for perl
- P5-file-searchpath - Search for a file in an environment variable path
- P5-file-share - Extend FileShareDir to Local Libraries
- P5-file-sharedir-dist - Locate per-dist shared files
- P5-file-sharedir-install - Install read-only data files from a distribution
- P5-file-sharedir-par - Perl5 FileShareDir module with PAR support
- P5-file-sharedir-pathclass - FileShareDir returning PathClass objects
- P5-file-sharedir-projectdistdir - Perl extension for set-and-forget using a directory in projects root
- P5-file-sharedir-tarball - Deal transparently with shared files distributed as tarballs
- P5-file-sharedir - Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
- P5-file-slurp-tiny - Simple, sane and efficient file slurper
- P5-file-slurp-tree - Slurp and emit file trees as nested hashes
- P5-file-slurp - Perl module for single call read and write file routines
- P5-file-slurper - Simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file
- P5-file-spec-native - Perl extension for native OS implementation of FileSpec
- P5-file-stream - Regular expression delimited records from streams
- P5-file-sync - Perl5 module interface to the UNIX sync(2) and POSIX.1b fsync(2)
- P5-file-tail-dir - Tail all matching files in a given set of directories
- P5-file-tail-multi - Stateful tail of multiple files
- P5-file-tail-scribe - Perl Module to tail file to Scribe server
- P5-file-tail - Perl Module to read the end of a file as it's appended to
- P5-file-temp - Generate temporary files or directories safely
- P5-file-tempdir - Perl5 module to provide an object interface for FileTemp
- P5-file-touch - Module to 'touch' files
- P5-file-treecreate - Recursively create a directory tree
- P5-file-type - Determine file type using magic
- P5-file-util - Perl5 module for easy, versatile, portable file handling
- P5-file-write-rotate - Write to files that archive/rotate themselves
- P5-file-chdir - More sensible way to change directories
- P5-file-chmod - Perl module for symbolic and ls(1)-like chmod modes
- P5-file-pushd - Temporary chdir for a limited scope in Perl
- P5-filehandle-fmode - Module to determine if a filehandle is opened for reading, writing
- P5-filehandle-unget - FileHandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes
- P5-filesys-notify-kqueue - Perl extension to wrap IOKQueue for watching file system
- P5-filesys-notify-simple - Simple and dumb file system watcher
- P5-filesys-virtual-plain - Plain virtual filesystem
- P5-filesys-virtual - Perl extension to provide a framework for a virtual filesystem
- P5-filter-template - Source filter for inline code templates (macros)
- P5-filter - Number of source filters for perl5 programs
- P5-find-lib - Helper to smartly find libs to use in the filesystem tree
- P5-findbin-libs - Perl extension to locate and use lib directories
- P5-forest - Collection of n-ary tree related modules
- P5-form-sensible - Sensible way to handle form based user interface
- P5-freebsd-i386-ptrace - Perl module for ptrace on FreeBSD-i386
- P5-freezethaw - Module for converting Perl structures to strings and back
- P5-function-fallback-coreorpp - Functions that use non-core XS module but provide pure-Perl/core fallback
- P5-function-parameters - Subroutine definitions with parameter lists
- P5-future-asyncawait - Deferred subroutine syntax for futures
- P5-future-io - Future-returning IO methods
- P5-future - Build objects representing outstanding operations
- P5-gearman-client-async - Asynchronous client module for Gearman for DangaSocket applications
- P5-gearman-server - Gearman server daemon
- P5-gearman-xs - Perl front end for the Gearman C library
- P5-gearman - Gearman client libraray for Perl
- P5-geo-json - Perl OO interface for geojson
- P5-geo-shapefile - Extension for handling ESRI GIS Shapefiles
- P5-getargs-long - Parse routine arguments
- P5-getopt-argvfile - Perl module for processing argument vectors
- P5-getopt-attribute - Attribute wrapper for GetoptLong
- P5-getopt-compact-withcmd - Sub-command friendly, like GetoptCompact
- P5-getopt-compact - Getopt processing in a compact statement with long and short options
- P5-getopt-declare - Declaratively Expressed Command-Line Arguments via Regular Expressions
- P5-getopt-ex - Getopt Extender
- P5-getopt-euclid - Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface Descriptions
- P5-getopt-gui-long - Wrapper around GetoptLong
- P5-getopt-long-descriptive - GetoptLong with usage text
- P5-getopt-long - Perl module for extended processing of command line options
- P5-getopt-tabular - Table-driven argument parsing for Perl 5
- P5-git-pureperl - Pure Perl interface to Git repositories
- P5-git-repository-plugin-log - Add a log() method to GitRepository
- P5-git-repository - Perl interface to Git repositories
- P5-git-sub - Git commands imported into the git namespace
- P5-git-version-compare - Functions to compare Git versions
- P5-git-wrapper - Wrap git(7) command-line interface
- P5-glib-object-introspection - Dynamically create Perl language bindings
- P5-glib - Interface to Glib and GObject libraries
- P5-glib2 - This module provides access to Glib and GObject libraries
- P5-goo-canvas2 - Perl binding for GooCanvas2
- P5-google-checkout - Perl implementation of Google Checkout (GCO)
- P5-google-protocolbuffers - Simple interface to Google Protocol Buffers
- P5-graphql - Perl implementation of GraphQL
- P5-gravatar-url - Make URLs for Gravatars from an email address
- P5-gtk2-notify - Perl interface to libnotify
- P5-gtk2-spell - Perl interface to the Gtk2Spell library
- P5-guard - Safe cleanup blocks
- P5-hop-lexer - Higher Order Perl Lexer
- P5-hop-stream - Higher Order Perl Streams
- P5-hash-asobject - Hashes with accessors/mutators
- P5-hash-autohash-args - Object-oriented processing of keyword-based argument lists
- P5-hash-autohash - Object-oriented access to real and tied hashes
- P5-hash-case - Base class for hashes with key-casing requirements
- P5-hash-diff - Return the difference between two hashes as a hash
- P5-hash-fieldhash - Lightweight field hash implementation
- P5-hash-flatten - Flatten, unflatten complex data hashes
- P5-hash-merge-simple - Recursively merge two or more hashes, simply
- P5-hash-moreutils - Perl extension to provide the stuff missing in HashUtil
- P5-hash-multikey - Hashes whose keys can be multiple
- P5-hash-multivalue - Perl extension to store multiple values per key
- P5-hash-noref - HASH that store values without increase the reference count
- P5-hash-objectify - Create objects from hashes on the fly
- P5-hash-ordered - Fast, pure-Perl ordered hash class
- P5-hash-slice - Make a hash from a deep slice of another hash
- P5-hash-union - Smart hashes merging
- P5-hash-util-fieldhash-compat - Use HashUtilFieldHash or ties, depending on availability
- P5-hash-withdefaults - Class for hashes with key-casing requirements supporting defaults
- P5-heap-simple-perl - Pure perl implementation of the HeapSimple interface
- P5-heap-simple-xs - XS implementation of the HeapSimple interface
- P5-heap-simple - Fast and easy to use classic heaps
- P5-heap - Perl extensions for keeping data partially sorted
- P5-hook-lexwrap - Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers for Perl
- P5-io-aio - Asynchronous/Advanced Input/Output
- P5-io-all-lwp - IOAll interface to LWP
- P5-io-all - IOAll combines all of the best Perl IO modules
- P5-io-any - IOAny opens anything
- P5-io-async - Perl modules that implement asynchronous filehandle IO
- P5-io-bufferedselect - Line-buffered select interface
- P5-io-callback - Perl extension to emulate file interface for a code reference
- P5-io-capture - Abstract Base Class to build modules to capture output
- P5-io-captureoutput - Capture STDOUT/STDERR from subprocesses and XS/C modules
- P5-io-digest - Calculate digests while reading or writing
- P5-io-event - Tied Filehandles for Nonblocking IO with Object Callbacks
- P5-io-fdpass - Perl extension to pass a file descriptor over a socket
- P5-io-file-atomicchange - Perl extension to change content of a file atomically
- P5-io-html - Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
- P5-io-handle-util - Perl extension for working with IOHandle like objects
- P5-io-interactive - Utilities for interactive I/O
- P5-io-kqueue - Perl interface to the BSD kqueue system call
- P5-io-lambda - Non-blocking I/O in lambda style
- P5-io-lockedfile - Perl object-oriented methods for locking files
- P5-io-multipipe - Check for errors when running a command through multiple pipes
- P5-io-multiplex - Perl module to manage I/O on many file handles
- P5-io-nestedcapture - Perl module for performing nested STD\* handle captures
- P5-io-null - Perl class for null file handles
- P5-io-pager - Select a pager, optionally pipe it output if destination is a TTY
- P5-io-pipely - Portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles, one way or another
- P5-io-prompt-simple - Simple interface for user input
- P5-io-prompt-tiny - Prompt for user input with a default option
- P5-io-prompt - Interactively prompt for user input
- P5-io-prompter - Prompt for input, read it, clean it, return it
- P5-io-pty-easy - Easy interface to IOPty
- P5-io-sessiondata - Supporting module for SOAPLite
- P5-io-string - Simplified Perl5 module to handle I/O on in-core strings
- P5-io-stringy - Use IO handles with non-file objects
- P5-io-stty - Change and print terminal line settings
- P5-io-tee - Multiplex output to multiple output handles
- P5-io-tiecombine - Perl 5 module to produce tied separate but combined variables
- P5-io-toolkit - Perl extension to create logfiles
- P5-io-tty - Flexible I/O Perl5 module that allows manipulation of pseudo-TTYs
- P5-io-util - Selection of general-utility IO function
- P5-io-yaml - Read and write YAML streams incrementally
- P5-io-stringy - Use IO handles with non-file objects
- P5-ioc - Lightweight IOC (Inversion of Control) framework
- P5-ipc-cache - Persist data across processes via shared memory
- P5-ipc-cmd - Finding and running system commands made easy
- P5-ipc-dirqueue - Disk-based many-to-many task queue
- P5-ipc-locker - Provide a server for locks and clients to access that server
- P5-ipc-mm - Perl interface to Ralf Engelschall's mm library
- P5-ipc-mma - Improved Perl interface to Ralf Engelschall's mm library
- P5-ipc-mmap-share - Safely share structures among processes using anonymous mmap
- P5-ipc-mmap - Provides a minimal mmap() interface for both POSIX and Win32
- P5-ipc-open3-simple - Simple alternative to IPCOpen3
- P5-ipc-perlssh - Class for executing remote perl code over an SSH link
- P5-ipc-pubsub - Interprocess Publish/Subscribe channels
- P5-ipc-run-safehandles - Safe guarding for IPCRun(3)
- P5-ipc-run - Run subprocesses with piping and redirection
- P5-ipc-run3 - Run a subprocess in batch mode
- P5-ipc-sharelite - Simple interface to access shared memory
- P5-ipc-shareable - Share Perl variables between processes
- P5-ipc-sharedcache - Perl module for managing a SysV IPC shared memory cache
- P5-ipc-shellcmd - Run a command with a given environment and capture output
- P5-ipc-signal - Utility functions to deal with signals in Perl
- P5-ipc-system-simple - Perl extension to run commands simply with detailed diagnostics
- P5-iri - Internationalized Resource Identifiers
- P5-import-base - Import a set of modules into the calling module
- P5-import-into - Import packages into other packages
- P5-importer - Alternative but compatible interface to modules that export symbols
- P5-inline-asm - Write Perl Subroutines in assembler
- P5-inline-c - Write Perl Subroutines in C
- P5-inline-cpp - Write Perl subroutines and classes in C++
- P5-inline-files - Multiple virtual files at the end of your code
- P5-inline-filters - Common source code filters for Inline Modules
- P5-inline-java - Write Perl subroutines and classes in Java
- P5-inline-python - Write Perl Subroutines in Python
- P5-inline-tt - Provides inline support for template toolkit 2.x
- P5-inline-tcl - Write Perl subroutines in Tcl
- P5-inline - Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
- P5-inlinex-c2xs - Perl module to create an XS file from an Inline C file
- P5-inlinex-cpp2xs - Convert from Inline C++ code to XS
- P5-input-validator - Input validator that just validates input
- P5-ioctl - Perl module that provides a way to get the value of C ioctl constants
- P5-iodef-pb-simple - Perl extension providing high level API access to Iodef-Pb
- P5-iterator-io - Filesystem and stream iterators
- P5-iterator-misc - Miscellaneous iterator functions
- P5-iterator-simple-lookahead - Simple iterator with lookahead and unget
- P5-iterator-simple - Simple iterator and utilities
- P5-iterator-util - Essential utilities for the Iterator class
- P5-iterator - General-purpose iterator class
- P5-jira-rest - Extended interface to JIRA REST API
- P5-jquery - Interface to Jquery, a language based on JavaScript
- P5-json-hyper - Extract links from JSON objects
- P5-json-parse - Read JSON into a Perl variable
- P5-json-path - Search nested hashref/arrayref structures using JSONPath
- P5-json-pointer - Perl extension of JSON Pointer (RFC6901)
- P5-json-rpc-common - Transport agnostic JSON RPC helper objects
- P5-json-rpc-dispatcher - JSON-RPC 2.0 server
- P5-json-rpc - Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol
- P5-json-schema - Validate JSON against a schema
- P5-java - Perl extension for accessing a JVM remotely or locally
- P5-jonk - Simple job tank manager
- P5-keyword-declare - Declare new Perl keywords...via a keyword...named keyword
- P5-keyword-pluggable - Define new keywords in pure Perl
- P5-keyword-simple - Define new keywords in pure Perl
- P5-lv - LV for lvalue
- P5-lexical-alias - Makes a lexical an alias for another variable
- P5-lexical-import - Clean imports from package-exporting modules
- P5-lexical-persistence - Persistent lexical variable values for arbitrary calls
- P5-lexical-sealrequirehints - Perl module to prevent leakage of lexical hints
- P5-lexical-var - Perl module for static variables without namespace pollution
- P5-lingua-ja-fold - Perl module for folding Japanese text
- P5-lingua-translit - Transliterates text between writing systems
- P5-list-allutils - Combines ListUtil and ListMoreUtils in one bite-sized package
- P5-list-binarysearch - Binary Search within a sorted array
- P5-list-cycle - Objects for cycling through a list of values
- P5-list-flatten - Interpolate array references in a list
- P5-list-gen - Functions for generating lists
- P5-list-group - Perl module that allows you to group a list by columns or rows
- P5-list-objects-types - TypeTiny-based types for ListObjectsWithUtils
- P5-list-objects-withutils - List objects, kitchen sink included
- P5-list-pairwise - Map/grep arrays and hashes pairwise
- P5-list-permutor - Allow you to process all possible permutations of a list
- P5-list-powerset - Perl module that allows you to generate the power set of a list
- P5-list-regexp - Convert list of strings to a regular expression
- P5-list-rotation-cycle - Cycle through a list of values
- P5-list-someutils-xs - XS implementation for ListSomeUtils
- P5-list-someutils - Provide the stuff missing in ListUtil
- P5-list-uniq - Extract the unique elements of a list
- P5-list-utilsby-xs - XS implementation of ListUtilsBy
- P5-list-utilsby - Perl extension for higher-order list utility functions
- P5-locale-maketext-fuzzy - Maketext from already interpolated strings
- P5-locale-maketext-gettext - Joins gettext and Maketext frameworks
- P5-locale-maketext-lexicon - Use other catalog formats in LocaleMaketext
- P5-locale-maketext-simple - Simple interface to LocaleMaketextLexicon
- P5-locale-maketext - Framework for software localization and inheritance-based lexicons
- P5-locale-msgfmt - Compile .po files to .mo files
- P5-locale-pgettext - Pure perl implementation of GNU gettext
- P5-locale-po - Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
- P5-locale-xgettext - Create PO files from text files
- P5-locale-gettext - Message handling functions
- P5-locale-libintl - Internationalization library for Perl
- P5-lockfile-simple - Perl module implementing simple file locking
- P5-log-accounting-svk - Perl module for accounting SVK repository
- P5-log-accounting-svn - Perl module for accounting SVN repository
- P5-log-agent-logger - Logging interface for Perl
- P5-log-agent - Set of Perl modules that allows you to enhance logging capabilities
- P5-log-any-adapter-dispatch - Perl extension for adapter to use LogDispatch with LogAny
- P5-log-any-adapter-log4perl - LogAny adapter for Log4perl
- P5-log-any-app - Easy way to use LogAny in applications
- P5-log-any-iflog - Load LogAny only if LOG environment variable is true
- P5-log-any - Bringing loggers and listeners together
- P5-log-contextual - Perl extension for simple logging interface with a contextual log
- P5-log-defer - Deferred logs and timers
- P5-log-dispatch-array - Log events to an array (reference)
- P5-log-dispatch-arraywithlimits - Log to array, with some limits applied
- P5-log-dispatch-colorful - Perl extension for logging to screen
- P5-log-dispatch-config - Log4j equivalent for Perl
- P5-log-dispatch-configurator-any - Configurator implementation with ConfigAny
- P5-log-dispatch-configurator-yaml - Configurator implementation with YAML
- P5-log-dispatch-dbi - LogDispatch output class for logging to database via DBI interface
- P5-log-dispatch-dir - Log messages to separate files in a directory, with rotate options
- P5-log-dispatch-email-emailsend - Subclass of Log-Dispatch-Email that uses Email-Send
- P5-log-dispatch-file-rolling - Object for logging to date/time/pid stamped files
- P5-log-dispatch-file-stamped - Logging to date/time stamped files
- P5-log-dispatch-filerotate - LogDispatch plug-in for files that archive/rotate themselves
- P5-log-dispatch-fileshared - LogDispatch output class for logging to shared files
- P5-log-dispatch-filewriterotate - Log to files that archive/rotate themselves, w/ FileWriteRotate
- P5-log-dispatch-perl - LogDispatch plug-in using core Perl functions for logging
- P5-log-dispatch-screen-color - Perl extension to support color for LogDispatchScreen
- P5-log-dispatch-scribe - Logging via Facebook's Scribe server software
- P5-log-dispatch - Suite of OO modules for logging messages to multiple outputs
- P5-log-dispatchouli - Log events to an array (reference)
- P5-log-dump - Perl extension of simple logger mainly for debugging
- P5-log-handler - Object-oriented handler for logging, tracing, and debugging in Perl
- P5-log-log4perl-appender-rabbitmq - Perl module which allows logging to RabbitMQ via log4perl
- P5-log-log4perl-appender-socket-unix - Perl module which allows logging to a unix domain socket
- P5-log-log4perl-layout-json - Layout a log message as a JSON hash, including MDC data
- P5-log-log4perl-tiny - Mimic LogLog4perl in one single module
- P5-log-log4perl - Log4j implementation for Perl
- P5-log-message-simple - Provides standardized logging facilities using the LogMessage module
- P5-log-message - Powerful and flexible message logging mechanism
- P5-log-minimal - Minimal but customizable logger
- P5-log-report-optional - LogReport or Minimal
- P5-log-report - Report a problem, pluggable handlers and language support
- P5-log-simple - Basic runtime logger
- P5-log-trace - Provides a unified approach to tracing
- P5-log-tracemessages - Perl extension for trace messages used in debugging
- P5-log-ger - Lightweight, flexible logging framework
- P5-logfile-rotate - Perl module to rotate logfiles
- P5-long-jump - Mechanism for returning to a specific point from a deeply nested stack
- P5-luka - Exception handling and reporting framework
- P5-lvalue - Add lvalue getters and setters to existing objects
- P5-mce-shared - MCE extension for sharing data supporting threads and processes
- P5-mce - Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities
- P5-mro-compat - Add mro* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
- P5-mro-define - Define your own method resolution order
- P5-mac-filespec-unixish - Perl module with functions to manipulate pathspecs in Unixish style
- P5-mac-propertylist - Perl extension for parsing Mac OS X property lists
- P5-make - Perl module implementing 'make' and script
- P5-media-type-simple - MIME Media Types and their file extensions
- P5-memoize-expirelru - Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
- P5-memoize - Transparently speed up perl functions by caching return values
- P5-meta-builder - Perl extension for creating Meta objects to track custom metrics
- P5-metacpan-client - Comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API
- P5-metabase-client-simple - Client that submits to Metabase servers
- P5-metabase-fact - Metabase Facts
- P5-method-alias - Create method aliases (and do it safely)
- P5-method-signatures-simple - Basic method declarations with signatures, without source filters
- P5-method-signatures - Method and function declarations with signatures and no source filter
- P5-metrics-any - Abstract collection of monitoring metrics
- P5-minilla - CPAN module authoring tool
- P5-minion - Asynchronous job queue for Mojolicious
- P5-mixin-event-dispatch - Mixin methods for simple event/message dispatch framework
- P5-mixin-linewise - Write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
- P5-mknod - Perl module interface to the mknod(2) system call
- P5-mo - Micro Objects. Mo is less
- P5-mock-monkeypatch - Monkey patching with test mocking in mind
- P5-mock-quick - Quickly mock objects and classes
- P5-mock-sub - Mock package, object and standard subroutines, with unit testing in mind
- P5-module-build-convert - Makefile.PL to Build.PL converter
- P5-module-build-kwalitee - ModuleBuild subclass with prepackaged tests
- P5-module-build-pluggable-cpanfile - Include cpanfile
- P5-module-build-pluggable-readmemarkdownfrompod - Make README.mkdn from POD
- P5-module-build-pluggable - ModuleBuild meets plugins
- P5-module-build-tiny - Tiny replacement for ModuleBuild
- P5-module-build-using-pkgconfig - Extend ModuleBuild to use platform libraries provided by pkg-config
- P5-module-build-withxspp - XS++ enhanced flavour of ModuleBuild
- P5-module-build-xsutil - ModuleBuild class for building XS modules
- P5-module-build - Build and install Perl modules
- P5-module-cpants-analyse - Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
- P5-module-cpanfile - Parse cpanfile
- P5-module-checkdeps - Very simple dependencies checker for Perl code
- P5-module-checkversion - Check module (e.g. latest version) with CPAN (or equivalent repo)
- P5-module-collect - Perl extension to collect module files from some directories
- P5-module-compile - Provide a system for writing modules that compile other Perl modules
- P5-module-corelist - See what modules shipped with versions of Perl
- P5-module-dependency - Collection of modules for examining dependencies
- P5-module-depends - Identify the dependencies of a distribution
- P5-module-extract-use - Pull out the modules a module explicitly uses
- P5-module-extract - Base class for working with Perl distributions
- P5-module-extractuse - Find out what CPAN modules are used
- P5-module-find - Lets you find and use modules in categories
- P5-module-functions - Perl extension to get function list from package
- P5-module-implementation - Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module
- P5-module-info-file - Retrieves module information from a file or script
- P5-module-info - Provides information about Perl modules
- P5-module-inspector - Integrated API for inspecting Perl distributions
- P5-module-install-authorrequires - Perl extension to declare author-only dependencies
- P5-module-install-authortests - Perl extension to designate tests only run by module authors
- P5-module-install-readmefrompod - Automatically generate README from POD during installation
- P5-module-install-repository - Perl extension to set repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout
- P5-module-install-template - Treat module source code as a template
- P5-module-install-testbase - ModuleInstall Support for TestBase
- P5-module-install-xsutil - Utility functions for XS modules
- P5-module-install - Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
- P5-module-installed-tiny - Check if a module is installed, with as little code as possible
- P5-module-list - Module 'directory' listing
- P5-module-load-conditional - Looking up Perl modules information/loading at runtime
- P5-module-load-util - Some utility routines related to module loading
- P5-module-load - Runtime require of both modules and files
- P5-module-loaded - Mark modules as loaded or unloaded
- P5-module-loader - Finding and loading modules in a given namespace
- P5-module-manifest - Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
- P5-module-math-depends - Convenience object for manipulating module dependencies
- P5-module-metadata - Gather package and POD information from perl module files
- P5-module-path - Get the full path to a locally installed module
- P5-module-pluggable-fast - Fast plugins with instantiation
- P5-module-pluggable-ordered - Call module plugins in a specified order
- P5-module-pluggable - Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
- P5-module-reader - Perl extension to read the source of module like perl does
- P5-module-recursive-require - Require module recursively
- P5-module-refresh - Refresh %INC files when updated on disk
- P5-module-release - Upload files to CPAN and SourceForge
- P5-module-reload-sel - Reload perl library files when updated on disk
- P5-module-reload - Reload perl library files when updated on disk
- P5-module-runtime-conflicts - Provide information on conflicts for ModuleRuntime
- P5-module-runtime - Runtime module handling
- P5-module-scandeps - Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
- P5-module-setup - Perl extension for a simple module maker
- P5-module-starter-pbp - Create a module as recommended in "Perl Best Practices"
- P5-module-starter-plugin-simplestore - Provide methods of retrieving templates for ModuleStarter
- P5-module-starter-plugin-tt2 - TT2 templates for ModuleStarterTemplate
- P5-module-starter - Simple starter kit for any Perl module
- P5-module-used - Find modules loaded by Perl code without running it
- P5-module-util - Perl module name tools and transformations
- P5-module-version - Get module versions
- P5-module-versions-report - Report versions of all modules in memory
- P5-module-versions - Perl extension to handle versions of loaded modules
- P5-mojo-base-xs - Very fast Mojo-style accessors
- P5-mojo-log-clearable - Log rotation role for MojoLog
- P5-mojolicious-plugin-nytprof - Auto handling of DevelNYTProf in your Mojolicious app
- P5-moo - Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
- P5-moox-aliases - Easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moo
- P5-moox-attribute-env - Allow Moo attributes to get their values from %ENV
- P5-moox-cmd - Giving an easy Moo style way to make command organized CLI apps
- P5-moox-configfromfile - Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file
- P5-moox-file-configdir - Moo eXtension for FileConfigDir
- P5-moox-handlesvia - NativeTrait-like behavior for Moo
- P5-moox-locale-passthrough - Provide API used in translator modules without translating
- P5-moox-options - Option keywords to your object (Mo/Moo/Moose)
- P5-moox-role-parameterized - Roles with composition parameters
- P5-moox-singleton - Turn your Moo class into singleton
- P5-moox-strictconstructor - Make your Moo-based object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
- P5-moox-thunking - Allow Moo attributes to be thunked
- P5-moox-traits - Automatically apply roles at object creation time
- P5-moox-typetiny - Optimized type checks for Moo + TypeTiny
- P5-moox-types-mooselike-numeric - Moo types for numbers
- P5-moox-types-mooselike - Some Moosish types and a typer builder
- P5-moox-late - Perl extension to easily translate Moose code to Moo
- P5-moos - Moo s{imple,peedy,ingle}
- P5-moose-autobox - Autoboxed wrappers for Native Perl datatypes
- P5-moose-policy - Moose-mounted police
- P5-moose-test - Test Runner for the Moose test suite
- P5-moose - Complete modern object system for Perl 5
- P5-moosex-aliases - Easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose
- P5-moosex-app-cmd - Mashes up MooseXGetopt and AppCmd
- P5-moosex-app - Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
- P5-moosex-arrayref - Moose blessed array references
- P5-moosex-async - The Orphanange of Asynchronous Love Children
- P5-moosex-attribute-chained - Attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
- P5-moosex-attribute-env - Set default of an attribute to a value from %ENV
- P5-moosex-attributehelpers - Extend your attribute interfaces
- P5-moosex-attributeshortcuts - Shorthand for common attribute options
- P5-moosex-authorizedmethods - Syntax sugar for authorized methods
- P5-moosex-classattribute - Declare class attributes Moose-style
- P5-moosex-clone - Fine grained cloning support for Moose objects
- P5-moosex-compiletime-traits - Perl extension to allow compile time traits for classes/roles
- P5-moosex-configfromfile - Perl extension to abstract Moose role attribute setting from file
- P5-moosex-coverablemodifiers - Make Moose method modifiers DevelCover friendly
- P5-moosex-daemonize - Role for daemonizing your Moose based application
- P5-moosex-declare - Declarative syntax for Moose
- P5-moosex-emulate-class-accessor-fast - Emulate ClassAccessorFast behavior using Moose attributes
- P5-moosex-extended - Extend Moose with safe defaults and useful features
- P5-moosex-followpbp - Name your accessors get_foo() and set_foo()
- P5-moosex-getopt - Moose role for processing command line options
- P5-moosex-has-options - Succinct options for Moose
- P5-moosex-has-sugar - Sugar Syntax for moose has fields
- P5-moosex-hasdefaults - Default "is" to "ro" or "rw" for all attributes
- P5-moosex-ioc - Moose attributes with IOC integration
- P5-moosex-insideout - Inside-out objects with Moose
- P5-moosex-lazyrequire - Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
- P5-moosex-lists - Treat arrays and hashes as lists
- P5-moosex-log-log4perl - Logging role for Moose based on LogLog4perl
- P5-moosex-markasmethods - Mark overload code symbols as methods
- P5-moosex-meta-typeconstraint-forcecoercion - Force coercion when validating type constraints
- P5-moosex-meta-typeconstraint-mooish - Translate Moo-style constraints to Moose-style
- P5-moosex-metadescription - Framework for adding additional metadata to Moose classes
- P5-moosex-method-signatures - Method declarations with type constraints and no source filter
- P5-moosex-methodattributes - Code attribute introspection
- P5-moosex-multiinitarg - Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments for MooseX
- P5-moosex-multimethods - Multi Method Dispatch based on Moose type constraints
- P5-moosex-mungehas - Munge your "has" (works with Moo, Moose and Mouse)
- P5-moosex-nonmoose - Easy subclassing of non-Moose classes
- P5-moosex-object-pluggable - Make your classes pluggable
- P5-moosex-oneargnew - Teach ->new to accept single, non-hashref arguments
- P5-moosex-poe - The Illicit Love Child of Moose and POE
- P5-moosex-params-validate - Extension of ParamsValidate for using Moose types
- P5-moosex-relatedclassroles - Apply roles to a class related to yours
- P5-moosex-role-loggable - Extensive, yet simple, logging role using LogDispatchouli
- P5-moosex-role-matcher - Generic object matching based on attributes and methods
- P5-moosex-role-parameterized - Roles with composition parameters
- P5-moosex-role-strict - Use strict 'roles'
- P5-moosex-role-warnonconflict - Warn if classes override role methods without excluding them
- P5-moosex-runnable - Tag a class as a runnable application
- P5-moosex-semiaffordanceaccessor - Name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
- P5-moosex-setonce - Write-once, read-many attributes for Moose
- P5-moosex-simpleconfig - Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configfile
- P5-moosex-singleton - Turn Moose class into a singleton
- P5-moosex-storage - Serialization framework for Moose classes
- P5-moosex-strictconstructor - Make your MooseX object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
- P5-moosex-traitfor-meta-class-betteranonclassnames - Metaclass trait to demystify generated anonymous class names
- P5-moosex-traits-pluggable - Trait loading and resolution for Moose
- P5-moosex-traits - Moose eXtension to automatically apply roles at object creation time
- P5-moosex-transactionalmethods - Syntax sugar for transactional methods
- P5-moosex-types-common - Set of commonly-used type constraints that do not ship with p5-Moose
- P5-moosex-types-datetime-butmaintained - DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
- P5-moosex-types-datetime-morecoercions - Extensions to MooseXTypesDateTime
- P5-moosex-types-datetime-mysql - MySQL datetime type constraints and coercions
- P5-moosex-types-datetime - DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
- P5-moosex-types-datetimex - Extensions to MooseXTypesDateTimeButMaintained
- P5-moosex-types-iso8601 - ISO8601 date and duration string type constraints and coercions
- P5-moosex-types-json - JSON and relaxedJSON datatype for Moose
- P5-moosex-types-loadableclass - ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class
- P5-moosex-types-path-class - PathClass type library for Moose
- P5-moosex-types-path-tiny - Perl extension of PathTiny types and coercions for Moose
- P5-moosex-types-perl - Moose types that check against Perl syntax
- P5-moosex-types-portnumber - Port number type for Moose classes by the IANA
- P5-moosex-types-set-object - SetObject type with coercions and stuff
- P5-moosex-types-signal - Type to represent valid UNIX or Perl signals
- P5-moosex-types-stringlike - Perl extension of Moose type constraints for string-like objects
- P5-moosex-types-structured - Moose Type Constraint classes for Structured Types
- P5-moosex-types-uri - URI related types and coercions for Moose
- P5-moosex-types-varianttable - Type constraint based variant table
- P5-moosex-types - Organise your Moose types in libraries
- P5-moosex-util - MooseUtil extensions
- P5-mouse - Moose minus the antlers
- P5-mousex-app-cmd - Mashes up MouseXGetopt and AppCmd
- P5-mousex-attributehelpers - Perl extension to extend your attribute interfaces
- P5-mousex-configfromfile - Abstract Mouse role for setting attributes from a configfile
- P5-mousex-foreign - Extends non-Mouse classes as well as Mouse classes
- P5-mousex-getopt - Perl extension for a Mouse role to process command line options
- P5-mousex-nativetraits - Extend your attribute interfaces for Mouse
- P5-mousex-strictconstructor - Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
- P5-mousex-traits - Automatically apply roles at object creation time
- P5-mousex-types-path-class - PathClass type library for Mouse
- P5-mousex-types - Perl extension to organize your Mouse types in libraries
- P5-multiplex-cmd - Perl5 module which provides Multiplexed Fork Client
- P5-next - Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch
- P5-net-dbus - Perl extension for the DBus message system
- P5-no-worries - Coding without worries in Perl
- P5-number-bytes-human - Convert byte count to human readable format
- P5-number-tolerant - Provides inexact number comparisons with tolerance ranges
- P5-ole-storage_lite - Perl module for OLE document interface
- P5-ootools - Perl module collection to easily create constructors methods
- P5-object-accessor - Interface to create per object accessors
- P5-object-array - Array references with accessors
- P5-object-authority - Perl module that adds an AUTHORITY method to your class
- P5-object-container - Simple object container
- P5-object-declare - Declarative object constructor
- P5-object-destroyer - Make objects with circular references DESTROY normally
- P5-object-enum - Replacement for if ($$foo eq 'bar')
- P5-object-event - Class that provides an event callback interface
- P5-object-import - Import methods of an object as functions to a package
- P5-object-insideout - Comprehensive inside-out object support module
- P5-object-multitype - Perl Objects as Hash, Array, and Scalar at the same time
- P5-object-pad - Simple syntax for lexical slot-based objects
- P5-object-pluggable - Base class for creating plugin-enabled objects
- P5-object-realize-later - Delayed creation of objects
- P5-object-role - Perl base class for non-Moose roles
- P5-object-signature - Generate cryptographic signatures for objects
- P5-object-simple - Simple class builder
- P5-object-tiny-lvalue - Minimal class builder with lvalue accessors
- P5-object-tiny-rw - Class building as simple as it gets (with RW accessors)
- P5-object-tiny - Class building as simple as it gets
- P5-olson-abbreviations - Globally unique timezones abbreviation handling
- P5-opcodes - More Opcodes information from opnames.h and opcode.h
- P5-orepan2 - Perl extension for yet another DarkPAN manager
- P5-ouch - Perl extension for exceptions that don't hurt
- P5-par-dist - Create and manipulate PAR distributions
- P5-par-packer - PAR Packager
- P5-par - Perl Archive Toolkit
- P5-pcsc-card - Perl bindings for the PC/SC Lite Framework
- P5-php-serialization - Converting the output of PHP serialize() into the Perl
- P5-poe-api-hooks - Implement lightweight hooks into POE
- P5-poe-api-peek - Peek into the internals of a running POE environment
- P5-poe-component-child - POE child management
- P5-poe-component-cron - Schedule POE Events using a cron spec
- P5-poe-component-daemon - Handles all the housework for a daemon in POE
- P5-poe-component-debugshell - Interactive peeking into a running POE application
- P5-poe-component-dirwatch - POE directory watcher
- P5-poe-component-hailo - Non-blocking wrapper around Hailo
- P5-poe-component-ikc - POE Inter-Kernel Communication
- P5-poe-component-jobqueue - POE component to manage queues and worker pools
- P5-poe-component-logger - POE logging class
- P5-poe-component-pluggable - Base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components
- P5-poe-component-rss - Module for event based RSS parsing
- P5-poe-component-rssaggregator - Watch Muliple RSS Feeds for New Headlines
- P5-poe-component-schedule - Schedule POE Events using a cron spec
- P5-poe-component-server-xmlrpc - POE Component to create XMLRPC Servers
- P5-poe-component-syndicator - POE component base class which implements the Observer pattern
- P5-poe-component-tstp - POE component to correctly handle Ctrl-Z in your program
- P5-poe-devel-profiler - Profiles POE programs
- P5-poe-loop-anyevent - AnyEvent event loop support for POE
- P5-poe-loop-glib - Bridge that supports Glib event loop from POE
- P5-poe-loop-tk - Bridge that allows POE to be driven by Tk
- P5-poe-quickie - Lazy way to wrap blocking code and programs
- P5-poe-session-multidispatch - Callback dispatch for session events
- P5-poe-stage - Base class for formalized POE components
- P5-poe-test-loops - Reusable tests for POE Loop authors
- P5-poe-xs-loop-poll - XS implementation of POELoop, using poll(2)
- P5-poe-xs-queue-array - XS implementation of POEQueueArray
- P5-poe - Multitasking and networking framework for perl
- P5-poex-role-sessioninstantiation - Perl extension of Moose role for turning objects into POE sessions
- P5-poex-role-streaming - Perl extension for streaming from one filehandle to another
- P5-poex-types - Perl extension to provide MooseXTypes types for modern POE
- P5-posix-strftime-compiler - GNU C library compatible strftime for loggers and servers
- P5-posix-strptime - Perl interface to strptime(3)
- P5-ppr - Pattern-based Perl Recognizer
- P5-pperl - Make perl scripts persistent in memory
- P5-pv - Perl5 library for text-mode user interface widgets
- P5-package-constants - List all constants declared in a package
- P5-package-deprecationmanager - Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
- P5-package-generator - Quickly and easily construct new packages
- P5-package-moreutil - Package-related utilities
- P5-package-stash-xs - Faster and more correct implementation of the PackageStash API
- P5-package-stash - Routines for manipulating stashes
- P5-package-util-lite - Package-related utilities for Perl
- P5-package-variant - Parameterizable packages
- P5-padwalker - Play with Perl lexical variables
- P5-parallel-async - Perl extension to run parallel task with fork to simple
- P5-parallel-fork-bossworker - Easily create forking queue processing applications
- P5-parallel-forkmanager - Simple parallel processing fork manager
- P5-parallel-iterator - Simple parallel execution
- P5-parallel-prefork - Simple prefork server framework
- P5-parallel-scoreboard - Perl extension of scoreboard for monitoring status of many workers
- P5-params-callbackrequest - Provide callbacks to method and function parameters
- P5-params-check - Generic input parsing/checking mechanism for Perl
- P5-params-classify - Argument type classification
- P5-params-coerce - Allows your classes to do parameter coercion
- P5-params-util - Utility functions to aid in parameter checking
- P5-params-validate-dependencies - Validate combinations of parameters
- P5-params-validate - Validate method/function parameters
- P5-params-validationcompiler - Build an optimized subroutine parameter validator once, use it forever
- P5-paranoid-log-email - SMTP support for ParanoidLog
- P5-paranoid-log-syslog - Syslog support for ParanoidLog
- P5-paranoid - Paranoia support for safer programs
- P5-parse-cpan-packages-fast - Parse CPAN package index
- P5-parse-cpan-packages - Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz from CPAN
- P5-parse-distname - Parse a distribution name
- P5-parse-errorstring-perl - Parse error messages from the Perl interpreter
- P5-parse-exuberantctags - Perl module to efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
- P5-parse-localdistribution - Perl extension to parses local .pm files as PAUSE does
- P5-parse-method-signatures - Perl6 like method signature parser
- P5-parse-pmfile - Perl extension to parses .pm file as PAUSE does
- P5-parse-perlconfig - Perl5 module to use perl scripts as config files
- P5-parse-plainconfig - Perl module to use plain config files
- P5-parse-recdescent - Recursive descent parsing framework for Perl
- P5-parse-varname - Routines to parse variable name
- P5-parse-win32registry - Perl extension for parsing Win32Registry
- P5-parse-yapp - Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers
- P5-parselex - Object-oriented generator of lexical analyzers
- P5-parsetemplate - Processor for templates containing Perl expressions
- P5-parser-mgc - Build simple recursive-descent parsers
- P5-patchreader - Perl module with utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
- P5-path-abstract - Fast and featureful UNIX-style path parsing and manipulation
- P5-path-class-file-lockable - Lock your files with PathClassFile
- P5-path-class - Cross-platform path specification manipulation
- P5-path-dispatcher-declarative - Sugary dispatcher for perl
- P5-path-dispatcher - Perl flexible and extensible dispatch
- P5-path-extended - Perl extension for yet another Path class
- P5-path-finddev - Find a development path in an upper hierarchy
- P5-path-isdev - Perl extension to determine if path resembles dev source tree
- P5-path-iterator-rule - Perl extension for iterative, recursive file finder
- P5-path-resource - Perl module for combining local path manipulation and URI manipulation
- P5-path-tiny - File path utility
- P5-pathtools - Perl module for portably manipulating file specifications
- P5-paws - Perl extension of SDK for AWS (Amazon Web Services) APIs
- P5-pegex - Acmeist PEG Parser Framework
- P5-perl-critic-deprecated - Policies that are no longer included with PerlCritic
- P5-perl-metrics-lite - Perl extension for pluggable Perl Code Metrics System
- P5-perl-metrics-simple - Perl extension to count packages, subs, lines, etc. of many files
- P5-perl-ostype - Map Perl operating system names to generic types
- P5-perl-prereqscanner-lite - Perl extension for lightweight prereqs scanner
- P5-perl-prereqscanner-notquitelite - Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
- P5-perl-prereqscanner - Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
- P5-perl-tidy - Indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to read
- P5-perl-unsafe-signals - Allow unsafe handling of signals in selected blocks
- P5-perl-version - Parse and manipulate Perl version strings
- P5-perl-osnames - List possible $$^O ($$OSNAME) values, with description
- P5-perl4-corelibs - Libraries historically supplied with Perl 4
- P5-perl6-builtins - Provide Perl 5 versions of the new Perl 6 builtins
- P5-perl6-export-attrs - Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait as a Perl 5 attribute
- P5-perl6-export - Implements the Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait
- P5-perl6-form - Implements the Perl 6 'form' built-in
- P5-perl6-junction - Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
- P5-perl6-rules - Implements (most of) the Perl 6 regex syntax
- P5-perl6-say - Perl 6 say (print, but no newline needed) function
- P5-perl6-slurp - Implements the Perl6 'slurp' built-in
- P5-perlio-layers - Query the properties/capabilities of filehandle
- P5-perlio-util - Selection of general PerlIO utilities
- P5-perlio-eol - PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings
- P5-perlio-locale - PerlIO layer to use the encoding of the current locale
- P5-perlio-utf8_strict - Fast and correct UTF-8 IO
- P5-perlio-via-md5 - PerlIO layer for creating an MD5 digest of a file
- P5-perlio-via-timeout - PerlIO layer to add read and write timeouts to a handle
- P5-perlio-via-dynamic - Dynamic PerlIO layers
- P5-perlio-via-symlink - Symbolic link PerlIO layers
- P5-perlx-maybe-xs - XS backend for PerlXMaybe
- P5-perlx-maybe - Return a pair only if they are both defined
- P5-pid-file-flock - PID file operations
- P5-pipeline - Generic pipeline Perl interface
- P5-pithub - Github v3 API
- P5-pkgconfig-libpkgconf - Interface to .pc file interface via libpkgconf
- P5-pkgconfig - Pure-Perl Core-Only replacement for pkg-config
- P5-pod-coverage-moose - PodCoverage extension for Moose
- P5-pod-coverage-trustpod - Declare trusted symbol names in POD
- P5-pod-coverage - Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
- P5-pod-tests - Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD
- P5-pod-usage - Print a usage message from embedded pod documentation
- P5-pragmatic - Add pragmata to Exporter
- P5-proc-backoff - Perl module that provides methods to backoff on failures
- P5-proc-background - Perl interface to running background processes
- P5-proc-daemon - Perl module that provides a method to daemonify a Perl script
- P5-proc-fastspawn -
- P5-proc-find-parents - Find parents of a process (up to the root)
- P5-proc-fork - Simple, intuitive interface to fork() system call
- P5-proc-guard - Perl extension for process runner with RAII pattern
- P5-proc-pid-file - Perl module to manage process id files
- P5-proc-pidfile - Perl extension to manage .pid file for current process
- P5-proc-processtable - Perl interface to the unix process table
- P5-proc-queue - Limit the number of child processes running
- P5-proc-reliable - Run external processes reliably with many options
- P5-proc-safeexec - Convenient utility for executing external commands in various ways
- P5-proc-simple - Perl5 module to launch and control background processes
- P5-proc-wait3 - Perl extension for wait3 system call
- P5-proc-waitstat - Interpret and act on wait() status values
- P5-process-status - Provides a few simple methods to make it easier to inspect $?
- P5-progress-any - Record progress to any output
- P5-project-gantt - Create Gantt charts to manage project scheduling
- P5-project-libs - Perl extension to add module directories of a project into @INC
- P5-pthread-getthreadid - Access to kernel level POSIX thread id
- P5-qudo - Perl extension for simple and extensible job queue manager
- P5-rpsl-parser - Router Policy Specification Language (RFC2622) Parser
- P5-rrdtool-oo - Object-oriented interface to RRDTool
- P5-range-string - Perl5 module which provides interface to string ranges
- P5-rcs-agent - Perl module for RCS archive manipulation
- P5-rcs - Perl Object Class for Revision Control System (RCS)
- P5-readonly-xs - Companion module for, to speed up read-only scalar variables
- P5-readonly - Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
- P5-readonlyx - Faster facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
- P5-reaper - Perl module for reaping child processes via $$SIG{CHLD}
- P5-ref-util-xs - Utility functions for checking references (XS version)
- P5-ref-util - Utility functions for checking references
- P5-reflex - Class library for flexible, reactive programs
- P5-regexp-assemble-compressed - Perl extension to compress Regular Expression
- P5-regexp-assemble - Assemble multiple Regular Expressions into one RE
- P5-regexp-bind - Bind variables to captured buffers
- P5-regexp-compare - Partial ordering for regular expressions
- P5-regexp-grammars - Add grammatical parsing features to Perl 5.10 regexes
- P5-regexp-lexer - Lexer for Perl regular expressions
- P5-regexp-pattern-perl - Regexp patterns related to Perl
- P5-regexp-reggrp - Groups a regular expressions collection
- P5-regexp-shellish - Perl module for shell-like regular expressions
- P5-regexp-stringify - Stringify a Regexp object
- P5-regexp-subst-parallel - Perform multiple substitutions on a string in parallel
- P5-regexp-trie - Builds trie-ized regexp
- P5-religion - Perl5 module to install die() and warn() handlers
- P5-reply - Lightweight, extensible REPL for Perl
- P5-resourcepool - Generic way to use connection caching for any kind of resources
- P5-resources - Perl5 module handling application defaults in Perl
- P5-return-multilevel - Return across multiple call levels
- P5-return-type - Specify a return type for a function (optionally with coercion)
- P5-return-value - Polymorphic return values for Perl
- P5-rinci - Language-neutral metadata for your code entities
- P5-role-basic - Just roles. Nothing else
- P5-role-hasmessage - Thing with a message method
- P5-role-hooks - Role callbacks
- P5-role-identifiable - Thing with a list of tags
- P5-role-tiny - Roles, like a nouvelle cusine portion size slice of Moose
- P5-rose-datetime - DateTime helper functions and objects
- P5-rose-object - Simple object base class
- P5-router-r3 - XS wrapper around a C library R3
- P5-routes-tiny - Lightweight routes implementation
- P5-runapp - Generic module to run web-applications
- P5-sdl - Perl Bindings for SDL
- P5-snmp-persist - Backend module for pass_persist feature of Net-SNMP
- P5-soap-wsdl - Perl module for SOAP with WSDL support
- P5-spops - Simple Perl Object Persistence with Security
- P5-ssn-validate - Perl extension to do SSN Validation
- P5-super - Perl module control superclass method dispatch
- P5-svn-acl - Simple ACL frontend for subversion
- P5-svn-access - Perl extension to manipulate SVN Access files
- P5-svn-agent - Simple svn manipulation
- P5-svn-dump - Perl interface to Subversion dumps
- P5-svn-dumpfile - Perl extension to access and manipulate Subversion dumpfiles
- P5-svn-hook - Perl module for managing Subversion hook scripts
- P5-svn-hooks - Framework for implementing Subversion hooks
- P5-svn-log - Extract change logs from Subversion server
- P5-svn-look - Caching wrapper around the svnlook command
- P5-svn-mirror - Mirror remote subversion repository to local
- P5-svn-notify-config - Perl module for config-driven Subversion notification
- P5-svn-notify-filter-authzmail - Determines Subversion accounts to receive email via the authz file
- P5-svn-notify-filter-emailflatfiledb - Converts account names to email address based on a flat-file database
- P5-svn-notify-filter-markdown - Perl module to convert SVNNotify log messages from Markdown to HTML
- P5-svn-notify-filter-watchers - Subscribe to SVNNotify commits with a Subversion property
- P5-svn-notify-mirror - Keep a mirrored working copy of a repository path
- P5-svn-notify-snapshot - Take snapshots from Subversion activity
- P5-svn-notify - Subversion activity notification
- P5-svn-s4 - Wrapper for subversion program
- P5-svn-simple - Simple interface to SVNDeltaEditor
- P5-svn-statistics - Perl module to generate Subversion statistics
- P5-svn-web - Subversion repository web frontend
- P5-safe-isa - Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects
- P5-sah - Schema for data structures (specification)
- P5-scalar-defer - Calculate values on demand
- P5-scalar-does - Like ref() but useful
- P5-scalar-listify - Poduces an array(ref)? from a scalar value or array ref
- P5-scalar-string - String aspects of scalars
- P5-scalar-util-lookslikenumber - Perl extension for looks_like_number() perl API
- P5-scalar-util-numeric - Numeric tests for perl scalars
- P5-scope-container - Container object for temporary scoped items like database connections
- P5-scope-guard - Lexically scoped resource management
- P5-scope-upper - Act on upper scopes
- P5-script-isaperlscript - Basic check for if something is a perl script or not
- P5-sentinel - Create lightweight SCALARs with get/set callbacks
- P5-sepia - Simple Emacs-Perl Interface
- P5-set-array - Arrays as objects with set operations
- P5-set-consistenthash - Library for doing consistent hashing
- P5-set-crontab - Expand crontab(5)-style integer lists
- P5-set-crossproduct - Work with the cross product of two or more sets
- P5-set-infinite - Sets of intervals
- P5-set-nestedgroups - Perl module for grouped data eg ACL's, city/state/country etc
- P5-set-object - Perl module to manage sets of objects
- P5-set-scalar - Perl module containing a set of scalars, including references
- P5-set-tiny - Simple sets of strings
- P5-shape - Perl5 module to read and write shapefiles via shapelib
- P5-shell-base - Perl module implementing a simple command shell
- P5-shell-config-generate - Portably generate config for any shell
- P5-shell-envimporter - Inherit different shell environments and restore previous
- P5-shell-getenv - Extract shell environment after executing commands
- P5-shell-guess - Make an educated guess about the shell in use
- P5-shell-parser - Simple shell script parser
- P5-shell-source - Run programs and inherit environment changes
- P5-shipit-step-manifest - ShipIt step for recreating the MANIFEST
- P5-shipit - Software release tool
- P5-signal-mask - Signal masks made easy
- P5-slurp - Slurp entire files into variables
- P5-smart-comments - Comments that do more than just sit there
- P5-sort-array - Powerful array sorting Perl interface
- P5-sort-arrayofarrays - Sort an arbitrary array of arrays
- P5-sort-key-datetime - Perl extension for sorting objects by some DateTime key
- P5-sort-key-top - Select and sort top n elements
- P5-sort-key - Sorts objects by one or several keys really fast
- P5-sort-maker - Simple way to make efficient sort subs
- P5-sort-sub - Collection of Perl sort subroutines
- P5-sort-tree - Perl module for sorting a objects into a tree structure
- P5-sort-versions - Perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
- P5-specio - Type constraints and coercions for Perl
- P5-spiffy - Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
- P5-spoon - Spiffy Application Building Framework
- P5-storable - Persistency for perl data structures
- P5-stream-buffered - Perl extension for temporary buffer to save bytes
- P5-stream-reader - Perl module for reading data from streams
- P5-stream - Generic stream classes for Perl
- P5-string-approx - Perl extension for approximate matching (fuzzy matching)
- P5-string-crc32 - Perl interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
- P5-string-checker - Perl module implementing an extensible string validation interface
- P5-string-diff - Simple diff to String
- P5-string-dump - Dump strings of characters or bytes for printing and debugging
- P5-string-ediff - Perl module to produce common sub-string indices for two strings
- P5-string-errf - Simple sprintf-like dialect
- P5-string-formatter - Build sprintf-like functions of your own
- P5-string-interpolate-named - Interpolated named arguments in string
- P5-string-keyboarddistance - StringKeyboardDistance - String Comparison Algorithm
- P5-string-lrc - Perl interface for longitudinal redundancy check generation
- P5-string-parity - Perl5 module to generate and test even, odd, mark, and space parity
- P5-string-random - Perl interface to generate "random" strings
- P5-string-rexxparse - Perl module that provides an interface to REXX parsing routines
- P5-string-similarity - Perl module that calculates the similarity of two strings
- P5-string-tt - Perl interface to interpolate lexical variables
- P5-struct-dumb - Make simple lightweight record-like structures
- P5-sub-alias - Simple subroutine alias
- P5-sub-current - Get the current subroutine
- P5-sub-delete - Perl module enabling one to delete subroutines
- P5-sub-exporter-formethods - Helper routines for using SubExporter to build methods
- P5-sub-exporter-globexporter - Export shared globs with SubExporter collectors
- P5-sub-exporter-lexical - Export lexically-available subs with SubExporter
- P5-sub-exporter-progressive - Only use SubExporter if you need it
- P5-sub-exporter - Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
- P5-sub-handlesvia - Alternative handles_via implementation
- P5-sub-identify - Retrieve names of code references
- P5-sub-infix - Create a fake infix operator
- P5-sub-info - Tool to inspect subroutines
- P5-sub-install - Install subroutines into packages easily
- P5-sub-installer - Clean way to (re)install package subroutines
- P5-sub-multi - DataBind-based multi-sub dispatch
- P5-sub-name - Module to assign new names to Perl subroutines
- P5-sub-override - Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
- P5-sub-prototype - Set a sub's prototype
- P5-sub-quote - Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
- P5-sub-signatures - Use proper signatures for subroutines, including dispatching
- P5-sub-uplevel - Appear to run a function in a higher stack frame
- P5-sub-wrappackages - Add pre- and post-execution wrappers
- P5-symbol-get - Read Perls symbol table programmatically
- P5-symbol-global-name - Finds name and type of a global variable
- P5-symbol-util - Additional utils for Perl symbols manipulation
- P5-syntax-keyword-dynamically - Dynamically change the value of a variable
- P5-syntax-keyword-gather - Implements the Perl 6 'gather/take' control structure in Perl 5
- P5-syntax-keyword-junction - Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
- P5-syntax-keyword-match - Match/case syntax for Perl
- P5-syntax-keyword-try -
- P5-sys-cpu - Perl extension for getting CPU information
- P5-sys-info-base - Base class for SysInfo
- P5-sys-info-driver-bsd - BSD driver for SysInfo
- P5-sys-info - Fetch information from the host system
- P5-sys-meminfo - Perl extension for getting memory information
- P5-sys-mmap - Map in a file as a Perl variable using mmap(2)
- P5-sys-runalone - Make sure only one invocation of a script is active at a time
- P5-sys-runalways - Make sure there is always one invocation of a script active
- P5-sys-sendfile-freebsd - Wrapper for the FreeBSD sendfile(2) function
- P5-sys-sendfile - Perl extension for zero-copy data transfer
- P5-sys-sig - Return signal constants for this host
- P5-sys-sigaction - Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
- P5-sys-syscall - Access system calls that Perl doesn't provide access to
- P5-sys-trace - Interface to system call tracing interfaces
- P5-sys-virt - Perl bindings for libvirt
- P5-system-command - Object for running system commands
- P5-system-info - Extract system info for reporting
- P5-system-sub - Wrap external command with a DWIM sub
- P5-system2 - Like system(), but with STDERR available as well
- P5-tap-formatter-junit - Perl extension for Harness output delegate for JUnit output
- P5-tap-harness-junit - Perl extension to generate JUnit compatible output from TAP
- P5-tap-simpleoutput - Simple closure-driven TAP generator
- P5-taint-runtime - Runtime enable/disable taint checking
- P5-taint-util - Test for and flip the taint flag without regex matches or eval
- P5-task-tiny - Install a lightweight development environment
- P5-task-weaken - Ensure that a platform has weaken support
- P5-tee - Pure Perl emulation of GNU tee
- P5-template-provider-encode - Encode templates for Template Toolkit
- P5-term-ansicolor - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
- P5-term-ansiscreen - TermANSIColor clone with screen mode support
- P5-term-animation - ASCII sprite animation framework
- P5-term-app-roles - Collection of roles for terminal-based application
- P5-term-app-util-color - Determine color depth and whether to use color or not
- P5-term-app-util-interactive - Determine whether terminal application is running interactively
- P5-term-app-util-size - Determine the sane terminal size (width, height)
- P5-term-calleditor - Solicit data from an external editor
- P5-term-choose-util - CLI related functions
- P5-term-choose - Choose items from a list interactively
- P5-term-clui - Perl module offering a Command-Line User Interface
- P5-term-detect-software - Detect terminal (emulator) software and its capabilities
- P5-term-editline - Perl interface to the NetBSD editline library
- P5-term-encoding - Detect encoding of the current terminal
- P5-term-form - Read lines from STDIN
- P5-term-menus - Create Powerful Terminal, Console, and CMD Environment Menus
- P5-term-progressbar-quiet - Perl extension to display a progress bar, if interactive
- P5-term-progressbar-simple - Simpler TermProgressBar interface
- P5-term-progressbar - Perl extension to display a progress bar
- P5-term-prompt - Perl extension for prompting a user for information
- P5-term-query - Interactive question-response user interface module
- P5-term-rawinput - Drop-in replacement for
with handling of non-standard keys</li> - P5-term-readkey - Perl5 module for simple terminal control
- P5-term-readline-gnu - Allow TermReadLine to use GNU readline
- P5-term-readline-perl - Quick implementation of the minimal interface to Readline libraries
- P5-term-readline-ttytter - Perl5 module for TermReadLine allowing rich editing
- P5-term-readline-zoid - Provides an interactive input buffer written in plain PERL
- P5-term-readline - Perl interface to various readline packages
- P5-term-readpassword - Perl module for asking the user for a password
- P5-term-screen - Basic screen + input class
- P5-term-screencolor - TermScreen based screen positioning and coloring module
- P5-term-shell - Write command-line shells in Perl
- P5-term-size-any - Retrieve terminal size
- P5-term-size-perl - Retrieving terminal size
- P5-term-size - Perl5 module to handle window size changes
- P5-term-sk - Display a progress indicator on a terminal
- P5-term-table - Format a header and rows into a table
- P5-term-tableprint - Print a table to the terminal and browse it interactively
- P5-term-title - Portable API to set the terminal titlebar
- P5-term-ui - TermReadLine UI made easy
- P5-term-vt102-boundless - Subclass to emulate boundless DEC VT102 terminal
- P5-term-vt102 - Class to emulate a DEC VT102 terminal
- P5-term-visual - Split-terminal user interface
- P5-test-api - Test a list of subroutines provided by a module
- P5-test-able-runner - Use TestAble without a bunch of boilerplate
- P5-test-able - Xunit with Moose
- P5-test-aggregate - Aggregate Perl tests for better performance
- P5-test-archive-libarchive - Testing tools for ArchiveLibarchive
- P5-test-assertions - Simple set of building blocks for both unit and runtime testing
- P5-test-auto - Test automation and docs generation
- P5-test-base - Data Driven Testing Framework
- P5-test-benchmark - Make sure something really is faster
- P5-test-binarydata - Compare two things, give hex dumps if they differ
- P5-test-bits - Provides a bits_is() subroutine for testing binary data
- P5-test-cpan-meta-yaml - Validate a META.yml file within a CPAN distribution
- P5-test-cpan-meta - Validate your CPAN META.yml files
- P5-test-checkdeps - Check for presence of dependencies
- P5-test-checkmanifest - Check if your Manifest matches your distro
- P5-test-class-most - Test Classes the easy way
- P5-test-class - Easily create test classes in an xUnit style
- P5-test-classapi - Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
- P5-test-classy - Write your unit tests in other modules than *.t
- P5-test-cleannamespaces - Check for uncleaned imports
- P5-test-cmd - Portable testing of commands and scripts
- P5-test-command-simple - Test external commands (nearly) as easily as loaded modules
- P5-test-command - Test routines for external commands
- P5-test-compile - Check whether Perl module files compile correctly
- P5-test-dbic-expectedqueries - Test that only expected DBIxClass queries are run
- P5-test-dbix-class - Easier test cases for your DBIxClass applications
- P5-test-data - Test functions for particular variable types
- P5-test-debugger - Create Test Scripts which Generate Log Files
- P5-test-declare - Perl extension for declarative testing
- P5-test-deep-unorderedpairs - Plugin for TestDeep to compare unordered lists of tuples
- P5-test-deep - Test data structures for differences deeply
- P5-test-dependencies - Ensure that your Makefile.PL specifies all module dependencies
- P5-test-dependentmodules - Test all modules which depend on your module
- P5-test-diaginc - List modules and versions loaded if tests fail
- P5-test-differences - Test strings and data structures for differences
- P5-test-distribution - Perform tests on all modules of a distribution
- P5-test-eol - Check the correct line endings in your project
- P5-test-exception - Test functions for exception based code
- P5-test-exit - Test whether code exits without terminating testing
- P5-test-expect - Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs
- P5-test-failwarnings - Add test failures if warnings are caught
- P5-test-fake-httpd - Fake HTTP server
- P5-test-fatal - Incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
- P5-test-file-contents - Test routines for examining the contents of files
- P5-test-file-sharedir - Create a fake ShareDir for your modules for testing
- P5-test-file - Test file attributes
- P5-test-filename - Perl extension for portable filename comparison
- P5-test-fixme - Check code for FIXMEs
- P5-test-fixture-dbic-schema - Module providing a DBIxClassSchema fixture data loader
- P5-test-future-io-impl - Acceptance tests for FutureIO implementations
- P5-test-group - Group together related tests in a test suite
- P5-test-html-tidy - TestMore-style wrapper around HTMLTidy
- P5-test-harness-straps - Detailed analysis of test results for Perl
- P5-test-harness - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
- P5-test-hasversion - Check Perl modules have version numbers
- P5-test-hexdifferences - Test binary as hexadecimal string
- P5-test-hexstring - Test binary strings with hex dump diagnostics
- P5-test-identity - Assert the referential identity of a reference
- P5-test-if - Test only if
- P5-test-indistdir - Test environment setup for development with IDE
- P5-test-inline - Inlining your tests next to the code being tested
- P5-test-inter - Framework for more readable interactive test scripts
- P5-test-json - Test JSON data
- P5-test-kwalitee - Test the Kwalitee of a distribution before you release it
- P5-test-lazy - Quick and easy way to compose and run tests with useful output
- P5-test-leaktrace - Traces memory leaks
- P5-test-lectrotest - Easy, automatic, specification-based tests
- P5-test-lib - Use libraries from a t/lib directory
- P5-test-lives - Decorate tests with a no-exceptions assertion
- P5-test-loadallmodules - Perl extension to do use_ok for modules in search path
- P5-test-log-log4perl - Test log4perl
- P5-test-log4perl - Test what's being logged with LogLog4perl
- P5-test-longstring - Library to test long strings
- P5-test-manifest - Perl module to interact with a t/test_manifest file
- P5-test-manyparams - Perl module to test many params as one test
- P5-test-memory-cycle - Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
- P5-test-metrics-any - Assert that code produces metrics via MetricsAny
- P5-test-mini-unit - Declarative syntactic sugar for TestMini
- P5-test-mini - Provides lightweight unit testing framework
- P5-test-mock-guard - Perl extension for simple mock test library using RAII
- P5-test-mock-lwp-dispatch - Mocks LWPUserAgent and dispatches your requests/responses
- P5-test-mock-lwp - Easy mocking of LWP packages
- P5-test-mock-one - Mock the world with one object
- P5-test-mock-redis - Use in place of Redis for unit testing
- P5-test-mockdatetime - Mock DateTime->now calls during tests
- P5-test-mockmodule - Override subroutines in a module for unit testing
- P5-test-mockobject - Tests remote URLs or local web files
- P5-test-mockrandom - Replaces random number generation with non-random number generation
- P5-test-mocktime-hires - Replaces actual time with simulated high resolution time
- P5-test-mocktime - Replaces actual time with simulated time
- P5-test-modern - Precision testing for modern perl
- P5-test-module-used - Test required module is really used and vice versa
- P5-test-moose-more - More tools for testing Moose packages
- P5-test-more-utf8 - Enhancing TestMore for UTF-8-based projects
- P5-test-most - Perl extension for most commonly needed test functions and features
- P5-test-name-fromline - Perl extension to fill test names from caller line
- P5-test-needs - Skip tests when modules not available
- P5-test-net-ldap - Perl extension of NetLDAP subclass for testing
- P5-test-net-rabbitmq - Perl mock RabbitMQ implementation for use when testing
- P5-test-notabs - Check the presence of tabs in your project
- P5-test-nowarnings - Hide and store warnings while running test scripts
- P5-test-number-delta - Compare the difference between two numbers within a specified amount
- P5-test-object - Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
- P5-test-openldap - Perl extension to creates temp instance of slapd to run tests against
- P5-test-output - Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
- P5-test-poe-client-tcp - POE Component providing TCP client services for test cases
- P5-test-poe-server-tcp - POE Component providing TCP server services for test cases
- P5-test-parser - Parsing log files from test runs, and displays in an XML syntax
- P5-test-perltidy - Perl extension to check that all your files are tidy
- P5-test-pod-coverage-permissive - Checks for pod coverage regression
- P5-test-pod-coverage - Check for pod coverage in your distribution
- P5-test-pod - Check for POD errors in files
- P5-test-portability-files - Check file names portability
- P5-test-prereq - Check if Makefile.PL has the right pre-requisites
- P5-test-randomresults - Test non-deterministic functions
- P5-test-refcount - Assert reference counts on objects
- P5-test-reporter-transport-metabase - Metabase transport for TestReporter
- P5-test-reporter - Sends test results to
- P5-test-requires-git - Check your test requirements against the available version of Git
- P5-test-requires - Perl extension for checking to see if the module can be loaded
- P5-test-requiresinternet - Test network connectivity before functional tests
- P5-test-roo - Composable, reusable tests with roles and Moo
- P5-test-script-run - Test the script with run
- P5-test-script - Cross-platform basic tests for scripts
- P5-test-sharedfork - Perl extension for fork test
- P5-test-signature - Perl Automated SIGNATURE testing
- P5-test-simple - Basic utilities for writing tests in perl
- P5-test-singleton - Test for Singleton classes
- P5-test-snapshot - Test against data stored in automatically-named file
- P5-test-spec - Write tests in a declarative specification style
- P5-test-spelling - Check for spelling errors in POD files
- P5-test-strict - Test and report on use strict/warnings coverage
- P5-test-subcalls - Track the number of times subs are called
- P5-test-synopsis - Test your SYNOPSIS code in CPAN module
- P5-test-sys-info - Centralized test suite for SysInfo
- P5-test-tap-htmlmatrix - Creates colorful matrix of TestHarness test run results
- P5-test-tap-model - Accessible result collector for TestHarnessStraps runs
- P5-test-tcp - Testing TCP program
- P5-test-tabledriven - Write tests, not scripts that run them
- P5-test-taint - Tools to test taintedness
- P5-test-tempdir-tiny - Temporary directories that stick around when tests fail
- P5-test-time - Perl extension to override time()/sleep() core functions for testing
- P5-test-timer - Perl test module to test/assert response times
- P5-test-tinymocker - Simple tool to mock external modules
- P5-test-trailingspace - Test for lack of trailing space
- P5-test-trap - Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc
- P5-test-unixsock - Testing UNIX domain socket servers
- P5-test-unit - PerlUnit testing framework
- P5-test-useallmodules - Do use_ok() for all the MANIFESTed modules
- P5-test-version - Check to see that version in modules are sane
- P5-test-www-declare - Declarative testing for your web app
- P5-test-www-mechanize-cgi - Test CGI applications with TestWWWMechanize
- P5-test-www-mechanize-cgiapp - TestWWWMechanize for CGIApp
- P5-test-www-mechanize-catalyst - TestWWWMechanize for Catalyst
- P5-test-www-mechanize-psgi - Perl extension to test PSGI programs using WWWMechanize
- P5-test-www-mechanize - Testing-specific WWWMechanize subclass
- P5-test-www-selenium - Perl driver and test library for Selenium Remote Control (SRC)
- P5-test-warn - Perl extension to test methods for warnings
- P5-test-warnings - Test for warnings and the lack of them
- P5-test-weaken - Test that freed memory objects were, indeed, freed
- P5-test-without-module - Test fallback behaviour in absence of modules
- P5-test-xml-valid - Validate XML and XHTML
- P5-test-xml - Compare XML in perl tests
- P5-test-yaml-meta - Validation of the META.yml file in a distribution
- P5-test-yaml-valid - Test for valid YAML
- P5-test-yaml - Testing Module for YAML Implementations
- P5-test-utf8 - Handy UTF-8 tests
- P5-test2-harness-ui - Web interface for viewing and inspecting yath test logs
- P5-test2-harness - Test2 Harness designed for the Test2 event system
- P5-test2-plugin-cover - Fast and Minimal file coverage info
- P5-test2-plugin-dbiprofile - Plugin to enable and display DBI profiling
- P5-test2-plugin-ioevents - Turn STDOUT and STDERR into Test2 events
- P5-test2-plugin-memusage - Collect and display memory usage information
- P5-test2-plugin-nowarnings - Fail if tests warn
- P5-test2-plugin-uuid - Use REAL UUIDs in Test2
- P5-test2-suite - Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the Test2 framework
- P5-test2-tools-explain - Explain tools for Perl Test2 framework
- P5-test2-tools-ffi - Tools for testing FFI
- P5-test2-tools-memorycycle - Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
- P5-text-levenshtein-damerau-xs - Damerau Levenshtein edit distance
- P5-text-levenshtein-damerau - Damerau Levenshtein edit distance
- P5-text-levenshtein - Implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
- P5-text-levenshteinxs - XS implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
- P5-text-outdent - Strip leading whitespace from here-docs
- P5-text-vfile-asdata - Parse vFile formatted files into data structures
- P5-theschwartz-simple - DBI only job dispatcher for TheSchwartz
- P5-theschwartz-worker-sendemail - TheSchwartz Worker Task to Send Email
- P5-theschwartz - Reliable job queue
- P5-thread-apartment - Apartment threading wrapper for Perl objects
- P5-thread-cancel - Cancel (i.e., kill) threads
- P5-thread-pool-simple - Simple thread-pool implementation
- P5-thread-queue-duplex - Thread-safe request/response queue with identifiable elements
- P5-thread-queue - Perl5 thread-safe queues
- P5-thread-suspend - Suspend and resume operations for threads
- P5-thrift-xs - Faster Thrift binary protocol encoding and decoding
- P5-thrift - Perl interface to Thrift
- P5-throwable - Easy-to-use class for error objects
- P5-tickit-widget-table - Table widget with support for scrolling/paging
- P5-tickit-widgets - Abstract base class for on-screen widgets
- P5-tickit - Terminal Interface Construction KIT
- P5-tie-array-pack - Array implemented as a packed string
- P5-tie-array-sorted - Perl array which is kept sorted
- P5-tie-cphash - Perl module implementing a case preserving hash table
- P5-tie-cache - LRU Cache in Memory through a tie interface
- P5-tie-db_file-splithash - Wrapper around the DB_File Berkeley database system
- P5-tie-db_filelock - Locking access to Berkeley DB v1.x
- P5-tie-file-ashash - Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl hash
- P5-tie-file - Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
- P5-tie-filelrucache - Lightweight but robust filesystem based persistent LRU cache
- P5-tie-function - Wrap functions in tied hash sugar
- P5-tie-hash-indexed - Ordered hashes for Perl in XS
- P5-tie-hash-multivalue - Store multiple values per key
- P5-tie-hash-regex - Match hash keys using Regular Expressions
- P5-tie-hash-sorted - Perl module to present hashes in sorted order
- P5-tie-hash-twoway - Two-way mapping between disjoint sets in Perl
- P5-tie-ixhash - Perl module implementing ordered in-memory associative arrays
- P5-tie-llhash - Perl module which implements an ordered hash-like object
- P5-tie-refhash-weak - TieRefHash subclass with weakened references in the keys
- P5-tie-refhash - Use references as hash keys in Perl
- P5-tie-regexphash - Use regular expressions as hash keys
- P5-tie-restore - Restores ties to an existing object
- P5-tie-sharelite - Tied hash interface to IPCShareLite
- P5-tie-simple - Variable ties made easier much, much, much easier
- P5-tie-toobject - Tie to an existing object
- P5-tie-util - Utility functions for fiddling with tied variables
- P5-tie-ical - Tie iCal files to Perl hashes
- P5-time-clock - Twenty-four hour clock objects with nanosecond precision
- P5-time-crontab - Perl extension to parse crontab date and time field
- P5-time-duration-parse - Parse string that represents time duration
- P5-time-duration - Rounded or exact English expression of durations
- P5-time-elapsed - Transform the elapsed seconds into a human readable string
- P5-time-format - Easy-to-use date/time formatting
- P5-time-hires - Perl5 module implementing High resolution time, sleep, and alarm
- P5-time-interval - Converts time intervals of days, hours, minutes, and seconds
- P5-time-local - Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
- P5-time-mock - Shift and scale time
- P5-time-moment-role-timezone - Adjust TimeMoment with time zone objects
- P5-time-moment - Represents a date and time of day with an offset from UTC
- P5-time-object - Perl OO interface to time and dates
- P5-time-out - Easily timeout long running operations
- P5-time-parsedate - Date parsing, both relative and absolute
- P5-time-period - Perl module that contains code to deal with time periods
- P5-time-piece-range - Deal with a range of Perl TimePiece objects
- P5-time-piece - Object-oriented time objects for Perl
- P5-time-progress - Elapsed and estimated finish time reporting
- P5-time-stopwatch - Use tied scalars as timers
- P5-time-warp - Control over the flow of time
- P5-time-modules - Set of modules for time manipulation
- P5-time-timegm - Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
- P5-timedate - Perl5 module containing a better/faster date parser for absolute dates
- P5-toolset - Load your commonly-used modules in a single import
- P5-tracefuncs - Perl5 module to trace function calls as they happen
- P5-tree-binary-dictionary - Dictionary API to a binary tree
- P5-tree-binary - Object Oriented Binary Tree for Perl
- P5-tree-dag_node - Super class for representing nodes in a tree
- P5-tree-node - Memory-efficient tree nodes in Perl
- P5-tree-parser - Module to parse formatted files into tree structures
- P5-tree-r - Perl extension for the Rtree data structure and algorithms
- P5-tree-redblack - Perl implementation of Red/Black tree, a type of balanced tree
- P5-tree-simple-view - Set of classes for viewing TreeSimple hierarchies
- P5-tree-simple-visitorfactory - Set of visitor objects for traversing TreeSimple hierarchies
- P5-tree-simple - Simple tree object
- P5-tree-trie - Data structure optimized for prefix lookup
- P5-type-tiny-signatures - Method/Function Signatures w/TypeTiny Constraints
- P5-type-tiny-xs - Tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
- P5-type-tiny - Tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
- P5-types-core - Core types defined as tests and literals
- P5-types-path-tiny - PathTiny types and coercions for Moose and Moo
- P5-types-serialiser - Simple data types for common serialisation formats
- P5-types-uri - Perl extension for type constraints and coercions for URIs
- P5-types-uuid - Perl extension for type constraints for UUIDs
- P5-udcode - Does a set of code words form a uniquely decodable code?
- P5-ui-dialog - Perl wrapper for the various dialog applications
- P5-universal-can - Hack around people calling UNIVERSALcan() as a function
- P5-universal-isa - Try to recover from people calling UNIVERSALisa as a function
- P5-universal-moniker - Moniker for classes
- P5-universal-ref - Turns ref() into a multimethod
- P5-universal-require - Perl module to require() from a variable
- P5-universal-which - Perl extension for telling fully qualified name of the method
- P5-uuid-random-patch-usemrs - Make UUIDRandom use MathRandomSecurerand()
- P5-uuid-random - Generate random uuid strings
- P5-uuid-tiny - Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface
- P5-uuid-urandom - UUIDs based on /dev/urandom or the Windows Crypto API
- P5-uuid - Perl extension for using UUID interfaces as defined in e2fsprogs
- P5-uniq - Perl extension for managing a uniq list of values
- P5-unix-groups-ffi - Interface to Unix group syscalls
- P5-unix-groups - Perl support for getgroups and setgroups syscalls
- P5-unix-statgrab - Perl extension for collecting information about the machine
- P5-unix-uptime - Determine the current uptime in seconds
- P5-user-identity - Manage informational objects related to a physical person
- P5-util-any - Export any utilities and create your own utility module
- P5-vcp-dest-svk - VCP destination driver for svn/svk
- P5-vcp-source-cvsbk - VCP source driver for bk exported cvs repository
- P5-vcp-autrijus - Tool for copying files between various SCM repositories
- P5-vcs-cvs - Perl module that provides a simple interface to CVS
- P5-vcs-lite - Minimal version control system
- P5-vcs - Library for generic Version Control System access in Perl
- P5-validation-class - Perl extension for centralized input validation for any application
- P5-variable-disposition - Helper functions for disposing of variables
- P5-variable-eject - Eject variables from hash to current namespace
- P5-variable-magic - Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl
- P5-venus - OO Library
- P5-want - Generalisation of wantarray
- P5-weakref - API to the Perl weak references
- P5-workflow - Simple, flexible system to implement workflows
- P5-x-tiny - Base class for a bare-bones exception factory
- P5-xml-compile-tester - Support XMLCompile Related Regression Testing
- P5-xml-pastor - Generate Perl classes with XML bindings from a W3C XSD schema
- P5-xs-object-magic - Opaque, extensible XS pointer backed objects using sv_magic
- P5-xs-parse-keyword - XS functions to assist in parsing keyword syntax
- P5-xs-parse-sublike - XS functions to assist in parsing sub-like syntax
- P5-xsloader - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
- P5-xxx - See Your Data in the Nude
- P5-xporter - Alternative Exporter with persistent defaults and auto-ISA
- P5-yaml-appconfig - Perl extension to manage configuration files with YAML
- P5-yada-yada-yada - Adds a Yada-Yada-Yada operator (...) to Perl 5
- P5-zml - Simple, fast, and easy to read binary data storage format
- P5-accessors-fast - Wrap fastest ClassAccessor* into pragma
- P5-accessors - Create accessor methods in caller's package
- P5-alias-module - Alias one module as another
- P5-aliased - Use shorter versions of class names
- P5-asa - Perl extension to say your class/object working like something else
- P5-autobox-core - Core functions exposed as methods in primitive types
- P5-autobox-transform - Autobox methods to transform Arrays and Hashes
- P5-autobox - Call methods on native Perl types
- P5-autodie - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
- P5-autovivification - Lexically disable autovivification
- P5-bareword-filehandles - Disables bareword filehandles
- P5-boolean - Boolean support for Perl
- P5-capitalization - Perl module which allows you to use familiar style on method naming
- P5-carton - Perl module dependency manager
- P5-common-sense - Perl common defaults with lower memory usage
- P5-constant-boolean - Define TRUE and FALSE constants
- P5-constant-def - Declare only undeclared constants
- P5-constant-defer - Constant subs with deferred value calculation
- P5-constant-lexical - Perl pragma to declare lexical compile-time constants
- P5-constant - Perl pragma to declare constants
- P5-cpan-listchanges - Perl extension to list changes for CPAN modules
- P5-curry - Create automatic curried method call closures for any class or object
- P5-enum - Defines symbolic constants with ordered numeric values, like C enums
- P5-ex-lib - Relative use lib in absolute way
- P5-experimental - Experimental features made easy
- P5-forks - Drop-in replacement for Perl threads using fork()
- P5-github_creator - Create a Github repository for your Perl module
- P5-goto-file - Stop parsing the current file and move on to a different one
- P5-ical-parser - Parse iCalendar files into a data structure
- P5-indirect - Lexically warn about using the indirect object syntax
- P5-interface - Simple compile time interface checking for OO Perl
- P5-latest - Use the latest Perl features
- P5-lexical-underscore - Access lexical underscore of your caller
- P5-lib-abs - Relative use lib in absolute way
- P5-libalarm - Allow multiple, queued alarms
- P5-libxml-enno - Group of Perl modules for XML parsing
- P5-local-lib - Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
- P5-match-simple-xs - XS backend for matchsimple
- P5-match-simple - Simplified clone of smartmatch operator
- P5-mem - Use "in-mem" pkgs and force definitions into mem early
- P5-mixin - Mix-in inheritance, an alternative to multiple inheritance
- P5-mocked - Use mocked libraries in unit tests
- P5-multidimensional - Disables multidimensional array emulation
- P5-namespace-autoclean - Keep imports out of your namespace
- P5-namespace-clean-xs - Keep imports and functions out of your namespace, in XS
- P5-namespace-clean - Keep imports and functions out of your namespace
- P5-namespace-sweep - Sweep up imported subs in your classes
- P5-orz - Method of annotation as /* */ in perl
- P5-parent - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
- P5-pip - Perl Installation Program
- P5-prefork - Optimize module loading across forking and non-forking scenarios
- P5-relative - Load modules with relative names
- P5-routines - Typeable method and function signatures
- P5-rpm-build-perl - This module is required to build Perl RPM packages
- P5-self-init - Invoke package init methods at compile time
- P5-self - Provides "self" and "args" keywords in your OO program
- P5-strictures - Turn on strict and make all warnings fatal
- P5-subatom - Produce an atom feed from subversion commits
- P5-subversion - Perl bindings for Version control system
- P5-superclass - Like parent, but with version checks
- P5-syntax - Activate syntax extensions in Perl
- P5-threads-shared - Share data structures between threads
- P5-threads - Perl interpreter-based threads
- P5-true - Automatically return a true value when a file is required
- P5-uni-perl - Modern perl with Unicode
- P5-version - Perl extension for Version Objects
- P8-platform - Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi
- Packr - Simple and easy way to embed static files into Go binaries
- Paexec - Parallel executor, distributes tasks over network
- Pam_wrapper -
- Papi - API to access the performance counter hw in the microprocessor
- Papilio-loader - Load bit files to the Open Source Papilio FPGA boards
- Parallel-hashmap - Set of excellent hash map implementations (a C++ header-only library)
- Parol-ls - Language server for Parol, a LL(k) parser generator
- Parol - LL(k) parser generator for Rust
- Pas2dox - Preprocessor to use doxygen with Pascal sources
- Pasm - TI PRU Assembler
- Patch - GNU patch utility
- Patsh - Command-line tool for patching shell scripts inspired by resholve
- Pcc-libs - Libraries for the Portable C Compiler
- Pccts - Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
- Pcg-cpp - PCG Random Number Generation, C++ Edition
- Pcl - Portable Coroutine Library
- Pcre++ - Wrapper class around the pcre library
- Pcre - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
- Pcre2 - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library, version 2
- Pcsc-cyberjack - Reiner SCT cyberJack card reader pcsc driver
- Pcsc-lite - Middleware library to access a smart card using SCard API (PC/SC)
- Pdcurses - Curses library implementation for Win32, DOS, OS/2, and X11
- Pear-config - Your configurations swiss-army knife
- Pear-console_color - PEAR use ANSI console colors
- Pear-console_commandline - Full featured command line options and arguments parser
- Pear-console_getargs - PEAR command-line arguments parser
- Pear-console_table - Library that makes it easy to build console style tables
- Pear-date - Generic date/time handling class for PEAR
- Pear-date_holidays - PEAR driver based class to calculate holidays
- Pear-date_holidays_austria - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Austria
- Pear-date_holidays_brazil - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Brazil
- Pear-date_holidays_denmark - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Denmark
- Pear-date_holidays_discordian - Driver based class to calculate Discordian holidays
- Pear-date_holidays_englandwales - Driver based class to calculate holidays in England and Wales
- Pear-date_holidays_germany - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Germany
- Pear-date_holidays_iceland - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Iceland
- Pear-date_holidays_ireland - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Ireland
- Pear-date_holidays_italy - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Italy
- Pear-date_holidays_japan - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Japan
- Pear-date_holidays_netherlands - Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Netherlands
- Pear-date_holidays_norway - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Norway
- Pear-date_holidays_phpdotnet - Driver based class to calculate birthdays of members of
- Pear-date_holidays_romania - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Romania
- Pear-date_holidays_slovenia - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Slovenia
- Pear-date_holidays_sweden - Driver based class to calculate holidays in Sweden
- Pear-date_holidays_uno - Driver based class to calculate holidays in the UNO
- Pear-date_holidays_usa - Driver based class to calculate holidays in the USA
- Pear-date_holidays_ukraine - Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Ukraine
- Pear-event_dispatcher - PEAR dispatch notifications using PHP callbacks
- Pear-fsm - PEAR Finite State Machine
- Pear-file_iterator - PEAR FileIterator implementation
- Pear-html_bbcodeparser - Parser to replace UBB style tags with their HTML equivalents
- Pear-html_css - PEAR class for generating CSS declarations
- Pear-html_common - PEARHTML_Common is a base class for other HTML classes
- Pear-html_common2 - PEARHTML_Common2 is a base class for other HTML classes
- Pear-html_form - PEAR simple HTML form package
- Pear-html_javascript - Provides an interface for creating simple JS scripts
- Pear-html_page2 - PEAR base class for XHTML page generation
- Pear-html_quickform - Provide methods for creating, validating, and processing HTML forms
- Pear-html_quickform2 - PHP5 rewrite of the HTML_QuickForm package
- Pear-html_quickform_controller - The add-on to HTML_QuickForm that allows building of multipage forms
- Pear-html_quickform_livesearch - Element for PEARHTML_QuickForm to enable a suggest search
- Pear-html_quickform_renderer_tableless - Implementation of Tableless Renderer for HTML_QuickForm
- Pear-html_quickform_selectfilter - Element for PEARHTML_QuickForm that defines dynamic filters
- Pear-html_quickform_advmultiselect - Element for PEARHTML_QuickForm that defines a 2 box multi-select
- Pear-html_select - PEARHTML_Select is a class for generating HTML form select elements
- Pear-html_select_common - Some small PEAR classes to handle common
- Older
- Newer